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File: 47 KB, 600x399, rick-owens-geobasket-sneaker-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8378855 No.8378855[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

will these ever be re released? i like the look of these the most because they don't draw that much attention but still have the nice silhouette and comfy look. also geobasket general

>> No.8378867


come on bro at least look

>> No.8378876


They've been around all season.


>> No.8378879

Hey I have a question for you p specifically because you might know

>> No.8378883


oh shit i am retarded sorry guys. i guess just turn this into a /rick/ thread

>> No.8378886

So, I got this Ann Demeulemeester blazer at a consignment store. And it had this ribbon type thing in the pocket. I know it's supposed to hang from the lapel somehow, but I have no clue how it's supposed to be attached

>> No.8378892
File: 365 KB, 1000x1334, 10479011_2403328_1000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I've never paid much attention, but this photo might help.

>> No.8378893
File: 1.77 MB, 3264x2448, 2014-05-17 20.58.07.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i have a pair, best colorway tbh.

the new ones with the ykk zippers are pure trash

>> No.8378894

I thought they were Raccagani zips.

>> No.8378902

what's the sizing like on those? i wear 44 in ramones should i just stick with that?

>> No.8378920


>> No.8378926

Tinfoil what's your last.fm? saw you post your 4x4 in the music thread

>> No.8379042
File: 3.77 MB, 2432x4320, IMG_20140517_175854539_HDR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thoughts on these?

>> No.8379053


I love the Turbo versions of everything. The wedges, the Geos, the over-the-knee pull ons. They just grab my attention in the best way.

>> No.8379073
File: 120 KB, 592x1280, 1402859763870~2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And then of course the black on white

(Ignore the Snapchat comment that was part of a convo with a friend)

>> No.8379120

w2c your other shoe

>> No.8379137
File: 897 KB, 2432x2635, IMG_20140606_192457338~2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just vans

>> No.8379139

wrap it around your neck and tighten it

>> No.8379142


>> No.8379145

the new ones are about 1/3 smaller than the raccagani ones, its terrible and they don't zip that well.

yeah, just get 44 if it works for your ramones since they have the same sole.

>> No.8380267

How long do geobaskets last

>> No.8380304

10-20 years

>> No.8380420


are you guys fuckin' with me? I haven't seen geos with YKK zips. I'm looking for proof right now, that's crazy. SS14?

>> No.8380465

are you for real?

have they really dropped the quality?

>> No.8380478

those are dreamboxes

>> No.8380479

Just got some geos in the mail like two days ago, really love them. Sturdiest feeling shoe I've ever owned.

>> No.8380491

how much did you pay/are you rich?

they're one of the few designs of shoes i like but i don't have 1200 bucks

>> No.8380496

I got them lightly used for 330$ patience really pays off in the end. You just gotta be able to wait for the opportunity to cop.

>> No.8380506

i don't know if it means anything, but the zips on my bomber from SS13 are a lot chunkier/prettier than the ones on the geos from this year

>> No.8380510

damn im so jealous, that is really cool

where'd you manage to get them for that?

>> No.8380515

I had a WTB thread up on sufu for like a year and forgot about it, bumped it for the first time in forever like two weeks ago and a dude PM'd me right away. I think I may have just got really lucky.

>> No.8380518


I see them regularly go for 500-700 on eBay in almost new to brand new condition. I paid 800 for my Plinth all black Geos brand new from Toto. If I were you I wouldn't any more than that!

>> No.8380532


Is that a consignment shop?

>> No.8380553

SS14 and later all have new ykk zippers. Just compare the zipper of a new season one and a previous season.

>> No.8380651


Interesting. Didn't notice that last time I checked them out. I'm very familiar with the Raccagni zippers, the SS14 stuff at Totokaelo definitely had them not the YKK stuff. Where did you see these YKK zippers? On just the Geos or all the mainline SS14?

>> No.8380670


someone sell me these in a 44 ;_;

>> No.8380679


>> No.8380685

those are dreamboxes

>> No.8380687


>> No.8382596


>> No.8382629
File: 1.09 MB, 2592x1936, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Goes in all white are superior IMO, got these babies in the deerskin, and in black leather, white is a bit flashier but look fucking amazing

>> No.8382808

Never buy Rick Owens shoes. They look good to lure you in, then fall apart in a week.

If you pay $1200 for something, it better fucking last longer than $50 Converse, which geobaskets or dunks don't.

>> No.8384145

Jelly. Always loved the look of white/cream geos.

>> No.8384177

>citation needed

>> No.8384180

how thick is the deerskin compared to regular geos? i feel like they look so much thinner

>> No.8384197

dude what

clearly you've never seen them in anything other than .jpg, maybe .png format

>> No.8384232

how much are they?

>> No.8385734


>> No.8385738

They white ones were ~600 and the black ones were like 750 in a consignment store in NYC

>> No.8386403
File: 92 KB, 640x640, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

deerskin is much thicker and sturdier again, the deerskin is cracked during production because it is literally so thick and tough that it won't move otherwise.