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8353332 No.8353332 [Reply] [Original]

>tfw richfag
>tfw spent $1000 on shoes and a new phone this month
>tfw still added $3000 to my net worth this month

lol at the poorfags on here buying vans, used clothes, and fake dunks

>> No.8353335
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>> No.8353342

will you buy me stuff?

>> No.8353345


>> No.8353351

>implying people get rich by spending their money on others

>> No.8353396

>$1000 on shoes and a new phone

either you got a shit phone or shit shoes lmfao

>spent a few hunny on shoes for my first job! s-suck it p-poorfags!



Got them in the Mr Porter sale?

delete your thread and start dreaming about anything Carmina or better, poorfag

btw your shoe trees are crap

>> No.8353400

btw I'm not usually this much of a dick

but you asked for it

I have some grenson and they're ok, but if you want to feel better than other people, you better be ready to drop real dollars on G&G or better.

>> No.8353405

Can I be rich too?

>> No.8353435

>implying the nexus 5 is a shit phone
If you're buying an iPhone for more than double that price, you're an idiot and you get exactly what you deserve.

tbh I'm not looking for incredible shoes, just something handmade in a first-world country with goodyear welted soles. Quality, durability, and tasteful style.

Most of the idiots on /fa/ (and most people in general) have no idea how to handle their money. They spend it all trying to keep up the appearance of being a baller and end up broke.

At my current expense level and income, I'm on track to become financially independent at 36. I can live off investment income and choose whether or not I want to work. Right now I love the shit out of my job though, so no plans to retire.

Make your money work for you, niggers.

>> No.8353473

>net worth
>measuring your worth in money
god damn capitalist pig

>> No.8353486

>doesn't understand that money buys freedom
>will be a pathetic broke wage slave his whole life, crying about how hard it is to afford rent in his little shithole

>> No.8353567

Don't assume you know what everyone on this board is doing. Some people here are doing just fine financially. Some have more complex reasons for being into fashion. It varies.

You don't need to look for reasons to feel better than other people. Scowling at stuff made in third world countries, casually saying "niggers", talking about "most of the idiots on /fa/", ripping on anyone who got an iPhone... don't. It feels empowering as you say it but all anyone else sees is bitterness and weakness, and it won't make you feel better in the long run. Try to see the good in people who are different from you, and try not to feel so defensive about your own value as a human being.

Unless you were born like 5'4 or shorter, you have no reason to be this resentful of everyone else.

>> No.8353590

>tfw I am a certain type of person
>tfw just enjoyed being who I am
>tfw further proof of how great it is to be me

lol at different kinds of people on here having a shittier life than me

>implying this thread isn't a somewhat sad attempt by OP at self-validation

it's ok op you will have a gf someday. and those popular kids from high school can't hurt you anymore.

>> No.8353655


Top nigger

>> No.8353701

>3k addition to net worth in a month

>average monthly addition to net worth is $4k
>projected to surpass $1m in net worth at age 36
>potential to hit $6m in net worth if I retire at a traditional age

You look at that post, see $1k and $3k and think "lol those numbers are small must be a nigger." If you' don't understand how saving and investing works on a 10+ year timescale, you're a complete moron.

>> No.8353715

That's... actually incredibly insightful.

I'm the happiest I've ever been these days, I've got my life together more than ever before and I get to do whatever I want almost all the time.

But I'm staying in tonight and figured I'd check out some of my old internet haunts. The culture here got the best of me and I went negative.

To each their own I suppose, wish all you /fa/ggots the best. I learned a lot about taking care of myself and my appearance here.

>> No.8353721

>Bragging about having BIG BUCKS
>Bought Grensons

Grensons are good shoes and all, but if you're going to act like a BIG BUCKS BALLER get Edward Green shoes or something.

>> No.8353756

Actually, what I'm really getting at is the mentality of truly wealthy people, say old money vs. noveau riche.

I'm young and by no means rich, but I make decent money and I've learned a lot about how to handle it.

The noveau riche spend large sums on flashy clothes and shoes. How many insecure middle-eastern guys have you seen branded head to toe in crappy armani exchange clothes (t-shirt, belt, faded jeans, etc.) The real rich buy well-made items that are durable, practical, and subtle. Something that looks good and will still be around in ten years.

The guy with the $10m net worth is more likely to be wearing Grensons. The people living paycheck to paycheck in Manhattan with a fancy loft and Mercedes they can't afford are more likely to be weating Edward Green

>> No.8353773

>Actually, what I'm really getting at is the mentality of truly wealthy people, say old money vs. noveau riche.

>I'm young and by no means rich, but I make decent money and I've learned a lot about how to handle it.

>The guy with the $10m net worth is more likely to be wearing Grensons. The people living paycheck to paycheck in Manhattan with a fancy loft and Mercedes they can't afford are more likely to be weating Edward Green
you really have no fucking clue, do you?

all spoken like a true noveau riche

>> No.8353778

So you get paid 4k a month? Wow you're lower middle class.

>> No.8353780

ur examples are backwards
ax is flashy and cheap durable,practical,subtle, well made clothing is expensive.
u said the rich spend less money on clothing and provided examples of poor ppl buying crap clothes and rich ppl buying expensive clothes
also how do you know so well abt other ppl that you can say this w so much confidence
i have many persian friends who wear armani exchange and puma sneakers and whatnot bc their family and close friends dress that way not because of some hidden insecurities

u sound like ur projecting a lot
material possessions dont really mean as much as you think they do

>> No.8353802

I'm just surprised that this guy spent $1k on a pair of grenson ones.

What kind of idiot buys a 1000 dollars worth of indian made shoes that masquerade for english made?

You got ripped, hard.

>> No.8353805

How so? I started with nothing and built a career making decent bank. I save 50%-60% of my income and invest it. Obviously I'm not old money but I'm not nouveau riche in that I carefully consider my finances rather than increasing consumption as I make more money.

This month happened to be the one where I replaced my phone and my dress shoes, but I bought the lowest cost items that would give me superior quality and lifespan for both. I expect to get 4+ years from the phone and 10+ years from the shoes. A poorer man might spend $120 on crappy bonded leather Bostonians with plastic soles from Payless, but he'd have to replace them every two years at best. By the end, he'll have spent more money to keep inferior shoes on his feet.

I plan to use my money to buy freedom instead of things. I enjoy every day of my life and I never want for anything. I'll also be free from having to work for a paycheck about 30 years earlier than the average person in western society. In what way does that follow the patterns of the nouveau riche?

>> No.8353811

>In what way does that follow the patterns of the nouveau riche?
Mainly because you felt the need to show off your wealth to a bunch of kids on the internet, not many of whom will really care because the shoes you bought aren't all that interesting.

>> No.8353816

all this tl;dr

look kid, whenever somebody says they know the difference between "old money" and "new money", they're invariably the same gauche noveau riche but of the newer kind that's savvy enough not to fall into the old cliches.

your attempts at rationalising your behaviour are just as laughable at the obvious kind of rags to riches buffoon.

>> No.8353818

>made in england
they can print anything they want on the shoe because they're not breaking any law, but we all know where they're really made

>> No.8353825

Soo... You start a thread bragging about being richer than everybody else, then when we call on being materialistic you try to backtrack and say that your thousand dollar shoes were a 1 time, 10 year investment?

>> No.8353826
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Nope, I save $4k per month after all expenses and taxes. I'm also 23. Pic is a pay stub from the first two weeks of 2014

>i have many persian friends who wear armani exchange and puma sneakers
lol troll
>material possessions dont really mean as much as you think they do
That's actually the exact point I'm trying to make.

G-Two line is made in India
G-One line is made in England

>> No.8353837

It's like he read about it all on the internet and has never met anyone wealthier than he is.

>> No.8353844

>That's actually the exact point I'm trying to make.
Then why are you showing off your material possessions to random kids on the internet and making fun of them for not being able to afford them?

>> No.8353850
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>mfw adding 3k to savings a month = richfag

my fucking sides are entering another dimension

>> No.8353852
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Shame you bought a shit pair of shoes.

>> No.8353859

>G-Two line is made in India
>G-One line is made in England
Fraid not old bean. That's why grenson dropped off the circuit. Nobody wanted to buy their shoes, at the prices they were asking, when it was discovered that no grenson shoes are totally made in england any longer. Made in India, soled in England. That's not made in england.

Last line of real grensons was the rose line.

Educate yourself.

>> No.8353862

10/10 post

>> No.8353872

Well obviously the OP was to troll. It's written to be inflammatory.

>gauche noveau riche
>savvy enough not to fall into the old cliches
All trolling aside, let's have a serious discussion here. If they're savvy enough not to fall into the old cliches, how are they "gauche noveau riche."

I'd argue that classification is reserved for people who fir one or both of these characteristics:
1) They tragically misallocate their resources.
2) They have an insatiable appetite, and spend money as fast (or faster) than they make it.

I have a baseline expense level that I never deviate from. It allows me to pursue all of my interests as I see fit and it maximizes what I get for my money. Any additional cash I have is used to buy freedom in the form of income-producing assets.

Isn't the ultimate goal to be able to live your life in exactly the way you want to without ever worrying about money? That's my aim.

>> No.8353891

even meermin which makes their shit in china have more integrity than grenson
and at least barker has always been honest about making most of their shoe in india if you ask
ask grenson and all you'll get is silence

>> No.8353898

no, it's not. You keep shifting your position depending on whoever calls you out. At first you were showing off your grensons, then you pretended you were being modest by wearing relatively lower end shoes, while still trying to maintain that wearing lower end shoes somehow made you more likely to be rich, and therefore worth more. Now you say you were saying that possessions dont mean much, ignoring all the previous posts you made emphasizing how owning different things was enough to make you a certain type of person
make up your mind man
you're not gonna get rich if you can't even hold your ground on an internet forum

>> No.8353927

>typically invest an extra $4k/month
>starting out in a career

Assuming I keep my expenses at the same level, a paltry 3% annual raise and 4% investment return (both of which are ridiculously conservative) would get me to about $6 million by age 65.

How much are you adding to your investment portfolio per month? $5k? $10k? Are you aiming to be worth $15 million when you retire? $30 million? Somehow I doubt it.

Of course, who needs that kind of money? When I have enough passive investment income to cover my expenses I'll just stop working forever and devote my time to whatever passions I might have. I'll probably leave all of my money to charity when I kick the bucket. Maximize my own happiness and do something good for the world in the end. Minimize environmental impact along the way.

It's the best way I can think of to live this life.

>> No.8353948

I have like 8 figs in each of 3 diff brokerage accts.

Granted I'm farther along in my career than you.

But bragging about 3k just reeks of "babby's first job".

>> No.8353964

Showing off the Grensons was 100% to troll the poorfags. Petty, I know. But isn't that 90% of what happens on 4chan?

The actual idea behind my rant is that money serves a purpose and that most people in the western world don't consider very carefully how they spend it. As a result, they end up devoting too much of their life to work (so that they can get more money), then spend it on too many items of poor quality. Or they spend it out of convenience. Say, the person who has 28 pairs of shoes from Forever 21 and spends $500/person/month on food because they eat crap fast food all the time.

This leads to a lot of misery for a lot of people because they're stressed about money. They feel like they're working so hard but they can never get ahead. They're trapped into commuting 2 hours a day and working 10. They just need to think more carefully about what they do with their time/money.

Yes, most middle class Americans wear worse shoes than Grenson. But they probably spend as much on shoes over the course of ten years as I do.

There's a certain threshold of quality (I'd argue it's in the Allen Edmonds/Grenson range for shoes) where it costs about the same amount annually for ownership, but you get superior quality. That's why I bought the Grensons.

>> No.8353968

Shit nigga, you're certainly out of the norm for 4chan then.

...sieg? Well... His money was daddy's, wasn't it?

>> No.8353982
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Not sure if trolling or dumb or completely out of touch with reality.

>> No.8353993

dat backpedaling
>but i was pretend retarded!

>> No.8353996

thanks man, we all do that kind of posting sometimes: the mind has a way of creating traps of negativity for itself, especially on boards like /fa/.

I'm glad to hear that you're doing well for yourself and I wish you all the best; it's actually really surprising (in a good way) to see that you responded positively to what I said -- the maturity to make any kind of concession to a hostile poster is really rare on 4chan

good luck with the Grensons, too. those ones are made in england iirc, so they're probably at least pretty good, though don't underestimate the quality coming out of some third world countries right now. I don't know if I could trust China's manufacturing industries with some of the shady aspects of that business culture (like quality fade) but shoe production worldwide has changed a lot in the last couple of decades and Made in England isn't what it once was, and some interesting shoes are being made in what we might call "third world" countries.

>and stop saying "nigger", you aren't George Carlin and it isn't ~2007 anymore :)

>> No.8353997

he has not more
he spent it all or it was taken from him cos of some bullshit

he like the tired old washup that is best seen as an example not to follow

>> No.8354014

I'm going to go with completely out of touch with reality. But then, you claim to be worth somewhere between $30 million and $300 million and you're spending your Friday nights of 4chan. Seems pretty unlikely to me.

Do you really NOT think there are a lot people in this world tied to jobs they hate because of inefficient spending patterns?

>> No.8354017

Quit trying to make the world a better place

>> No.8354018

Gonna need a source on this, have found literally nothing online supporting it.

>> No.8354034

Ring up grenson if you don't believe me.
Ask them if their shoes are totally made in the uk.

>> No.8354064

Yeah, I spent too much of my unhappy teenage life on 4chan so I think coming back here there's a part of me that wants to gloat that my life turned out better than I ever expected it would. I also tend to fall back into the same habits of speaking to people when I'm on the internet (see: nigger). I'd never speak to people in real life this way.

I'm glad I've matured enough that this whole thread can roll off my back and I can get on with my life. Not sure why I came on here tonight but it wasn't for any positive reason.

About the shoes. My biggest issue with most shoes sold in North America these days is the bonded leather and glued soles, not the country of origin. Though like you I'm skeptical of the business culture that comes with Chinese manufacturing. A coworker of mine visited Bangladesh last year to do some structural assessments following that big factory collapse that made the news. Despite the social/economic progress that the garment industry brings to poorer nations, safety/ethical standards are low because the value attached to human life is often tragically low as well.

I trust the quality of certain clothes to come out of poorer nations, but I've always been skeptical of shoes. Can you name some specific examples of shoes make in poor countries that are of high quality?

>> No.8354070

They will say that their G-Zero and G-One lines are made in the UK, but may decline to comment on the G-Two line.

Their website explicitly states that the G-Two line is made in India though.

They also explicitly state that their G-One and G-Zero lines are made in Northamptonshire. Am I missing something here?

>> No.8354092

The zero line is probably still totally made in Northampton. One line, nah.
>They also explicitly state that their G-One and G-Zero lines are made in Northamptonshire.
Depends on what your definition of made is. UK law allows them to have something made mostly in another country, shipped back and labelled otherwise.
Do they explicitly state "totally made in" or "completely made in"?

>> No.8354103

>projecting on 4chan

You're such a fag I'm surprised you're not a trip.

>> No.8354109

Yes. You's trollin'.

Made entirely in the Grenson factory from skin to box.

Made entirely in the Grenson factory from skin to box.

Directly from the website

>> No.8354114

>UK law allows them to have something made mostly in another country, shipped back and labelled otherwise.
>Do they explicitly state "totally made in" or "completely made in"?
They can state whatever they want on their site, doesn't mean it's true. UK laws are loose pussy.

>> No.8354133

>Yes. You's trollin'.
>Directly from the website
I believe what I've been told by too many shoe sellers and cobblers. Regardless, their quality has diminished in recent years all across the board. If you're happy with your budget english shoes then so be it.

>> No.8354150

lol ok

>> No.8354170

Where is the Grenson factory doe

And while we're on this subject, which shoemakers make their shoes in their own country and not in China/India/whatever?

>> No.8354189


saving 3k a month is pretty good, many "rich" people live to the edge of their means.

and most people are in debt...

>> No.8354206

I make more money than this and I can assure you that you won't be retired at 36

>> No.8354238

Its actually really simple. Just lower your expenses. I live on $20k-$24k/year. I never want for anything.

Just save 25x your annual expenses and live off the investment income. I'm oversimplifying but I've got the pieces in place as well as anybody.

Check out Mr. Money Mustache. Popular personal finance blogger that retired at 31. Or Jacob Lund Fisker of early retirement extreme.

>> No.8354265

rich and fufilling life

>> No.8354267

just going by what I've heard from other blogs, like this


>> No.8354272

>not john lobb
lol alright poorfag

>> No.8354284

Are you implying it isn't?

How much money do you think a person NEEDS to spend to live a rich and fulfilling life.


>> No.8354841

>look, kid
stopped reading

>> No.8355082

>buys ugly shoes

money does not into style or personality

>> No.8355310

I'm happy you're successful

Why do you have to be bitter at those less so?

Or the many posters here that are just young and don't have their shit together yet

>> No.8355315

>4k a month

>> No.8355362

You don't know what Edward Green is, do you mate? Much more of a high-quality, long-lasting and subtle brand than Grenson. They're the sort of shoes you see on extremely successful people in London, a city where $10m net worth is upper-middle-class.

>> No.8355387

10m net worth is upper middle class in any country in any major city.. lol @ u

>> No.8355406


>> No.8355442

>lol at people who are less fortunate than me
This is why communism hasn't died yet.

>> No.8355470
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I rock Edward Green, Pre-Prada Church's and Crockett & Jones, and I can tell you that Vans are cooler than any Grenson variant, especially those daggy captoes

>> No.8355491
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>communism hasn't died yet.

>> No.8355509

I get really angry when I see this.

Am I just jealous or egotistical?

>> No.8355513


and what exactly are you trying to achieve by posting this on 4chan?

>> No.8355518

There is some truth to this: http://www.amazon.com/Millionaire-Next-Thomas-Stanley-Ph-D-ebook/dp/B00CLT31D6/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1402753698&sr=8-1&keywords=milionaire+next+door

A lot of very wealthy people live comparatively frugal lifestyles, and plenty of BALLER STATUS types are up to their asses in debt.

You're totally off base when you compare Edward Green to the kind of shit badly dressed Russians and Arabs wear, or saying it's a nouveau riche brand. They're classic high quality shoes. Calling Edward Green nouveau riche is like calling Norton & Sons (I'll save you a Google search, they're Savile Row tailors) nouveau riche. It's a totally wrong comparison.

>> No.8355519

The only definitive answer might be that you are easily aggravated.

>> No.8355526

Lol @ trust fund baby OP.

If you were actually rich, you wouldn't be spending shit on frivolous things. The fact that you don't seem to know how to make money work for you would imply that you aren't rich.

Congrats having a sub-tier job living in your parent's basement.

>> No.8355537

Jesus fuck these walls of text

You're all such boring cunts, kill yourselves

>> No.8355539

What's the fucking point of buying $800 Grensons when you could buy $400 Allen Edmonds that look better and are just as good?

Are Grensons made of some sort of rare fucking leather or something only found on the peak of Mt. Everest?

>> No.8355617

depends a lot on property, currency and taxes. assuming it's backed up by a commensurate income, $10m is a lot in almost all american cities and even in a good chunk of the uk, whereas it'll barely buy you a pizza in london, scandinavia, etc, and most of your wealth will be tied up in property waiting for the latest bubble to pop while the rest earns shit interest.

>> No.8355691

>Unless you were born like 5'4 or shorter, you have no reason to be this resentful of everyone else.
Change this to 5'10 and it will be a 11/10 post

>> No.8355719

>buying $800 Grensons
>buying them

Any idiot that pays that much for a pair of new Grensons and overlooks: Trickers, Alfred Sargent, Cheaney, Church's, Crockett and Fucking Jones is more than an idiot. No excuse in this day and age.

Grenson is no longer available at so many proper shoe retailers and yet is so well represented by shitty online apparel retailers for a reason.

The clueless yuppie crowd have no idea when they're overpaying for something.

>> No.8355732

I guess I am a bit different living in the states. I have no idea what any of those brands are, lol.

I'm assuming Allen Edmonds and Alden are the US equivalents to some of those brands.

>> No.8355764

i own a pair of grensons. copped them for $200 or $300. they just FEEL mass-produced, like there was no care or attention to detail put into them.

then again, my grensons were made in india, but they make some in england. they're very ambiguous about it all.

>> No.8355767

on sale, i should add

>> No.8355773

>I have no idea what any of those brands are, lol.
kek. fuck off pleb

>> No.8355781

First of all, this isn't fucking World of Warcraft

Second of all, as I stated, I live in the US. I don't know squat about British bullshit.

>> No.8355792
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>yfw your "investment portfolio" is just your 401K
>yfw you'll never be a "richfag" because meager gains on investment. only risk takers become rich, which clearly you are not
>yfw investing on CDs and bonds

>> No.8355802

>implying that taking risks is a viable and intelligent way to build a retirement account.

>> No.8355804

Ahaha holy shit, all this damage control
You're a clerk and a nigger

>> No.8355840


Seriously, if you think that where can u get a clerk job that pays that much?

>> No.8355849

What in the actual fuck are you talking about. Homeboy posted a YTD paystub of two paychecks totaling $6,424.62.

That's more like $77k/yr. Even if that was net, and you added taxes, that's like $107k/yr.

That's really not that impressive, bruh.

>> No.8355852

Copped the Grensons from the Mr. Porter sale. £375 retail but I paid about the same as you would for Allen Edmonds. Having owned both, the quality is similar.

>> No.8355856

Oh, $480 retail ain't shit. Here I am thinking you bought $800 shoes.

>> No.8355859

OP here, that's actually one bi-weekly paycheck. Notice the pay period end date is January 12th.

>> No.8355863

I must have misread. Where do you live?

>> No.8355864
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>At 36

>> No.8355873

Church's are shit-tier post-Prada
Cheaney isn't that great
Tricker's is overrated and has made a new relevancy as a "fashion brand" by aligning themselves with the heritage crowd, doing collaborations with brands like EG, paperchest and Junya Watanabe, being sold by retailers like Inventory
That said, I do think they make a damn nice looking commando-soled brogue (Keswick)
I'd say Crockett & Jones is worthwhile, or John Lobb

>> No.8355874
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>tfw canada

Although to be fair, sticking with my current employer may mean an eventual move to London/NY/LA/San Fran, where my money won't buy me shit.

>> No.8355877

City at least?

So your $167k gets absolutely taxed to shit living in Canada, nice.

>> No.8355885

>trying to explain this to my canadian comrades
>but muh services!

when I get a solid job I hope to hell I'm not throwing a third of it at native communities.

>> No.8355886

You're right about taxes.

I manage my own investment accounts and max out the tax-sheltered ones every year. A large chunk of my savings grows tax-free, but I still get hit pretty hard by taxes on the rest.

>> No.8355889

Yeah man, that shit sounds like it sucks. Federal effective tax rate of 29% plus provincial tax rates, plus whatever other bullshit is there.

'murrika strong.

>> No.8355915

>implying you'll be rich with a retirement account

>> No.8355924

That's not the point of a retirement account? The point of a retirement account is to retire, you fucking moron.

>> No.8356020

Says the fucking faggot pretending he's rich because he's saving towards retirement.
get a fucking grip

>> No.8356021

>I'm assuming Allen Edmonds and Alden are the US equivalents to some of those brands.
Allen Edmonds would be closer to Grenson, but nowhere near the others. Alden would be closer to the others, but barely. They're not finely made enough to compete. Nice designs at times, but bad execution.

>> No.8356033

>Church's are shit-tier post-Prada
Not necessarily, just overpriced. Buy on sale if you want them otherwise why bother.
>Cheaney isn't that great
It's actually pretty good, but their higher lines which don't get much play. Even their lower tiers are decent.
>Tricker's is overrated and has made a new relevancy as a "fashion brand"
Maybe in some circles but in the Uk they're country shoes.
Pretty ugly all around compared to the others on this list, but very well made. That said I want some Eatons.
>Crockett & Jones is worthwhile, or John Lobb
Crockett unfortunately has been appropriated by the james bond wannabes, like the Alden Indy's were by fedora indyfags. That doesn't say anything bad against the quality, but they're so hard to get now (tfw what I want is never in stock).
Depends which Lobb. Father's had some for years that have held up nicely. Pity I can't fit into them.

Regardless, these brands shit on modern Grensons and I doubt OP payed 800 for them or whatever.

I mean wow.

>> No.8356136

>added 4k to net worth in a month and calls himself rich
I added more to my net worth in a month when I was unemployed you goddam scrub.

>> No.8356251
File: 95 KB, 900x598, 900x900px-LL-53a6b6a8_DSC_8035.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

don't forget carmina, j fitspatrick, and alden

>> No.8356253

fitzpatrick*, typo

>> No.8356267

So you made $4000 in a month... That's really not that impressive at all.

>> No.8356274

he said $4000 in savings. So he made 4000 after all his expenses.

>> No.8356281

I make a lot more than that a month doing nothing. Simply from interest and rent paid to me.. Why do people think that $4000 after expenses is impressive?

>> No.8356288

That's a list of purely english footwear, because, you know, grenson is english.

>> No.8356296

Threads like this are why I can't wait for the economy to totally collapse.

>> No.8356307

True rich people that have diversified funds and large amounts of investments are not impacted as much as your average joe from economic downfall.

>> No.8356312

Diet butcher slim skin are made in china

Visvim too iirc

>> No.8356314


At least the >tfw richfags of 4chan will be effected.

>> No.8356401


Because most people inhabit the real world where people like you are extremely rare.

>> No.8356461

lol at the buttmad in this thread.

Half the people in here hating on OP because they're jelly, the other half suddenly claiming to be worth 10 mil plus. Somehow you don't see these people in other threads.

This is 4chan everyone, calm down.

>> No.8356468

there are better options outside of england at that price

but point taken. dunno why I didn't notice

>> No.8356486

>dunno why I didn't notice
i know
you fucking retard

>> No.8356540

neither armani exchange nor grenson shoes are really that expensive

>> No.8356557

i just buy and sell supreme shit to fuccbois and am on track to be financially independent by age 21

>> No.8356600

>mfw want to buy common projects or velcros
>mfw they cost about 40 working hours

Makes me appreciate my cops more

>> No.8356632


>> No.8356642

lmao relax

I just don't think about country of origin first and foremost when I think about shoes

>> No.8356754
File: 97 KB, 719x725, minkostym.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good for you, OP!

I just bought shoes for ~$1150 and a suit for ~$1500, fresh out of university. Still have ~$51K in the bank, and heading for a good job. I'm hoping I'll be able to do the same and become financially independent before I hit 45, but we'll see how that goes.

>> No.8356817

Not all of us are as lucky anon

>> No.8356844

>bragging about your parents' money


>> No.8356850


>> No.8356858

It's all mine, baby! Been working (and investing a bit) while studying. Have neither asked nor received money from my parents since I was about 12-13, except for when I graduated high school.

Not all of us are reckless with money, some of us know how to actually save up.

Don't worry though, I'll soon have pretty much nothing left after I've gotten my own place haha.

>> No.8356864
File: 43 KB, 546x320, 1352716397679.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ulf pls go

>> No.8356869
File: 11 KB, 394x295, 1402035582846.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

general /fa/ feels thread?

>go to party
>get absolutely shitfaced drunk
>dat walk of shame the next morning walking home in my geos and dirty ass partied-on clothes

>> No.8356878

Haha, I love that picture!

I'm not Swedish though, but I do live there. I'm a different kind of pale lol

>> No.8356887

Whatever you say dad. Also,

>> No.8357394

>51k in the bank

Are you dumb or do you just enjoy collecting sub 1% returns?

>> No.8357410

Don't sweat what this faggot >>8357394 is trying to pull. Having that much money at your age (I'm guessing you're quite young since you just graduated) is well done, at least if you don't have any debts. There's lots of people your age who would trade places with you.

>> No.8357825

Honestly, being rich is probably the least effay thing ever.

>> No.8357882



>> No.8357907

>not archies/ironic

top lel

>> No.8357964

You're a complete idiot lol

>> No.8358012


Father was poor when he had me, now he earns £120,000 (Approx $200,000) a year after taxes and i feel upper middle class at most. What is the cut off for rich?

>> No.8358042


>People that dump money into savings accounts with the interest rate lower than the inflation rate


>> No.8358127
File: 61 KB, 689x518, supremegentleman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>being rich solves your self esteem issues

>> No.8358198

who are you quoting?

>> No.8358270

what is your job op?

>> No.8358275

if you have to ask, you're not even close

>> No.8358308


never said i was, just i was curious.

>> No.8358336

>being financially independent at 36
are you kidding me lol

I'm 18, and I get paid 2/3 of my salary while going back to school to get my masters. I'm not even working and I make more than you and your minimum wage job.

>> No.8358338

go read Class by Paul Fussell

>great read

>> No.8358341

guy i the pic is Elliot Rodger. his father was the assistant director for the hunger games films and he killed six University of California, Santa Barbara students.