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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 295 KB, 1600x1200, cigarette.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8322887 No.8322887[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Do you smoke /fa/?

>> No.8322889

do you?

>> No.8322891


>> No.8322893

smoke wot


>> No.8322894


I smoke dicks

>> No.8322898

One month into quitting.

Seriously not very /fa/ of me

>> No.8322901

Smoking is the most effay thing you can do.

>> No.8322908
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>mfw you see faggots who dont inhale the smoke just coz they think having a cigarette makes you look cool

>> No.8322912

Quit recently. Smoking looks cool but its effects in the long term aren't cool. If you're one of the people who can enjoy the stimulating effects of tobacco without experiencing serious health problems then congratulations, I'm very jealous.

Started smoking at 14, I'm 20 now. Around a pack a day.

>> No.8322915

doesn't that kill your teeth?
emphysema is more effay than mouth gangrene

>> No.8322918


>> No.8322919

Did you slowly cut the amount or did you just say fuck it and threw them away. Trying to quit myself, but keep failing.
> 5 years ago I quit overnight, with no problems, then started smoking after 6 months due to stress, and can't quit now

>> No.8322939

I just said fuck it man. I actually followed my mum's advice from when she quit (like 25 years ago) and didn't throw away my cigarettes, I still keep them at home so that I never stress out about not having any in case I really, really need one, and also feel better about my self control for not touching them. It's been about eight weeks now without nicotine - the first five days or so was fucking horrible. It's been a lot better since then, and the last couple of weeks I've actually gained a lot of energy I haven't felt since I was a child. It's cool, I just hope I can keep it up.

I've withdrawn from Xanax in the past and that was easily a million times worse than nicotine, so I'm relatively confident I can continue like this. Good luck man, it's a struggle but we're gonna make it :'')

>> No.8322941

Started out as an occasional smoker, with friends at a bar and such, you know what I mean. When I began working, I just got in the habit of taking breaks and walking outside with coworkers to chill a little bit, couple times every day.. of course some of them were smoking and eventually I started too.
About 10 a day (and up to 30 when going out partying, obviously). I am not sure how I feel about it, I am not really planning to have children or anything remotely this far-reaching, so the long term problems are meaningless to me (stupid, I know).
Lately, right side of my throat has been hurting when swallowing, I am obviously paranoid that it might have something to do with the cigs. Any idea?

>> No.8322950

shisha weed and dmt lol

>> No.8322975

e-cig, got a vamo w/ aerotank mega, just bought an igo-L for that drip tho
i've smoke 11 years one pack a day, 17days analog free, e-cigs are awesome

>> No.8322983

no. sure it looks "cool," but you're fucking up your body. your teeth get discolored. you fuck up your respiratory and digestive systems. you'll spend more money paying for more cigarettes and less for really /fa/ things.

don't do it. when you get older and you find something to live for, even after you quit, you'll have cravings like a motherfucker, and they'll never go away. NEVER.

>> No.8322985

>this guy
Pls go

>> No.8322996
File: 1.81 MB, 4128x2322, SoyB6Bd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

buy e-cig

>> No.8323029

Tried it, threw it in the drawer. Doesn't cut for me. And I want to stop smoking, sick of lloking tired and having grey skin, having smelly clothes and coughing up every morning. Plus, more monies for clothes and other shit.

I recently started running and taking care of my body again, cause after I broke up a 6year relationship with gf (long story, drained me financialy and emotionaly), I've done nothing but work/eat/seat/sleep and gained 18 kgs in the course of 6 months. Now that I'm out of the blue zone, it's time to fix myselfm and smoking is a thing I really want to quit, so any advice is helpful. The one with leaving the cigs in the house is a good one, just have to resist the temptaion. I'll make it for sure, just hoping that I'll get thru the headaches easily, cause when I stopped smoking for 2 days two weeks ago I thought my head will explode.

>> No.8323057


>> No.8323106

you're so 2005 with analog cigs lmao

>> No.8323115

Good to hear you're doing alright man, I wish I could do a lot more physical activity but my lungs are so fucked from inhaling carcinogens all throughout my teenage years that it's still fucking difficult.

The keeping cigarettes around thing might not work for you, it's just personal I guess. If I were you I'd look into Allen Carr's Easyway To Stop Smoking, either the book or the video. It sounds so dumb until you actually go through it but it really makes you change the way you think and feel about smoking. I mean, as a smoker you're pretty much putting up with a huge number of inconveniences and hurting yourself physically just for a minor buzz, but because it's so addictive you end up building a ton of justifications. By the time I finished reading that shit it just seemed logical to stop, and was actually a lot easier than I expected.

>> No.8323119
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Yeah I do, I think it makes me look cool.

>> No.8323140

Gonna chech it out. TY Anon.

>> No.8323149


nothing more annoying then stepping out for a needed smoke at a party to have like 5 social smoking faggots come up and tell you they "need" a "fag"

fuck off

>> No.8323153

whats an /fa/

>> No.8323164

see a doctor. that's the only reasonable idea.

>> No.8323184

I hate smokers with every fiber of my being, so no.

>> No.8323188

>Costs a shit ton
>Bad breath
>Bad teeth
>Addiction is the sign of a weak personality
>Your youth will end and you'll just be that disgusting old smoker

Smoking is about as effay as tattoos, ie not at all.


>> No.8323189

alright can i buy a cig off you for 50p mate

>> No.8323192

Yes, I smoke meth. Is meth /fa/ ?

>> No.8323196

i find if i don't smoke for a few days, that first cigarette i have is disgusting.

think it wouldn't be too hard to stop, but i like having an excuse to just sit down and relax for a short period and have a cigarette. if you're waiting/walking somewhere it's just nice to have something to do if you're bored as well

>> No.8323219

as these say, it may look cool but it will kill you inside

>> No.8323233

tattoos are p fash actually
im getting a neck and too sleeves
hands and knuckles first

im a 6'3 male model tho so keep ur fedora posting to ur selt

>> No.8323248

Yeah but i smoke rollies, champion ruby +supa slim filters+ blue rizzlas if im lucky normally tally-ho's (thats right im an ausfag)

>> No.8323252

lmao another fuccboi ruining his skin thinking it'll make up for his dull personality.

Pure skin, pure body is the effay way.

>> No.8323253

Not worth it.

>> No.8323261

it also makes you age much quicker than normal. 35 year old smokers look fucking disgusting, which is way too young to lose your looks

>> No.8323265

dead @ this geek saying fuccboi

its fuckboy u awkward white child

what is this 2012

stay in ur own lane mark ass bitch before i blow smoke in ur face and make u cry

>> No.8323269

Smoke at parties

>> No.8323292

>being a nicotine addict

whos the pleb here

>> No.8323363
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l m a o
this is u

>> No.8323403

I wouldn't be very cool if I didn't

>> No.8324544

>implying i don't vape 0mg nic 100%VG juice
fucking plebeian

>> No.8324646


>if you smoke that means you smoke a pack a day
>smokers who smoked a pack a day look like shit

what the fuck is this fuckin mom convention i walked in on

>> No.8324653
File: 48 KB, 500x313, abuhh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>implying huffing on this shit >>8322996 for your nicotine habit isn't /fa/ as fuck

it's like neo/fa/
fuckin future

make sure it's that stuff though, and not some faggot cigarette lookalike

>> No.8324957

i like the idea of smoking but im not too big on the whole lung cancer thing

>> No.8324961

>actually inhaling
You know you can "smoke" and not get lung cancer, right..?

>> No.8324989

why the fuck would you not inhale? you like smoke in your mouth? you're still at risk for tongue/mouth cancers anyways dumbass

>> No.8324992

Because inhaling fucks your lungs..? Also, smoking 1 cigarette a day won't do too much harm.

>> No.8325004

I can stop smoking when I want. Specially if I don't leave the house.

But if I'm out with friends or in some public space just waiting, the cravings kill me. It's usually only 3-4 cigs a day at this point, so I could stop and be healthy for the rest of my life.

Ugh but it's boring.

>> No.8325016

I don't really see a problem with smoking. A lot of people say it fucks with your health but honestly people make a conscious choice to smoke so let them do what they want and stop shoving your anti-smoking propaganda down everyones throat.

>> No.8325102

u must be trelling
y do it then?
smoking is shitty anyway, downsides out way the benefits but especially if you just smoke one and don't inhale
>no 'buzz'
>you still smell
>could lead 2 more

>> No.8325121

Started smoking at 16, used to smoke 3 cigs a day to start, now almost 1 pack a day, spirits too, because they burn longer.

>> No.8327006

Interesting. Are you socially anxious?

>> No.8327021


Seems like you are addicted physically. Buy some nicotine plasters (these are bad for people mentally addicted, because they eliminate the feeling of shame, but may be good for you) and follow the instructions. Just cutting smoking in 1 day is good for people who are mentally addicted, but not for you. Your body needs to adapt first.

>> No.8327030

I've got a tip for you guys trying to quit over a period of time. Every time you don't buy a new pack, put the money you would spend in a box/jar/whatever, and set the goal for buying something (like a piece of clothing, new headphones or some shit). Don't force yourself on a choice - just something you actually WANT. That's what I did, and the feeling of getting some joggers instead of having been smoking for some time is great.

It's worse if you don't spend money on it and just smoke cigs with friends, but sooner or later the craving is going to grow.

>> No.8328111

do you happen to be draped in ann demuelemeester

>> No.8328179

>>8323029 here

I'd say that too. Mentaly I am beyond disgust with cigarettes, but I have craving for nicotine, soometimes so hard that I need to stop whatever I'm doing and have a smoke. Kinda wanted to avoid the patches and gums... but I think I'll need them in the end.

>> No.8328188

good for u

>> No.8328202

>feeleridoo when your mum gives you an e-cig

at least it's a 0kcal alternative to real flavour