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/fa/ - Fashion

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8311480 No.8311480[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>Sitting in class
>class discussion on image manipulation on models
>everyone saying every model is "too thin"
>model with thigh gap made apparent comes up
>everyone says how thigh gaps are bad
>professor says he has an underwear designer friend that says thigh gaps are bad
What the fuck is this shit? How soon before the fatties take over?

>> No.8311484


>> No.8311696

can anyone ID the shirt Kanyes wearing?

>> No.8311717

haha yeah, the rise of eating disorders isn't cause for concern at all!

>> No.8311733
File: 40 KB, 615x409, Kanye-West-talks-with-Jimmy-on-Jimmy-Kimmel-Live.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>or should i say WHO are you wearing?
>RALPH (awkward nodding and smiling)

>> No.8311745
File: 25 KB, 640x645, thighgap.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

'thigh gap' is a polite term for a woman who has no ass

>> No.8311754

Fuck off. You dont belong here

>> No.8311782

alla ouk esti ralphos

>> No.8311823
File: 136 KB, 1100x1375, 1334811355227.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why would you listen to a professor on social issues.

>> No.8311830

The girl on the right actually has a thigh gap
It was originally the small triangle between the thighs and ass

>> No.8311832


Fuck off

>> No.8311864

You really think the girl on the left is more attractive than the right?

>> No.8311883

your a huge fag if you prefer lefty's ass

>> No.8311884
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>> No.8311886


>butthurt pancake ass bitches

Ow8, you cant be butthurt because you dont have one

>> No.8311892

Fashion is a business that has to make money

To sell a product they have to be made desirable

The thin aesthetic is desired and it's what the consumer wants

So naturally it gives the consumer what it wants

>> No.8311898

Brands and fashion houses are businesses*

>> No.8311908

>tfw no underwear designer friends

>> No.8311912

Dumb question but is there any chance that being fat is going to be a thing in the fashion industry in the near (or distant) future?

>> No.8311922


>> No.8312044

clothes are designed around the human form, and the form of young, healthy humans has been the same for thousands of years. fat people can't pull off high fashion because it's like telling a classically trained painter to work on a curving canvas and expecting him to create something other than a decent-looking novelty.

of course, this relies on the cultural axiom of thin/fit=normal. perhaps someday if being fat is seen as being as normal as anything else, the standards in fashion will change accordingly and more fashion will accommodate fat people, but you still have to consider that a fat dude and a thin dude really need completely different kinds of fashion because just sizing up fashion catered to thin people onto a fat person (or hypothetically vice versa) still won't work since the shapes of the clothing aren't designed for their bodies; it's putting a square peg in a round hole

>> No.8312091

did u even watch ricks last womens show in paris?
rick said in an interview he is going to market to plus sizes in his womenwear now

>> No.8312167

My gf has that triangle between her legs and she is chubby. idk how that works

>> No.8312240


Her thighs are so big they push her legs apart

>> No.8312262

I think you neet to have crooked legs in order to have a thigh gap

>> No.8312487

You can be of average weight and create a thigh gap by sticking your ass out, which separates your thighs from each other. It's kind of a myth.

>> No.8312496

>it's like telling a classically trained painter to work on a curving canvas and expecting him to create something other than a decent-looking novelty

I agree with your opinions but that was a weird metaphor and it did not work for me

>> No.8312506

the girl on the right has a thigh gap you faggots. the girl on the left looks like a dead body. Fat girls dont have that little gap on the right tho, it's about how fat your legs are in relation to your hip width

>> No.8312535
File: 224 KB, 492x1200, 1401783608030.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you in America?

Even Godzilla was made fatter for the American market.
Japs all laughing about it.

>> No.8312539

The girl on the right is an example of a hot girl with a thigh gap, and the left is an unattractive girl with a thigh gap. The gap is probably fucking bigger on the girl on the right but looks smaller cos shes got one fucking leg in front of the other. Whats the point of this image, anon?

>> No.8312545


what a retard

>> No.8312560

yeah I think I more or less agree but like >>8312496 I'm pretty sure that metaphor doesnt work, since that would actually produce some interesting artwork

>> No.8312937

Let me break this down for everyone:

- Making people feel bad for being fat is bad, any way you slice it. Almost always, they're victims, of an obesogenic society, of shitty parents, of dysfunctional coping mechanisms from one place or another.

- The thing is, we all realize this on some level, and that's why 20th+ century Western society scorns fatness. Not just because it's a victim state, we don't look down on the victim of a chance mugging, but because it's the result of a sustained breakdown of self-determination: if you're fat, 99 times out of a hundred, your body is what society has made of it, not what you've chosen or willed. And next to love, people crave nothing more than self-determination, the freedom and ability to shape the one thing they can never get away from.

- Witness the exceptions to the stigma of obesity: they're always the unquestionably powerful. Oprah. Henry Kissinger. Andre Leon Talley, Alber Elbaz, Karl, when he was fat, although they all get some shit because they're in the fashion world.

Everyday people who pull it off are the ones who will it, or allow it, when the excess flesh is an obvious result of other apparent chosen excesses - like think Jessa in Girls snarling at the VC she married that she's going to be so fat by the time she's thirty because unlike him she has experiences.

- How does this play out on a practical, political level?

Well, let's be clear: the fatties have already taken over. 69% of US adults are overweight; 35% are obese. In a sense, a fat acceptance movement is redundant - no one really thinks you're a bad person if you're fat except bizarre Internet trolls.

But it's not really a PR campaign. Like most political activity these days, it's mutual therapy. "Don't feel bad that your body's been run over by innumerable shitty social processes," because you really shouldn't, "it's okay," even though it's not, and can never be, because being out of control of your body is only sexy if you've consented to it.

>> No.8312942

This is why you see the sort of ressentiment you're whining about - if it really was a crusade for "body positivity," they wouldn't be putting down the beanstalks.

- A real body positivity would give their bodies back to people, fat or lean, tall or short, brown or pink. To let them own them, control them, better them as they decide. As an achievable collective goal, it's beyond us right now, like most worthwhile things. It has to be a horizon we choose to move towards. What would that movement look like? Instead of insisting on the neutrality and equivalence of bodies, it would insist on exalting idiosyncrasies and the experience of being a particular body, of shaping that experience from there on and wearing the consequences of life literally under skin. There's an argument to be made for the goodness of fat - of decadence, of DGAF sedate indulgence, of taking advantage of all the ways technology makes bodies primarily vehicles for pleasure and not tools. Choosing that should be the basis of being fat, if that's what you want.

The best argument for this, besides that it's the only way (I can think of) that's both honest and empathetic? It's been studied, and fat shaming actually makes people gain weight - they feel shitty and useless and eat more to cope. Positive, empowering messages help people loose weight.

- Lastly, retouching is still a bad thing. It smooths out the real bodies we're trying to learn to see right, to take pleasure in. How often do we use "flat" or "smooth" as good aesthetic words in other contexts? We value shape, variety, texture in almost everything else, and we need to relearn how to value it on our bodies, whether it's sinew, ribs, or folds.

>> No.8312963

>your body is what society has made of it
stopped reading there

yes shitty parents and shitty "norms" exist but once your on your own if you can't move on from that, you're a weak willed faggot and thats nobody's problem but your own.

>> No.8313028

Wrong, google a lil harder next time friendo

>> No.8313074

You're projecting your own inadequacies.

>> No.8313922

But being fat is like actually unhealthy, like in real life y'know? Also why the fuck would I care about anyones feelings

>> No.8313971


If you put as much effort into diet and exercise as you did writing this post maybe you could lose a few pounds

>> No.8314005

because he is a shill now

>> No.8314014


>> No.8314015

kek, to think you would take it this far
just lose some weight it's really not that difficult, not to mention it's healthier

>> No.8314531

the problem is though, what do you answer to that
i cant think of valid arguments

>> No.8314545

I'd say my ex girlfriend was 6' and 135 and had thigh gap and ate all the time, some people are just like that naturally.

>she actually just smoked for lunch and skipped breakfast and ate once a day

>> No.8315671
File: 16 KB, 400x220, 1254613319083.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what happened to the thinspo threads we used to have a few years back

>> No.8315779

thigh gaps are determined nearly exclusively by bone structure, like how wide-set your femurs are into your pelvis & how wide said pelvis is. unless you've become a landwhale that is. i even have a gap & i'm obese by /fa/s standards i just have dem hentai hips

>> No.8315798

lmao at /fa/ggots here that think skinny chicks are superior.

implying you wouldnt want a thick chick

>> No.8315865

i wouldn't. they're disgusting

>> No.8315882

does his shirt say kike?

>> No.8315888

Would fuck, would never date. Need a girl I can show off without being embarrassed of. Tall and thin and well dressed so we can be the prettiest people at the party.

>> No.8315896

A not disgusting thick chick is pretty rare, they're usually just fat and good at hiding it

>> No.8315899

I assume it means something in a third world language.

>> No.8315906
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>> No.8315908
File: 131 KB, 610x786, body-fat-percentage-women.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd grab their gut and watch their fat tits flop around, I don't give a fuck. Nothing over 35%bf though. Wouldn't date one over 22%bf.

>> No.8315956
File: 1.99 MB, 185x315, 1401872526078.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

high test male coming through

>> No.8315957
File: 981 KB, 500x323, 1401872744920.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tbh skinny women are gross, ass is a girls 2nd best feature after their face so why not just embrace ur curves

>> No.8315962

Looks like a 32 year old washed up skank with two bastard kids that still goes out every weekend and fucks randoms.

>> No.8315965

I'd have to get a look at her face, she's a little bit too chunky though and I love a thick chick. btw this 'high test male' shit is pure broscience

>> No.8315973
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>> No.8315986

because you can still have a great ass and be thin. also if they're chunky it usually shows in their face and makes them less attractive. when have you ever seen slender cheekbones and a defined jaw on a fat bitch

>> No.8315989
File: 873 KB, 684x1511, 1401901254655.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8315993

nah bro their poontang is the best

>> No.8315994

Dude this bitch is fucking fat. There's no way around it

>> No.8315997

I fucking hate it when fatties do this. Bitch, you're fucking overweight, that's why you have a big ass

>> No.8316002

tell me you would not rip this bitch to shreds

>> No.8316009

>Tfw you have a thigh gap as a male
Not sure how it feels man

>> No.8316021

skip to like 1:43 for the best angle

>> No.8316031

i'd probably hit it but shes a fattie
accept it

>> No.8316038

lol fuck no, dude. you just have a crush on this bitch. she's fat. i can tell she'd be cute if she were skinny, though

>> No.8316043

maybe, but i'd have to usher her out of my house at four in the morning so no one sees.
just too much woman for me i like my bitches thin and small and feminine so i can throw them around and hold them in my man arms while they nestle in my chest.
this bitch will nestle you in her chest.

>> No.8316059

Where did your dick go?

>> No.8316061

confirmed for low test males

but forreal i can see where your coming from i just think she totally pulls off being thick

>> No.8316071

different strokes for different folks, or whatever

>> No.8316137

Would smash but would never date.

>> No.8316191
File: 436 KB, 400x564, Thinspo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>There are people on this thread who actually believe thigh gaps are bad

Has Tumblr actually won?

>> No.8316200

dark times indeed

>> No.8316329

yeah i think she's hot. i would date her too if we had enough in common.

>> No.8316333

more deaths per year caused by being overweight
than underweight

citation: google it

>> No.8316335

Dump that lard-arse. Fat girls pussies reek and taste disgusting.

>> No.8316336

i'd fuck her for sure but that's not saying much.

>> No.8316338

girl on right is standing with her legs deliberately pressed together. left isn't.

>> No.8316343

If your life has been so totally bare of struggle and your existence so limited that you don't understand why people might have a hard time at something and still sustain, in twenty-fucking-fourteen, the fantasy that human will is simple, rational, and independent I feel sorry for you.

I also never said anything about it being your problem.

I never said being fat wasn't unhealthy; I'm basically pro-fitness. But the world is more complicated than Weight Watchers ads, you know. (I originally wrote Equinox ads, and then I realized - even Equinox ads are more real than the guy I responded to above.)

You should care about people's feelings because people are, in large part, their feelings, and being cruel is pointless and hurts everyone - you, them, the general environment. Certain kinds of negative feelings are just toxic. Why create them?

Also, again, people's feelings have a direct impact on their actions. Fat shaming makes people fatter.

Lol, sick burn, but I'm actually very lean and a serious amateur climber.

You do realize I was critiquing FA, right? There's no point in anyone feeling shitty about their body, but the rhetoric and thinking around FA is dumb and shallow as fuck.

Dude, you realize thigh gap is at least as much of a Tumblr thing as FA? And that it's chock full of anti-fat stuff ranging from ana/mia shit to fitspo?

Whining about Tumblr makes you sound like the olds blatering about Twitter.

>> No.8316344

Good lord, you're an idiot.

>> No.8316369


>> No.8316403

Okay, so school me. What's your analysis of all this?

>> No.8316469


Am I the only one who likes smaller, perky butts on girls?

I find them cute the same way small boobs are cute.

>> No.8316473


I honestly wouldn't.

>> No.8316579

Fat people eat too much food and/or too much shitty food. Self-control is frowned upon and muh genetics is screamed.

>> No.8316639

Yeah, and that's at odds with what I said how? The only difference I can see is that I was trying to understand and you're trying to dismiss.

>> No.8316640


in addition to this, being slightly overweight (NOT MORBIDLY OBESE) is not much worse than hungry skelly mode or being underweight like the people on /fa/ tell you to be

I was about 20 lbs overweight but lost it when I was about 15 but still feel sympathy for those on the line between fat and average