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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 61 KB, 740x506, IsDMVeffay.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8322042 No.8322042 [Reply] [Original]

Alright guys, let's start this shit up. I think a few weeks ago there was an attempt at a meet up but it never happened, so here I am gonna try to make this work.

Official DMV meet up thread, going to make a skype group, so add me @epiphoneprophecy

We'll think of meet up ideas as we get members in the chat and figure out everyone's schedule, maybe go out and walk around Georgetown or hit up a hookah bar, it's whatever

>> No.8322110
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Can we dress as goth ninjas?

>> No.8322151

>that's my dream

>> No.8323255

Let's go to the capital building and go on a your dressed as gothninjas.
>inb4 we get arrested because we look like terrorists

>> No.8323260

Yes... Yes...

>> No.8323276

add me you fgts we need to start somewhere

>> No.8323345

nice profile pic kek

>> No.8323365


Alright folks we got two people, so stop being shy and stop by, join the chat, let's do this

>> No.8323989

You guys better not be fuccbois

>> No.8324054

I dress basic poor boy can I come?

>> No.8324122

If you're qt

>> No.8324166

sadly I'm in Ohio for work
> not that it makes much sense for me to come in motorcycle gear anyway
this is basically going to be in-person ball-busting, I hope

>> No.8324547

Alright guys, I'm not letting this die just yet, even if you don't think you'll show up to the meet, just add me and you never what might happened

skype is @epiphoneprophecy

>> No.8324578
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On that note tho

>red line masterrace

>> No.8324656

fuck dc everyone come to philly

>> No.8324665

how effay is philly

>> No.8324680

Dem skype technical difficulties

>> No.8324724

Any Chevy Chase/Bethesda /fa/gs?

>> No.8324780

>tfw red line during rush hour sucks ass

>> No.8324805


>> No.8324824

Add me on skype you faggots

Watching a movie tho so if you do add me I'll prolly add u to the chat afterwards

>> No.8325318
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>this could be us in sick fits

>> No.8325342

Oh shit
Redline here as well
Is it too late to join

>> No.8325347
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NOVA or gtfo

seriously DMV is a fucking shithole outside of Tysons area

>> No.8325353

Montgomery Mall Masterrace

>> No.8325412

Nah nigga this shit is just starting add me on skype
Silver line should be good to go this fall right?

Goes straight to tyson's corner I believe

>> No.8325426

Yellow line Huntington Boi here.

except I live in California now.

I would've stunted on you fools draped in ann d Rick and Julius.

>> No.8325444

>implying you own either

>> No.8325450


>> No.8325459

dem trips

Alright guys I think it's time we started discussing possible meet up suggestions, anyone got any ideas?

>> No.8325468

Prince George's Plaza

>> No.8325479

I'm down, never been there myself.

>> No.8325481

P-please no it's a joke

>> No.8325482

dirty bar rooftop this Sunday @ 8pm
1223 Connecticut Ave NW, Washington, DC?

>> No.8325487
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>tfw want to go but would feel so intimidated by everyone else.

Can I wear a paper bag?

>> No.8325491

you can wear whatever you like. who gives a f

>> No.8325494

W-what if we're underage?

>> No.8325498

b& for life. stay home

>> No.8325504

Being underage in DC sucks

>> No.8325507

He probably means under 21. At least he can get food in his sick fit

>> No.8325513


PG, not even once

Sunday? I wouldn't make it, busy that day

Yeah bruh no need to go full good either, specially in this heat fuk that

>> No.8325528

when was this?

>> No.8325556

I can do Sunday, but I'll be gone next thursday through monday.

>> No.8325562

is everyone at least 21?

>> No.8325575

N-not me ;_;
>tfw getting a fake here is too much work

>> No.8325588


>> No.8325594

I can help you with that bruh

>> No.8325595

How about Beltway Plaza then? We can cop some sick fits at Rainbow

>> No.8325603

nova reppin
altho i am grill

can i come

>> No.8325606

Pls come so I'm not the only girl

>> No.8325607



And it will be the fucking end of Tysons Corner.

All the steerage from Maryland and DC will spill into Northern Virginia and absolutely destroy it.

I'm actually getting ready to move out of the area.

>> No.8325610

yes grill, pls com
add @epiphoneprophecy on skype and join group

>> No.8325625

We'll show them aussies how to do a real meet up

>> No.8325631

T-thanks man

>> No.8325632
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>> No.8325651

Sure feel free to add me on skype right now we're trying to come up with meet up ideas

So far our #1 Meet up idea seems to be a hookah bar in DC, but of course we're still brainstorming so if you are in the area just add me on skype and chat a little before you decide whether you want to come to the meet up or not

>> No.8325704


fucking this

the silver line makes me want to throw up

it's like every part of this country must meet a minimum shittiness quotient in order to continue existing. they are going to ruin NOVA with all this fucking development and integration

Tysons is awesome because of its isolation and because few people live there. Bring in all this trash from the surrounding districts and it'll soon be just as bad that Bethesda

>> No.8325711


bad as Bethesda*

>> No.8325725

>tfw living in St. Mary's county MD

>> No.8325738


>> No.8325760


CC nigguhhh

>> No.8325769

If you;re just joining, add @epiphoneprophecy on Skype and join our group chat

>> No.8325785


Lel white trash general

>> No.8325865

wow didn't know there were so many dmv /fa/ people here.

>tfw too fat to be /fa/

working on it though, lost 20 lbs the past two months.

>> No.8325873

Join anyways bruh, no judging here, we're planning to meet in like two weeks anyways, to give more time for others to join and what not

>> No.8325987

Damn a hunnington cat moved to california, wait did you live in one of those condos they put next to the metro to gentrify it a little a couple years back or you mean you grew up during the early 2000's during fairfax police's gang clean up?

>> No.8326045

who /fallschurchva/ here?


>tfw wanna come but still basic af and don't know that much about fashion and shit

>> No.8326136

I'm kinda near you and in the same boat and I joined regardless, join too

>> No.8326205

PG County here! Basic af and fat though so I won't go. Plus I'll be in South America.

>> No.8326234

Y'all niggas better add me and join the group though, like seriously there will probably be other meet ups, even if you don't go to the first one

>> No.8326354

contact request sent

>> No.8326364

though I have to be up in less than five hours so I'm not actually gonna be in the convo

>> No.8326402

it's cool everyone needs sleep

>> No.8327928
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>> No.8327952

Fat people are welcome

>> No.8328143
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Bump for growth

>> No.8328316
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>> No.8328393

Nice and humid today. Great for wearing my drop crotch leather jogging pants

>> No.8328872
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>> No.8328916

bumping for dmv people to see

>> No.8328949

this i want

>> No.8328952

I'm from NOVA but I'm a tad bit hesitant about making this move. It'd be cool to meet new /fa/ friends in the area though. I don't have skype :/.

>> No.8329021

Nothing ventured nothing gained.
Make a skype for us bb

>> No.8329031

Don't worry there's plenty of us from NOVA here (I am) and it's pretty cool so far, also making a skype takes about 5 min so join in on the fun

>> No.8329620

Philly is great if you like living in a dumpster full of dead bodies

>> No.8329705

yes -- but unless you can afford items of this caliber, you'll just look like a bunch of kids cosplaying wizards or some shit

which i suppose isn't far from the truth

>> No.8329845

reporting in from near montgomery mall

>> No.8329847


Feel free to join, the skype group is already up to 11 including me, so add me on skype and get added to the group guys(and grillz)

>> No.8329857


>> No.8330002
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>> No.8330254
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>> No.8330276

>just moved away last week
i just wanted to show my sick fits

>> No.8330286
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ya dun goof'd

We deciding the first meet right now.

>> No.8330292

>tfw still fapping to rob regardless of his weight :(

>> No.8330301

>jew ninja

>> No.8330401

falls church here! I even graduated from FCHS

>> No.8330430


Hey, I'm in Columbia Heights. I'll try and add you on Skype.

>> No.8330478

add me
and get on

also for some reason whenever i try to add you the the chat you keep leaving?

>> No.8330481

oh sheet
too bad i was born in the 80's

>> No.8330495

come thru and give the group a dadcore person

>> No.8330525

thanks for the invite ill do my best to come...im in dc every tue-thur for work anyway

>> No.8330586

add me on skype

>> No.8330624


I'm on right now, hit me up, I'll keep it open

>> No.8330716

I'm gonna set up a skype hold on.

>> No.8330721

bet bet

>> No.8330732


>> No.8330859

Add ^^^^ on Skype to join group

>> No.8330875


Looks like we're mostly likely meeting in Georgetown

>> No.8330947

I was born in 88. Come through homie