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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 93 KB, 400x399, frodo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8363485 No.8363485[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Has it occured to you that what you consider fashionable may not be true? That while you think you are well dressed, the rest of society is looking at you and thinking either "average" or "ew"?

>> No.8363495

>implying I don't thrive off that

>> No.8363515

yes, it has... and that's why i'll be ending my life tonight. goodbye /fa/

>> No.8363531
File: 97 KB, 719x725, 133164166143.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So, what is it that the general populus finds attractive and fashionable?

Suits? Should we all adopt dadcore-wear? Like this suit that some faggot posted here a while back?

>> No.8363545

Fuck, that's actually not a bad looking suit...

>> No.8363550

plebs love suits but no one likes a suitguy u feel me

>> No.8363559

I don't know, man. Whenever I'm in town it seems like the hottest women are with a suitguy and they seem to be treated better by pretty much everyone.

For once I'd like it if the security wouldn't follow me around when I'm in more expensive stores, because I dress like a rat ;__;

>> No.8363564


>#menswear men don't post on chinese cartoon forums
>therefore, no #menswear on effay ever
>instead, loads of chinese cartoon inspired, autistic clothing

hurr durr dadcore looks so bad, durr

>> No.8363570
File: 222 KB, 980x1475, LiveranoTaka.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To play the devil's advocate, you probably didn't like or wear suits at the average /fa/-posters age either, right?

>> No.8363585

When you wear suits you look like a try-hard, the people on this board wearing a lot of RO are rare, I would say Raf, and more minimalist designer like Kris Van Assche, SLP, Lanvin or Dior are actually more popular on /fa/

>> No.8363594


I don't wear suits, I'm just acknowledging the fact that /fa/ views #menswear as dadcore shit, when it actually is the style that gets you the most pussy and the biggest respect in society.

Good tailoring, quality materials and the attitude to go with it is great fashion

>> No.8363595
File: 60 KB, 472x624, Mmmmmmm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're talking absolute shit if you don't think suits look good. Every single guy looks his best in a suit. You will never look your best in gothninja.

The problem is, menswear has been picked up by losers lately with the "swag is for boys class is for men" shit. Fortunately, most of them have no idea how to pick a suit and end up looking bad anyway.

If you're just looking to get pussy, 98% of girls will froth at the lips for a guy in a suit compared to any other clothing. You've just got to wear the right suit.

>> No.8363603

Actually, my high school had a dress code which required its 14-year-old students to wear suits.

>> No.8363613
File: 119 KB, 530x610, bleu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>When you wear suits you look like a try-hard

What if your job requires you to wear a suit? I work as a controller so I'm "forced" to wear suits, but I don't mind it because I like it.

>Good tailoring, quality materials and the attitude to go with it is great fashion


>> No.8363668

I think the best example of this is sneakers.

Almost everyone ive talked to, ranging from teenagers to young adults to the older generation think that skate shoes are perfectly fine sneakers (assuming of course its not some rainbow colored monstrosity).

The same shoes posted on many fashion sites, including /fa/, just get "skate shoes are shit!".

Yet these same people are very badly outnumbered in the real world. Unless you live in a neighbourhood of nothing but people who browse /fa/, skate shoes are fine.

Meanwhile ive shown people common projects before and opinions ranged from "meh" to "they just have no style" "too plain" "they look like the school shoes i wore when i was in elementary school".

And /fa/ people think they are the height of fashion.

>> No.8363678

suits look good just not shit ones like that you idiot

>> No.8363691

> the rest of society is looking at you and thinking either "average" or "ew"

i dress for myself

>> No.8363692

Why is that suit shit?

If I'm correct, that's Gabuccis own label, which means it's s120-140 wool, half-canvassed and has some hand-sewn details. It's not a miracle, but it's miles above what is occasionally posted here and most likely costs a bit above $1000.

>> No.8363714

You know what? This conversation is just pointless and imo un/fa/.

>> No.8363715

its too small.

>> No.8363722

ok, but now that I've graduated my school almost a year ago, I have nowhere to go with a suit, I have no friends anyways, and going to college lectures in a suit, especially in summer, is autismal fedora-core, and I'm on the verge already. What do I even wear suits for? Reviewing a fucking dominos pizza?

>> No.8363727

No, it isn't.

The lapels fall really well and there's hardly no creasing where it's buttoned.

>> No.8363740


I never really liked cps. They look kind of goofy and you simply can't justify the price.

>> No.8363757

yeah, a lot actually

but realize: everybody is going to have an opinion about you, as shallow, egotistical, and exploitive as people are

so, just do what you want to do, and fucking love doing it motherfucker

then eventually you'll just attract people with similar taste, it's simple

>> No.8363758

the way its buttoned makes it look like the suit could burst if a person of the same size wore it and flexed his muscles.

>> No.8363759

are CPs like the diamonds of the sneaker world? Successful purely because of marketing?

>> No.8363769

How else should it be buttoned? It's a 3r2 button suit lol.

>> No.8363795
File: 33 KB, 509x670, 1379563343952.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

marketing? nah.. it was more achilles hype than anything, that's why they raised them from $200 to $400 retail

but the brand is pretty cool, i own pic related, they design some nice ass shoes

the shoes are constructed very well

>> No.8363876

if your job requires it then its ok

>> No.8363939

Go to an upscale bar. Let the panties fly.