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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 5 KB, 645x773, my+feels+_f343cbe92c20470da943acc7e651f5a8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8321226 No.8321226[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>tfw i go to local shop
>store manager the only one working there
>she talks to me for a bit
>i share my opinion on bomber jackets not really being cool anymore now that every street wear brand has done one with some dumb ass fabric or print
>she says "no they are still cool, all the brands are still putting them out for this season"
>implying if a "cool" brand puts something out, it is automatically cool
>implying the shit brands her store carries isn't just putting them out to supply for all the swag fags who saw one on ian connor or someone a year ago

>> No.8321228

so what was your feel
seems more like an anecdote to me

>> No.8321245

>tfw shops don't carry interesting original stuff, just stuff that is cool to kids who like brands like supreme

>> No.8321287


oh well anon

such is the nature of a topic this subjective

>> No.8321311

Nobody understands that once something becomes "cool" it becomes uncool.

Fokn captcha being gay with nothing but addresses.

>> No.8321320

worst and most relatable feel
>saving up for dope piece of clothing
>in my case, rickdidas shoes
>looking at sales going on and not being able to buy anything
it fucking gets me every time

>> No.8321370
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>wearing my fav Acne skirt
>on the up escalator
>woman walks by me and taps me on the shoulder
>um the back of your skirt is undone
>hurriedly check the back
>jk it's just how it's draped
>taking the subway back
>woman calls me out to telling me my skirt's undone
>tfw no one understands

>> No.8321389

feel thread ?
your feels aren't ready for this

>> No.8321392

Bitch u ain't never gettin a man with an undone skirt u bitch

>> No.8321400

how is that a feel

>> No.8321406

>local shop
>sharing opinions
>trying to feel like a special snowflake in your flyover area
did summer start?

>> No.8321415

Post fit fuccgirl

>> No.8321421

>goes to a local shop
>complains about all the shit brands they sell

u sir r the fuccboi ;^)

>> No.8321438
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>tfw now too insecure to post fit
It's this skirt though

>> No.8321441


It could've been worse; some sleazy could've tried to "help" you. (An aside: I think that all girls should be given free guns and a license to use them the moment they begin puberty.)

>> No.8321445

yes! empower women! give hormonal teenage girls the power to kill! give minorities small arms in case they are oppressed! amazing progress!

>> No.8321446

No but a random guy on the subway came up to me and asked me if I had a bf.
>"hey gurl do you have a bf?"
>"N-yeah I-I do"
>"dam gurl you sexy"

>> No.8321460

Oh come on baby, post dat fit
Lemme see u in that cool skirt

>> No.8321462


Sounds about right.

>> No.8321464

So what are you going to wear instead? A sweatshirt? An overcoat? A suit jacket? Bombers look good, who cares if everyone wears them. Doesn't everyone wear jeans?

>> No.8321471

Why do I come here

>> No.8321472
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I really hope you're being sarcastic

>> No.8321474

well do you have a bf?

>> No.8321478

>tfw you ordered ramones and geos in the same week

>tfw geos won't be shipped until next week so you can't wear your geosuit to do cartwheels

>> No.8321487

we wonder the same thing

/fa/ is a boys only club

>> No.8321516

N-no ;-;

>> No.8321524

pls be in DC

>> No.8321549

So, let me get this.

You lost an argument in real life, even though you were probably right, because you couldn't articulate your opinion to another person.

So you come running to an anime image board to really let us know what you're thinking.

/fa/ as fuck anon.

>> No.8321566

Do I know you???

>> No.8321714

not yet bb gurl :))

>> No.8321723


you're in dc? welcome to the most un-/fa/ city in the fucking world.

>> No.8321732

DC here too, can confirm

>> No.8321737

Tell me about it.
>tfw would never encounter these awk situations in NYC

>> No.8321763

>tfw life is currently work, eat, sleep
>only occasion to dress up is to go grocery shopping

>> No.8321771


It'd be nice to have some sort of small dc meetup, but with so few people from here on this website it probably won't ever happen.

>> No.8321777

Nah m8 there's a ton of DMV folks last time I checked. Someone just has to take initiative.
>tfw will never have anyone to loiter in front of the capital building in gothninja drawing stares from flyover tourists

>> No.8321786

yeah the DMV is always poppin'

>> No.8321810

>oh, i'm ahead of trends, i'm so much better than you blah blah blah

>> No.8321828

>tfw been in DMV area my whole life
>tfw leavin for pittsburgh in the fall
I don't know how to feel

>> No.8321837

Give me your number and SSN so I can run a background check xx

>> No.8321839
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>tfw they'll think we're terrorists

>> No.8321864


Is not me, but what he said still applies not yet(^;

I'm in the metro area, from MD, montgomery county, un/fa/ sure enough, but it has some nice places

I've seen tons of people from the DMV area, there was gonna be a meet up but I guess it never happened? Alright folks time I'm about to start this /dmv/ in /fa/

>> No.8321981
File: 79 KB, 184x192, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>New Balance 574's arrived this week
>wore them all week, comfy as tits
>got many compliments at work
>boss was mirin' the sneaks, says he is considering a pair

>tfw instead he gets obsidian-colored Nike's
>he is pissed because they looked black on Amazon
>says he didnt get NBs because he also stocked up on cargo shorts and polos for the summer and didnt want to fully old man
>tfw I poke fun at his obsidian sneakers

>> No.8321992

>tfw can't wear white t-shirts because they're always too thin and my massive, hairy nipples show through
>it's like a wet t-shirt contest
>except nobody wants this shit

>> No.8322012

holy shit y'all even fail at mimicking /v/

>> No.8322021

>tfw wake up next to a petite overseas japanese qt3.14
>tfw sexual desire satisfied and still dont feel disgust

>> No.8322028

where do you work the toilet store?

>> No.8322043

w2c jap gf?

>> No.8322067

2nding this

>> No.8322079

You can get an offbrand one from Thailand, a lot cheaper and easier. Less hassle, too. Low maintenance.

>> No.8322095

any canadian college
they are so lonely too
always in same group of people if at all
staring into their smartphones
ez target :^)

>> No.8322101

it's tru. i'm thai

>> No.8324021

bump for dc meet up

>> No.8324230

U of a or u of b

>> No.8324722

Vive le Québec libre, nigga.

>> No.8324732

>talk about something
> come to polite disagreement
> buttfurious post on anime forum about it

You must be so much fun to be around

>> No.8324830

I know that feel. It's summer, so now that school's out, I only leave my apartment to go to work or the gym. Either way, I'm wearing my work uniform or workout clothes. I feel almost naked.

>> No.8324862

>going to NYC with friends in a few weeks
>tell my internet friend who lives in NYC
>he wants to meet up

Fuck, what do? I'm a social autist, and on the internet I lied to sound cool.

Also, to keep it /fa/ related
>tfw you will never be a male model

>> No.8324865

it's for the best

>> No.8324871

No, nigga.

>> No.8324874
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>friday night
>on 4chan

>> No.8324883
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jap girls are best
i could go into a lengthy tirade about why they are superior to other agfs but they just are

>> No.8324907

You told him you were a model? Ok, you're fucked-

>> No.8324938
File: 18 KB, 600x600, feelthinksoffeel.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>saw the two items I want with good % off on MrPorter US
>don't know when the Euro sale will start
>on alert all the time
>constantly refreshing the page
>anxiety about missing it
>don't want to wait anymore, just want to know they're mine and on their way to my house


>> No.8324945
File: 17 KB, 250x250, tfw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw i work in a fashion store
>some dadcore faggot in khakis and a polo walks in
>stutters something about bomber jackets
>tell him about the brands we have
>he freezes up, goes quiet
>slips on spaghetti on his way out the door

>> No.8324952
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>tfw not RJ

>> No.8325698

Be average af :/
>5'11" height
>6.5" thang
>size 10.5 shoe
>White male with straight brown hair

>> No.8325700

Well, here's the positives:
>you're not Mexican
>you're not Asian
>you're not black

>> No.8325708

>Will always be mediocre
>Never have rhythm
>Never be good at starcraft

>> No.8325727

>tfw you just broke up with your psychopath qt3.14 gf

>> No.8325772


Did you give her a hot dicking first?

>> No.8325791

>tfw having sex with fuck buddy
>she whispers i love you
>i pretend i didn't hear

>tfw i blow my load in her mouth
>say "wow anon"
>she says yes <her ex's name>
>pretend i didn't hear

She feels crazy but I want more, the struggle...

>> No.8325850

can confirm. hes thai

>> No.8325866

This is literally me except I'm blonde, I wear a size and I think my wee wee is slightly bigger than 6.5 like maybe 6.6 or something

>> No.8325870

Size 11 I mean

>> No.8325874

similar feels
>slept with a qt tall model tier overseas Korean last night
>first sex in months

>> No.8325886
File: 137 KB, 453x668, 1399166299810.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw NYC peeps don't care about fits, but people back home stare like i'm lady gaga in meat dress

>> No.8325887

>not gunning for a vindictive Korean Giga-Bitch

Where is your sense of adventure?

>> No.8325940

social network tier?

>> No.8326008

>Tfw 6'2
>tfw 5.8 inch wang
>tfw brown hair brown eyes
>tfw white, but olive tinted skin
>tfw right pectoral muscle was torn as a child and is underdeveloped
>tfw wide Neanderthal feet
>tfw tons of girls tell me I'm really good looking, but will never be truly convinced I am
>tfw 190 lbs, fitboi but no abs
>tfw I'll never be skinny

Fugg I'm average, my only good feature is my height and that I get really tan in the summer. I really lack confidence

>> No.8326021

>5.75" wango
>10.5 shoe
>smallish hands
>strong face

>> No.8326024

Nah people still look at you if your really clothes stand out.

>> No.8326029

>tfw got a farmer tan by working outside

I can't wear tanktops this summer because of this. fuck fuck fuck.

>> No.8326031

post pic

>> No.8326095

true, but i was wearing drop crotch pants
how is that exciting..