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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 103 KB, 600x387, nike-sweatshop-india.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8361867 No.8361867[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>tfw all your clothes are made in sweatshops with extremely low wages, harsh conditions, and little chance for upward mobility

>> No.8361871

like i give a fuck

>> No.8361873

mine are made in the finest ateliers in italy.

>> No.8361876
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>tfw don't care

>> No.8361879

>not buying locally produced clothes made of locally produced materials

I don't even know what you're doing, mate

>> No.8361882

>tfw live in Southern China

>> No.8361887


>> No.8361892

lol you know they bring workers from china and have them work in sweatshops in italy in order to keep the "made in italy" label at the lowest cost possible. we're getting fucked in the ass no matter what we choose to buy

>> No.8361894


Not edgy. I just really don't care. It's not like I'm buying it with the purpose of hurting sweatshop workers.

It's just not something that matters to me.

>> No.8361902

what about Made in USA?

>> No.8361909

same shit but with mexicans. shit, the french minister of economy championed a brand of "made in france" clothing which actually had their shit partially made in sweatshops in northern africa, then assembled in france and sold at insanely high prices.

>> No.8361912
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All of my everything was made like that

I dunno what to do about it

Well scratch that I have a couple of AA shirts

Which did this, only reason it's still together is because of superglue

>> No.8361932


>implying you care

>> No.8361936

It's a good thing I only wear clothing produced by Olmar & Mirta.

>> No.8361940

Actually my shoes, socks, hats and pants are made in England.

I like to buy local if I can, at least ethical if not. I know it doesn't affect me but I like not having had someone suffer for my clothing.

>> No.8361952

i don't give a fuck, why anyone should?

>> No.8361955

none of my clothing was produced in a sweatshop

because your choices have consequences you fucking child

>> No.8361962

best response

>> No.8361976

they dont you moron

>> No.8361992

>if I can't see it, it doesn't exist
keep being everything wrong with the world

someone should whip up a little infographic with details on the construction conditions of various effay brands (dick ovens, dior/raf, etc)

>> No.8361997

i'd argue with u if i wasnt watching heat v spurs atm u tumblr bitch

>> No.8362001

fine u whiny apathetic /pol/ bitch
go spurs, btw

>> No.8362002

where would those people feed their families w/o that job???
dont try and fuk with the way markets work

>> No.8362003

Are you trying to tell me that if I don't buy a shirt then all of the chink slaves will be freed? Because I'm pretty sure if I don't buy the shirt, then only one less shirt will be sold and the Chinese slaves will continue to slave away making shirts regardless.

>> No.8362009

You realize that sweatshops bring more capital to these areas and pay more than the average pay for these people right?
In other words, it's nod good pay or good hours, but it's better than child prostitution and field work in the sun. So it actually does help these places. Remember that Britain and the US had many sweatshops in the 1800s and we eventually put in labor laws

>> No.8362010

The workers are getting fucked, I'm not. There is still high quality control in French/Jap/Italian made stuff, and that anecdote sounds like bullshit.

>> No.8362025

lel spurs gonna get rekt go heat

>> No.8362057

omg grow up

>> No.8362077

ok mom

>> No.8362128

here come the neoliberals

Doesn't the existence of such places and the incentives to keep them from growing show how much capitalism is bullshit?

No, you're doing the right thing by wearing the clothes you do... Go you!

>> No.8362141

Without capitalism you would be wearing a government issue smock or jumpsuit

>> No.8362151

Not necessarily. Capitalism isn't the only productive economic system

>> No.8362155

Is that what they wear in Denmark?
What about all the other socialist countries?
They don't even wear that in nork-land.

Capitalists confirmed for full of shit.

>> No.8362173

Italy doesn't have any laws regulating the inclusion of that phrase. Most "made in Italy" stuff is just made in China.

>> No.8362180

>because your choices have consequences you fucking child
Actually, in terms of garment production, they probably don't. There's huge demand for "Made in America" stuff due to the heritage market, but brands continue to move production overseas at an increasing rate.

>> No.8362202

name me a more productive economic system

>> No.8362207


>> No.8362209


>> No.8362210

Why is exponential economic growth the only rubric for success? Your request merely telegraphs the fact that you've already made up your mind on the subject.

>> No.8362211

Socialism. Not any kind that has been realized thusfar, though. Mao was kind of close but he didn't make it democratic enough and he hated education too much

>> No.8362216

Not an economic system

>> No.8362218

True. "Made in Italy" olive oil doesn't actually have to be made in Italy to get the label

>> No.8362219

It's a hybrid of socialism and capitalism, just like every other economy on Earth.

>> No.8362224

Not North Korea

>> No.8362227

Ah yes, I had forgotten about them. And, I mean, honestly, there are other states that don't conform to that model, but the vast majority use some combination of both.

>> No.8362236

how rude to say that about my house and about myself

>> No.8362241

that's like a don't buy this shit

never buy anything made in the Americas except for coffee and corn and sometimes cotton

>> No.8362248

>if i cant see it, it doesn't exist

American logic and knowledge in a nutshell

>> No.8362255

economics in a nutshell

this thread was made by some tumblr retard who thinks money literally grows from trees and everything comes from another realm

>> No.8362267

>implying I'm not a grad student in political development
>implying mainstream economics isn't backwards and neo-colonial

>> No.8362269

all forms of collectivism (even those theoretically based on voluntary cooperation) can only be maintained by a central authority of some kind

a central planning authority has to be endowed with powers that would impact and ultimately control social life, because the knowledge required for centrally planning an economy is inherently decentralized, and would need to be brought under control

in centrally planned economies an individual or a select group of individuals must determine the distribution of resources, these planners will never have enough information to carry out this allocation reliably

>> No.8362276

I'm brazilian. In my city (São Paulo) there's a shitload of dark sweatshops with bolivians and peruvians working as slaves producing to brands like Zara.

>> No.8362277


>money is made from paper
>paper is made from trees

>implying money doesn't grow from trees

>> No.8362303

Federal Reserve Notes are made from cotton you fucking dunce

>> No.8362310

>money is made from paper
Isn't it some sort of blended cotton? In the US, at least.

>> No.8362325

>political development
It's a shame that there is no job market and that if you pursue a career in academe, you'll be doing LOA work until you die of starvation. Mainstream economics may indeed be backward and neo-colonial, but it is damn good at making sure everything that might disagree with it is marginalized.

>> No.8362328


>> No.8362330

Jesus christ, what do you want? A 40-something WASP millionaire making everything by hand for the thousands who order every week? If it's made in the USA, it doesn't matter, because the money's staying within that country (to an extent).

>> No.8362341

Yeah, that sure showed him. Money made out of paper and cotton sure doesn't grow as if on trees.

>> No.8362347

wow brazil has really evolved, the last time i heard about that place it was full of niggers and everyone was rioting because they live worse than nuggers

good job Brazil, maybe in a couple of years you can be like Chile

>> No.8362350

>I didn't fire that gun with the INTENTION of hurting him, it just did! He should be fine.
You really are a fucking child.

>> No.8362352

>not getting the paradox of money

stay ignorant

>> No.8362356

Or a machine

>> No.8362357

No wait, a child would have more empathy than this cliche spoiled piece of garbage.

>> No.8362361

A low level of manual labor production needs to be kept in the US in order to keep it relevant. Otherwise it's dependent on the fluctuations of international demand for intellectual capital.

Not everybody can become engineers to fix those machines.

>> No.8362811

Not so much in China... but you know the garment trade is fucked when China is outsourcing to Bangladesh. Those brownies have a huge fucking set of problems to deal with, i mean the workers.

Slavery still exists, yo.

>> No.8362832

I have a humanities degree, so I'm right fucked as well.

>> No.8362842

Which is specifically a consequence of the choice to buy whatever is cheapest. Good God, you people will rationalize anything that gets you cheaper clothing.

>> No.8362847

The issue is far more complex then you are playing it out to be.

>> No.8362858
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>> No.8362923

I wasn't rationalizing any of my own behavior. There are other factors at play beyond consumer behavior that will cause a company to move its production overseas. Look at New Balance; there's been more interest in that brand recently than at any period during its history and it's still moving production out of New England to compete. Buying American or First World or whatever is great, but your purchase today will never bring back even a single part of the industry tomorrow. Baring a few cottage industries, our actions mean next to nothing.

>> No.8363064

nigger, how oblivious are you?
it's fabric held together with thread, and when that simple system fails your best response is to fix it with SUPERGLUE?!

hahaha! what the hell is needle and thread..?

o i am laffin

christ we millenials are gonna ruin the fucking world...

>> No.8363096

>haha stupid americans!
like you're any better you ignorant fuck, you just generalized a whole country retard

>> No.8363368

Feels good saving all those poor souls from a life of prostitution and drugs :^)

>> No.8363377

>capitalism is bullshit
reminder that the dogs may bark but the caravan moves on

>> No.8363378


this is so true.

>> No.8363850

what if in future we have special computer programs for distribution of goods and urban planning? they would have more than enough of reliable information to distribute enough goods equally

>> No.8363893

my economics teacher in finland has a brother who did some paper machine repairs as his job here but when the factories moved overseas (one was in Brazil and other one was in Asia somewhere) they have the same guys fly over to fix the machines every time theres a problem lol

>> No.8363917

north korea is only as bad as it is because of american neoimperialism in the region. I suspect it's good for the american capitalist interests to maintain one "failed socialist state" as evidence against alternative ways of distributing power

>> No.8363945

oops I mean neocolonialism lol

imperialism is imperialism, nothing about it has changed... so I meant to say imperialism or neocolonialism, not neoimperialism. my bad.

>> No.8363957

u have spent too much time on tumblr m8

>> No.8363970

North Korea is not even a socialist/communist state. It is an authoritarian dictatorship that follows a racist ideology derived from Imperial Japan.

>> No.8363992

yup, american imperial discourse distorts even the most basic distinctions. all part of creating a world map that calls things "democratic" or "communist" depending on how attractive they look. north korea is a shitty place to live so we call it communist. america bleeds the third world for its resources and we call it a democracy... truth is we have the same corporate masters as the "communists" do. it's all a load of shit. but we really ought to look at north korea as a cautionary tale, it's true. it's a picture of what out own society is going to look like if we leave capitalism unchecked.

>> No.8364007

u people will make anything up

>> No.8364026

do you even foucault, motherfucker? or chomsky?

>> No.8364041

Jesus Christ, kill yourself

>> No.8364047

which part of my post was hard to understand?

>> No.8364048


How's first year politics treating you, you invertebrate?

>> No.8364071

Insulting me rather than addressing my argument... pretty sure you learn not to do that long before first year.

>> No.8364084
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wow those are some real hot economists u got there

>> No.8364087



>> No.8364100

you can find an economist to support just about any theory. it's not an exact science and I wouldn't be surprised if some economists are heavily influenced by ideology or corruption,

>> No.8364104

this post is someone else, not me, fyi.

>> No.8364107

Anyone know the quality or conditions about stuff made in Portugal. I'm curious, because a lot of my favourite designers / brands produce their stuff in portugal.

>> No.8364123
File: 61 KB, 500x667, tumblr_mo9okoUCU81qcqs6eo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

m8 u know foucaul about philosophy
honestly quality from portugal isn't that good, they didn't really have any of the infrastructure or legacy of producing "high fashion", and I can say from personal experience, considering the MIB Raf and Ann that I've owned and handled vs the MIP items from both brands - the level of finition is p poor from poortugal. Perhaps that's just emblematic of a lot of changeover/cost-cutting measures from the houses, but to me, manufacturing in Portugal is just a low-rent way of being made in Europe

I know the factory conditions for Engineered Garments and Patty E, that's mostly good enough for me

>> No.8364126

you know fuck all about pronouncing french names

>> No.8364129

it's pronounce fuko, i know, that's why i dropped the t
it's close enough, nobody likes a pedant

>> No.8364134

if it's not close enough to make a pun, just son't bother. People don't like puns that much anyway.

>> No.8364138
File: 191 KB, 500x285, tumblr_n4lhglqOkA1rgh6uho1_500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

u still *probably* know fuck all abt philosophy

>> No.8364156

get aids

>> No.8364163


Actually, it's prounounced Foo-Ko

>> No.8364169

yeah, i put "u"
as in fu-ko, not fuk-o
i can speak french well and good mister

>> No.8364177

should have told him you meant to write fuk-u

>> No.8364178

I refuse to buy new clothing because of this reason.

>> No.8364191

why dont you just buy rick or something instead

>> No.8364208

Not enough money plus I like shopping vintage.

>> No.8364218

>buying vintage
>worried about supporting cheap labour


>> No.8364220

Because the reason he doesn't buy new clothes is infact that he's poor.

>> No.8364225

Most of the things I buy come from eBay or local thrift stores.
Nope. I'm a middle class American, if I wanted too I could purchase new clothing, if I saved for a while I could afford Rick. I enjoy scouring eBay and thrift stores because I find it fun, it's like an adventure.

>> No.8364275

If you can afford new clothing but you buy from thrift shops you are essentially stealing from the homeless.

>> No.8364341

>all forms of collectivism (even those theoretically based on voluntary cooperation) can only be maintained by a central authority of some kind


>> No.8364443

Still not capitalism mixed with socialism

>> No.8364501

The difference is that guns are literally made to hurt and or kill people. When people buy Nike clothes or whatever their intention is not to hurt the people making it, they just might not consider the ethical implications and politics behind buying said garment of clothing.

>> No.8364532


>> No.8364546

this. economists are a joke. the hero of every libertarian, Milton Friedman, was just a shill for Reaganonics, and look how much damage that did to the US.

>> No.8364558

w-where should i buy clothes then

>> No.8364568

That's the point. It's really sad. I mean you could buy "locally produced clothing" but then you'd look like a hippie

>> No.8364570

>confusing economics with government

>> No.8364590

They're not from China. what you've suggested is completely asinine.They're African and Southern Asians immigrants usually. Conditions in factories are on par with china's factories. The pay is equally paltry too. Italians are p. racist on average and social mobility for anyone from developing countries is nil.

Sources: Personal experience with people who've worked in Italian factories

>> No.8364603
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>Sources: Personal experience with people who've worked in Italian factories

>> No.8364609

it is true though. The cities with the factories have a high # of chinese immigrants. A lot of people do this including fancy luxury fashion houses. All of this information is easily attainable on google

>> No.8364610
File: 86 KB, 600x600, 1398068318574.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They don't let chinks or niggers touch premium materials.

Enjoy your 10% cotton, 90% poly crap, plebs.

>> No.8364612

>They don't let chinks or niggers touch premium materials.
Keep telling yourself that.

>> No.8364631

What kind of shitforbrain (aside from you) would let an 8-year old girl from Bangladesh or some nigger found in the African bushes handle cashmere?

Check mate, nigger.

>> No.8364643

Tame and cashmere GO TOGETHER

Cashmere makes perfect BETTER

>> No.8364646

They don't bring in Chines immigrants though. Why would they when there's so many other people willing to work long hours for next to nothing? They come by their own volition.

I met a Vietnamese landscaper over there. This was last year. Seems like a lot of SAs are immigrating to southern Europe as of late. It makes no sense to me but whatever.

>> No.8364651
File: 123 KB, 600x810, 00_cashmere2121.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cashmere is heavenly.

Vicunja is godly though.

>> No.8364653

Lol. They're adults and they've been working in garment factories their whole lives, they know how to handle cashmere.

Don't buy high end shit at all if you don't want to wear something made by dark foreigners.

>> No.8364665
File: 73 KB, 1024x683, drumohr-sand.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>they know how to handle cashmere


No sane person would allow a nigger to handle cashmere, under any circumstance. And I know for a fact that my cashmere sweaters have not been touched by niggers: they don't smell like shit.

Seriously, I highly doubt that producers like Loro Piana, Drumohr, Johnstons of Elgin etc. allow their products to be made by third-world people.

>> No.8364673
File: 138 KB, 296x440, overdressed.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Although you'll notice that the fast fashion crap with the uneven stitching and threads sticking out all over the place is not only poor quality, it's guaranteed to have been handled by some sweaty worker that has to pump upwards of 500 to 1000 of those a day.

Stay away from f21.

>> No.8364678
File: 106 KB, 467x272, tumblr_inline_mqepgnIe8A1qz4rgp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is a "racist idiot"?

>> No.8364688
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>being racist
>on /fa/

captcha: umed seemed

>> No.8364705


>> No.8364724

Everyone knows nazis were /fa/ as hell. They were /fa/ to the point of being /ss/.

>> No.8364736

But he's not only a "nazi", he's also immeasurably dense and arrogant. Probably self-hating too.

>> No.8364745

>not being racist
>implying liberalism is fashionable

>> No.8364758
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>> No.8364760

>it doesn't matter, because the money's staying within that country (to an extent).
tch more like being western unioned down to rural mexico

>> No.8364785
File: 245 KB, 320x171, awkwardness intensifies.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're a slave to this "fashionable" cult, because...

Lel, nvrmind you probably don't' know yourself, you just follow the crowds, right? Gotta fit in..more money in your overlords' pockets.

>> No.8365002

>like Chile
i hope that never happens

>> No.8365021

See? They're not libruls, and they're cool doods.
W2C translator?

>> No.8365028

it really isn't edgy though

>> No.8365041
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god, that seam is a masterpiece, looking at it makes me all nice and warm inside

>> No.8365047

w2c english language comprehension, you mean.

For you ,because you don't seem to understand what it means to be filthy, mindless trend hopper.

>> No.8365094

keep working Ching Chong Chan, my sick fits aren't gonna thread themselves bra 8-)


>> No.8365112

Thank goodness.

I live you Gap and Nike. Never change.

>> No.8365924

do you use so many buzzwords in irl conversations

>> No.8365932

>cotton doesn't come from a cotton plant

>> No.8366627

My clothes are made by tailors in Europe.

>> No.8368632

not buying it would put them out of work, faggot