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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 163 KB, 1180x787, 1401303267033.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8347871 No.8347871[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>money makes you /fa/

>> No.8347884

>shitty tatoos
>skin color like a sandnigger
>being man
>wearing earrings
>curling suit's sleeves to the elbow
no, he's not /fa/

>> No.8347885

>that babbystache

also why is he dressed like the guy with stupid hair from Cowboy bebop?

>> No.8347888

>that fucking posture

what the fuck?

>> No.8347894

Everything about him just irks me. Those tattoos, that stache, the suit doesn't even look good.

>> No.8347898

He looks like a monkey

>> No.8347902

this is a good example of how often tiny details can make or break a fit

>> No.8347933
File: 12 KB, 285x400, 90_A67775-A211781_A512_10.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, yes it does.

>> No.8347948

Besides the obvious...


>> No.8347955

to give the illusion that he squats=muscles=sexy

>> No.8347958

>>skin color like a sandnigger

lol what am I reading

>> No.8347964

It looks like he's trying to into nazi-core, but failing.

>> No.8347967

anything darker than almost-dead-pale means your a sandnigger, anon.

>> No.8348003

I have never seen stacks so mad on suit trousers

>> No.8348011
File: 607 KB, 500x700, justin-bieber-mess.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and still my little justin dresses better than most of you

stay mad, virgins

>> No.8348013

His neck is too thin for his shirt collar.
His shoes are pretty dope though

>> No.8348050

>stupid hair
Spike is more /fa/ than you'll ever be fuccboi.

>> No.8348054

lol that fucking hat

>> No.8348059


He has fashion advisers and enough money to buy whatever, who should be fired.

He is afterall a brand.

>> No.8348082

>my little justin

>> No.8348141

>a brand

Yea, and people commenting on how much they would like to punch him, or how his posture is bad, the stupid forehead frown, etc is the desired goal. There is no such thing as bad publicity. If people really wanted him gone they would just stop talking about him.

>> No.8348157

God his tattoos look so fucking bad.

Why would someone do that to themselves.

>> No.8348184
File: 38 KB, 409x548, Jaden.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How Can Mirrors Be Real If Our Eyes Aren't Real?

>> No.8348195

Spike is Justin Bieber with stupid hair and a horseface.

How can he be effay?

>> No.8348208

What are you even talking about? Spike is doesn't even remotely look like the guy, and he doesn't really wear the same stuff Justin does. I really don't get where ypu are coming from here.

>that fucking wannabe mustach
Jesus who does he think he is tom sellek? This guy is a fucking joke. He is 20 now, right? When I was 15 I had more hair on my chin than this faggot.

>> No.8348211

He wears the same stuff as Justin in OP's pic.

>> No.8348215

>skinny white boy dressing like he's black

>> No.8348217

>implying its bad

>> No.8348243

not really.
Also the stuff justin is wearing isn't exactly exotic. You could get this shit at every upper class clothing sotre.

>> No.8348246

Justin bieber that type of faggot that wanks to interracial with black dudes

>> No.8348249

>not really
pretty much exactly, in fact.

>> No.8348255

>implying it isn't

>> No.8348260

I'm too lazy to post a picture to compare it right now. Also, I'm not the guy you frist responded too.

>> No.8348261

Do you value people based on their ability to grow a thick stache? Bet you didn't have as much money or PTP as the biebster when you were 17-20. Stay jelly faggot

>> No.8348269

I'm not valueing him on shit, but if I couldn't grow a beard, I wouldn't grow out sucha shit little dirtstache too look like all the other cool guys with facial hair. I'm not devaluating him, I'm saying he's a fucking tryhard.

>> No.8348293
File: 354 KB, 609x610, 10341666_10152635891538888_5054809419046544363_n.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>people still mad at my little bieby in 2014
>acting like u dont wanna be him
>being mad at his success

>> No.8348307

I don't like Bieber and I don't like what he does, but even I must admit that I like this fit.

I like the double breasted jacket that gives him a rather interesting silhouette along with slight pencil stache that is making him look more mature now. His tattoos and his "Jaden Smith and I learned to make faces from the same guy" face are still shit though.

>> No.8348315

I do like the jacket too, but the pants just don't fit. They crumble up too much and look like he has taken them out of whiz kalifas drawer.

>> No.8348331

Isn't Justin Bieber like 5'4"? He has mad stacks, but that's probably a Thom Browne suit.

>> No.8348345

I think this is pretty /fa/, but that fucking mustache has got to go

>> No.8348353
File: 66 KB, 414x600, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When I saw the pants, the first thing that came to my mind was this.

>> No.8348374

>tfw Bieber has more moustache than you

>> No.8348422

yeah, he looks super fucking trashy. If he didnt have the tattoo's, he's still got the posture and attitude of a D-bag...

Personally, i'm surprised his music is still popular. Like, who's his target audience now? It used to be teenyboppers, but with all the retarded offensive shit he does, you'd think the moms would stop buying their little hentai and shotas his devil music...

>> No.8348432

welcome to the world of distractionary celebrity culture

>> No.8348479

kek, fuccboi king comes back

>dat babbystache
oh god, keep this,pics coming, these are hilarious as fuck, it makes look Hypebeast like SLP tier

>> No.8348487

kek, I'm full SLP mode, how can a shitty canuck man-child look better than me?

>> No.8348489

that suit looks fucking yesstyle tier or sth smh

>> No.8348490

Beiber is, what, almost 20 and can barely grow a stache? Pathetic.

>> No.8348493

That pants has terrible fitting

>> No.8348499

i think his PR slaves make all the rumours and spread these shitty pics, since he said he was retiring no one was talking about him, not even his fans

maybe he's getting poor or something, that suit looks pretty cheap for the shit he usually wears

delete this thread pls

>> No.8348504

i can get that same shit for just 500 bucks at my local tailor

>> No.8348509

so, we should congratulate his stylist because that suit looks good but that faggot makes it look like utter shit

fucking murrka, always fucking up everything

>> No.8348563

yeah, but it probably costs 20k from the designer because its soooo much better than all other clothes in the world and cause biebs is wearing it.

>> No.8348680

god damn this is a terrible outfit and he's wearing it like a fucking retard. yeah he's good looking and yeah he has bank, but you need to cop a sense of style before you can flaunt your money, otherwise you just look like a trashy white boy who never left high school (aka beiber)

>> No.8349099

Looks like a pedostache, he will have to watch out. He will definetly be a suspect.

>> No.8349129

how sad

>> No.8349134

Looking at that moustache makes me not wanna be him. It's like not even JB is trying to be JB.

>> No.8349139

it's not that bad, it could be better though, the bottom half is pretty sweet.

>> No.8350137

>a trashy white boy who never left high school
but anon, that's what Bieber is

>> No.8350159

that dudes gonna have such giant forehead wrinkles in a few years

>> No.8350181

>gays dont have sex

>> No.8350215

You don't never talk a con word about bebop. Me and silent Bob base our life around cowboy bebop.

>> No.8350221

>muh bread and circuses
>dat clown looks stupid!

>> No.8350223

as if he's reading this thread.

>> No.8350232
File: 117 KB, 960x640, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic related, This whole thread

>> No.8350289
File: 44 KB, 598x608, 1401061415123.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>their little hentai and shotas

>> No.8350309

more /fa/ than u nerd
i bet u wear roshe runs and flecktarn parkas
or even worse

>> No.8350336
File: 66 KB, 640x640, jGKd1Pn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is jb elite

>> No.8350697

Oh shit I see it, this might be good, I have been waiting for jodphurs to come back in style.

One fucking day, its so unfair

>> No.8350766
File: 32 KB, 193x500, coat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The nazis were the true fashion masterrace. Hitler youth, SS uniforms, dem leather coats, leather gloves, those fucking helmets, the swastika... Everything the nazis produced looked like it fell out of fashion heaven. Even random neckbeards on the internet look good in that shit.

>> No.8350773

>Even random neckbeards on the internet look good in that shit.

No they don't. Unless you're good looking and the uniform is perfectly fitted you don't look good in it.

>> No.8350774
File: 143 KB, 1215x768, WWII_German_Soldiers_by_2Beans.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you can't deny the ridiculously good sense of fashion the nazis had. Even their logo was fashionable.

>> No.8350780

not denying. js that a uniform isn't automatically make you look good

>> No.8350788

if you listened to his recent music, it very hip hop and r&b shit thats somewhat catchy and acceptable

his music now is extremely better than what he was forced to put out when he was 12

biebs is a fukin dick and needs to change his attitude, but he is musically talented

>> No.8350796

Everything below the waist actually looks pretty decent, anything above holy shit

>> No.8350804

>musically talented
Exactly how? His voice is autotuned, all his songs is written and handed to him, he doesn't write neither lyrics nor music for any of his songs and he is not even an average singer naturally.

>> No.8350809


The bottom half is top.

>> No.8350816
File: 71 KB, 613x799, Spike.Spiegel.full.1554191.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

checkm8, m8

>> No.8350818

reading this post is like reading justin beiber youtube comments from 2007 my sides hurt from all this cringing

>> No.8350830

Could you, instead of trying to resolve to ad hominem, try to refute what I said?

Most of "mainstream popular" performers these days have songs written and given out to them by their record companies. Very very few artists that could be considered popular has artistic freedom to begin with.

Autotuning is used for records by almost everyone today, as it makes everything so much easier.

I am not hating on him or general popular performers, I am simply saying that Bieber is not musically talented in any way.

>> No.8350835

Dem mad stacks though

>> No.8350863

le anime suit

>> No.8350888

Eh, it'd be ok if he didn't clearly think it looked amazing. It fits well but it's a little bit anime. Also cunt needs to shave.

>> No.8350937

he used to be so cute but now...

>> No.8350948

>being a mexican.

>> No.8350959


>> No.8351054

Are you retarded? He has a GOAT hairline.

>> No.8351080

Justin bieber is so funny.

>and he butt blasts you faggots every single day of the week

What's not to love?

>> No.8351083

He still dresses better than /fa/. Plus his face allows most of his fits to look really good.

>> No.8351148
File: 355 KB, 1012x1400, justin-bieber-style-022813-38-1363301463.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

youre right my friend
justin is one of the GOAT people in todays industry
and still people hate my little bieby bieby

>> No.8351235

>The posture
>The "moustache"
>The attitude
>The 24/7 Jaden Smith eyebrow raise

This kid could be the next fucking Johnny Depp. He's actually becoming quite good looking. This style suits him a lot better than his usual Wigga clothing. But his shitty personality just ruins it completely. Imagine if he just smiled in photos instead of doing the eyebrow raise. He has a nice smile. He could be the world's sweetheart. Instead he's fucking hated, even by the people who buy his music.

How do you not get the fucking memo holy shit.

>> No.8351240

HAHA BIEBER you can't buy god particle beard genetics you fucking faggot

>> No.8351248

5/10 too obvious

>> No.8351317

I'm guessing from your posts you have never used auto tune or watched the videos of Bieber singing on youtube before he was discovered.

>> No.8351447

actually he can, he could just get a FUE hair transplantation. It's 100% safe and can be done very quickly.

>> No.8351598

don't lie to me you faggots, you'd love to be friends with him, I fuckin would. I'd soak up so much coke from him, i bet the guy fuckin parties 24/7 it'd be amazing. The guy gets to live the life, he might be a dickhead, but we all would with that much money and surrounded by yes men. don't fuckin lie to me

>> No.8351633

Of course, but I've never met him.
I'm sure he'd be a fun guy to people he knows, the latest videos certainly suggest I'd like his sense of humor, but he comes off as a cunt to the public.

>> No.8351697

>That monkey pose in the last panel.
Here really is trying to be black!

>> No.8351703


you're thinking of pitch correction

>> No.8351846

>wearing 2 wristwatches

>> No.8351865

no you're not. you're on /fa/. you wear vans and flecktarns
SLP is a joke. seriously. hedi is a hack and the work he's turning out is mediocre to garbage. but yeah, sick internet brag du, i'm sure your gf is real impressed