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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 161 KB, 532x856, rekkage.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8386716 No.8386716 [Reply] [Original]

Does anybody remember the guy who wanted to stalk that model girl?

Pic related, she replied and she's laughing at you.

>> No.8386719

holy shit you white knighting clown hahaha

>> No.8386723
File: 632 KB, 500x1232, 1376425036255.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mad I ruined his little game

>> No.8386734

This is an appropriate response.
Well done OP.

>> No.8386736

Why would you send that to her?

>> No.8386738

So some creepo doesn't chlorify her.

>> No.8386740

Op sold out some poor creep for a chance to be a creep himself

>> No.8386742
File: 42 KB, 300x300, 1379366366954.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

to ruin aspiechan's hopes and dreams of banging a model

>> No.8386743

hahahahahahah this is the most pathetic thing I've ever seen

>> No.8386746

that thread was the most pathetic thing lel


>> No.8386751

Plot twist:

Op is the stalker

Alt plot twist:

Op is a worse creep than the stalker

>> No.8386752

nah i live in murika but it was funny as fuck

>> No.8386754

Faith in /fa/ restored. Good job anon!

We need more people like you on this board

>> No.8386755

legit autism

>> No.8386757

someone post the original 4chan post pls

>> No.8386758

fuck off natty portman

>> No.8386760



>> No.8386763

you are a loser

>> No.8386765

how bored are you

>> No.8386771


>> No.8386772


>> No.8386789

are you seriously really actually autistic?

you messaged a model informing her of some random post that got 3 replies and was obviously a joke on the fashion section of 4chan

you come off more pathetic and desperate for her attention than the guy you wrote her about

>> No.8386793

nice try natty portman

>> No.8386797

I'm tipping my fedora at you right now good sir, very elequently written good sir. I commend you for your efforts

>> No.8386821

kill yourself faggot, this is the gayest shit ive seen all week on here


>> No.8386824

this is a christian board
+1 upvote

>> No.8386838

>sageing your own thread

I'm gonna keep bumping it so everyone can see how much of pathetic beta cuckold manlet you are

>> No.8386842


>> No.8386844

I found ops Facebook

you fucked up james

>> No.8386849

jump ship

>> No.8386856

not gonna post it james. Consider yourself lucky I was the first one autistic enough to search her friends for a James from America

delete your Facebook

>> No.8386864
File: 25 KB, 500x385, 1375500556459.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im not even friends with her on facebook

>> No.8386911

holy shit OP you are pathetic

>> No.8386932

>Dude sees a girl online he really, really likes
>Decides he needs to meet her
>Goes to where she lives to introduce himself and ask her out
>If he gets rejected he leaves
>End of story

Why is he insane exactly?