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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 42 KB, 640x480, hair angst.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8363158 No.8363158 [Reply] [Original]

Tired of my hair, need something new. Never dyed it before, but I'd be more than willing to do so. Cut/color suggestions?

>> No.8363160

Bone white

>> No.8363161

scalp yourself bb

>> No.8363169

OSU PS or SS connector???

>> No.8363170

How deep do you think it should go?

>> No.8363173

you look like a trans

>> No.8363175

pls b in london

>> No.8363181


'Till you see blood

>> No.8363186

Nope, but I AM in a dorm...

>> No.8363187


>> No.8363188

Woa I refreshed the front page and saw this pic and you look a lot like a girl I used to date. I thought you were her.

The face shape, hair, and mouth are her. The hair is her. The eyes and nose, not her.
The expression is her.

Can't give you advice on hair, but I like the color.

>> No.8363191

Someone actually came up to me in a bar and asked if he could buy me a drink. I said sure, he raised his eyebrows and said, "Oh, I'm sorry, I thought you were a transwoman. Please don't be insulted or anything, I was going to ask you on a date. Whoops. Have a good night."

>> No.8363192

Pshh, why stop at blood?

>> No.8363196

Funny because the girl I'm talking about is a full on lesbian right now. Are you?

>> No.8363198

Hope I didn't stir up any bad memories. Thanks, though.

>> No.8363206

In middle school I thought I might be, but nahh, I like dudes. I could maybe see myself with a woman sexually because oh my god girls are so pretty sometimes but romantically it could just never happen.

>> No.8363212

Your paleness is fucking revolting. Go outside.

>> No.8363213

No bad memories, but we had a lot of fun together.
I wish we kept in touch, but I'm pretty stubborn about that stuff.

>> No.8363219

My mom is Icelandic and my father is Irish, tanning doesn't work for me.

>> No.8363221

It's the macbook camera.

>> No.8363224

Text her!

>> No.8363232

no dont
you don't know what you're in for now
I'm sorry I couldn't save you anon ;_;

>> No.8363245

here we go

>> No.8363247

It's all good.
I know why I didn't keep in touch, and I'm not going to break that now. I do know what I'm in for, btw.

All relationships end, and it's important to remember that from the start.

>> No.8363286

Your hair looks pretty good, albeit basic, but if you want suggestions, I've seen pixie cuts and short cuts like that look really good with red hair, also middle parts are supposed to be coming back in, so you could try one if you think you have the face for it.

>> No.8363297

Do you think the hypothetical pixie cut should be more choppy or more soft?

>> No.8363310

you look like some girl next door type shit, not bad.

>> No.8363317 [DELETED] 

Don't get a short haircut. It won't look good on you.
With your face, long hair is a necessity.
I'll try to find pics of a haircut that would look great on you.

>> No.8363319

Don't get a short haircut. It won't look good on you.
With your face, long hair is a necessity and I can explain why if necessary (so just trust me)
I'll try to find pics of a haircut that would look great on you.

>> No.8363322

Mean to respond to
>Do you think the hypothetical pixie cut should be more choppy or more soft?
>tfw getting drunk and about to have three days off work

>> No.8364210

keep your current hair color, it's beautiful.

>> No.8364214

Go get an eating disorder or something, coloured hair is fedora for girls.

>> No.8364232

Stop being a fedora. Nobody likes you.

>> No.8365023

u seems like a nice girl, i like you, anon

>> No.8365922

Aw, you're sweet.

>> No.8365927
File: 397 KB, 720x480, 1383776366340.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do redheads colour their hair?

It's their biggest draw.

>> No.8365929

are you kitty pryde?

>> No.8366232

I can be, for a price.

>> No.8366275

Damn girl I'd hold your hand

>> No.8366301

Maybe you should try to style it differently, at least at first... If you find something you like, keep it - if you can't, then cut/dye. If you exhaust the other options first you're less likely to end up with a style you might regret

>> No.8366318

o my u r a qt
plz be in london

no seriously though you look great, redheads are qtp2t as fuck.

>> No.8366371

that got me goin'

>> No.8366591

Girls go on /fa/?
Love the hair.

>> No.8366670

Pleased to please you, sir.

>> No.8366673

hair is fine but the "fringe all the way to the side" thing is juvenile, i'd part it differently

the real hair that's fucking you over here is your eyebrows, they look pretty bad, but eyebrows are easy to fix.

>> No.8366674

I think there are more of those with xx chromosomes here than you think. I'd guess at least 1/4th.

>> No.8366681

Straight-across bangs or do you think I should grow them out entirely?

Also, my eyebrows pain me greatly. I pretty much always fill them in, but I'm not wearing makeup in this picture. But no worries, I know how to doll them up when I go out.

>> No.8366697

I'm shit at most styling. I was raised by a single dad so I didn't know how to braid until like a year ago haha. I'm learning, though. I can curl it pretty well, but that takes ages ahhh. I'd like something that I wouldn't have to wrestle with in the morning to look presentable.

>> No.8366705

Damn boy I'd nervously wipe my palm on my skirt beforehand at least three times to make sure it didn't feel clammy and hope you didn't notice me doing so.

>> No.8366717
File: 1009 KB, 1939x3000, bangs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i was referring to the fact that they're sideswept all to one side. they suit you well enough if you like them, but i'd part them more like pic related. it looks more mature.

i actually think you'd do best with a super-short-bang pixie or the bangs grown out enough to part down the middle, but that's just personal preference. glad to hear about the brows, i should probably assume all gingers know how to fill em in right.

>> No.8366725
File: 14 KB, 752x54, Screen Shot 2014-06-16 at 9.46.58 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nice eyeliner, mascara, and lipgloss lol

>> No.8366806

>i actually think you'd do best with a super-short-bang pixie
s t o p

short hair fetishists are the third most obnoxious fetishists on this site behind 2. footfags and 1. DFCfaggots.
i bet you're both of those too

>> No.8366864


Nope. I've got red hair (which means practically invisible lashes) so I use latisse (10/10 would recommend). Good to know it's working well. And I didn't know that chapstick counted as makeup, my bad.

>> No.8366877

My mum had breast cancer, she's fine now, but she used latise on her eyes when her hair fell out and it worked like a charm. I thought that it was just infomercial bullshit. Has it given you any side effects?

>> No.8366900

I happy to hear that things worked out for her. As for side effects, so far so good (fingers crossed). I know it can legit mess with your eye color but that hasn't happened. For the first day it looked like I had pinkeye in both eyes but that went away. I was home and my dad asked me if I was high. Anyway, was your mother's latisse covered by insurance? If not, she should look into that. I know it can get possibly get waved in instances of cancer or alopecia.

>> No.8366904

Gurl, do whatever the heck you want. Dye it flamingo pink, get a pixie cut, dye it black, mould it into the shape of a unicorn.

But seriously, I think you could honestly work any hair cut and color. If you don't want to adventure too much, maybe just get a different fringe style. The half moon fringe seems to be pretty popular. Or just part them completely in the middle. It's all up to you.

>> No.8366940

Fuck dude I wish I knew you in real life so you could give me peptalks all the time.

>> No.8366959
File: 103 KB, 500x667, owpple..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I didn't see this until just now but please know that you made me smile.

>> No.8367789

you should lose some weight hon

>> No.8368843

I should do a lot of things.

>> No.8368861

I'd keep it. It's a nice color and it looks good with that wavy thing going on. People would buy a wig to look like that.

I guess I'm a little weird these days in that I like a natural look on a woman. The pop aesthetic with dyed hair, plucked eyebrows, and fake tits is a turnoff for me.

>> No.8368862

>ginger red
>tired of it

>> No.8368914

tfw you'll never meet a girl this chill

>> No.8369230

hey babe why don't you give me your address. I want to know where I live so I can give you some real life fashion tips. :)

Also, please include an email address with your post. :)

>> No.8369446

And some of us girls are here for the dapper men.

>> No.8369860

I'm working through some shit and I just need something different now. A physical representation of a turning point. I know, it's dumb, but it feels like the right thing to do. It grows back. And anyone can have this hair color in exchange for like eight dollars and an hour or so.

>> No.8369892
File: 41 KB, 500x608, beans.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not opposed to that at all, I just don't have the money or patience to maintain all of that, you know? I applaud anyone who wakes up two hours early so they can achieve that look. You don't have to like it, but you have to admit that it takes discipline.

And probably a crippling lack of self worth.

>> No.8369895

Oh fuck wrong picture. And yet, I think I like it better?

>> No.8369916
File: 722 KB, 2048x1536, octopus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aw man don't be like that. I feel your feels.

>> No.8369921


>> No.8370167

w2c octolamp?

>> No.8370435

i'm not attracted to women. i just think her face shape isn't going to cooperate with most long styles.

if anything, you're a long-hair fetishist in denial.

>> No.8370583
File: 1.18 MB, 2048x1536, 4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8370613

Fuck off life guru where's all your misogynist knowledge now?

>> No.8370616

> don't tan I like pale girls ; 3

>> No.8370627

plz b in midwest

>> No.8370654

Central Ohio.

>> No.8370659

So it's settled, then. I won't. For you, I won't.

>> No.8370664

plz be in london

>> No.8370681



Also, pls be in Reykjavík.

>> No.8370682

Like committing suicide. Jesus you look horrid.

>> No.8370690

I wish.

>> No.8370697
File: 44 KB, 500x370, complaints.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8370704

Gud, there's like a 50-60% chance we're related anyways.

>> No.8370708

You dismiss my advice as misogyny, because it's easier than admitting the truth in it. Instead of looking beyond your biased, emotional initial impression, and finding our common ground, you would rather just delude yourself into believing I speak from hate and bitterness, because that's what you're used to.

Take a minute, breathe, and try to open your mind for once in your life and embrace the fact there is a certified cool pro relationship expert in a sea full of lames. Instead of baseless accusations of misogyny, next time try finding a specific point you disagree with and tell me your perspective. If you believe my thoughts come from hatred, you don't now anything.
I can't hate anyone, because I understand them.

>> No.8370711

I like those odds.

>> No.8370715


>> No.8370724

just saw other poster. osu?

>> No.8370737

It sounds cool when the person is far away.

It's weird when I'm literally related to the 2 icelandic posters on /int/.

>> No.8370792

someone get this hothead outta here

>> No.8370807

You remind me of a redheaded girl I dated.

I had a great time with her, but she was an insane alcoholic.

Thanks for reminding me

>> No.8370837

You're on an anonymous image board, admiral advice

>> No.8371019

Nope, but close. My sister goes there.

>> No.8371030

I hope it was a good kind of remembering. I'm sorry to hear that it didn't work out. Addiction is scary. Are you still in contact? Is she doing okay? You don't have to answer if it'd upset you to do so. Best wishes.

>> No.8371046

does your sister also have red hair?

>> No.8371088

She does. However, she mixes a dash of manic panic color into her conditioner, so it's considerably brighter. I like the way it looks but I wouldn't want deliberately match her; it's her thing. It's a nifty brightening trick, though. It takes zero time, and does no damage to the hair because it's a diluted stain rather than a dye. Anyway, it works because her eyes are teal, she's paler, and she dresses more colorfully.

>> No.8371094

Pics? I want to see hair color.

>> No.8371108


>I hope it was a good kind of remembering.

It wasn't for the most part. Lots of dumb drama and great sex.

>Are you still in contact? Is she doing okay?

I offered to help her because I knew that feel, but she kept pushing me away and drunk calling me crying many nights out of the week. So I put an end to it. No idea what she's doing now. It sucked because I really liked her.

Anyways I don't think you should dye your hair. Maybe cut it a few inches but don't dye it.

>> No.8371109
File: 2.74 MB, 1464x976, seester.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I covered her face because I don't know how comfortable she'd be with me posting a picture of her, but here.

>> No.8371117

At least the sex was good. And I'm sure you learned a lot about a lot of things through dating her.

>> No.8371120

Your sister's a qt

>> No.8371126

I think your natural color is great.

>> No.8371129

Hahaha, I'll let her know.

>> No.8371132

Do you know where she got that dress?

>> No.8371134

Can I have her dress?

[spoiler/]on my floor[\spoiler]

>> No.8371138


>> No.8371142


Yeah, stay away from redheads

>> No.8371156

She's a serial thrifter. She goodwills so hard oh my god she's got a gift. She scopes out thrift shops in and around rich neighborhoods and gets the coolest shit. She actually came home one day with a pair of NEVER WORN doc martens, still in the box, navy blue. She paid ten dollars for them. So yeah, the dress is thrifted. I can text her and ask her what the label says, if you want. Yes?

>> No.8371165

Can you text her a pic of my dick?

>> No.8371173

In theory, I could, yeah.

>> No.8371179

Just a word of advice, take it or leave it:
Many fabrics will wrinkle when left on the floor. I know hanging up clothes is no fun, and I often stand on clothes after getting out of the shower to avoid the cold tile, but if you really value a particular piece you should fold it.

I've found that adding a rug in my room was great for standing on after a nice shower. No more wet shirts ad pants!

>> No.8371186

but you wont?

>> No.8371191

That's one small elephant. I didn't think it was legal to own those animals as pets, but I guess that depends on what state you live in.

>> No.8371222

Probably not. Unless it was funny looking.

>> No.8371254

i can paint carl sagan's face onto it

>> No.8371267

Anoymous Imageboards: The Thirst is Real

>> No.8371279

I would print that out and frame it on my bedroom wall, if you did that. 100% serious.

>> No.8371377


>> No.8371409

this bitch looks just like the my ex bfs new gf
every time i see it I get hit right in the feels
fuckinnn ginger bitchesssss

>> No.8371419

why'd the thread get deleted?

>> No.8371430

I have no idea, and my only companion is carl sagan

>> No.8371441

try posting it in a dick selfie thread on /soc/ or /r9k/, it should last there.
do you still have carl on your dick?

>> No.8371449

Of course he's still on my dick

>> No.8371460

are you cut or uncut? if you're uncut you can save him when you go to shower.

>> No.8371462


The best interaction I've ever seen here.