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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 400 KB, 1222x896, jason-momoa-kit-harington-game-of-thrones-panel-02 (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8330927 No.8330927[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I'm 5'3(160cm), a major factor in why my life got fucked. This isn't just simply being a manlet, I'm practically a midget at this point.

Is there any way I can wear decent clothes and look ok without looking ridiculous? Fuck, I'd rather have been born a full blown midget like Tyrone instead of this.

>> No.8330951

oh man i remember being 5'3, but i am girl so nothing has changed since i've grown 3 inches.

well not all is lost. you can simply date an asian girl. there are plenty that are below 5'3.

>> No.8330960

and btw yeah you can. you just have be completely comfortable with your height.

>> No.8330964

im very sory for ur lots

5'8 here, not as midgety as u but iktf anon

i think business casual would make you look better as in not overcompensating and fitting everyone
dressing too casual will make people think youre a kid

>> No.8330967

WHO is that adonis

>> No.8330968

move to asia

>> No.8330976

get jacked OP

wearing nice clothes will only make you look napoleon complex

>> No.8331007
File: 23 KB, 390x265, PRINCE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Why not try to overcompensate? Nothing to lose right? Embrace any budding Napoleon Complex. Prince has had more pussy than anybody at 1.58 m. Feel the revolution.

Or get yourself a pair of Chelsea Boots with a stacked Cuban Heel and build a mod wardrobe around it.

Grill here, btw, so my perspective on this might be fucked.

>> No.8331013

what is that logic

>> No.8331057

which one

>> No.8331080

I have that exact height, and let me tell you that there's nothing to feel bad about.

There are lots of petite girls, you can get fit and dress sharp as any other guy who love himself, although it's a bit harder to find clothes that fit, just don't try and do weird shit trying to compensate your height, that includes being a fashion victim for following some trend, but that's another story.

>> No.8331088

5'10 here m8 still feel kinda short

>> No.8331108

Go full normcore

>> No.8331110

Prince is absolutely terrible though

>> No.8331235

are you trying to make him feel worse jayyzus

ur an idiot
overly-jacked manlets look insecure AF and have weird proportions
style is where it's at

>> No.8331303

How old are you exactly?

>tfw 5'10, 20 years old and hoping i can gain another inch or two

>> No.8331315

That's actually so fucked up 5"3 is literal no hope status

>> No.8331398

>tfw only 189 cm

>> No.8331479

I wonder how it must be like. Being a 5'11 manlet I would tower over you, but I find most guys tower over me.
It would be funny seeing you stand next to one of those really tall guys

>> No.8331514

and I was mad about 5'7
I have no tips but you have my sympathy

>> No.8331543


>> No.8331613

6'1 masterrace

fuck being 6'3 looks goofy

>> No.8331626

>tfw when you're only 165
>got matched with a girl on tinder who is at least 5/10 but looks pretty tall
>tfw won't message because I feel too insecure about it

>> No.8331635

Kit Harrington.

>> No.8331647

>I'm 5'3(160cm), a major factor in why my life got fucked
ur fuccen gay, i'm 5'4, successful academically, socially and with grills
you have to realize that you're going to be a manlet FOR LIFE, you will never, ever ever gain any significant height, you will die and live as a manlet, you'll never experience what it feels like to be 6' and get the advantages with it. never

you can either be a 5'3 self-loathing finger-pointing sad little crybaby nobody really likes to hang around with, or you can be the best fucking 5'3 manlet you can (and apart from the height the world is vast and at your reach u fag)

my ex told me she wouldn't have been attracted to me had i not been comfortable with my height, and that it's the confidence that added a lot of points to the attractiveness department (on top of my 15/10 facial aesthetics obv), so there's that

>> No.8331654

how tall was she tho

is is important

>> No.8331659

what the fuck. How tall are the others in that pic if he's suppose to be 178

>> No.8331663

gfs from first to most recent: taller (she was also 17 and i was like 13~14 :^), taller, taller and the previous one was also a tad bit taller, but i'd usually take the lead because thank you air maxes

>> No.8331664

Kit isn't 178.

>> No.8333649

Think that kit is 172-173 cm according to imdb

>> No.8334782
File: 188 KB, 973x973, miles.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw 6'3 but moving to the Netherlands so I won't be tall there

>> No.8335459

>tfw 6'3 but living in the Netherlands so pretty much average

>> No.8337570

not sure if a subtle troll but even in netherlands the male average is only 6'0 even, and the female is 5'7.

Taking the average to be 5'10 its the equivalent of being 6'1 in America.

>> No.8337579

Why do people reproduce to make small offsprings? I'm 5'10 and already suffering from my small stature, I'd just shoot my brains if I was 5'3.

>> No.8337886

OP people here are all trolls.

The dating game is a number's game.

Supermodels can pick anyone they want and get them.

A great looking guy can get 8 numbers if he chats up 10 women.

An average guy maybe 2-3.

A guy who's a little short (myself) might have to approach 30 women to get one in bed.

You might have to approach 50 women to convert that to a bang / girlfriend.

My point is, the odds are literally against you. But there is always someone who has a worse handicap and always someone who has a better advantage.

Being short means you basically have to treat all 3 billion women on the planet as interchangeable, confidently approach and try to escalate with ever single non hamplanet, and accept what you can get.

But conventional dating methods may mean you are alone for the rest of your life. Your choice is to either play the number's game hard or face a much higher odds of being alone.

Actual /fa/ advice:

Slim fit is extremely important if you are short since baggy clothes make you look even shorter. Most clothes don't fit short guys so you have to get shirts, pants, and jackets altered. It's a bitch but that's life.

If you get the fit right there's nothing you can't wear that anyone else can.

>> No.8337934

I'm 5'3 as well.

Stop being so insecure with your height

>> No.8337950


man, Jon Snu is short as fuck

>> No.8337974

Meanwhile, I'm 5'10" and /fa/ tells me I look like Brad Pitt and Leonardo DiCaprio, but my pussy game is pretty stale because I don't have the balls to speak to any woman with the interest of getting their number. I've only been turned down once in my life, but I'm not happy with that and I have a phobia of rejection.

Meanwhile, uglier guys with more confidence and no fear of failure or rejection are having a good time with more women and are more wise than me.

As a dude we have three heavy benefits in the dating game: We are expected to pick, we are expected to fail, and we don't have to be attractive to find mates. The only thing holding you back OP is the drive to make it happen and the acceptance of failure.