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/fa/ - Fashion

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8374813 No.8374813[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Just weight myself at 246 lbs. WTF. How much do I need to lose to look good in clothes? I was bulking cuz /fit/ but regret my decision.

>> No.8374857

If you're not 6'4'' a ton I'd say

I'm 6'4" 190 lbs and still not happy

>> No.8374858

>246 lbs
no you're just fucking stuffing your face fatty, lose 100lbs minimum before you even try and be a real person

>> No.8374888

Im 61 and 190 how much should i loose. and how much is considered skellymode

>> No.8375002

Are those soldiers wearing AF1s?

>> No.8375035

145 is the maximum weight someone can be fa at

>> No.8375039

i'm guessing thats how much you weigh you fucking faggot?

you are not the gold standard for a human's body. 145 is too skinny. sorry

>> No.8375041
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>Implying you can be too skinny for being /fa/

Fatty please.

>> No.8375043

you can be fashionable but you'll still be ugly and repulsive to the opposite gender and looked down upon by your own

>> No.8375053

did you forget to do a shit ton of lifting and cardio while you were bulking?

seriously, you need to lose at least 80 lbs. don't worry though, I was ~220 and now I'm ~150 so it can be done. took like 8 or 9 months though since i didn't feel like killing myself over it.

>> No.8375058

What's your height?

If you're over 6 i'd say you should lose 60 pounds at least.

if not, get up to 160-170.

If you want to look fa then 140.

but if you actually want to look good 160-170 should be enough.


>> No.8375065

>thinks being attractive is goal of fa

>> No.8376825

You bulked upwards of a 100 pounds from a normal human beings weight? Why didn't you stop yourself at you kno, ten - 15 pounds?

>> No.8376863

Even for a bulk thats fucking ridiculously stupid. You deserve it.

>> No.8377242

>normal human beings weight
Because that's not a real thing.

195lbs here - look buff as fuck, and don't even break 6 feet.

Skinny isn't /fa in men.

>> No.8378067

ottermode master race

>> No.8378090

Anyone have the pic from /fit/ of the kid who decided to "bulk" and he ended up this obese doughboy?

>> No.8378098

How tall are you? 246 is a ridiculous amount of weight, even for fairly tall people.

>> No.8378166

If you haven't been lifting heavy, then you done fucked up.

>> No.8378182

I'm 6'1 @ 167
Well, time to starve myself and smoking more.

>> No.8378409

sorry bruv, some of us are 6'+. ~165's about the upper limit for real ppl there, shortstack.

>> No.8378661
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zach, trained by rippetoe himself? also have this one
246 lbs sounds pretty fat, you probably need to cut, but post a pic to be sure

>> No.8378665

~140 and below for you're height

>> No.8378692

>Damir Doma
>insurgent line

>> No.8378891

OP here. I'm 6'2"

Do you think a lot of the weight could be water?

>> No.8379008

>Do you think a lot of the weight could be water?
uuh, sure... i'd say probably about 70% of it actually...

thing is, you aren't trying to loose that, you're trying to loose fat.

see, what you've done here (simply), is: over the course of years/your life you've been eating at a calorie surplus. what mammals do with surplus calories is (rather than burn them now for extra energy) convert them to fat, for storage & insulation - energy for later.

now it's later, and you, here, are looking for a shortcut. welp, there isn't one. sorry. literally the only way to undo what you've done to yourself is the inverse of what you've been doing - which is: eat at a calorie deficit.

now, you are probably thinking 'okay, biggest kcal deficit in my diet = most loss-gainz' and, while you wouldn't be entirely incorrect, you have to realize, starving yourself is not the way to do this... your organs are still going to require macro/micronutrients (not stored in fat) for you to keep on living. so, the idea isn't to starve yourself, because you'll end up doing just that. if you stopped eating now, you would die in, say a month from kidney failure or some shit and you still wouldn't be at your goal... you will die of starvation before you loose all the weight you want to, if you STOP eating.

this is going to take longer than a month. it make take years (it took years to get here, didn't it?). but the proper way to do it is to provide your body with the nutrients it needs to continue to function, while doing so at an energy (kcal) deficit. so, start counting calories. eating clean food. more fiber (it'll fill you up faster). avoid junk/processed/high-carb foods. and exercise, boost your kcal output (plus train your muscles/cardio system).

>> No.8379483

Thanks. This is a great post

>> No.8379491

bro I am 6'4 and 156. My body is actually perfect ottermode so that is where you are heading if you want to drop weight that much. Make sure to work out or you'll get flat and Auschwitty

>> No.8379502

it's bullshit. Just stop eating and you'll be fine.

>> No.8379737

intermittent fasting can be a technique known to effectively and safely boost weight loss WHEN DONE CORRECTLY. i wouldn't recommend it to someone unless they were highly motivated/dedicated however, because it can also increase your chances of breaking down and failing (e.g. binge-eating afterwards) - similar to how many fail with their 'diets'.

op, i'd suggest you start looking at it this way: you can't just go on a typical 'diet' for a few months, expect everything to change and then quit and go back to life-as-normal. if you really want to change, and you really think you have it in you to do so, you're going to have to augment your lifestyle. you have to admit that 'diet's' don't exist, because technically you're on a diet right now: it's just an unhealthy one. so you have to permanently change your current unhealthy diet to a healthy one, and follow it consistently to see change and indefinitely to maintain.

start right now: make a list of everything you've eaten today, and yesterday/the last week if you can remember. everything. every m&m, grape and potato chip. do this the next couple days. evaluate and self-reflect. you will probably start to notice a few things you didn't NEED to have eaten. and, next time you reach for the icecream, or a cookie, reconcile with yourself that this is going to have to go on your list. and later you're going to have to reflect that you didn't need it...

>> No.8379753

& don't get me wrong, guy. i'm not saying you can't have cheeseburgers, or pizza and shit. rather, everything in moderation, especially with that sort of stuff.

it's once-in-a-while sort of food. for instance: mcdonalds won't kill you (obviously) or even hurt your dietary goals once or twice a month, but your body wasn't designed to consume all of that shit constantly. you can't eat there 4x a week for life and expect not to do some pretty fucked up shit to your body...

think about the food your evolutionary ancestors would have eaten... your body craves sugars and calorie-dense foods, because you instinctively know there's a lot of energy to be gained, but remember the humans over the last few million years haven't historically been able to forge a pack of oreos out of the fucking dirt. so while one or two here/there won't kill you, or even your weight loss, just do it carefully and moderately.