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/fa/ - Fashion

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8364019 No.8364019 [Reply] [Original]

Should I?

>> No.8364029

hair/jacket synergy is straight fire

>> No.8364033

Don't. Blue hair might seem like an exciting idea but it's pretty retarded irl

>> No.8364042

anyone who's not /fa/ will think you're a 2002 sk8r girl.

anyone who's /fa/ will think you're a dumbass

>> No.8364044

My ex 'wanted' coloured hair, she's 21. Another ex had coloured hair. Guess which one could pull it off?

The one that didn't ask for permission. Don't get coloured hair, you won't pull it off without being; hot, spontaneous, living the malancholic tumblr lifestyle, or you're 15 and being a teenager with your galpals.

>> No.8364049

only if you're asian, and you're as good looking as in pic.

>> No.8364055
File: 17 KB, 300x286, 51UV0+tccrL._SX300_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP here.

How about pink?

And I'm a qt3.14 asian. I'm 19, in college, and I'm moving so quickly into a professional career that I need to do something with my hair before I can't anymore.

>> No.8364069


Do it qt pls and don't forget to post pics

>> No.8364070

can you at least post a fit pic, so we can judge. No need to see face so blur out or something.

Pretty hard blindly to tell.

>> No.8364074

>Guess which one could pull it off?
>The one that didn't ask for permission

>giving lifetips in the form of a question
thanks dad

>> No.8364075

wats ur kik

>> No.8364089


a friend of mine did the exact same thing (with blond hair tho) and it looked pretty great on her, give it a shot imo

>> No.8364110

How does a fit help? Tbh, I'm very normcore. :'(

kek kek

kik: uwotm8r88outof8b8

Thanks. This would look better if I were blonde as well, but I plan on chopping off the dyed parts after this year ends.

>> No.8364116

So we can see hair, what you usually wear (what style) and body. A lot of people say there pretty/skinny w/e and based on that, ofc go for it.
But I just want to give you the best advice possible.

>> No.8364119

they're ofc

>> No.8364121

>How does a fit help?
Not the same person but face shape, hair length/style etc kind of decide whether something will look good or not

>> No.8364122


>> No.8364135

Do full pink instead of half assing it

>> No.8364139

if they don't have that "look" going for them. It will look off

>> No.8364150

is it 2011?

dip dye is so fucking outdated

>> No.8364162

And when you're 24 and you start to notice the signs of encroaching wrinkles engraining themselves around your eyes, your solar plexus will be filled with a chilling shock, and your early life crisis can begin. You'll be compelled to run away from your vanishing youthfulness, and you will come to Australia.

You'll be looking for work since you just moved here. Your career has good prospects but you need immediate money to make sure your savings account withstands the toll of your decision.

You'll walk into a retail store, looking for some trivial household item you didn't bring with you, the stress and doubt propelling clumsy endearing motions.

That's when I'll walk the opposite way, noticing everything about you whilst revealing nothing.

You won't see me. you'll be too busy dropping your banal household necessity and whispering sweet sumimasens to no one. Besides, my invisibility black bomber and my invisibility skinny black jeans assist in letting me fade into the air.

I'll walk around the shop, willing myself to approach you, to penetrate your reality, and populate its overwhelmed landscape with my gravitas.

h-hello anon...

My eyes meet yours. It takes one standard moment and they are in perfect synchronisity. Obviously I have lowered my reitsu as not to make you feint at the immense power of my effay, but your eyes widen and you feel your left leg buckle. You would have fallen, had it not been for my devasting reflexes. Your eyes our transfixed on mine, glistening with moisture.

I break eyecontact. Something is wrong? I drop you. The disgust in my face is but a drop in the ocean of repulsion which surges through my body. You take my mistake to reveal your true form.

"So, Morgagoloom, walker of the desolate planes, you have manifested into the materium once again"

"Ka shak malaa, obur ga vadum va ga la, daka daka daka mag wa"

I respond, feeling the rage build up inside me.

"Ka shak antung, ga vastos guun tagalaka bin ga".

>> No.8364194


>> No.8364199

just dye it all pink

>> No.8364202

sexy af, do eet

>> No.8364204

Ah, thanks, but I'm overly paranoid about 4chan's ability to find people with just an image. But thank you for wanting to help. I'm honestly a very plain-jane generic asian. Square face. I'm not as pale as Koreans, but I'm not as dark as people from Thailand. Hair is long and straight and dark brown.

>>8364135 >>8364199
Would if I could, but I need normal hair post-December, and I don't want to dye my hair back to normal. I'm going to cut off the ends when I need to.

Understandable. I'm pretty generic, so I think it'll be fine.

Do you like fedoras?

>> No.8364209

Coloured hair is fedora's for girls ;)

>> No.8364217

Actually, get a HY, you'll be well trendy

>> No.8364247
File: 220 KB, 1280x772, tumblr_me8xfbGOd61rizbsqo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, op do it, don't do dip dye maybe.

I put some blue in my hair, had a big undercut, got my tongue pierced when i was in uni. Im graduating at the end of the year, working the the business world, the blue is already gone, imma have to take out my piercing, get a cleaner haircut. I'm happy i got to look like a trashy, tumblr, teen fuckwit, and content to leave it behind and grow up.

>> No.8364265

>Ah, thanks, but I'm overly paranoid about 4chan's ability to find people with just an image
Heh, I think that's just a myth. It doesn't actually happen, at least not on /fa/. But I don't post my face here either, just in case.

>> No.8364283

That's very awesome. Thanks for sharing that. :)

If I could, I'd also want to get tats around my clavicle, but I have to be normal after this year. :P

I never doubt /b/. /fa/ is probably okay, but it's still not as safe for girls as it is for guys.

>> No.8364766

*tips invisibility fedora*

>> No.8366088

I think blue hair is sexy as fuck, you need to be fairly metal or asian though.

Thigh tattoos too. HNNGGhhh

>> No.8366115

i don't know how in fashion it is but i still think it is really hot

>> No.8366132

>do you like fedoras?
>qt asian

Really bad impersonation and/or raging bitch detected.

To someone without yellow fever, your average SE Asian isn't even worth a second look, never mind "qt" status. Fa's neckbeards might go for you but that's no reason to be so full of yourself.

Asians in general aren't very interesting looking without major shoop and caked on makeup/lens.

>> No.8366140
File: 85 KB, 720x960, 4496.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you're actually asian and not shitposting it will look fine. There's alot of girls at my college who are very large who do this and it doesn't work out. See image.

Also why the fuck do you think you're so special that people will dox you if you post a photograph of yourself?

>> No.8366148

QT azn, do you like metal?

>> No.8366582

u 8 the b8 m8. don't h8. appreci8.

Yea, I haven't seen good, dyed hair on campus, hence my hesitation. :'(

And I feel like the moment a girl reveals herself, people go batshit one way or another. No reason to feed the fire with a picture. Pls see >>8366132

No. :'(

>> No.8367398

Attractive girls will look good whether their hair is died or not, just like large women will look bad whether their hair is died or not.

When large women dye their hair its usually a cry for attention, where as a decently attractive person dying their hair isn't seen the same way as they don't need extra attention.

>> No.8367411

I can't tell whether I should laugh or weep, this is both brilliant and sad

>> No.8367417

>worried about getting doxed
>for no reason
>on /fa/

Also what could even happen if someone did choose to hunt you down, would they show all your friends that you post on /fa/ to ask for hair advice? That sure would be life-ruining

>> No.8367506

im dying

>> No.8367600

i think blue would go well in cold places (lol, but im srs)

what city/general area are you from? i dont need your damn address so theres really no reason to be worried about getting doxed or whatever. something vague like "california" or"new york" or "vancouver" would work.

>> No.8367605

why do you need normal hair post-december? is that when your career starts? how are you starting a career if you're only 19 and in college? wut?

>> No.8368135
File: 499 KB, 450x296, 1399819986473.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*flips fedora*

>> No.8368269

Jesus fuck she's hot

>> No.8368466

i kno rite i ned a name mang

>> No.8368479

Unless you're full on pierced and tattooed then you will look autistic.

>> No.8368528

>moving so quickly into a professional career

top kek
freshman fucks who think they're super mature adults just because they started college always make me laff

>> No.8368778


It's hot as fuck where I live...

>>8367605 >>8368528
I have to interview for graduate/professional school in Dec, and my blue/pink hair would likely not win hearts.

>> No.8370955

>tfw spending my summer studying for the MCAT
>tfw when you will never have time for an imagined crisis about growing up and your fading youth.

Fucking freshman, I hate those fuckers. It brings joy to my heart that all these "pre-meds" and "engineers" will soon become psychology majors. Enjoy those starbucks coffees and your lolcollegeexperience , you cocksuckers. You'll be serving them in a few years.

>> No.8370959


>> No.8370971
File: 270 KB, 1920x1080, 1339701798917.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you aren't a k-pop star or insanely attractive, don't do it.

>> No.8370989

Nah, m8.

It's rad.

>> No.8370998

Or you just believed she couldn't pull it off because you haven't seen her with it?
I hope you mean ex-bestfriend, because lying about having a gf over the Internet is pretty cringe.

>> No.8371003
File: 31 KB, 614x333, 1382892133788.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this guy is the only one on point

post a pic op or leave

>> No.8371081

Leon was a good movie, reinforced my belief in bob cuts

>> No.8371095


>> No.8371475

pls b @ columbia uni

>> No.8371663


>> No.8371671

yeah I realized you said the area was hot


>> No.8371680 [DELETED] 

... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... depends on what the t stands for... ... ... ...

>> No.8371720


>> No.8371787

dude if you're studying for your MCAT you're probably a junior entering senior year at the worst or maybe a sophomore entering junior year. if you'r eolder than lol did you fuck up in undergrad m8?

also, lrn2have fun once in a while faggot. no need to be bitter about your life choices :^)

just gradded engineering btw so fuq urself

>> No.8373764
File: 18 KB, 202x200, 1396201455323.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8373781

what was it?