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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 518 KB, 793x793, IMG_201406161_081817.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8342458 No.8342458 [Reply] [Original]

Decided to shave my head. Did i make the right decision?

>> No.8342463

>that hairline

you did good bud

>> No.8342464
File: 377 KB, 469x639, Screen Shot 2014-03-21 at 4.09.06 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yes but only because your first hairstyle sucked horrifically like dude wtf your ears and jawline are not suited for that weird beiber cut

and shave that half-assed beard or grow it out more

>> No.8342475

I think it shows off your nice facial features.

>> No.8342477

great improvement

u now jessie pinkman

>> No.8342692

looks good, just grow out the beard more.

>> No.8342696


you look like a tosser either way

>> No.8342699

Balding and being ginger is an awful combination.

>> No.8342719


>> No.8342748

you look like a Viking so I like

>> No.8342752

way better.

>> No.8342757


he looks like a crackhead

>> No.8342782

That first pic, like, what in the fuck. I don't even get HOW you can have that heircut even if you tried.
Second pic if okay, grow out the beard more.

>> No.8342784

that old haircut is fucking horrifying how could he even look at himself in the mirror

>> No.8342785
File: 571 KB, 888x663, Oompa_Loompa[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8343209

dude holy fuck never grow your hair any longer than the buzzcut you got now.

>> No.8343272
File: 430 KB, 630x472, Haircutquestionbuzzfa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do I have the face shape/skull to pull off a buzz cut?

>> No.8343275

Gonna say yes.

>> No.8343281

think it would look great, your current hair is shit
show pics after

>> No.8343288

you have the receding hairline so it's not really a choice in this case, hurry up and do it

>> No.8343301

Alright, thanks.

Going to cut it before work tomorrow, I'll post pictures of it buzzed if the thread is still up.

>> No.8343401

I haven't had a hair cut in over a year. I've been considering getting it buzzed but I don't think I have the head shape for it.

>> No.8343520
File: 543 KB, 1080x1920, 2014-06-11 18.11.04.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just came home from the barber, did I dun goof?

Also she put a shit load of wax in there so the texture is all fucked up

>> No.8343527

>long face
>hair only at the top

>> No.8343534

b-b-but /fa/ told me to

but seriously is it bad?

>> No.8343545

Doesn't look good.
If you style it better, it might work out. Slightly receded hair can look boss as fuck.

>> No.8343557

It's not that bad. Brushed forward you look like a twink tho.

>> No.8343566

hair looks good but the problem here is that it doesn't fit your face

>> No.8343583

Do you think it will look better after it grows out a bit?

>> No.8343591

blake griffin

>> No.8343597

the you on the left reminds me of that pic of that dude photoshopping some random guy's pictures into weird things and the dude is flipping out because he thinks his name is getting tarnished like one of them is of him with a bush baby photoshopped in his hand and another where his face is shopped red when looking at a kid

>> No.8343604

shave the mustache damn it

>> No.8344035

>shave that
no. i think that stubble fits you

>> No.8344042

hahahaha, i remember that. fucking love that picture.

>> No.8344049

What type of haircut would be fitting for him?

>> No.8344059

yeah man you got it, sort the beard and stache out too though, you'll look like a weird circus person if you keep them and buzz your head.

>> No.8344062

dw bb its decent, just suck your cheeks in like a sexy model and youll be a-ok =)

>> No.8344076

I'm not that person you responded to, but I was about to make the same observation.

This is what happens when you blindly follow the crowd.

>> No.8344764

Ahahahaha I see it

>> No.8345896
File: 432 KB, 629x475, hairbuzzednowwhat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Never realized how far my hair had receded until I got it buzzed. Glad I did, although I'm not sure if it's short enough. However, I like it and it looks better than in the pictures I think.

>> No.8346024

looks nice. good job

>> No.8346060
File: 1.94 MB, 2048x2048, 126a6a2e-6ed5-42ad-ab9a-371df2e84.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It looks much nicer, good job. Suits your face too. Are you able to cut it yourself? It'll save you money if you want to keep it buzzed.

Grow it out and never get a cut like that again. As somebody else said, it makes your face appear even longer.
Deal with it for now, maybe slick it back. It doesn't suit you but I don't think most people in reality will really care.

I'll ask a question too. Should I cut my hair short? Bob, pixie, whatever. Lose the fringe?
I can't style long hair, I only air dry it and brush it. It's wavy/ thick. Ringlets if not brushed out. I've had this hairstyle for years.

>> No.8346067

>I'll ask a question too. Should I cut my hair short? Bob, pixie, whatever. Lose the fringe?

We need to see your face for that.

Nobody seems to realise that hair needs to match face style, not just shape.

>> No.8346114

and grow out that weak beard more

>> No.8346136

looks much better now, no ragrets

>> No.8346139


>> No.8346146

fuck ur lips are just GOAT mang

>> No.8346159
File: 38 KB, 1280x720, 1402506254832.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hi guys. Go to the hairdresser that suggest? I have a big head and ears a little more than enough.

>> No.8346161

what the fuck are you trying to say euro

>> No.8346163

what hairstyle should I choose, advise, бля

>> No.8346168

its already pretty good
also u look dead inside

>> No.8346249
File: 122 KB, 726x631, IMG_1231 (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the fuck do I do with this mess.

>> No.8346256

sides and back 0
top 3 inches

>> No.8346258

you need to work out

>> No.8346285

How can you tell that from a top profile?

>> No.8346302

not him, but moonface is a giveaway
puberty bloat
working out, eating healthy, and getting lean is the only fix

>> No.8346324
File: 292 KB, 1024x765, IMG_3005.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not sure I understand.
I thought he meant I needed MORE weight. As in muscle mass. I'm not fat by anymeans. I'm 5'8" and 117 lbs, pic related.

>> No.8346336


That terrible ginger blob on your head with that hairline looks ridiculous, it elongates your face and accentuates your poor ginger genetics.
It's much better now.

>> No.8346356
File: 75 KB, 494x450, f84d74d07f966fefaaf4739fa6c52de26b5024abd91b1498bd7357167a9532cd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8346372
File: 1.91 MB, 331x197, d91.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


my god OP, you look a million times better

>> No.8346387

so he looks scottish?

>> No.8346446

are you a boy or a girl

>> No.8346628
File: 231 KB, 640x640, 52844621-5749-498a-82c9-96b733c68.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, I know. This probably isn't a good place to ask anyway but I thought I might as well. Here's some vague pictures; ignore the stupid editing.

>> No.8346652
File: 452 KB, 960x1280, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Could I pull off a buzz?
btw not how I have my hair, I just pushed it back for the photo

>> No.8346656
File: 455 KB, 960x1280, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic 2
Advice would be appreciated

>> No.8346665

not sure how aggressively, but your hair is thinning

>> No.8346674

Never noticed because my hair is pretty thick
what do?

>> No.8346689

really? You might be ok then, especially if there's little hairloss in your family

>> No.8346696

my dad is going bald but he's had a buzzcut for like 30 years and he has a pretty stressful job so i put it down to that.
but does it look like i'm balding?
Only think i'm self conscience about

>> No.8346702

you look terribly gay

>> No.8346707
File: 15 KB, 308x395, emma-watson-haircut-short-hair.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

From those pictures you hair looks pretty good already, short hairstyles can obviously be fa but personally I think most look pretty damn unattractive.

Theres pretty much a fine line in womens hair between a 'short' hair style and straight up getting man like hair.
Pic related. Looks ugly when she looked great with long hair, but some guys like it.

>> No.8346710
File: 47 KB, 369x368, t-thanks rippletits.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>on /fa/

I don't see what's wrong

>> No.8346711

hair at the front looks slightly miniaturized to me, but i could be wrong. Sounds like your dad's hairloss isn't very aggressive so you probs have little to worry about

>> No.8346751

I still think it looked nicer before, but this buzz is fair too. I'd go shorter. Your hairline is not so bad.
Profile is boss as fuck. I don't know about thinning, I have a similar hairline and hair in general, and I am definitely thinning.

>> No.8346911

nice facial structure. pixie cut could definitely work if you get it cut by the right person. make sure you take an example in for them to see, just in case?
and make sure they can take it back and shape it bit by bit, not just in one fell swoop, so you can see what length you like most

>> No.8346924

>like how i look with a buzzcut, but my glasses look stupid with one
>need to wear my glasses at work
>really want to shave my head again though


>> No.8348303

Very fa indeed, yamamoto approves

>> No.8348311

>lost little bit of hair int he back
>not noticeable unless you are above me or at a weird angle behind me

>hairline always been a little high

>rectangle head

i probably couldn't shave my head, i wish i could looks/confidence ise

>> No.8348349
File: 994 KB, 1520x2688, 717fbff0-9c3f-46cb-8179-2999d4e49.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can i pull of the undercut?

also how can i fix my cheeks?

>> No.8348354 [DELETED] 

can i pull off the undercut?

also how can i fix my cheeks?

>> No.8348950

your face is all crooked or something

>> No.8349195

What are acceptable headshapes for a buzzcut?

>> No.8349206
File: 148 KB, 560x624, 1398489191940.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he´s back

>> No.8350122


Kind of reminds me of an randomly generated face from an Elder Scrolls game.

>> No.8350140


yeah, i know, the eyes in particular. also i have a broken nose that wasn't fixed. at least my mouth usually is straight, so i'll take a better picture after showering.


haha faggot i know that. answer my question.

>> No.8350144



never heard that one before, is it this bad?