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8333154 No.8333154[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Can you recommend a good facial cleanser and moisturizing cream and good shampoo its evrything what i need or i forget something?
and can you read your skin care routine

>> No.8333201

Use a scrub with grit in the shower on your face. Rub that shit in hard.
Moisturize after shaving.
That's all, perfect skin depends more on diet and excercise & adequate sleep than anything else.

>> No.8333365

also be happy and don't have any trouble in your life. that shit helps keeping the skin young and clear, if you're under stress, even by minor things, the body will talk and you won't like what it says

>> No.8333401

>Use a scrub with grit in the shower on your face. Rub that shit in hard.
Nice way to make your skin look like stretched plastic when you're older. Use a gentle chemical exfoliant instead, something that loosens dead skin without damaging or drying the healthy skin underneath. And if you still want to use a mechanical exfoliant, then do it gently, no "rubbing that shit in hard".

Also, try to sleep on your back. And get enough sleep of course.

A good diet also helps, and avoid sun and stress.

Have good genes.

>> No.8334444

nobody recommend any cleanser and moisturizing cream and good shampoo :(

>> No.8334461
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Don't touch your face when you're out and about. If you sweat, dab it off and don't wipe.

>> No.8334468

For exfoliant I recommend a wash cloth over a facial scrub

>> No.8334645

bump for answers
what cleanser and moisturizing you recommend?

>> No.8334662


I use this as a cleanser. I have shitty oily skin and this leaves it very pure and prevents from getting too oily during the day

>> No.8334809

what you use?

>> No.8334888

check out Paula's choice, nerd

>> No.8335196


>> No.8337532

look up skincareaddiction on le roodits and just go with their recommendations

>> No.8337943

I believe in taking care of myself and a balanced diet and rigorous exercise routine. In the morning if my face is a little puffy I'll put on an ice pack while doing stomach crunches. I can do 1000 now. After I remove the ice pack I use a deep pore cleanser lotion. In the shower I use a water activated gel cleanser, then a honey almond body scrub, and on the face an exfoliating gel scrub. Then I apply an herb-mint facial mask which I leave on for 10 minutes while I prepare the rest of my routine. I always use an after shave lotion with little or no alcohol, because alcohol dries your face out and makes you look older. Then moisturizer, then an anti-aging eye balm followed by a final moisturizing protective lotion.

>> No.8338013
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>Cetaphil Moisturizer & Face Wash
Cheap, readily available, guaranteed Ph balanced and does it's job
>American Crew Shampoo
A shampoo staple
Don't be afraid of the more feminine brands here. Don't buy a shampoo+conditioner mix. Don't buy one with anything like silicon or other chemical that shit up your hair. Conditioner should leave your hair soft as fug. Find one that does this for you.
>Eye Cream
I prefer roll on. "normal" moisturizers are not suffice. Your eyeskin is different and requires a different product.
Nothing serious here. Just use it daily or when you need it in the morning.
If you wish to go this route, all you will need, as a man, is a korean BB cream. ie Missha

>> No.8338020

Clinique scuffing lotion.

>> No.8338161

what a good moisturize brand?

>> No.8338174

I've heard Cetaphil is pretty harsh on the skin (or perhaps just certain skin types), is this true?

>> No.8338186

The day a hygiene thread doesn't have this post is the day hell freezes over

>> No.8338203

vitamin B doesn't effect acne that is caused by hormones, eg, either pre-menstural or teenage acne

do some fucking research instead of random shot posted on /fa/

>> No.8338744

How the fuck do you acne on your back? I got rid of acne entirely for a bit, but now it's all over my back and is creeping up my shoulders to my chest. I wash it like crazy with soap and a scrubber, but it doesn't seem to helping, and now I'm way too embarrassed to go shirtless anywhere because of it.

>> No.8338771

Drink shittons of water. Have scars all over my back because of that shit. I'm sorry anon, but you're not going to make it.

>> No.8338839

Forget all the shit like creams and lotions you apply externally. They are bullshit.

Unless you have a condition (and if you have, you should be shopping in pharmany, not in the cosmetics section that is 95% scam), here is all you need for perfect skin, in order of importance:

1) Drink enough water, it's way more what you think
2) Don't touch your face with your hands, ever. Hands continuously excrete grease and and most likely coated with germs and dirt anyway
3) Keep your pillow case clean and replace it often

If you are lacking in any of the above, it will make way more difference than the most expensive externally applied cream/scrub/whatever you can buy.

>> No.8338848


This guy gets it.


Clean your pillowcases often. I'd say switch every two days (or flip daily) so it won't matter if you sleep on your back or not.

Drink a lot of water.


Definitely this.


I don't have facial hair, so, here's a list of what I use to clean:

Body: Loofah with a body wash or my Bliss mint exfoliating soap.


Garnier Fructis Sleek and Shine Shampoo and Conditioner, with the leave in conditioner if I've gotta get out the door ASAP, or no leave in conditioner and add the serum when it dries, but just to my tips. Shampoo a lot at the roots, less as you get to the tips. Condition a lot at the tips and less at the roots.

On casual days, I use the Oraganix Coconut Milk shampoo and conditioner. Use a clarifying shampoo once a week or every two weeks, depending on how much build up you get.I always match my shampoo with the matching conditioner. I get Tresemme because it ends up being cheap when there's a sale, and I get the Keratin straightening one, or whichever one is in the red and black bottles.

When my hair gets longer, or the weather gets really dry, I use the Herbal Essences moisturizing shampoo and conditioner in the blue bottle.

If I've got dandruff for some reason (it happens once a year or so) I'll use a LUSH dry shampoo bar, no conditioner, in Soak and Float. It smells like campfires.


For acne outbreaks, Neutrogena's orange liquid acne cleanser. It'll dry your skin out, obviously.

For days my skin is good, either the Neutrogena gentle cleanser in the powder blue bottle with the white pump, or Clean and Clear's night time relaxing cleanser they just put out. None of these cleansers have physical exfoliants in them.

I use Lumene BB Cream as a moisturizer and foundation, but on days I just need a moisturizer, I use Cetaphil, whatever comes in the bin. It's safe for lips too. Remember to clean and moisturize your neck area too.

I have no shaving advice, anon.

>> No.8338854


Oh, and I guess other shit that might be relavent:

Body lotion:

Vaseline brand, variety dependent on weather. I like the green one with aloe.

Hair brush:

I like Mason Pearson, but it's kinda expensive, so I get the Revlon brushes with tourmaline instead.

Acne gel:

If you have really bad acne, try an acne med with benzacline. There's some for around $10 by Clean and Clear.

>> No.8338878


I challenge you to find any sort of actual evidence to support those claims (hint: "it worked for me" is not evidence)

I've been taking doxycycline for a few months with some improvement, unfortunately it makes me feel ill as well.

>> No.8339083

doxycycline sucks dick

it gives you a nasty-ass sunburn and makes you feel queezy and terrible but it absoloutely rekt my acne and now my face is clear

>> No.8339089

gotta take it for when I go to asia for 2 months.. I now realise why people say there are so many burnt people over there.

I'm going to try to apply twice a day, as I'm fair-skinned as it is. Is there anything else I can do other than stay hydrated?

>> No.8339095

why because of asia?

just wear sunscreen and long sleeves if you can

>> No.8339254


Which of the claims? Product recommendations or the common sense ones? The point of the thread was that the OP was asking for specific products people use. Would you rather they kept posting asking for brand recs?

Drinking water is good for your body in general. If you're dehydrated, you can't perspire, and if you can't perspire, you can't clear out your pores.

Cleaning your pillowcase is common sense. Pillowcases get dirty even if you wash your face before bed. Ideally, people can wash their face twice a day: morning and night. However, washing your face too much can dry it out, so if you go to bed with a greasy face, or your face gets oily at night, it'll make the pillow dirty. Same thing goes for sheets, but most people don't get back acne. If OP did, I'd suggest changing the sheets more.

I wear makeup, so I have a set of pillowcases and two pillows. Even though I try to get all my makeup off with wipes, to the point that there's no makeup on my wipes, I always end up missing shit. I switch which pillow I use every day, and cycle in a new pillow case daily. I just wash my pillow cases with my laundry.

You're not gonna find a site with objective evidence about any of these tips. Nobody in the scientific community gives a shit about whether or not complexion tips matter, and if anyone cared, it'd be the companies that make products, and they wouldn't be publishing info for free, unless it increased sales (e.g. printing tips on the back of the bottle).

Follow some skincare forums and threads and sites and blogs and shit. Check out /cgl/ for good facial care tips, because facial care is pretty unisex (unless you get stuff with glitter, or stuff meant to be used for makeup, e.g. primers and highlighters and tinted moisturizers).

>> No.8339276

interesting. their beauty threads do seem a lot more informative than what happens around here

>> No.8339287

they prescribe it because protects you from malaria

>> No.8339300


I dunno this washing your pillowcase thing seems bullshit

Acne is caused by bacterial enzymes building up in pores clogged with an excess of oil/sebum. Are you suggesting that oil previously on your pillow will end up back onto your face the next time you sleep on it?

>> No.8339302


My only caveat is that you need to make sure they're not recommending products from Japan or Korea. However, the order to apply products, and the technique, all still apply to most products you'd find in America.

Also, make sure any products you get do NOT contain mica (the glittery stuff you'll find in a lot of cosmetics) if it's a women's or unisex product. Mica can clog your pores and will make you look glittery as fuck.

You'll probably want to stay away from glitter or tinted products, if you're a guy or just would rather not have products that make you glittery or add a pigment. I personally only am okay with having tinted moisturizer, and stay away from any products that add shimmer outside of cosmetics.

The order I've seen most people recommend is:

Acne medication (if necessary)

Rub it in in small circles, apply acne medication as a spot treatment, and for most of these, less is more. Clean your facial towels often!

>> No.8339316


Yeah, exactly. That's the problem with pillow cases, they get dirty. Would you rub your face on a clean shirt, and then rub the shirt on your face all night?



I personally get acne because I'm a gross fuck who sometimes forgets to clean their pillowcase (when I'm at college, I do my laundry more, because my room is smaller and I have guests over in my bedroom, so I don't wanna look gross) and touches their face all day. That's why I have acne on my cheeks and chin, but nowhere else: those are the areas that touch my hand when I rest my face in my hands.

Also, if I forget to wash my face before bed or something, and I'm wearing makeup, same shit happens. If I wear makeup for more than about twelve hours, I get a breakout. If I put on my makeup in the morning and then stay out all night, taking my makeup off and taking a shower before putting makeup on back on before going out, I'll get a breakout because my face has been coated in oil all day, given that the makeup I use clogs my pores.

>> No.8339342

alright well I suppose it couldn't hurt, I don't have many pillowcases but I might just put clean tee shirts over them or something.

I guess it would explain why I have more acne on one cheek than the other.

I'm still skeptical though tbh, I find it hard to believe that simply touching your face can cause acne, kids and people that have grown out of acne still touch their face/don't change their pillowcase every day and don't necessarily get acne from it.

>> No.8340040


t-shirts works too. Totally.

And I have no idea why kids and old people don't get acne at all. It's weird.

>> No.8340591

I just put a towel on my pillow.

Sleeping on your back is a also good idea. Not just because you avoid rubbing dirt into your skin, but also because you're putting less stress on the skin.

Though, if you snore, and especially if you have guests over, *please* don't follow that last piece of advice...

>And I have no idea why kids and old people don't get acne at all.
Hormones (or a lack thereof).

>> No.8340627

>implying hormones directly cause acne
>implying B vitamins are the same as B12 vitamins
lol good one mate...

Nope. It is commonly praised for being Ph balanced and mild.

>> No.8340696
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On a scale from 0/10 how bad is muh acne? I've started drinking shitloads of water, changing pillowcases and washing my face more often if that helps

>> No.8340705

you need to see a derm, mate

>> No.8340707

bad, but how old are you? it will most likely disappear as you get older

>> No.8340709

honestly the best thing you can do is get on medication

>> No.8340712

I turned 18 in January, I guess I'll go see a dermatologist, can't be that expensive

>> No.8340714

Like 7/10, that looks pretty bad

>> No.8340738

go to lush

>> No.8341259

Looks like my skin, except less acne and more ugly pores/blackheads