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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 56 KB, 342x456, 1014663_skinny_model_jpg97bbbc0659193bd02db0170492058139.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8311505 No.8311505 [Reply] [Original]

how does /fa/ stay skinny?

>> No.8311560


>> No.8311561
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Chili dogs

>> No.8311577

Exercise and proper diet. Do you have brain damage?

>> No.8311581

self hatred, amphetamines in that order

>> No.8311600

I only eat at meals.
I don't overeat when I'm eating the meal.

>> No.8311616

I've just started Alternate-day fasting; I've already lost eight pounds in this first week.

How I'm going about it:
"On" days -- take your weight and multiply it by ten. This is your calorie limit for the day. Weigh yourself accordingly each day and do the math to accommodate your weight changing.

-- You can eat whatever you want (even Taco Bell), but I'd recommend sticking to clean foods. Fish, vegetables, eggs, etc. You'll feel much better, will be able to eat more because of the lower amount of calories in these foods, and you won't look like shit at the end of the day.

"Off" days -- every other day. Apparently, a lot of people eat up to 500 calories on these days. A lot of people just do a liquid fast, which is what I do. Just water, coffee, tea, diet soda (the diet soda being bad for you a diet thing is a myth) and that's it. The first few fast days might be tough, but after those first few you won't be hungry /at all/, trust me.

Work out at your own leisure to keep from getting flabby.

>> No.8311632

feel ya bruh :(

>> No.8311634

I count calories. 1600 max per day at the moment.

>> No.8311637

gonna try it. thanks anon.

>> No.8311687

do plan on going lower?

>> No.8311690

I don't do much, I eat when I'm hungry. I go to Burger King twice a week and I'm pretty skinny. No breakfast for me though.

>> No.8311698


Same here.


Not that guy but no, I'm 107 at 5'9 so there's no need.

>> No.8311708

yeah i went to taco bell pretty much every day after high school but that was my only meal. slimmed pretty quick. was a smoking a lot of weed (it makes me not hungry) and was a teenager so that might have had something to do with it.

>> No.8311720

no breakfast, light lunch and dinner, only fruit or vegetables as snacks
and I go to the gym 2-3 times a week

>> No.8311727
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>> No.8311729

self awareness

lots of waters

coffee and tea


the desire to be /fa/

>> No.8311740
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drink peppermint tea with every meal
drink peppermint tea with every glass of other liquid (sugar free squash ect.)
drink peppermint tea when I get home
eat porridge (made with water) for breakfast
exercise 3 times a week (min 300 cal burned)
>tfw no hunger pangs
>tfw full till lunch(ish)

>> No.8311744
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better have blonde hair if your gonna pull off yellow teeth, yellow nails and yellow skin

>also a qtgf w/ anosmia

>> No.8311766
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>not going to the jim
>eating less than 2500kcal a day
>deadlifting less than 315lbs
>weighing less than 160lbs
i just came over from /fit/ and


i'll go back to >>>/fit/ now

>> No.8311768

eat small portions only at meals. healthy snacks >>sometimes<<< in between meals

>> No.8311807

and s-stay out

>> No.8311831

i eat 3 meals of mcdonalds everyday and i'm holocaust skinny

its because i'm a shit tier southeast asian

>> No.8311838

Ottermode is best mode unless you're >25

>> No.8311937

lol @ all these skinnyfats/fat fucks saying they eat whatever they want and never gain weight probably like 170 pounds

>> No.8311957

this sounds unhealthy as fuck

just eat your weight*10 calories every day and that should be more than enough to lose a steady amount of weight. Honestly, it's already a bit low for someone our age (assuming under 30 years). Having "off" days will only result in headaches from low blood sugar and constipation

>> No.8311988

I'm skinny because I fast for a month every year.

You can't eat or drink anything from sunrise to sunset. Do that for a month and you'll find your appetite becomes so small, allowing you to fill up on smaller portions and eat less frequently.

It's also a nice way to test your self control

>> No.8312004

>this sounds unhealthy as fuck

a lot better than bombarding yourself with food 3 times a day (or even more which is insane) every day.

>> No.8312017

>not going to the jim

we always knew u /fit/fags were homos but since when did buttsex with jim become "working out"

>> No.8312021

ya man, ramadan

>> No.8312146

this so hard. adderall, you're my only friend ;_; wanna get ottermode so my friend should help with that too :3

>> No.8312939


What makes otter mode bad for people over 25?

>> No.8312967

well, no it isn't
up to you though

>> No.8312979

Quadruple espressos

>> No.8313045

vegan/fast metabolism. i'm 6 ft and weigh about 135

>> No.8313064

can't be twinks anymore

>> No.8313174

Warning: If you're in your teens and want to get tall and healthy. DO NOT OPEN THIS THREAD

>> No.8313273

>4 meals a day
>fast food daily (today was baker's, yesterday in n out/ mcdonalds)
>no gym or exercise
>6' 134
>tfw good jawnz

>> No.8313280

forgot to add,
>no soda ever, not much sugar

>> No.8313308

eat less

>> No.8313319

>tfw i can'r get even a little chubby no matter how many kebabs i eat

>> No.8313375
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i remember in middle school i wanted to lose weight so i drank lots of liquids, one time the nurse convinced me to eat some of her lunch aha

i have a current bmi of 21.3 at 102lbs, which sucks. ):

my goal is to be about 90lbs. i nitpick my body a lot so i guess i have some degree of body dysmorphia, but that's like erryone else here i guess.

>> No.8313377

work out a few times a week
drink coffee, water, energy drinks occasion
eat whatever i want, whenever i want
enjoy my youthful metabolism

>> No.8313408

How do you survive without anything for month? Also you're fucked if you work nights and hunger wakes you up when you try and sleep in the day.

>> No.8313571

>How do you survive without anything for month?
You get used to it. It's not so bad after a while.

Working nights would be better actually because you can eat while you work and sleep during the day

>> No.8313697
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eat you fucking retard that is way to low. What have you told doctors on visits?

>> No.8313707

I usually try to have 1300 calories per day, and i usually run for about 2.5ks a day

>> No.8313722

intermittent fasting is good

staying skinny was easier in university because there was less social pressure to go for lunch and i barely had money anyways

if you live in canada you can get ephedrine legally, it's pretty great, an EC stack was my go-to for energy, study time, and weight loss.

i never tried intermittent fasting and an EC stack together, but it would probably feel like you're dying.

>> No.8313733

i also did ramadan with some muslim friends of mine. it was pretty easy. if you fast for a while your appetite sort of... resets to a probably more natural level.

add this to a fetish for asceticism and you're good to go.

>> No.8313737

Sanic fast metabolism

>> No.8313755

i'm hella short so it's not that low for my height, which is like 4'10. i haven't seen a doc in years minus the other day, but that's totally unrelated.

>tfw not a tall girl

>> No.8313809

vegetarian, and I bike, play tennis and swim
also my mom was a ballerina and gymnast so good genetics as well I guess

I actually have trouble mantaining an already-barely-above-malnutrition-line weight, but I don't want to quit sports or vegetarianism

>> No.8313827


If you are malnourished, your body waits until your older to get taller and grow. Learn2science

>> No.8313832

water fasting. live off of nothing but albacore tuna and tea when i'm not fasting.

>> No.8313837

drinking lots of water not only makes you healthier, but can help losing weight and gives you a better skin.

>> No.8314511



>> No.8314718


used to fast during ramadan when i was a muslim, i've since stopped but i don't really have an appetite anymore - just eat so i can function. eat one meal a day at midday(until i'm full/about to throw up) and drink water for the rest
BMI of 20.5

>> No.8314726

Sand nigger logic

Pray 5 times a day

Eat once a day

>> No.8314727

bmi accounts for height

>> No.8314744

>weigh 125lb

im gonna start eating more and lifting weights

wish me luck /fa/

>> No.8314750

> smoke a lot of weed
> makes you not hungry

>> No.8314810
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>tfw drink liters of soda adn eating fast food every day
>90 lbs

>> No.8314942

more like blood pact with satan

>> No.8314976

>tfw I am 20-21 bmi at 130
Are you a grill? How tall?

>> No.8314997

tfw you never grow any muscle
tfw no face
tfw ur skinny fat

>> No.8315017


>soda and fast food

enjoy your shit tier body

>> No.8315027
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Just being skinny isn't really a good look.
You've got to combine it with exercise and look healthy.
I just look like I'd snap from a breeze.

>> No.8315028


Maybe it's the hormones.

>> No.8315044

>enlarge image
>mirin the mosquito bite size tits
>get to the dick bulge


>> No.8315051


>> No.8315061

fast metabolism

>> No.8315065

the body of /fa/

>> No.8315071

not sure if trap or fag

>> No.8315083

>need to cut (lose 10lbs)
>going three times a week drinking


>> No.8315093

tiny cock
crooked legs
dirty mirror

>> No.8315095

Maybe the cock is normal and the body is huge

>> No.8315110

so, is coke zero bad for you or not? got weight on at the moment, but when i lost weight i drank nothing but water and coke zero, much more water than coke zero but what am i doing to my body apart from putting random chemicals into it? is it effecting my weight? doesn't seem like it, but i hear bad things about diet/zero sugar sodas

>> No.8315114

don't think it's the cock, the lack of package size is proabably due to a small scrotum, the same reason he has quite traplike features

>> No.8315120
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>> No.8315169

Oh yes. 80mg :^)

>> No.8315218
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I could have made it today if I ate less bread, slices of sausage and bean salad.
I even burnt 400 calories so I'm kinda pissed, I'm trying to get loads of protein and I failed that too :(

>> No.8315222

zero calorie soda doesn't make you fat but the sweeteners give you cancer and it still corrodes your teeth as much as regular soda. most plebs also drink too much of it and not enough water which is bad because it doesn't hydrate you at all really

>> No.8315237

>give you cancer


>> No.8315248

spend majority of money on clothes, leave barely anything else on food and other necessities

>> No.8315250

Intermittent fasting and HIIT.

>> No.8315278

what's that pic from? looks useful

>> No.8315304

calorie count is a useful similar site

>> No.8315341


>> No.8315380

I'm not sure it's the bread, anon

>> No.8315544

im not lol :3 pls u dont know what my body looks like

>> No.8315564

do you not eat sahoor (or however the fuck it's spelt)
pretty sure I eat more when I fast because I eat a normal amount before sunrise and then a fuckload at iftar

>> No.8315616

i'm not the guy you quoted but weed effects people differently.
i remember i used to smoke it and it never made me hungry.

>> No.8315628

i know this guy who grew up drinking mountain dew and eating mcdonalds and he's underweight.
he now lives off of dunkin donuts coffee and tacobell and is still underweight. He never works out just rides his bike to work.

>> No.8315643

wow, fucking pisses me off so much
gotta fucking worry about what i eat every damn day -.-

>> No.8315646

and makes your shits hard as fucking rocks. just avoid carbonated, canned beverages.

>> No.8315650

i just eat one meal and assume it has enough calories to keep me going for the day. I drink water if i'm feeling hungry.

>> No.8315667

I don't think it's actually possible to get constipated with the amount of coffee I'm drinking at the moment, shit is serious

>> No.8315685

high carb, low fat vegan

>tfw knocking back 4000 calories daily
>thin as a rail
>barely exercise

>all these fags starving themselves

>> No.8315699

I only eat 800 calories a day.

>> No.8315701

full retard

>> No.8315709

Diet coke and cigarettes really is the way. Its been helping me eat ~1750 calories a day. Been doing that for about three months +plus working an active job and i have a still have a slight muffintop though, god i must been so fat before, i didn't even realize

>> No.8315716
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how about an artists impression?

>> No.8315717

i bet you need to graze all the time and shit at list 3 times a day.

>> No.8315723

>at list
at least

>> No.8315724

Poop like twice a day
>implying having an efficient colon is a bad thing
>literally implying that having festering shit in your body for a prolonged period of time is a good thing
>implying it's normal to shit once a week or once every two days, etc

anyway, you can still eat and cook up TONS of stuff eating like this.

>> No.8315741

personally, i woudn't want to shit more then once a day.
and 4000 cal from carbs look like massive amount of food.

>> No.8315751

It's not really that much though. Plus, it's cheap as fuck.
>mfw everyone thinks eating healthy is expensive when the cheapest foods are cruelty free
I mean, you can knock down a banana/date/water or rice/hazelnut milk smoothie and it could be like 2200 cals. I do that for every breakfast.

>> No.8315758

maybe it will be interesting to you


this is from http://forum.lowcarber.org/showthread.php?t=287013

>> No.8315774

i've got a box of chocolate i'm gonna eat in one day just a few more days of cutting...

>> No.8315790
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and i get really insecure about my height because there's not a day that goes by where it's not mentioned ;_;

i know dat

ye, look at

>> No.8315791


>> No.8315811

10 miles of biking at least 5 days a week, decent diet, lots of water.

Used to smoke cigarettes too, they're "helpful" to hunger suppression. Though if you're already skinny it can just make you not eat enough and poison yourself, so that was my issue really.

>> No.8315883
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These threads are such a cesspool. Eat foods that have a low calorie density (veggies, lean meat, whole grains) and avoid high calorie density foods (fried food, processed snacks, liquid calories), work out, and you'll have no trouble managing a healthy weight. Your stupid fasting, extreme calorie deprivation, and other fad diets will work in the short term, but you won't be able to maintain your lower weight once you stop your shitty diet.

>> No.8315889

>trying to lose weight
>smoking weed to cope with my depression
>i ALWAYS give in to munchies, so i can't even lose weight

should i give up the weed or the diet, /fa/? will i ever make it?

>> No.8315904

Weed. whenever I smoke I munch super hard too. I normally have great self control but when I'm high I eat until I physically can't. it's one of the main reasons I don't smoke any more.

Also I don't think smoking weed is a good way to cope with depression. I used to be REALLY depressed when I smoked every day. I stopped and I feel a lot better now.

>> No.8315925

i smoke all the time and eat once a day.

>> No.8315931

By eating shitloads of random stuff.

No, seriously. Genetics brah. I'm fucking thankful for it.

>> No.8315940

dude. Weed gives you depression, plus it leads to worse shit. Source - had a psychotic breakdown due to weed and bad mental state, nearly on the road to schizophrenia.

>> No.8315975


ignore allah-islam bullshit and his choice of food.
but i like his message about not eating that often like everyone do today

>> No.8316028
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sanic pls go

>> No.8316163
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>> No.8316171

I was you, now I'm 150lbs, look pretty good too and only started 5 months ago

>> No.8316202
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is this an app on ur phone? or some weight watchers computer website thing

>> No.8316207



>> No.8316221

don't you have to burn more calories than you gain to lose any weight?
>4 whiskey/vodka shots
you goofed

>> No.8316225

pls be in london

>> No.8316230

Do you beta males really think people want a skinny guy who dresses like a retard over a fit guy who dresses like a normal functioning member of society?

>> No.8316231

I just eat simple carbs, like chocolade and soda, when I'm hungry. Fuck big meals, just snack when you start feeling hungry.

Probably won't work if you're used to eating a lot

>> No.8316235

Normal is boring and shit, being conformist is shit, skinny can be fit, fuck you

>> No.8316246

>71 kg
>1.90 height

I would like to lose like 1 kg more but I think it's okay, maybe I should start running or something idk

>> No.8316261
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112 pounds here, not all of us enjoy being skinny and the fucking idiots in here need to become skinny ASAP so they can realize how undesirable it really is.

I've got to eat 2600 calories a day to put on weight, I can go a little lower and I should still put it on but damn this is killing me quite a bit.

Listen Anons, little to no women find skeletons attractive, it isn't attractive, ottermode is always the ideal whether you're on /fa/ or /fit/, don't try to deny it.

>> No.8316263

>Normal is boring and shit, being conformist is shit
If you are older than 16 and still have this attitude then you really need to grow up

>> No.8316269

Pic is not me it is nice though.

>> No.8316293


go read some Dostoyevsky or some shit.
or keep doing what everyone does and leave advancing to others

>> No.8316303
File: 16 KB, 250x384, tumblr_n0b8zikfdL1qeu6ilo1_250[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dostoevsky dressed normal and appropriately for the times he was living in and the people he was living with. As did all famous well educated men who made a difference with their life
He also never wrote anything about dressing like a fucking faggot in a vein attempt to look cool

>> No.8316311

read, not search on wikipedia

whatever, you're right, he didn't. Now go back to /fit/ and dress in polos

>> No.8316312

I'm stuck at 155, cant lose any more

>> No.8316319

I'm 125.
I'l gladly swap weight w/ you

>> No.8316353

Different people like different things man. Don't be so self absorbed

>> No.8316398

>dressing to impress other people
>getting fit to impress other people

>> No.8316417

>being dressed by the internet
>having autism

>> No.8316731

Weight loss is a big subject here because this is the bridge between fat typical '/b/tards' and attractive people, same with /fit/. I expect not many people here are not actually hungry skeletons, you have to think about the lurkers

>> No.8317155

To everyone arguing about what females find more attractive - I saw a study online that concluded females have varying preferences about muscle mass BUT the majority preferred a body fat percentage of around 12%. So feel free to be thin, ottermode, or ripped, but don't be fat/skinnyfat.

>> No.8317246

I'm a breatharian.

>> No.8317327

I consume between 1,100 and 1,500 calories from food each day, lift weights 6 days a week, and walk 8 miles a day, 7 days a week. I'm a 5'11 males with roughly 18% body fat at the moment and am basically burning 4lbs of fat a week by doing this. It's kind of extreme but it gets results. Once I get under 7%, I plan to concentrate on bulking around 15lbs of muscle and then cut again.

>> No.8317332

why the fuck did i read this thread

>> No.8317366

I have malabsorption issues and I shit a lot

>> No.8318591

There is so much wrong with this

>> No.8318624

That's the most retarded routine I ever read.

I've been on /fit/ for three years. And have fitness qualifications.

>> No.8318765

I'm 160 cm and 43 kg, but I want to go down to 40 kg. I'm already eating one meal a day, but I guess I need to get off my ass and exercise now.

>> No.8318777

>when i was a muslim
fucking traitor piece of shit, you DIE

>> No.8318836

nothing in particular. i eat 3000 calories/day and strength train with little to no cardio work. i do nothing special diet-wise to maintain 9% bodyfat. good genetics i guess

>> No.8318885

At least he's not Muslim anymore. Just give him a bomb search

>> No.8318971

Eat and purge.

>> No.8318997
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2/4 vegetable 1/4 meat 1/4 rice
Run, run to the horizon.
Gotta go fast.

>> No.8319350

I eat anything i want anytime i want and still have abs. Genetics.

>> No.8319362

This is me

Mfw eet food nd two minutes later i need to shit

>> No.8319364
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a feel i know all to well...

>> No.8319600


>> No.8319699

i'm poor

>> No.8319972

I work all the time so I'm forgetting about eating, I've went 3 without eating before and I felt like shit. So basically I barely eat a meal now.

>> No.8319977

Can you be /fa/ without being skinny? I don't mean fat or even chubby, but I am grossly skinnyfat. 5'7, 125 lbs, female. Short torso, long legs. I can't resist junk food, but it's probably because I'm always on the road.
Any advice?

>> No.8319980

don't eat

>> No.8319990

post pic

>> No.8320004

>I basically forget about eating
>I once went three weeks without eating

>> No.8320026
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Really weird body shape, it makes it hard to find clothes.

>> No.8320035


>> No.8320063

loose weight, youll look better
>we all gonna make it

>> No.8320070
File: 130 KB, 600x900, 1393387146379.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your body looks good. Try to run one or two days a week and avoid junk food to get rid of the extra gut
tip : prepare your meals at home and bring them with you
good luck sis

>> No.8320092
File: 61 KB, 1589x871, fuckoff.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

look at this shit

but of course fatspo and promoting morbid obesity is perfectly fine because that shit isn't unhealthy, it's just social standards, right?

>> No.8320123

you have high hips, it's part of your body type. nothing wrong with that it's just you may have to go for a different style than what you want atm.

>> No.8320137
File: 66 KB, 720x1280, 68820a8f-7cc2-46c6-954b-57e47d1a2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i eat poutine

>> No.8320141

where to eat canadia food in american?

>> No.8320150

>drop dairy
>drink as much of water as possible
>don't eat shit
>eat as much of whole foods as possible

>if a man, do light weightlifting or body weight exercises

>> No.8320154

or just count calories and eat whatever you want in moderation like a normal person

>> No.8320163

i live in montreal

>> No.8320165

tim hortons

>> No.8320167

man idgaf where u llive I just wanna eat poutine
we dont have that heir

>> No.8320169

It helps if you don't care about food.

1500-2000kcal a day will keep you thin, as an average height male.

Just count the calories on what you eat and don't go over 2000. Use sugared coffee as a snack.

If you have high metabolism, you don't need to worry about eating too much until youre about 25. After 25, everyone who cares about staying thin and healthy needs to start watching what they eat; because youre body is going to start feeling the pressure from an unheathly lifestyle at this age. You can do a lot to your body when you're young, and you'll bounce back, but after 25ish, you need to moniter what you consume.

>> No.8320179

i dont
im fat and more effay than most of you fucks
you'll cowards dont even wear yohji

>> No.8320192

Thanks guys! I have the exercise habits of an uprooted potato, so I'm making it a point to hike and run every other day this summer.
Also, any style advice for having high hips?

>> No.8320193


>high metabolism

nigga metabolisms vary by like fucking 200

>> No.8320199


you have an unfortunate body type but just start exercising and you'll look better

>> No.8320222

By not eating much I guess

>tfw 22 year old male and I'm 5'8" 120 pounds

It's just terrible. My body is terrible and disgusting

>> No.8320233


you're just fat...

>> No.8320242

I'm considered slightly underweight by doctor scales for my height and frame

>> No.8320255

i didn't say you were heavy. you have no muscle.

>> No.8320257


Your BMI is 20. Underweight starts at 18. Work out and lose weight, you body looks horrible.

>> No.8320258

to be fair, a fuck tonne of the "thinspo" of tumblr is straight up auschwitz

>> No.8320261
File: 55 KB, 395x589, $RP42GI2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this fucking feel

>> No.8320264

time to visit /fit/

>> No.8320269


>> No.8320277

that's because you have no muscle.

>> No.8320279

some people aren't meant to be skinny

>> No.8320376

it dosent look like that! :O

>> No.8320413

thats hot

>> No.8320414

Yeah I fucked my post up, sorry about that.

>> No.8320515
File: 53 KB, 300x493, foto.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wat to do.
>tfw bitch hips

>> No.8320545


Those hips are genetic, can't do much about them.

>> No.8320553

>wide, child-bearing hips

>> No.8320556

I will have my hips surgically removed so I can be effay

>> No.8320557

nice boobs

>> No.8320593

wanna touch? theyre a handful

>> No.8320596

sometimes i get really paranoid that my legs look like that, even when looking in the mirror. but then i take a photograph and it's all okay, thank god

>> No.8320601

6ft exactly, put on 1 stone in 2 months from over eating at exam period, feels bad man

i dont

>> No.8320608

i think i'd look like that if i were skinny, im too much of an athletic build and my legs are built as fuck, aim for ottermode bro it'll suit you more

>> No.8320635

your upper body definitely needs some mass

>> No.8320664

Don't eat

>> No.8320694
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How bad is it?

>> No.8320696

>sometimes i get really paranoid that my legs look like that, even when looking in the mirror. but then i take a photograph and it's all okay, thank god

i dont get it

>> No.8320700

Ignore my face.

>> No.8320705

r u pregnant

>> No.8320714

Do you drink alcohol a lot?

>> No.8320725

No and no.

>> No.8320726

almost there m8

>> No.8320735

i've got the same shit going on except somehow more drastic. i've just decided my only way out of this hell world is to tone my chest and arms and get a bit of mass on them, i will never be able to pull off skeleton mode

>> No.8320742

nice feet

>> No.8320802

>spend teenage years playing videogames
>arms become flabby
>start exercising/weight lifting
>arms now muscular and flabby

I'm jealous of people with hungry skeleton arms, mine probably aren't that bad but I just can't shake off the feeling of them being big and I get paranoid of wearing sleeveless tops.

>> No.8320981
File: 147 KB, 870x1110, 1398875746391.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your weight x 10 calories?
78kg = 780 calories then.
Thats barely anything m8.

>> No.8320989

you obviously have no idea what youre talking about

>> No.8320992

That's like a full meal. Eat some vegetables and fruits and you'll be fine.

>> No.8321094

44kg= 440 calories
What the fuck, I'll starve.

>> No.8321182


Cara looks so cozy here

>> No.8321188


>> No.8321189

pounds m8

>> No.8321190


Weight in pounds probably.

A more specific way is to calculate your TDEE and subtract 500 from that.

>> No.8321193

That guy isn't 112lbs

>> No.8321199

im p. sure its meant as your weight in lbs, so thats 1700 kcal a day for your current weight, but you also have to consider your level of phisycal activity

>> No.8321206

>Also, any style advice for having high hips?

>> No.8321209

i found some at a place in san francisco called the barrel head brewery.. looking forward to finally trying some

>> No.8321256

>tfw fast metabolism
>haha yeah you are one of those dudes who can eat a lot and never get fat but have to go to the bath like instantly haha!
n-no... i shit like 3 times a week... and never instantly...

>> No.8321285

Cortisol deficiency

>> No.8321293

Eat 2,500~ calories a day. Lift three days a week. Do cardio two days.
I haven't lost weight but I have thinned out.

>> No.8321403

would this work for someone whos 16, or is it unhealthy?

>> No.8321570

you look a bit like my ex/10

>> No.8321593

drugs + coffee

and not eating shitty food the times you actually eat

>> No.8321793

Right now I'm doing under 900 on exercise days, under 500 on days with no exercise. Usually I have 900-1400 cals/day

>> No.8321997

Green coffee bean extract pills have been working wonders for me.

>> No.8322016

extremely unhealthy, at 16 the body is still growing even if you don't get taller. if you're under 20 you should instead focus on a tight but regular diet (chicken & salad is the way to go, small portions, no dressing) and exercise.

>> No.8322238

god damnit i just ate half box of chocolates after a week of clean dieting now i feel like crap

>> No.8322289

u r so funny

>> No.8322961

can you be fa with wide hips

>> No.8323039

unless you are morbidly obese you didn't lost 8 pounds in a week. 1 pound is 3500 kcal, it means that either your maintenance is 3500kcal(obesity) and you ate nothing all week, or you did some crazy 5 hour long cardio every day.

>> No.8323534

one apple and 4 liters of water a day

>> No.8324804

eternal bump for motivation.

>> No.8324810

you lucky son of a bitch.

>> No.8324817

eat little

>> No.8324839

8 lbs isn't unheard of for the first week of a diet, since a lot of water weight gets lost in the start. I've done it myself. After a week it goes down to 1-2 lbs/week

>> No.8324894

I'd still rather be me than some fat fuq. In Asian countries my weight would be considered normal.

>> No.8325511

>do light weightlifting or body weight exercises
evryone should do a little weight training, or at least calisthenics/body exercise.

>> No.8326177

Smoking is actually the only thing keeping me lean, m8. I realized this during the summer, lost 40 pounds in 2 months smoking 20cigs a week max, freaked the shit out of everybody. Impressed the shit out of myself this morning, i kept trying to eat different shit in my fridge, i just couldn't, spat it all out. cutting back to 1 pack a monthnow tho.

>> No.8326241

also cutting drug and alcohol consumption for service meaning i have to put on some muscle.

>> No.8326973

My metabolism is really quick.

>> No.8328732

How do people even get fat?

Eating is boring, so I don't really eat a lot. When I do, I'm more in it for the tasting than the actual eating, so I eat slow, taking my time to enjoy every bite. Eating slow means you'll feel full with less food, so I eat small portions.

On workdays I usually only eat food in the evening, and maybe a snack bar or something at work. I'm terrible at managing my time in the morning, so I tend to just not have time to eat.

Even though I eat very little, I'm still perfectly healthy though. Get everything I need in terms of nutrients, don't have any health problems, and I'm in good shape otherwise.

I'm 5'9'', 115 lbs, female.

>> No.8328775

>Eating slow means you'll feel full with less food
That is one of the most retarded things I've ever heard

>> No.8328813

but true.

>> No.8328822

It is not true, you will feel full when your fucking stomach is full if you're a normally functioning human being.

>> No.8328849

There's more to feeling full than just the stomach filling up. The feeling is caused by hormones secreted some time after you start eating, so it's not directly tied to the amount you eat.

If you eat slowly, less food will have entered the stomach when this starts happening, hence you will feel full with less food. If you eat quickly, you'll get more food down before it happens.

Try it. Eat a meal really slowly and see how much you get down before you start feeling full. Then try eating a meal really quickly and compare.

Hell, eat a snack bar when you're hungry. Half an hour later you won't be hungry anymore, even though you barely ate.

>> No.8328878
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Am I the only person who finds unhealthy food really disgusting? I feel like shit whenever I eat fast food, like I have pure bacon grease flowing through my veins. Candy and pastries are way too sweet and can't compare to a plate of cold fruit. The best food I've ever eaten has all been low fat asian cuisine with lots of roasted chicken and brown rice. I'd have to work my ass off to eat the way most Americans do, it's gross as fuck.

>> No.8328923

>biology is simple because I say so
>it sounds right to me, so it must be true

You're not the only one. I can only eat a few pieces of candy, and maybe a couple teaspoons of cake just for the taste, before it's too much.

And grease is nauseating. Some of the crap americans eat...

I'd much rather eat something homemade, with healthy and fresh ingredients, like nuts, vegetables, olive oil, etc. And cooking is fun as well, so homemade food is a win-win to me.

>> No.8328957


It's all about balance. Fat and richness can be good, but if you don't cut it with other textures and flavors, then it's just heavy and there's no way to actually enjoy it. But the American ideal of abundance and less adventurous standards—along with the increasing use of sugars and flavorings to mask removed fat content by large food producers—means that many people don't get a chance to encounter properly balanced, correctly seasoned food.

>> No.8330132
File: 298 KB, 1280x960, 1390268265221.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no, dude. you're wrong. there's a feedback lag of (usually) about 20 minutes, maybe longer, for when you've consumed 'enough' food to when your digestive system starts breaking it down, blood sugar normalizes, brain stops producing hormones etc, etc... and you stop 'feeling' hungry.

this is actually in part why cultures that value meal times/eat socially and slowly (french jump to mind) are over-all less obese and healthier than places like america where people hide behind tvs, 'having it their way' scarfing down way over 2,000 kcal in meals...

>> No.8330159

agree. I feel like shit for hours if i eat a pizza.

this is true.

>> No.8330173

I have no fucking clue. I've been skinny since I was a kid and I'm 6'1" and 125 lbs.

>> No.8330634

I get so busy with work I forget about eating sometimes for a couple of days and smoking cigarettes keeps me relaxed while keeping the pounds off, still it's a nasty habit but it works.

>> No.8330654

masterful trap, if i may say so.

>> No.8330764

PAWG porn is getting really popular so I wouldn't recommend loosing any thing to be skinny.

PAWG 4 life

>> No.8330770


That's a very thin foot.

>> No.8330860

ugh jealous of your legs

>> No.8331269

This is not a healthy way to lose weight, you're a fucking idiot

>> No.8331588

i have no idea where to ask this but this seems like an ok place

so i just came out the other side of a ridiculous binge-eating disorder. like, eating 5-6000 calories in a sitting. 3 weeks without binging now (: i still only weigh 9st which is cool but there's a problem with my belly. it's huge & swollen. i look like an ethiopian child. what the fuck do. i thought i would just shit it out but it's been 3 weeks now... biologically that doesn't make sense. i'm still shitting pretty regularly. anyone been through similar?

i'm scared guys

>> No.8331599

your body is just adjusting to not eating as much

>> No.8331603

drugs, ride a fixed gear, etc

>> No.8332774

qt except for the weird fucking waist. why is it so wide at the belly-button and tapers from there? mine tapers at the belly-button.

>> No.8332816

Skipping dinner tonight for more ab definition

wish me luck

>> No.8332832


>Diet soda not bad for you
>Aspartame is poison
You dumb as shit bruh

>> No.8332853

Lots of cardio, and a diet mainly consisting of vegetables and fruit. Feels good too, never had to starve myself and eat as much as I want. Get most of my protein from correct serving of eggs, nuts and granola.

>> No.8332862

I listen to this song every morning https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_Re6pZri8Gw

>> No.8333524

>Aspartame is poison
>actually believing that
Dude, it's not some mysterious substance we know nothing about.

Aspartame itself doesn't even make it into the blood. It's fully broken down in the intestines, into aspartate, methanol and phenylalanine.

Aspartate is an incredibly common amino acid, and you get way more of it just from regular food than you get from soda. Phenylalanine is an essential amino acid, and is only harmful if you have phenylketonuria and get too much. And you get more methanol from eating a ripe apple, than you get from drinking a diet soda.

>> No.8333549

Do what my gf does.

eat chocolate and candy all day and hardly eat anything.

ugh its soo lame

>> No.8333558


ahahha YES

that one bitch is hot