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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 567 KB, 1280x960, 2D9680053-131113-e-cigarette-6p.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8329946 No.8329946[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Are e-cigs /fa/?

>> No.8329953

this happens everyday, they are not fa for fucks sake

>> No.8329959

Not at all.

>> No.8329960
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no, theyre not fa. they dont have to look total shit either, tho.

>> No.8329967
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Not really- I get strange looks whenever I use mine in public.

Not to say they're not a fun hobby, but theyve got a ways to go before they're /fa/ or even normalfag-approved

>> No.8329976

>a hobby

>> No.8329980

i never use mine in public. simply not fa, just trying to quit my habbit.

>> No.8329987

Only with a techwear fit.

>> No.8330000

Literally everybody at HS had these before I graduated. They're definitely a normalfag thing, meanwhile I get chastised for smoking swishers

>> No.8330001

>endless possibilities for your own customized setup
>building coils, wrapping wicks, modifying your gear or sometimes making your own
>trying/collecting different flavors with different PG/VG/nic ratios

Sounds like a hobby to me

>> No.8330008

Nice dub+quads m8

What year did you graduate? I didnt even know what ecigs were when I graduated in '11

>> No.8330010

No they're not /fa/. They're even less if you smoke them without any nicotine to look cool.

>> No.8330017
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So dumb. Even worse when people say "vaping." Makes my skin crawl

>> No.8330018

no they're retro normcore.

>> No.8330025

I actually just graduated this year but people have been having those at school since about '12 was when I noticed them but now so many people have them. Although I live in CA so people have less rigid ideas about substance abuse here

>> No.8330042

>this year
That explains it. The only people I see with ecigs here in MN are neckbeards, aside from when I actually go to a vape shop, then the people are pretty cool

What verb should people use then?

>> No.8330048

i had one given to me. i love 'smoking' it in my room in my most try-hard techish comfies pretending i'm from the future.

i wouldn't be caught dead in public with one tho.

>> No.8330137

absolutely not

it's cute when i do it though

>> No.8330512

More so than ordinary cigarettes, but it really depends on the e-cig in question. Some have that futuristic techware look and some have a kinda steampunk thing going on, but most are pretty dull.

Cigars and pipes are the only really interesting things to be seen smoking anymore.

>> No.8330518

League of Legends

>> No.8330529

safer alternatives to things are not fa

>> No.8330581
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>> No.8330663

>What verb should people use then?

>> No.8330678

Absolutely not

>> No.8330680



>> No.8330686
File: 72 KB, 600x424, Summer-Clothing-Designer-Collection-Colcci-Kutcher-Ambrosio-Vast-Sea-Hawaiian-Shirts-Mens-Clothing-600x424.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's good /fa/
I'm laying in bed thinking about all my good cops and cool fits. Recently I've been wondering what my nice dogs wear for pants during the summer? Specifically, I have been planning to acquire a rather nice Hawaiian shirt, with a very fun, colorful design because it is practically summer here in Califoolya (we call it that cuz there's some fools out here). Since a nice dog like me doesn't wear shorts, I am curious what type of pants work with Hawaiian shirts?
If someone has some inspo pics, please post. I believe every young nice dog like me should have one fun Hawaiian shirt for summer parties.
Thanks and I look forward to hearing your thoughts.

Also you could post pics of hawain shirts and shorts if the shorts are nice.

>> No.8330692

I meant to start my own thread but since this thread is absolutely stupid and clear someone just watched that yung lean vid i think you should address my post instead.

of course e-cigs aren't /fa/ but that doesn't mean you shouldn't use one.

>> No.8330695
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Anyway, I think they definitely are. They're *right* in a way traditional cigs can't be anymore, not like morally right because of our contemporary obsession with health, surprisingly. But tonally right, aesthetically right, in sync with the time.

Also, I don't think anyone's figured them out yet, what they are, the way Richard Klein did (after hundreds of years) with traditional cigs. Don't you want to be out ahead of the critics? Don't you want to be pioneering a new kind of affect from an old chemical?

>> No.8330712

Shit isn't even that addictive man, really. I use eCigs a few times a month when I feel like it, and I since I don't have a preexisting cigarette addiction I don't ever feel the need to use it regularly. Even then, there's more in cigarettes that makes them addictive than nicotine, look it up. It's just the nicotine that feels good. I'm a regular user of caffine which I think is more addicting on it's own and possibly more dangerous than nicotine on it's own.

>> No.8330755

REMINDER : Pic related.

Some e-cigs look pretty good (stingray X kraken, other mecanical mods etc).
People here will say it looks like shit until they see Cara/Rick/the v-files faggots with one.

Don't give a shit anyway, been smoking for 15 years, 1 PAD+. Switched to e-cigs, haven't smoked ANY cig in 20 days. No craving at all. My skin and hair already look better.

>> No.8330758
File: 535 KB, 1556x1037, fccboi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And I forgot the picture. I shouldn't wake up at 7AM on sundays...

>> No.8330772

wait. Do you smoke the actual fucking cigar. Without weed or anything. Cause if so you are a weird fuck my friend.

>> No.8330790

No he's not, are you 14?

>> No.8330949


>> No.8331069


smoking is fashionable if you happen to be in a position where someone might observe you, otherwise you're just a tit with a drug habit

regular cigarettes are for brooding with outdoors and on balconies and leaning over railings, et cetera; electronic ones are for brooding with indoors, on airplanes while you look contemplative, et cetera

>> No.8331093

And they r right!

>> No.8331160

except girls don't look right brooding over railing... i find myself having to brood standing upright against a wall with one leg up... or brood while perched coquettishly on a park bench...

that being said the only people i see with e-cigs are middle aged chinese ladies. whatchu gonna make of that huh??

>> No.8331162

tips fedora

>> No.8331213


join me and my lesbian androgyne aesthetic & brood & smoke while clad in a Leyendecker-esque suit

>> No.8331245

pray tell what does a lesbian dressed as a gay smoke??

>> No.8331255

Which one are you? The one with the moobs? The one with capris?The one with the dress? The one with the girl hips and stretched ear? Or the clown with capris and clown shoes?

>> No.8331278

Where in MN bro?

>> No.8331312


Fucking fuck no

E-cigs are the most fedora shit since fedoras. Every single person I see smoking them is some beta faggot with a smug look on their face like they're the shit cos they smoke. At least people who smoke normal cigarettes aren't trying to look cool about it unless they're 15 and under. They're usually fags too, but for other reasons.

And everyone smokes these things out of the corner of their mouth like a fucking FAGGOT oh my god I'm mad

>yo /b/, what's everyone vaping tonight?

The fact that this thread happens like three times a day on fucking /b/ should tell you it's not /fa/

At least if you smoke cigarettes you'll die quicker

>> No.8331321

im convinced that cancer will be cured in my life time, so i fund big tobacco companies by buying actual cigarettes so they can develop more cancer research so that they wont have a dying user base

>> No.8331325

That's ok to be mad. I just vape and not brag about it, mostly vape at home. Don't give a shit if it's /fa/, my lungs are more /fa/ now.

>> No.8331375
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>e-cigs are not /fa/

>> No.8331381

looks like something the teenage son of a middle eastern or russian billionaire would buy

>> No.8331387

>going to /b/

>> No.8331390

Rather be on /b/ and know to not act like the majority of the community than to unwittingly act like the majority of the community

>> No.8331399

costs 200 euros tops available in copper brass, regular steel...

>> No.8331413


>> No.8331438


>> No.8331441

Post fit faggot

>> No.8331442

i'm a girl...

>> No.8331456
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>> No.8331461
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The fags with tanks that have replaceable atomizers sure.

But dem real niggaz wid dem rebuidable onez r da shieet.

>please kill me

>> No.8331463

ok? post fit anyways faggot

>> No.8331474

RDA & RBA master race
no you'll fap

>> No.8331480


clove cigarettes for the smell

logic menthol because they're slim and black and long and don't fall to pieces when i grit my teeth around them

i'm a narcissist with an oral fixation, and logic is the best i've found so far for watching thick smoke curl out of my own mouth

>> No.8331486

u want thick smoke (vapor) get an RDA, drop 100%VG juice on dat coton niqqa

>> No.8331493


shhhhhh, shhh. the dykes are speaking now, pet.

>> No.8331529

pls post fit

>> No.8331550

>mfw plebs don't embrace the e-cig
>mfw 5 years from now every smoker will have one
I thought you guys were in advance on your time. Isn't it what fashionable people do?

>> No.8331562

I have one but not a cigalike or a shit ego. Get a mod (mecanical) and a dripper

>> No.8331642

I work in the industry (not a model) and attend a lot of castings (male and female modeling). I can tell you it's becoming more and more trendy among models. They have ego / spinner e-cigs though.

>> No.8331855

I think it depends on the type of ecig.

The big bulky expensive ones that enthusiasts tend to use definitely aren't.

The small ones shaped like a traditional cigarette are in my opinion, I think the black one with the blue LED made by BLU looks pretty stylish and is my suited for social smokers, these are the type you see in tv and film.

>> No.8332351
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Interesting opinion