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8323965 No.8323965[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Do girl find guys better looked clean shaven or with some beard and mustache

I think I look better with facial hair and only feel nude and weird clean shaven, but seem to get more attention from girls then

>> No.8323974

depends on the skull

>> No.8323975

Depends where you're based, age etc, but generally, extremely light stubble is best in my opinion. Then you still look clean and fresh, but still have enough facial hair to get the girls that love facial hair

>> No.8324194

This, 2.5mm stubble seems to be the sweet spot for me

>> No.8324296

stubble is the safest option, girls can find big beards ugly or think you're a kiddo when you don't have a beard

>> No.8324305

>but seem to get more attention from girls then
more girls like clean shave/stubble but the few that like beards will show much more appreciation for it

>> No.8324385
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>> No.8324405

This stubble is the key.

>> No.8324464

When I was cleanshaven I looked like a fresh-faced retard and it tore my skin to bits and often opened up spots and shit, leaving nasty red blotches on my face, and I'd get really bad razor burn on my neck (due to a fucking huge adam's apple)

I usually had a 2-3 day stubble and girls seemed to like that, especially as I have dark hair and thick growth.

One day during a depressive episode I thought "fuck it" and just stopped shaving (aside from the initial few weeks of carefully trimming my neckline), and nearly 7 months later here I am with a thick, dark, full beard.

I get a lot more "nods" from other men of all ages, I catch people looking at it more, and back in sixth form I was a bit of a celebrity because I was the only one with facial hair. I've had a lot more random conversations with people and people tend to see me as more of an authorative figure (I'm 6'5, so I guess I look pretty intimidating too)

As for girls, it is very polarising. I have had a few girls that want to touch it/stroke it/plait it. These are typically your more "alternative" girls. On the other hand, the one girl that I was sort of getting on absolutely hates it, beyond anything else.

One girl at a bar once starting talking to me about beards (apparently she fucking loves beards) asked me once "Do you ever think people just see you for your beard?", and initially I rejected the idea.

But it's came to my attention that yes, people -definitely- just see me as my beard, not who I am.

Can't say it's got me laid more or less because I've always had no pussygame due to muh catholic guilt and muh lack of experience.

If you have the balls to put up with being called a terrorist/hobo/hipster/whatever, continuously, then I say go for it, if your growth is good enough. If not, keep it at a stubble, it's an easy middle-ground, and far less polarising.

>> No.8324468


really enjoyed that post, rock on beard bro

>> No.8324483



>> No.8324486

fuck it, guess we can turn this into beard general.
I have a couple questions
1. right side of beard is less full as left side, apparently its not too noticeable but I notice it, wat do?

2. hair isnt pubemode but i could use more thickness, what do?

3. how do i get more hair to fill in gaps, e.g. stache/chin connection?

>> No.8324503

Nice post bro

>> No.8324510
File: 115 KB, 480x360, 1380851555482.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anyone one have a trick to keep the perfect stubble. i tend to have to shave once a week or else it gets too long. but i hate starting over at that baby skin. but it will long good the day after

>> No.8324513

>what is a trimmer

>> No.8324515

Post a pic?

How long have you been growing it for? What colour is your hair? How old are you? If you sleep on your face, your hair might be slightly different on one side. I sleep on my right side, so the hair on that side if slightly more wild. It goes away when your beard gets bigger though.

For the most part try combing it, get a decent comb/brush (Boar hair is usually recommended for beards). Moroccan oil is usually recommended to try and minimise the frizziness. However, you can use Tea Tree or Argan oil.

My routine is as follows:

>Get up (and brush moustache out away from mouth)
>Brush beard briefly, to get rid of any knots and tangles
>Shower, fully wet my beard
>Maybe condition my beard (every third day, not every day, NEVER SHAMPOO)
>Briefly towel-dry beard to remove excess water
>Comb beard again
>Dry with hairdryer on low heat, while shaping with hand until beard is just a little bit damp
>Apply a small 10p (dime?) size amount of Oil Of Choice to beard, rub fully into beard
>Continue to dry with hairdryer until almost fully dry
>Brush again
>Apply a small amount of wax (personally use American Crew Fibre) to moustache, move to the sides to keep it out of my mouth

I'm the guy with the 7-monther, any questions I'll be happy to answer

>> No.8324520

wait a year or so
that shit's either puberty or genetics related

>> No.8324526

I actually shaved today, longest beard i kept was december 2013-may 2014, shaved it in early may and grew it again until this morning. I figured that if i shave the blonde hairs that keep growing, they'll eventually turn into real hair lol.
i'm 18 (19 in about 20 days), haircolour is brown, usually sleep on the back of my head.
considering that i'm 18, i'm hoping its puberty related considering its only been 6 months since i entered the whole beard thing.

>> No.8324543


Yeah I started mine the end of november, still got it now. I'm also 18, but I have got seemingly great beard genetics (always been a early bird for puberty-related shit). It's pretty normal to not have a great beard at this age, as I said I was the only one in my sixth form (about 300 people) that could grow a beard to a respectable level.
Just give it time mate. The "keep shaving, it grows back quicker" thing is complete bullshit though.

Growing a beard is probably equal parts mental perseverance and disregarding people's opinions as it is the physical ability to grow one.

>> No.8324550

i know the keep shaving thing is bullshit, i didn't have pubes for literally 3 years (shaved every day), nothing weird ever happened.

>> No.8324572

i want a full sikh beard
do i just not touch the thing for like a year

>> No.8324591

Oh, if you're only 18 you may have up to ten years before you can grow a good beard. Depends on the person.

>> No.8324597

you gotta maintain it tho
use argan oil and trim it so it doesn't get ratty looking

>> No.8324606


Although for the first 2 months (ish) I advise you trim up the neckline a little so you look at least a -bit- presentable while you go through the dreaded scruffy stage. That's when most people crack and shave it all off. Getting a good neckline going is rather difficult, however, depending on the person and can take quite a bit of practise to make it look natural.

What this guy said, aside from the trim. I never trim mine but I do oil/brush it. Then again I'm studying Chemistry so my chosen profession is sort of synonymous with the bearded aesthetic, and I can have it as long as I want

>> No.8324641
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It all depends on what you look like with it. This principle applies to everything.

Some people just don't look right with a beard, or their beard doesn't really grow right. Others just look so much better with a beard. There are women that hate beards, there are women that love beards, but the truth is women are stupid and don't actually know what they do or do not like, they would both be attracted to a guy that looks good in a beard and a guy that looks good clean shaven.

If any of you watch Rhett and Link, Link just doesn't look right with a beard man.

>> No.8324657

It depends... on the girl.

>> No.8326853
File: 70 KB, 1280x720, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So true, this. Then again, some people have faces where you don't really notice the beard, and even people who you notice their lack of beard as an odd choice of style. My dad has a face that positively needs a beard. He keeps it to 1-2 cm, so it does not scream for attention, and it matches his complexion very well so it looks extremely natural on him. Without a beard he looks positively weird, and it does go way beyond the fact that I'm not used to seeing it (seen it twice in my life). Pic related is not my dad, but an excellent example of a person who should grow out an inch of beard (and cut that stupid hair and ditch those glasses) to make his face *less* distracting.

>> No.8327078

i was justing watching gmm and yea it would be weird af if they swapped facial hair

>> No.8327090


>> No.8327106

I can only speak for myself, but as soon as i got a beard the attention from girls skyrocketed beyond my belief. It's insane...

>> No.8327107

Haven't been able to grow anything on my face for all 19 years of my life, aside from some short prickly hairs on my chin. If I stop masturbating every night, do you guys think my face will man the fuck up and start growing hair?

>> No.8327132
File: 275 KB, 800x800, 14627845.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have shitty half-asian genetics that result in pictured facial air at the age of 22. This is about a week growth and compared with just shaved.

Any advice on what I should do with it or am I stuck with the babyface look?

>> No.8327137

You honestly look p good with facial hair m8. stop being hard on yourself. Let it grow. srs.

>> No.8327139

get better genes

>> No.8327144

I got into raw denim back in high school so that's about the best I could do for getting better jeans.

>> No.8327147
File: 175 KB, 809x509, IMG_3987.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hate my facial hair.
It's kinda bronze/golden/red colored and doesn't grow that good. Pic was taken when I was 17 though, now with 18 I only wear stubble.
I hope I can get a full beard with 20-25

>> No.8327592

>tfw had to shave my 2 month beard progress because i lost a bet

>> No.8327597

>I'd get really bad razor burn on my neck (due to a fucking huge adam's apple)
the eternal struggle

>> No.8327605

You look better with facial hair, but not good with it.

>> No.8327854

bravo scalpchan

>> No.8327875

I do a once over with my merkur which leaves a bit of hair depending on how new the blade is

I can get babyface but it requires a lot more effort with me because my skin is really thin and I have to be careful going against the grain

I'm not sure which looks better but I wouldn't leave a 5 o'clock to go to a wedding or anything

>> No.8327902


you look gr8 m8

>tfw no samurai beard genes

>> No.8327910

cum stained beards are the best

>> No.8329223
File: 337 KB, 450x378, sxmxs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Should i shave it /fa/?

>> No.8329236

it doesn't matter in your case

>> No.8329242
File: 78 KB, 1024x576, 2x01b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

go all the way
or shave it all off

>> No.8329252

I think its cool but I think chicks wont dig it.

>> No.8329255

>changing your preferences for females
whyyoudothis? Do what you want or youll never find happiness...

>> No.8329257

You look like a guy who would suggest sex to his 13 year old cousin. That's not a compliment.

>> No.8329796
File: 147 KB, 783x1021, mongol_warrior_by_garcar-d5u7x8g.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

go full mongol warrior
fuck it

>> No.8329814

hahahha are you that retarded that you dont even see you have a weak jawline so the goatee wont work.
go full beard trimmed not as long as those pubes on your chin

>> No.8329846
File: 41 KB, 560x395, 1194960_orig.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I get a lot more "nods" from other men of all ages, I catch people looking at it more, and back in sixth form I was a bit of a celebrity because I was the only one with facial hair. I've had a lot more random conversations with people and people tend to see me as more of an authorative figure

>> No.8329862

Oh my fuck I can't stop laughing.
God damn.

>> No.8330110
File: 61 KB, 505x380, b4after.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think girls tend to prefer clean shaven. Most guys, including myself, can't take care of a beard for shit so it just comes off as unkempt. I usually get more looks when I'm clean shaven I guess.

Anyway, I want your guys' input. I know I'm an idiot and didn't take the same pictures at the same angle, but this is about a month's worth of beard compared to stubble.

What do you guys think?

>> No.8330122

1st pic disgusting terrorist mustafa, disgusting vibes
2nd pic 1st generation immigrant studying sport science in some shitty college

I'm a girl btw.

>> No.8330257
File: 549 KB, 797x478, 133884034252.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mufasa was my favorite character in The Lion King, he had a rad beard too. Thank you!

>> No.8330261

get a beard trimmer lmao

>> No.8330284

10/10 would have nonverbal sex with you in your second picture and stop immediately when you look like the first picture

>> No.8330291

Girls like the look of stubble but the feel of clean shaven. You can't please them so just do whatever the fuck you want. Even if you could please them you should do whatever the fuck you want anyway.

>> No.8330733
File: 167 KB, 1000x1039, conchita-wurst-228063_w1000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Should i shave it /fa/?

>> No.8330774

2 looks best, also stop sucking in your cheeks, and you look like my best mexican friend

>> No.8330797
File: 19 KB, 600x600, original_CW.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how do i not get shaving rash? started using a DE razor recently, is it just a matter of having decent blades and a well moist face? I'm just using pic related

>> No.8330881

get a not ghetto lather
tub + brush is generally more comfortable, but tubed is way more convenient.
malin+goetz makes a great tube and lasts ages for $22.

just fyi
if the box aint /fa/ the product is likely shit
design shows up all over, and shit products are rarely made by people who know shit.
obv not 100% coke has great designs but fuck its some murderous stuff
and autistic 'hobbyist' shops generally have no idea what the hell is going on beyond the explicit, measurable and quantifiable aspects of the product. so the shit might be good but it'll look like total ass

>> No.8330924


I've watched a ton of instructional videos on shaving and most of them emphasise using very little pressure and 'letting the weight of the razor do the work', I've always found I have to use some pressure, is that because I'm buying shit blades that are blunt? or is it because of the lather ?

>> No.8330959

obviously you apply some pressure, you can't just drop the fucking thing
its like the amount of pressure you use to write, assuming you don't write like a kindergartner
very light
the phrase is mostly just to stop you from using the kind of pressure you'd need for a multiblade
cuz thatd fuck u up

if you're thinking the blades are too dull, just go to the extreme end and buy feather
aint gettin much sharper than those
probably cut yourself a bit at first but its not like it matters
can at least not blame that part of the tool
not like its gonna be big/permanent cuts either

also you want to be moistening with warm/hot water, softens the hairs
like post-shower kind of thing
or just warm up the sink water

unless your cream simply isn't doing anything, your lather shouldn't be the problem
and i'm just assuming your cream is shit because that box looks worse than fucking colgate

>> No.8330988

If you can pull off facial hair, you will pretty much always look better with it

Unfortunately, beards have become a meme lately so everyone is growing one. Including those who shouldn't. And it just looks bad. Be careful when growing it out.

>> No.8331051
File: 139 KB, 599x436, Tim Dont Care.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If your stubble area hair grows relatively quickly, then you can shave when you get home in the evening. Overnight it will become decent stubble, and you can keep it for a day or 2. I recommend just investing in a facial trimmer/shaver. Way easier each day to maintain, and quicker.

>> No.8331060

>tfw post-scenecore tumblr fags have ruined beards for the next handful of years

>> No.8331217

keep it, goddess

>> No.8331243
File: 75 KB, 400x618, Martin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like having light stubble like pic related.

Does wonders for accentuating my smile.

>> No.8331251

In my experience grills prefer a stubble if you're in your 20s or have a baby face

>> No.8331253

especially when coupled with HY
and as a bonus: underdeveloped bodies/16 year old girl hands/chicken legs

>> No.8331260

I say maybe shave the cheeks and shape the sideburns, but the even the thin mustache and chin scruff looks decent if you want to keep it.

>> No.8331280

post pic

>> No.8331290

Big wolf on campuscore

>> No.8331589

There's studies that show a 10 day beard is the best followed by a 3 day beard (i.e stubble for most).

>> No.8332923
File: 56 KB, 350x420, 1389833040187.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8333059

News flash...maybe women and boys find you authoritative but no real man would be scared of you because you're 6'5. Height is only respected by weaklings ie: women, children, seniors citizens. Just because you're tall it doesn't mean you're tough.

>> No.8333067

Yeah alright mate, just saying what I have noticed since growing my beard, no need to get touchy about my height.

Tough doesn't equate to authorative, either. Most of the "tough" guys I know are basically wildcard kiddies that never really grew up.

Thankfully I don't rely solely on my appearance for that, I can measure my value from other factors of life.

>> No.8333109

beards are disgusting.

this retarded beard worship is approaching enshrouded middle eastern shithole levels of pathetic.

epsecially when it's on some insecure hipster hippie faggot with slicked hair who clearly doesn't even work out.

>> No.8333200
File: 27 KB, 500x320, 004.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is that Vince Vaughn sucking on dick/ice cream in the background?

>> No.8333203

manlet detected

>> No.8333244
File: 99 KB, 845x1055, 1402074831457.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Should I shave it /fa/?

>> No.8333271

I'm a skinny Spanish guy and girls usually like my facial hair. A girl I'm seeing right now doesn't like when I shave. It's funny, I'm 19 & went to buy cigarettes and the guy at the counter laughed when I took out my ID, because apparently I looked "obviously" over 19. Really does make you look older.

>> No.8333280
File: 126 KB, 1012x674, samurai.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that's awesome dude, go samurai-mode

>> No.8334007
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>> No.8334017

i feel so sorry about that dude

>> No.8334246


There's actually been several empirical studies on this believe it or not. If I recall correctly, light stubble was seen as most attractive

>> No.8334318

On the other hand, he made people produce excellent OC.

>> No.8334349

being a meme is a blessing and a curse

>> No.8334353


why is light stubble so attractive

>> No.8334409


Heres one such study:


>> No.8334612

You mean wash your face.

>> No.8334626


>> No.8334635

If you have a jawline, shaved is probably better, unless you are some shade of not white. If you don't, get at least some shadow.

>> No.8334789

Everytime I have a light stubble going I want to suck my own dick i'm so pretty

>> No.8334797
File: 1.23 MB, 1266x838, ss (2014-06-08 at 02.40.25).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's a great way to lose 10 years

also any recommendations on good trimmers?

>> No.8334806

shave goatee, keep moustache, button up your shirt all the way up, will look cool mane

>> No.8334812

Terrible terrible posture

>> No.8334819

thats bullsht
im 5'9 and i'd shit my pants if i had to fight a 6'5

>> No.8334821

I'm almost 24 and can't grow a beard to save my life. All i get is a pathetic mustache and some hairs on my chin.
Will i ever be able to grow a beard?

>> No.8334848

are u rich
can u afford facial hair transplantation?

>> No.8334853

buy a 12 month supply of minoxidil kirkland on ebay

guys from russian imageboard use this, and it
helps them to grow beards from like pathetic couple of hairs to decent beard.

1 ml twice a day on your face/desired hair area, leave it and dont wipe or anything
result seen in 1month, full beard appears by 6-12 months

also no any side effects afaik.

good luck

>> No.8334857

That's the best OC we can get on /fa/.

>> No.8334860

Girls have no bloody idea what looks good which is why they like clean shaven even if you look better with facial hair. I look quite young when clean shaven but I love my facial hair and I don't want to look bloody young, I don't know why it's such an obsession, if anything I want to look older than I am. I instantly write off anybody who thinks men should only be clean shaven.

>> No.8335199

I dont know what the fuck is wrong with this guys
yourfacial hair looks really disgusting, sorry.
Its to thin and look like these awkward mustaches young boys sometimes refuse to shave. I dont know if you giva a shit about a girls opinion but Im pretty sure most would agree with me

>> No.8335536
File: 173 KB, 929x649, proofthattheresnogod.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are so lucky and unlucky at the same time. If you changed your haircut in pic1 to one of those undercut types, of something trendy, you would look great... until you shaved. So don't shave.

>> No.8335578

you have a pretty good jaw line, don't worry

>> No.8335601

Get more modern haircut, upgrade glasses to something like the ones Bateman wore in American Psycho and keep the beard. You will instantly go from a 5-6 to an 8

>> No.8335907
File: 174 KB, 1200x883, Momentos_Ayrton_Senna_40_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you have a many looking face you'll look better with a clean shave

>> No.8335922
File: 140 KB, 1920x1080, americanpsychoshot1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thanks for the advice. I shaved cause it was just getting really hot out so now I'm just gonna keep it trimmed to just stubble (I can't deal with shaving every day).

I'll look into the haircut tho

>> No.8336227

Facial hair is basically makeup for dudes. Makes average fuckfaces look better. Lol @ needing shit on ur face to be attractivr