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8310841 No.8310841[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

How do you like your coffee? It seems to be a staple of effay. I usually take it black with one sweet and low, tryin to get dat slimdown.

>> No.8310867

Soy latte because black is only good for waking me up and real milk makes me shit acid.

>> No.8310894

Medium roast, 1-3 sugars depending on the size of the coffee.

>> No.8310903

Depends on the situtation

>just woke up/drinking for the sake of drinking something
Black with milk/cream
>at a cafe for whatever reason
>need a quick hit of caffeine

Those three mainly, but I might throw something different in the mix every now and then

>> No.8310905


Black Vanilla Nespresso
>tfw just bought 100 euro worth of capsules

>> No.8310907

i dont drink coffee

>> No.8310914
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HG one and Kees van der Wetsen Speedster.

>Not having a coffee machine worth more then most people's cars.


>> No.8310921

A pot of Black coffe gevelia in the morning for explosive shit and boosted metabolism.

L-tryptophan melatonin 2 Benadryl in the evening before bed.

>> No.8310923

>black with milk/cream
Do you have any idea what black means?

>> No.8310930


drip coffee? fuck i dunno what to call it

>> No.8310938

double espresso no sugar

>> No.8310939

Take a glass, fill it with water, add 3 big scoops of Nescafe.
10 eggs with 100g rice
1L of milk

Perfect cutting/bulking breakfast

>> No.8310947

Instant/Cafetiere = Black no Sugar (95% of my coffees)

Post resturant meal = Espresso Macchiato

Cafe = Americano (black no sugar) or if I'm not cutting Cappuccino

>> No.8310949

Black if it's good quality coffee.
Otherwise drip with some vanilla syrup at work.
>tfw working at a cafe means free coffee all day

>> No.8310950

nespresso is so fucking good

>> No.8310952

I've had about 5 today it's ridiculous.

>> No.8310954

>Put 3 scoops of instant coffee in a cup
>Mix with coca cola



>> No.8310958

I dont own one, but at the kitchen store where i live that i frequent they have a few different models set up that you can test out, every time i go in man. if i had the extra cash right now i would buy one.

>> No.8310965

Dark roast community with 4 sweet n lows.

>> No.8310967

They're all basically the same when it comes down to it. They've just made the new ones look fancier.

You can get one of the earlier models for about 50 euro online I'd say.

>> No.8310974

you realize that bulking and cutting aren't interchangeable, right?

>> No.8310984

Just black. Don't drink much coffee tho. Fux with my sleep patterns

>> No.8311888

good tea is more effay than coffee

green tea esp

every son of a bitch and his mother drinks coffee

>> No.8311961
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>Klatch Coffee House Blend
>French Press

>> No.8311979

Here we only have a small cup of coffee, I guess it's call expresso over there? I see those huge cups in starbucks and I wonder who drinks that thing.

Also, we only put a small amount of sugar, not milk, cream, etc

>> No.8312012

Green tea is gay

>> No.8312119

black means without anything added

>> No.8312130

Green tea is amazing you dipshit.

>> No.8312142


>> No.8312159

Give me a fucking break.

>> No.8312175


B-but I am gay anon

>> No.8312180


>> No.8312209


That just makes it more effay.

>> No.8312225

I man I love the awesome brews I get from my Keurig™.

>> No.8312264

I like a good ristretto (doppio if I'm really tired) black with maybe quart or half of a sugar just for the sake of having some sugar.

The ristretto like they do in south europe (Portugal, Spain, Italie) and not the boiled water with a sip of coffee extract that has been filtered more then a 1000 times. The best match for the ristretto at least in the Benelux is at Starbucks its 3.50€ -ish for a doppio ristretto of decent quality

Also for the guy who didn't knew what black coffee means, I think you meant filtered coffee....

>> No.8312280

Lavazza tall espresso

>> No.8312317



>> No.8312330
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Quadruple espresso

Two ice cubes


>> No.8312358

yo does coffee make anyone else sweat like mad

i require coffee to wake up and get my shit together, but then i get too sweaty to go out into public and get work done

>> No.8312374
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ugh i love coffee/tea way too much

i like my coffee with milk and sugar, but not too much to the point where my teeth fall out.

what kind of brands do you guys like? i'm going to start experimenting and am interested in ones with flavors like chocolate, etc? how are they?

>> No.8312402
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mostly this

>> No.8312816

I either drink black coffee or an espresso, if I want a sugary drink I get a macchiato

>> No.8312851

who more fa coffe or tea?

>> No.8313284
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>> No.8313297

black usually

somewhat related, how do i get rid of coffee jitters?

>> No.8313329


xanax is pretty good for that but then you get dependent

l-theanine is also good, not addictive

>> No.8313577

full or medium roast and black as Nigerian slaves and the coal they mine or a latte with no sugar and fat free milk because muh skinny SLP mode dream

i like to have a smoke after it if i have the time

>> No.8313586

>Black with milk/cream
retarded as fuck

also pussy ass nigga

>> No.8313588

It depends, if you're a burger you go with coffee, and if you live in britbongistan you kill yourself

>> No.8313617

>10 eggs
howtobasic, pls

>> No.8313633

is this legit, i hae a classmate who has an uncle whos a truck driver and he says that they do that to stay asleep

>> No.8313641

>not drinking Based Earl Grey or English Breakfast

nigga u pleb and gay as fuck

>> No.8313650
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>> No.8313651

>Here we only have a small cup of coffee
such is life in mother russia, innit comrade?

>> No.8313675

pls be a grill because that shit sounds faggy and uncultured as fuck

>> No.8313683

Try salt, stir it around for a bit and it neutralizes the bitter taste. It's an old cowboy trick.

>> No.8313686

>if you live in britbongistan you kill yourself
my sides are obliterated

>> No.8313843

I can only drink black, everything else, especially milk, makes it gross.

>> No.8313867

For real, by this logic:
Play Japanese game
Eat at a Japanese restaurant
Drive a Japanese car
Have Japanese house pet
Fluent in Japanese
Dating Japanese girl

Most green tea is not even from Japan.

>> No.8313882

You know what's fucking delicious?

Coffee with a spoonful of milk caramel mixed in.

>> No.8313932

But that's what makes coffee good.

I drink either red eyes or double cafe americanos.

>> No.8313942

Coffee is American, faggot. What are you, not American?

>> No.8314001

one milk 4 sugars

i got a sweet tooth

>> No.8314024

You actually just don't like coffee

>> No.8314067

We were talking about tea

>> No.8314095

Pretty much, why on earth would you drink coffee if you have to remove everything coffee-like about it

>> No.8314101

ackshually its from india, Sri Lanka if im not wrong, the plant is called camellia sinesis or something like that

u gave the internet, google it faggot

>> No.8314105

>replying to a tea discussion talking about coffee
>saying coffee is american
>implying coffee can grow in the landwhere corn syrup oozes from the ground and trees

fuck yeah murrka!

>> No.8314108

and probably diabeetus too

>> No.8314124

>boil kettle
>grind beans in hand burr grinder
>pour boiling water in french press and coffee mug
>wait until water in kettle comes down to 92c
>pour water out of french press, add beans, add water
>stir for 30 seconds
>place press lid on, ensure it is sealed
>wait 3:30
>plunge coffee with weight of hand only
>pour water out of mug
>pour coffee in mug
>if feeling jolly, place ball of ice cream and shot of rum/other liquor in mug before pouring coffee over

plebeians pls go

>> No.8314146
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>> No.8314192

whole bean instant, amount of sugar depends on how much coffee I put in, splash of milk. I know that instant is plebby but it tastes fine and is quicker to make than tea

>> No.8314242

I'm within walking distance from a Starbucks, but I instead opt for this mexican place that sells a small cup of coffee for $2.

At this store, they have this condiment stand with sugar, cream, etc. It's kinda gross because the half-and-half has obviously been out for six hours (I wake up at 12 pm, they open at 6), the sugar looks like it's a year old, and the straw I put my lips around (no homo) has probably been fondled by a stranger or two's uwashed hands.

Usually, I put two squirts of the vanilla shit in my coffee first. I don't know what you call it, but the tub is huge as fuck and says that one squirt is equal to one serving. Then I pour a shit load of half-and-half in it. I don't know what half-and-half is, nor do I care. What I do know is that it makes my coffee not taste like shit, which is good enough for me. Then I pour sugar in, enough to make a can of mountain dew cringe.

I take my coffee home, sipping carefully because that shit is mad hot and burns my tongue, making any future meals I have that day, or maybe even the subsequent, too, unpleasant. So I put a lil ice cube in the cup when I get back to my place and nurse the coffee until it's all gone.

>> No.8314254

I like my coffee like I like my women.
Strong and black.

>> No.8314262

Fuck your tea, cunt.
Fight me irl faggot, I'll beat the gay out of you.

>> No.8314266
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I tried (and failed) at making Turkish coffee today.

Tea is more /fa/, anyways.

>> No.8314275

I actually prefer tea, British style. If I do feel like
drinking coffee, it'll be with a somewhat generous
amount of half and half in it. Although, if I can, i'll
get a latte.

>> No.8314305

I'm so sick of that haircut.

>> No.8314315

i cold brew it, drink it with ice and a bit of sugar. I dislike drinking hot drinks for some reason

>> No.8314326

Cold coffee is literary the most disgusting shit ever

>> No.8314339


>> No.8314369

only if you don't cold brew and then just put the coffee in the fridge. cold brew is less bitter and acidic making it taste better when cold. I would never drink normal coffee that was cold, it does taste disgusting, especially if you like it black.

>> No.8314393

calmd down lil fat pasty manlet, you cant handle this 1.82m tall mexican by yourself, better call your inbred brother/cousin

>> No.8314396

word, i can drink my coffee like water if its below boiling pot, and oh man, i drink my coffee like i like my slaves, pitch black and strong

>> No.8314402

gimme a cold coffee recipe
tried a couple they aint right
shops got it good but mine end up just tasting like cold coffee it aint right man

>> No.8314508

>tfw having a quick smoke at 3:00 am while waiting for the kettle to boil
>tfw chilly in your sleeping fit
>tfw black coffe with pall malls because poor
>tfw you start feeling the taste of your cigarette in your coffee
middle class as fuck

>> No.8314600

>black with milk and cream
All of my what....

>> No.8314632

I'm 188cm tall and lift, nigger.

>> No.8314875

Coarse grind dark roast, 30 grams
Cold water, 255mL
Mix lightly till even dont over stir
Keep sealed in Fridge 8 hours
Filter and drink

>> No.8314878


I meant >>8314402

>> No.8315005
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>stay asleep

>> No.8315137

Post pic faggot

>> No.8315964

>what is Hawaiian Coffee

tea weeb

>> No.8316764

hazelnut black

>> No.8316802

Bald chain getting slept on

>> No.8317623

2 more hours and we'll see how it be

>> No.8317759
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where do you get that?

>> No.8317825

I know whole foods sells it
I'm pretty sure its shit
like damned sure

>> No.8317874
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recently, coffee's been giving me really bad gas so i just drink tea these days.

usually depends what kind i have but in the morning i like to have irish breakfast with milk and one or two packets of sweet and low. i love it because its one of the only teas strong enough to have a smoke with.

>> No.8317927

my fucking ass

>> No.8318011

>people actually put dairy products and sweetners in their coffee
I've never understood it.

Dark roast/ bold; black. I used to drink it black when I was younger because I thought it made me a hardass but now I actually appreciate the flavor, given it's a decent brew.

>> No.8318087

in the general area but damned weak
gonna half the water and try again

>> No.8318154

That sounds like a bulk. I don't think you can really cut eating 10 eggs a day unless you're doing keto m8

>> No.8318187

>rinsing the mug and press with boiling water everytime

Nigga you autistic?

>> No.8318198

Enjoy your addictions and body degeneration you fucks.

>tfw don't do any drugs or attempt to 'slim' down
>Eat what I want when I want
>6'1" 120lbs

It's like you fucks make it sound hard?

>> No.8318201

That's only 700Cal. 700Cal is jack shit.

>> No.8318214

>All the pussies ITT
Black. Have fun with your ~*venti iced skinny caramel soy milk macchiato*~, it makes you look great!

>> No.8320337

Finally some real man

>> No.8320343

Tea because I'm fucking English

>> No.8320344

>asserting your manliness to mask your own insecurity
Whatever I like my coffee to be. Have fun with your ~*BLACK COFFEE FOR MANLY MEN WITH A SHOT OF MOTOR OIL AND CHEAP BOURBON*~, it makes you look great while you smoke filters and take a photo of the ashtray with the still lit cigarette and BLACK COFFEE and tag it as #frenchbreakfast on instagram

seriously that's like 50% of my feed whenever I wake up and check social media

>> No.8320346

>it makes you look great while you smoke filters
I don't understand why you mentioned filters specifically
is filterless / self-rolled supposed to be effeminate or what

>> No.8320378

>hurrrr you're pussies I drink coffee BLACK
nice job being the tryhard everyone thinks is an annoying prick. nice job being proud of what you do or do not put into a beverage everyone drinks daily. nice job for feeling special.

>> No.8320390

lmao not taking your coffee black is like eating a 50 dollar steak with ketchup
Fuck off you redneck uncultured pieces of shits

>> No.8320397

black coffee

I don't like stuff added to it, takes away the flavor.

>> No.8320443

medium roast guatemalan beans. tiny bit of coconut milk and a little bit of molasses.

>> No.8321196
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>Black with milk/cream

>> No.8321224

>with one sweet and low

pick one, faggot. it's no longer black if you add shit to it

>> No.8321240

... But seriously though, do people really think this?
'Black' is no milk, 'no sugar' is no sugar (or similar).
As in:
"How do you take your coffee?"
"Black, no sugar."

>> No.8321259

I like hyphy mud. It's really, really strong. But amazing.

Shit makes me dangerous.

>> No.8321304

Black means with nothing in it.
Sugar doesn't add color to the coffee, but it isn't black coffee with sugar in it

>> No.8321765

how does it feel to be 15 yo and pure aryan?

>> No.8321768

700 cal is like my entire calorie intake for a whole day

>> No.8322233

Sweet-and-low does shit for "slimming down", the body compensates for it in other ways so you're actually not getting any less sugar. Also if you've got good coffee you dont need none of that shit, you'll just ruin it. Go have a soy mocha frappe or some shit from starbucks instead.

>> No.8322379
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>> No.8322398

i associate the smell of coffee with shit (dad would always take a coffee into the toilet when he took a shit in the morning when i was growing up), but i love caffeine, so i usually go a double shot espresso and shoot it

>> No.8322425
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>black with milk/cream

>> No.8322427

thank you skeleton

>> No.8322431
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>6'1'' 120 lbs

>> No.8322652
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>at home
French press double shot Americano with one stevia packet. Sometimes a 1 oz. shot of Frangelico, Kahlua or Amaretto

>at home quick cup
keurig Starbucks med. roast with one stevia packet

Chai latte or perhaps a seasonal latte of some kind. Espresso if it's an Italian cafe

getting pic related; siphon coffee brewer

>> No.8322664

black no sugar
sometimes a drop of milk
sometimes i get macchiato

>> No.8322675

>not drinking tea flavored by dirt collected from the bottom most layer of soil in your lemongrass garden

stay pleb

>> No.8322753

black tea

>> No.8322754

Living in Italy partly

Usually black coffe with sugar
Espresso no milk no sugar


nespresso ist one of the best coffee-brand which you get anywhere

looks good

to hard for me

>Black no Sugar
you have got taste, but wait
kidding me brah?
How can you drink chocolate with coffee?



never had it

>> No.8322756

idiot, never been out of your town?

>> No.8322907

Never developed a taste for bitter things. Whats the appeal?

>> No.8322953
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By black u mean a fucking american long coffe? Thats crap

I only take espresso, without milk or sugar, plebs

>> No.8322971

I only drink espresso too, without milk and most of the times without sugar.

>> No.8322973

as opposed to an espresso with milk and sugar?


>> No.8322997

Ill make you stay asleep for the rest of ur life bitchboi

>> No.8322998

He said most tea isn't from Japan. Why are you so angry that he didn't give specifics? You some sort of curryboo fella or something?

>> No.8323002
