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File: 56 KB, 480x480, GUYS_SKULL_FUCKED_BURNT_FRONT_large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8316268 No.8316268 [Reply] [Original]

I think their shit is pretty tight but I have never seen anyone pulling it of and not look like a emo fag scene kid.
what do you peeps think?

>> No.8316270

it's meant for "emo fag scene kids", idiot

>> No.8316272


Enh. Always seems like theres two or three too many things going on with each piece. But it's for a younger audience, so louder, more obvious design is a better fit for them anyway.

>> No.8316414

I like some of the stuff. Camo jacket is cool.

>> No.8316434

I have a friend who is into their shit. I think they have a good piece or two very rarely.

>> No.8316454

holy shit thats still a company?

i wore that shit when i was a 19year old swoopy hair sceney weenie in a pop punk band.

so... if that answers any of your questions.

>> No.8316460
File: 118 KB, 936x1353, dropdead_owens_sweater_1_lg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Most of their clothing is a bit too edgy and busy for my taste but their toned down stuff is pretty good. Pic related is a very nice piece imo.

>> No.8316484
File: 6 KB, 206x210, 1395426048392.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>still scene

Everyone else grew out of that at 17.

>> No.8316486

Try 14 bud

>> No.8316506

Not at my school. The scene kids became hip during their junior year.

>> No.8316509

i like a few of their things, but i think some of their designs are a bit too edgy

>> No.8316514

Plus high school doesn't start until 14, go fuck yourself in your fat face.

>> No.8316625

I'm 21. Scene kids were cool when I was 14 and in middle school. Back when dudes wore the American Eagle girl jeans and eyeliner.

>> No.8316632

agreed with this. Plus every single thing that I've bought from DD has been of superb quality.

>> No.8316671

I'm 21 as well and scene wasn't actually a thing until 2005 and wasn't everywhere in the nation until 2007. In junior high the most "scene" there was were girls in My Chem shirts or TBS. Scene came from really shitty post hardcore bands getting big like Escape the Fate and all the other phrase named bands who tried to copy alexisonfire but made absolute trash. What you're talking about was the predecessors that listened to 2000-2005 second wave emo.

>> No.8318779

i bought one of the parkas and its pretty dope. most of the other stuff is just stupid graphic prints, but every season they got one or two good pieces.

just went to the site. what the fuck is all this itchy and scratchy shit?

>> No.8319259

Confirmed Nic

>> No.8319369

My friend has the sweater OP posted. He pulls it off really well.

>> No.8319389

>I'm 21. Scene kids were cool when I was 14 and in middle school.
>7 years ago, 2007
>scene wasn't actually a thing until 2005 and wasn't everywhere in the nation until 2007.

Gotta learn how to math, buddy.

>> No.8319518


Dude you're off by a number of years, would not be surprised if you live in a flyover state. Scene was on the way out by 2007. My Chemical Romance released their first album in 2002 and Fall Out Boy released theirs in 2003. Panic at the Disco was a scene band that kind of showed up in the later half of the boom and their first album came out in 2005. Most of this shit was propagated on MySpace which came out in 2003.

Final anecdote: I'm 25 and was banging scene girls in 2003 and distinctly remember them disappearing or becoming hipsters by 2008.