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8358520 No.8358520[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Why don't you shave your pubes /fa/

My crotch is like a baby's bosom

>> No.8358531

cos ur mum likes it

>> No.8358553

i find that pulling my ballhairs out one by one with a pair of tweezers is a meditative and rewarding experience

>> No.8358619

Nothing Like an Itchy Stinky Sweaty Crotch.

Nah, 2 billion years of evolution cant be wrong. Pubes gonna stay.

>> No.8358656

I trim them but I usually don't shave. It can get really uncomfortable for my girlfriend when there's stubble and it rubs during sex. If I do shave I time it with her period so it grows long enough not to be painful for her buy the time we have sex again. If you ask around, most girls actually prefer trimmed vs shaved because of this. I might try waxing them, that's how you get actual baby's bottom. Anybody done this?

>> No.8358673

horrible experience, blood and tears. might get a professional to do it when i work up the gall though

>> No.8358688

dude it's so easy just do it in the shower and don't use a fuckin dull razor

>> No.8358704

As a religious shaver/ baby's butt smooth guy, I found I had to work up somewhat of a tolerance. For real. When I first started actually shaving down to bare skin I bled and it was real uncomfortable. But something told me to keep going, to persevere. So I did, each day in the shower. But I achieved what I have today, which is the closest, most functional, and comfortable shave. Also, pubes are fucking gross to me now that I haven't had them in almost a year.

tl;dr Shave your pubes, it's worth it.

>> No.8358709

This is true: you have to be either perfectly shaven or grown out enough to not be stubble for sex.

>> No.8358713

Use an electric razor

>> No.8358722

Exactly. Part of good sex is knowing the other person is enjoying themself too.

>> No.8358740

shit, that was meant to be in response to >>8358656 in regard to waxing. shaving is ez

>> No.8358742

my dad does this

>> No.8358745

wait so you waxed in the shower? didn't know that was a thing. I was thinking the strips you pull, like for just the space above my dick.

>> No.8358749

i waxed out of the shower with those waxing strips on the area above my cock. again, blood and tears.

>> No.8358754

hmm. I mean if I could build up a tolerance that would be sick but that's intimidating haha

>> No.8358755

i trim because i have trouble getting all the hair that dangles from my balls without cutting myself

>> No.8358769

i trim most of my pubes but shave my balls, definitely worth it. bitches are always going on about how good their shaved legs feel but that's nothing compared to a pair of silky smooth testes.

>> No.8358791

Shaved dick is gross, looks really bad. Men should only trim.

>> No.8358831

Dude be careful, I did that when I was 12 and pulled out a vein along with a hair. I felt sick for an hour.

>> No.8358849

jesus christ r u okay?

>> No.8358864

I get ingrown hairs when I shave anyplace but my face. Thinking of saving up for laser.

>> No.8358874

ive always wondered if it's save to nair your balls, anyone here tried doing it?

>> No.8358878


>> No.8358882

as long as it doesnt go near ur butthole or peehole i think its fine
nair essentially chemically burns the hair off so u dont want it near the soft pink matter

>> No.8358889

You do, with pulling out hairs it hurts less the longer you do it in one area

>> No.8358895

Because I am black; I did it recently and got careless and it was three weeks of exfoliation before my skin got even half way decent :-/

>> No.8358898

I buzz the top part and shave everything else. feels good man.

>> No.8358899

Yeah man it was just a little one on my sack, it dried up within a few minutes and fell off. Had a wank in the next hour.
It still terrified me though, so I have never pulled out a hair from my ballsack again.

>> No.8358997

i like to do that when i take my shits.
i honestly agree with you, very therapeutic.

>> No.8359001

Bitches like me hairy and I smell good even with lots of body hair.

Shaving is for people with bad genetics.

>> No.8359145
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I honestly felt sick after reading that

>> No.8359148
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holy shit I'm not the only one

>> No.8359178
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there is nothing better than a shaved ballsack

>> No.8359216

the fuck is that

>> No.8360127

tfw was about to try something new and pluck my ball hairs

>> No.8360426

I occasionally pluck my pubes when I'm on the toilet but ball hair is painful as fuck to pull out

>> No.8360432


>> No.8360480

I trim my pube to 5mm and shave my balls
feels good man, a man cannot experience true freedom until he shaves his balls

>> No.8360505

>not zenning the fuck out and grasping both balls and tweezers in either hand as you concentrate and pluck hairs out one by one
>not experiencing the satisfaction of an hour's work so that you don't have to shave in the shower every morning
>not trimming the pubes
i feel bad for you son

>> No.8360521

your pubes look like steel wool

>> No.8361165

>My crotch is like a baby's bosom
>like a baby's bosom

sounds manly

>> No.8361176

how do you "trim" your pubes? with scissors? or a shaving machine? i-i don't have beard so i just shave it and it looks awkward

>> No.8361352

electric trimmer

>> No.8362197

dood i feel queezy now

>> No.8362201

didnt know babies had bosoms
i thought moms had them..

>> No.8362222
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>> No.8362226


>> No.8362537

Takes too long, ingrown hairs, and the smoothness lasts like a day before it's a stubbly mess. I just use a beard trimmer with no guard.

I shave my shaft n balls though.