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/fa/ - Fashion

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8292373 No.8292373[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

anyone else feeling sick of fashion?
i just want to dress like a regular person

>> No.8292387

I got sick of high end fashion weeks ago, I only wear comfy fits now

if you choose to dress like a normal person, at least be a decently dressed normal person

>> No.8292389

This happened to me. I'm sick of being an attention-seeking metrosexual. Now I just dress in tasteful slim jeans, plain/band t-shirt and black sneakers. Feels good to not worry how I look constantly.

>> No.8292393

it's called normcore

>> No.8292395

Opt into post-authentic conformity. Opt for normcore.

>> No.8292406

regular people dress like shit, so no. the dude in the pic you posted is obviously not "regular," he is clearly styled to look a certain way, aka fashion. i recently started commuting and spending a lot more time with normal people and let me tell you they look awful. "fashion" doesn't have to stress you out, but having some sort of eye for style is pretty mandatory if you don't want to look horrendous.

>> No.8292409

>tfw you wish you could go back to the days of not caring about fashion

>> No.8292411

this is really random spewed from my sleep deprived mind:
holy fuck the metrosexual got to me. since most of us arent older (yes im going there) we shouldnt be wearing menswear.. there is almost an age range for it 25/27 < x < 70.. most of us are too young (and broke) to wear nicer/extremely modern menswear pieces so the term metrosexual is the closest word placed onto that look we can do.
so it is easier for us in our age range and demographic to just wear black this black that or comfy this comfy that.
>to young for real menswear so we get labeled metrosexual
>but oh "fuck what other people think"
>ya still look out of place nigga

>> No.8292430

maaan, tf you think "regular" means theses days?
todays regular fashion is the most common shit. that being semi-hipstercore.

>> No.8292436

yeah regular is like anything sold in zumiez basically

>> No.8292437
File: 29 KB, 450x615, 38197-4--450-auto.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oi polloi deckouts are the best

>> No.8292443

if you dress really clean and perfectly match the context of your environment and your personal situation and lifestyle, people won't even think you look fashionable. They will just think you look good. A lot of "fashion" people kind of fetishize designers as creators of art and wear this stuff independently of their surroundings, dismissing anyone who thinks they look out of place as a philistine. That's their perogative, but for me the clothes are just the means to an end, not the end goal, which is looking good to others and being comfortable and happy in what I'm wearing as I pursue other more important goals in life such as making money, building personal relationships, developing hobbies, and so on.

>> No.8292451


Hi Junior

>> No.8292471

Yes, it takes a lot of my time and money and I'm starting to wonder if it's really worth it.

>> No.8292472

>target/kmart white shortsleeve shirt
>target/kmart black cargo pants
>dunlop shoes

pure normal

>> No.8292480

You sound like a pompous dick.

>> No.8292481


I've felt this before and it comes and goes in periods

I'm very serious about fashion because it's what I want to work in for a living

So I think about it all the time and it really creates alot of inner conflict

When it comes to personal dress I like dressing the way I do but I always have periods of very high satisfaction and confidence OR extremely low confidence

Idk man do what you wanna do, sometimes I have thoughts like that too and think "wow wtf am i doing should i just go back to dressing normally? im alot more comfortable that way" but i say nah i love clothing and fashion too much

>> No.8292485

You can dress fairly normally and still be /fa/. What matters is how well your clothes fit and how well you own it.

>> No.8292489

it is impossible to stay dedicated 24/7

just keep looking for some motivation

>> No.8292497

>anyone else feeling sick of fashion?
I was until normcore became a thing. Now I kinda feel like I gotta go full hobo Kapital/Trove core or something.

>> No.8292498

enjoy your cosplay and in 5 years look back on pics from now and cringe

>> No.8292567


Cop one outfit of basics. Vans, black skinnies, a cheap tee and a hoodie from somewhere. See if you prefer it to all the expensive designer shit I guess.

>> No.8292676

oh, man. look at that black dwarf manlet

>> No.8292696

don't get sick of it because i've never really been into it. i'm more interested in fabric quality, dyes, and construction
also what this guy said

>> No.8292703
File: 164 KB, 536x1140, autisticninja.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i remember when i was getting back into fa and i dressed like an autistic ninja retard in cheap black clothing and thought that was good enough

>> No.8292713
File: 129 KB, 438x856, tumblr_n69ew0cOxo1srwocyo1_1280[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


recently i dress a lot more "noormal" even after being exposed to some of the weirder designer shit

i guess it's really a matter of figuring out what your preference is, some people will go full on avant garde and some won't

>> No.8292725

You still dress like a man doe

>> No.8292735

It's called everything but avant-garde and experimental stuff like lunarcore or gothninja.

workcore, menswear, streetwear, these are all perfecty normal styles regular people wear except the difference is that most people can't into well dressing

>> No.8292886

i was under the impression he is one

>> No.8292890

Tengu is a questioning mtf.

>> No.8292896

nigga you dress in rick and julius, that's far from dressing "normal".

your fits are cool though.

>> No.8293143
File: 410 KB, 632x338, Screen-Shot-2014-02-28-at-11.02.17-AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's my two cents. Someone may have already mentioned it, but whatever. People should dress according to the context of the situation they are in. High end fashion and even semi high end fashion are 9/10 completely out of context for ANY situation. Could you imagine some guy dressed in full gothninja avant-grade going to Walmart to buy milk and eggs? Could you imagine that same guy going on a trip to the beach? Being "fa" is just to impractical and detached from reality. Most of the people you seen on /fa/ probably get all dressed up, take a mirror pic, and then just sit around the house all day because if they actually went out in public they would look out of place. That's why normcore is the new thing. Everyone is becoming more grounded when it comes to fashion. Comfort and practicality over looks. Clothes seriously don't make the man.

>> No.8293160


Yeah this, I like going full out and putting together a nice outfit when i go meet with my fashion related friends but,

If I have to do anything else during the day like drop by the bank or grab a drink at a grocery store I feel so fucking out of place and uncomfortable and stupid

I'm still trying to hit that balance between what I like and what I feel comfortable in while making the least amount of compromise as possible because I really do love clothing and fashion but have to always consider the context

>> No.8293166

>Could you imagine some guy dressed in full gothninja avant-grade going to Walmart to buy milk and eggs?
Yesterday I saw one eating McChicken in McD. Poland strong!

>> No.8293167
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>mfw never stopped being basic bitch, just started buying better fitting clothes that were plainer

>> No.8293217
File: 210 KB, 1076x1509, tumblr_mdpnsiBMzO1qgjvz2o1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Honestly the two of you are herb kids. Maybe you're aware of this or maybe you think you're confident, but I can tell by your attitude that the back of your neck frequently burns with the imagined stares of onlookers.

When I finish showering and everything I usually pull on a huge jersey dress, or maybe a jersey top and some woven shorts or a skirt, and I don't take them off until the day is done. Why would I? Which is stranger, continuing to wear some Rick dress while I pop over to the market for some wine, or actually going home, changing out of the dress and into something "appropriate" for the market, whatever the hell that is?

*Sometimes* I will swap my heels for flats through the day, but just as often I clop down the aisles in heeled shoes. What the fuck is the big deal in your mind that this is actually a problem?

>> No.8293220

I got over "it" about a year after getting into fashion. I spent a couple of thousand dollars on clothes during that time. I just wear t-shirts and raw jeans every day now. My Rick stuff never gets worn anymore, lel.

>> No.8293222

With that being said, and I completely agree with you, is Saint Laurent "out of place"? I mean, I wear any of my 5 SL jeans on any given day during the week and pair them with a high end t-shirt or sweatshirt. Can people tell I'm carefully selecting my outfits..?

>> No.8293224


lol twerk this is u

>> No.8293226

Pretty sure twerk is dead.

>> No.8293236
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I wore this to the movies and felt cool and unique and gentle

It's weird I feel more comfortable in clothes like this cause I feel like I'm trying to hard when I wear serious fits

>> No.8293241

stop with grandpacore

>> No.8293245

this is on the opposite end.

i just want to dress as normally as possible.
straight jeans, plain t shirt, sneakers
no skinny shit

>> No.8293270

If I dressed like a normal person, I'd be compared to normal people and then everyone would tell how ugly I really am.

>> No.8293273


The demographic who browses 4chan should not be going for the higher fashion shit, you're going to stick out in the worst possible way.

Just get shit that fits well. That's all it takes to look nice at your age.

>> No.8293291

but looking nice for their age isnt the goal for some people, and if they get made fun of for it, thats their prerogative

fuck #menswear fags tho they deserve every bit of scorn they get

>> No.8293306
File: 497 KB, 896x506, goth kids.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8293313


Yes twerk because everyone is exactly the same as you

>Imagined stares

how about actual stares everywhere I go 24/7

you're a nice guy and are knowledgeable but I feel like sometimes you fail to understand how avg regular people feel about things

>> No.8293317


And nobody implied that the "solution" to this "problem" would be to go home and change

We just said that some outfits are not fitting for certain contexts and you feel awkward and uncomfortable because of it

>> No.8293319

i aint twerk herbie
There is more than one girl on the internet.

>> No.8293324


you're timber

same goes for you though, you are knowledgeable but alot of the time come off as elitist and pretentious, talking as if your words are the single standard for how things should be

different people have different circumstances, deal with it instead of complaining about it on tumblr then deleting it 5 minutes later like an insecure 19 year old

>> No.8293327


whatever u say big gay al

>> No.8293330

the idea is that you should become comfortable in the clothes you like, or its not gonna work out. regardless of what you wear, if its anything out of the ordinary you will get stares; believe it or not, in some parts of the country people get stared at for wearing something as seemingly inconsequential as an oxford under a sweater or even just black fucking jeans. no matter what you wear, people are going to stare and youre being judged for it whether you know it or not, so the best possible thing you can do is just own it and be as comfortable in it as you can.

to put things into perspective, some people are just used to wearing shitty t-shirts and baggy jeans and to them, putting on the polyester short-sleeved button up their mom got them for their birthday is a huge sartorial step for them and theyre probably thinking that theyre being judged and stared at, but ultimately since they cant precisely ascertain how theyre being perceived short of asking the opinion of every stranger they come across, it shouldnt fucking matter what people *might* think

>> No.8293332

Also wrong.
What is this celebration of normalcy I'm seeing here? It's like you have an aspiration to be of only modest intellect, and posses just a little touch of swag.

>> No.8293333


And Rick (especially the way you wear it) is not strange at all to the average person

consider that other people dress more "out there" while living in environments and around people that are not as multi cultural and free as NYC

>> No.8293340

That's it guys we're closing /fa/ down.

it was a shit run anyways.

>> No.8293346


>the idea is that you should become comfortable in the clothes you like, or its not gonna work out. regardless of what you wear, if its anything out of the ordinary you will get stares; believe it or not, in some parts of the country people get stared at for wearing something as seemingly inconsequential as an oxford under a sweater or even just black fucking jeans. no matter what you wear, people are going to stare and youre being judged for it whether you know it or not, so the best possible thing you can do is just own it and be as comfortable in it as you can.

you have a point and im just gonna go off and admit to things ive been thinking about this recently
i already have lots of social anxiety about my face
and when i see people who look like they are trying to "do fashion" ie it shows that they're fashion conscious i think it looks bad
so when i go out i will always either just go all out on my outfit or not at all, i dont like that awkward halfway effort where it looks like ur "trying to do fashion" but not hitting the mark
i remember there was a point where when i first started dressing "weird" i walked around confident as fuck owning that shit
but then idk what happened i just realized the fits were bad and looked like i was "trying to do fashion" and ever since then my mentality has always been like that

>> No.8293351



>> No.8293355

its going to be funny as in about 1 or 2 years when all the norms catch on to skinny jeans trend and they're all wearing skin tight shit while /fa/ggots are on the baggy trend. both sides are sooooo predictable. ive stuck with rick since '06 and this is my uniform now. trend whores, plebs and fuccbois alike can suck my d

>> No.8293356


i never celebrated or implied anything having to do with "normaling it down" or whatever

i fucking love fashion and crazy shit and sometimes i will have impulses to just wear the craziest shit and say fuck you ignore everyone

but then i step outside and im like wow im living in a fucking remote neighborhood and taking public transit with a bunch of middle aged moms and seniors so the reality kind of dawns a bit from time to time and i will have periods of ups and downs where i am just amazed and excited about crazy shit but then think about how i would be in it irl

so yeah not encouraging "normalcy" or whatever, only saying that context matters
you put out some good points and im reflecting on them now so thanks

>> No.8293362

I only dress /fa/ when I have a job and constantly around people socially.
other times I just dress comfy/normcore. A white tee, light wash jeans, white sneakers and a leather jacket thats all you need.
Going everywhere with full goth ninja outfit is just outright retarded.

>> No.8293369


>Going everywhere with full goth ninja outfit is just outright retarded.

see right now i was just beginning to think "yeah i should stop caring and just wear what i think looks cool all the time fuck it"

but then now im like wait a sec thats fucking retarded

and the cycle continues

god damn i need to move to a bigger city

>> No.8293371

>so yeah not encouraging "normalcy" or whatever, only saying that context matters

I have some things that don't get daily wear only because they're too precious for it. It's not really anything to do with the design, I just don't feel like springing for all the dry cleaning.

That is not the same as this imagined disconnect between... essentially a tank top and some bermuda shorts and little old ladies on the bus. You've totally lost me when trying to describe the aesthetic of someone like Rick Owens which is specifically geared to be worn, every day, as something too fantastical for the streets.

Carol? Sometimes. Galliano? Frequently. Rick? Practically never.

>> No.8293373

more retarded is playing dress up with goth ninja then going normcore to be comfortable. its actually really pathetic. at least people like teddy commit to the aesthetic.

>> No.8293377

the essence of being fashionable is being versatile I think. Like if you manage to look cool in your home pygamas then you are fa (which ofc you need to do some research and get an inspo for that too)

Even dressing differently according to your changing mindset is pretty /fa/ if you ask me.

>> No.8293378


>You've totally lost me when trying to describe the aesthetic of someone like Rick Owens which is specifically geared to be worn, every day, as something too fantastical for the streets.

I didnt say that, I actually said the opposite see >>8293333

>> No.8293382

not really. you just become a soulless loser like nick wooster who has no natural style and just chameleon shifts between whatever is hot right now. people will just get to know you as that eccentric fag who likes playing dress up . no matter how much shit u cop it wont fill the aching loneliness in your heart bro. commit to a style that fits your lifestyle, get the best fit and quality pieces u can for that style and rock it while u study, work, love, live...

>> No.8293385

teddy is not 'gothninja' per se in the popularly conceived sense ie looking like a video game character

his outfits are actually pretty normal as fuck they are like hoodies jeans sneakers i dont think most people would bat an eye if they saw him they might just think its a bit interesting but rick and especially the way he wears it is not that "fantastical" or "gothninja" or so far removed from average social contexts to be a good argument here

and what the fuck is all this strawman bullshit, i have said like 3 times that i am not pushing for normality or did i ever imply it anywhere other than saying that im trying to hit a balance between what i like and what i feel most comfortable in, and have explained myself in saying that i like and wear weird shit. where are you getting this idea of "going normcore" or "dressing it down"

>> No.8293389

you're losing your mind... and I'm reaping all the benefits

>> No.8293390

I think being able to pull off every kind of style is more valuable than dressing like an autistic goofninja going to buy a milk tho lol

>> No.8293391


I think he meant "evolving / shaping the general way you dress as you get more experienced and learn more about fashion and yourself" and not "chameleon shifting"

>> No.8293395


if you dont have a response then you can just not reply, responding with a weak attempt at salvaging some anonymous pride you have when i dont even know which poster you are in this thread is just admitting that your point is weak

>> No.8293399

he literally said i like playing dress up when I go out and get excited over fashion pieces (extrovert behaviour) and then when he is alone in other social situations he has to put on t-shirt, jeans and a leather jacket to feel comfortable and fit in (introvert behaviour). It reads as extreme insecurity to anyone who bothers to take notice of you day to day and is one of the symptoms of bi-polarism.

>> No.8293402

are you high or something? does any of this shit you're spouting make sense to you or is it just schizoid stream of consciousness ramblings?

>> No.8293408


>he literally said i like playing dress up when I go out and get excited over fashion pieces (extrovert behaviour)

Yes I did say this

>then when he is alone in other social situations he has to put on t-shirt, jeans and a leather jacket to feel comfortable and fit in (introvert behaviour)


Lol what? Could you show me where I said this?

It'd like you guys don't know how to read. This is the 4th time I am restating this, I love crazy shit and I wear it, but I don't always feel 100% confident in it because of social context. No I am not pushing for or encouraging normality.

Do you guys need me to say it again?

>> No.8293415

I'm that poster and I haven't meant anything as "playing dressing up" in that post.

What I was saying basically its like every other thing, you get experience and you automatically know what to wear and what not to wear (by knowing what is more suitable to your silhouette and body type, there is a history of color matching and generally by dressing to the social occasions)

As the years go by you do these stuff without noticing them and doing them effortlessly. That eventually becomes "the fits that suits your lifestyle"

But if you like to dress according to Memes, goof ninja and etc. you won't be getting pretty much far in all of this tho.

>> No.8293416


Ad hominem is a good sign that I should probably stop responding because the person is too dumb to understand what I'm saying, especially in this scenario when my reply was nowhere near complex.

You said that "It's dumber to dress up gothninja then dressing down to normcore to be comfortable, at least teddy is consistent

to which I responded that teddy is not a good example in this discussion because his outfits are actually pretty normal, rick's clothing is actually not that strange / unfitting for daily life, and the way teddy wears it (hoody, jeans, sneakers) especially does not give off an image of being weird.

whatever though, if you're so dumb that you can't actually understand or form any thoughts based on such a simple topic then you can just stay stupid, not my problem

>> No.8293417

>says he doesnt feel comfortable wearing his favourite styles in all social contexts
>says he isn't pushing for normality
>doesn't understand the definition of normality

how does it feel being 17?

>> No.8293422


Please elaborate, your "correction" of my grammar and presumption that I must be 17 years old was completely unrelated to what I stated.

>It's like you guys don't know how to read. This is the 5th time I am restating this, I love crazy shit and I wear it, but I don't always feel 100% confident in it because of social context. No I am not pushing for or encouraging normality.

If you have anything to say in response to that to carry on an actual dialogue without shit flinging like a little baby then by all means go ahead, I am always open to learn

>> No.8293423

I honestly don't know why people even have to try. I feel like I'm the only person around that just wears what they like and it happens to look good. I see people who wear what they want or what they're marketed and they look like shit, I see people trying to /fa/ and they look like shit too because they actually take /fa/'s shitty advice.

>> No.8293452

You're delusional and I feel sorry for you.

>> No.8293471


I see this behaviour alot and it truly disturbs me, I can't even begin to understand how uneducated and lacking self awareness someone can be to even think of saying something like this

You are the delusional one, you have not once responded to me with actual valid points, just made personal attacks against your imagination of my character. I actually feel really sorry for you that you have 0 ability to read, understand, and reflect so you lash out with baseless attacks that ironically describe you perfectly. projection? i think so

>> No.8293473

I am just sick of not being able to afford Raf
fucking model feels man

>> No.8293475


You probably thought that your comments gave off a sense of superiority in that it made it seem like I was incapable of understanding an "obvious" point you were asserting, when you actually were not asserting anything but invisible implications of them. You have not once explained the reason behind your claims, but tried to pass them off as something that you need not explain.

but surprise, it wasn't and you just sound like a fucking retard!

inb4 more ad hominem attacks >hur u crazy >dur r u high? i'm a psych major

but i'll let you claim this mental victory for yourself anon good job you won stop posting now oh boy you sure got me im a 17 year old who you proved wrong with semantics!!!

>> No.8293477
File: 148 KB, 900x612, 622.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no, i genuinely like it

why are you forcing yourself? you're clearly not interested. just dress like a regular person and leave this board. no one will ever care.

>> No.8293481

You should read what you have written again. Nothing more needs to be said. You are insecure and doubly so given the amount of justification you are typing out with all these effort posts on an anonymous image board...

>> No.8293486

ur a fag

>> No.8293491


And I am telling you over and over again the same thing

I have made a few points which I have explained

You are so fucking stupid and subconsciously insecure about being proven wrong that you refuse to actually respond with anything other than generic vague buzzword ad hominem attacks

And retards like you always resort to the "hur dur le 4chan anime website!!!" when you have nothing to say

You should read what YOU have written again, it honestly scares me that you are this incapable of basic human thought.


Just gonna leave this here for you because you fail to understand your own behaviour

>> No.8293492

Are you having a psychotic break? Why on Earth would you write this much to prove your "point"? Which you don't even have... You haven't done anything but make ad hominems and throw a tantrum like a child.

>> No.8293495

lmao you are personally attacking some anon while crying about ad hominems in the same sentence. are u fucking retarded u faggot? lel

>> No.8293503

tbh the way I'm planning on going with my experimentation is to have 5 or six outfits that are completely different so I can wear them all to uni and fuck with people's perceptions

not that I'm tired of my streetninja phase

>> No.8293510


An ad hominem is attacking your opponent's character or personal traits in an attempt to undermine their argument.

The point here is >undermine their argument.

If you read the posts above, the other anon never had any argument. The only attacks I have made against him have been describing how he doesn't actually sustain dialogue but tries to throw cheap punches that have nothing to do with the original topic of fashion and dress.

This is not ad hominem, but what you guys are doing right now, is! Surprise! Both of you (or should I say you) are trying to undermine everything else I have said by saying "lol hypocrite!!!"

I never realized how low the level of dialogue or intellect the average /fa/ user has, come on guys this is high school level and you can't hold a proper conversation?

>> No.8293521


Can you tell me exactly what made you think I have no point?

The real discussion (if you can even call it that) ended at


Where I actually very specifically restated their points and my response to them, which I had actually said about 3 times even before these posts.

If you honestly believe that those were not actual points of discussion but a "tantrum" then I recommend you reevaluate your reading and thinking level

You are trying to make it out like I am the "unreasonable" one, writing "too much" when in reality it is actually exactly the opposite, I have and am continuing to speak like normal people do and you guys are actually the ones saying "too little". You provide no feedback, it's like talking to an animal or a brick wall

>> No.8293523

There was an argument and a point, you just chose to ignore it and went off screaming about ad hominems. Keep posting 300 word replies over and over though, it's entertaining.

>> No.8293528

Why do you write 2 posts everytime instead of just one big one? Are you trying to pretend that you are two different people, or did you think of some flaming hot burn after you already submitted your first post, so just had to reply again? Curious how brain damaged you really are.

>> No.8293542


Again you provide no evidence or point anything out, just make generalized claims.

Can you actually show me how I ignored it?

Let me show you what I think.

Anon makes "point"

>he literally said i like playing dress up when I go out and get excited over fashion pieces (extrovert behaviour) and then when he is alone in other social situations he has to put on t-shirt, jeans and a leather jacket to feel comfortable and fit in (introvert behaviour)

I responded , for the 7th time now, with

>I love crazy shit and I wear it, but I don't always feel 100% confident in it because of social context. No I am not pushing for or encouraging normality.

See this was a response to his "argument" that was laughable as it was a strawman and based on the premise that I "normal it down" for other social situations, which I never said or implied in the slightest, but also said that this is not what I do or mean, if I sounded like it.

That was where the actual discussion ended, and then came in


Which were completely unrelated ad hominems.

I've actually laid this out so well for you, I won't try to do it any further because I've explained it so many times and you are just too dumb to understand.


Another ad hominem, completely ignore everything he said and point out that he's "flaming hot burningly mad"!!!

To answer your question, I am trying to explain things in as much detail as I can because you guys have proven time and time again that you are incapable of understanding extremely elementary level english, so I am adding in more words as I go

>> No.8293558


If you would like to continue, could you point out what the "argument and point" was?

If you are talking about >>8293417, please do explain because I don't understand this either. I am not sure if he was trying to make a connection between not feeling comfortable in fashionable outfits in all social contexts and that having something to do with normality, or if he was trying to simply say that I was misusing the word.

Either way it is weak as hell and doesn't pass as an argument or a point, because it is an ad hominem, which you are trying to pass off as being unreasonable for pointing out.

>went off screaming about ad hominems

well, yeah, lol, because it was. i pointed out an ad hominem for what it was

sure is grade 2 up in here, you guys didn't do so well in school did you?

>> No.8293607

Have any goths ITT been gothshamed?

I wear regular clothes once in a blue moon and it's as if gothdom is some exclusive club that can revoke your membership if you aren't permanently boot-clad. I do love my friends but the whole elitist twattery can go fuck itself.

>> No.8293631

lol goths still exist in 2014?

>> No.8293635

*tips fedora*

>> No.8293648

I subscribed to the goth ninja stuff

and now I feel like im obligated to wear it all the time

like how do i go to the beach in dunks?

>> No.8293659

Damir Doma sandals
nigga it aint hard

>> No.8293671

island dunks and drkshdw cargo shorts bro
ur fucking autistic

>> No.8293692

I don't dress to blend in, but neither to stand out. I'm not fashionable, no but I do care about how I look. But with the style I've taken, its weird. I get sick of fashion, but I don't really own anything particulary fashionable. I dress basicbitch, but thats a style that I've been building for a while.
Plain sweaters/hoodies. Black jeans or raws. and New balance, and if its cold a jacket thats either green, blue, or black. I don't stand out, but I try to get stuff that fits and looks nice in my opinion. there is a beauty to this, stuff I want that is decent quality, is cheap, though I feel guilty for owning to many clothes, even though they're not worth a lot. I will donate when I get to a certain level. I don't know where im going with with this rant but basically I am not fashionable, but I get guilty about fashion.

TL;DR Do any of you who go normcore/basicbitch and dont particullary want to stand out, but look a lot better than the average, and look good in general. Feel guilty for owning a lot of clothes, despite its price.

>> No.8293716
File: 3 KB, 126x120, 1286048787337.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fashion is try hard and autistic... all the ugly and boring people flock to it, in the hope it will make them look like the 10/10 highly paid models that wear the same type of clothing in runways and photo shoots

Kids see tumblr girls with a picture that took 100 selfies to get right , and they try to emulate it.

When i see people trying so hard, i can see right through them and their insecurities.

*tips fedora*

seriously though stick to basics, and let your character and strength do the rest. looking like a queer, wont get you far in reality, you'll look back on it and cringe.

>> No.8293729

>People should dress according to the context of the situation they are in.


You retards going to gamestop in your rick owens autism wear... top kek

>> No.8293734


Seems you are so focused on the opinion of strangers in walmart, you'd rather walk around in high heels just to impress them.

sad really.

>> No.8293740


> no, i genuinely like it

yep , just how autists like to wear sonic t shirts.. completely oblivious to reality

>> No.8293748

Where do you live? Skinny/slim jeans are already normal in the UK (amongst young people at least) and have been for years. Only autists wear straight jeans these days.

>> No.8293751


>> No.8293755

>tfw saw qt full rick wearing grill in nyc the other day

>> No.8293853

timbr doesn't write like that you big obsessed idiot stop bringing her up in every single thread ever made literlaly no one else cares that youre too pussy to even talk to her

>> No.8293893

>those ankle proportions
disappointed in you for misusing the word autism like all these other nerds. thought you were better than that

>> No.8293994
File: 93 KB, 589x547, 1401052103278.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>going to gamestop
>playing video games

>> No.8294042

Nah dog, Twerk is on sufu

>> No.8294215

its called normalfagcore

>> No.8294337
File: 1.22 MB, 3264x2448, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can relate. i used to try really hard with fashion before finding /fa/, so i sold all my try hard tumblr clothes and restarted my wardrobe. I don't really like the whole normcore thing, but I don't really like the super avant garde rick/julius looking shit either. I still spend lots of money on clothes, but the look I'm going for is really simple, comfy, good quality clothes. have gotten a few really nice pairs of shoes/jackets/jeans and I got a bunch of well fitting tees in a few colors on the way in the mail right now. and I feel like even tho fashion is about context it's pretty hard to look out of place with a pair of CP's, well fitting pants and a t shirt ya know? idk I'm pretty pleb but I enjoy this stuff

>> No.8294367

ikr do people actually still do this

>> No.8294388

How is your closet so clean. Do you dust? Why is there so much dust in my house.. I feel like my house is always dirty.

>> No.8294414

my room is messy af I'm just autistic about my closet lol

>> No.8294584

tbh it's a lot easier for a grill to dress more fashionable or "out there" purely looking at levels of judgment received & congruity
i'd say that w/ girls it really only matters if your fit is flattering & makes you looks conventionally attractive so wearing heels or jersey skirts&dresses to walmart isn't some huge thing, nowhere near dressing goof in any place other than a major city

>> No.8294618

I completely agree; fashion is just a means to an end.

>> No.8294707

i enjoy clothing

>> No.8294731

Imma say this. People should dress in a way that makes themselves feel comfortable. No matter what you wear, someone will think you look good. At the same time, someone will think you look like shit. Dress in a way that makes you comfortable and confident in your body. Dressing for others opinions will always fail because you simply can't please everybody. If a guy dresses in full rick to buy groceries and it gives him enough confidence to hold conversations without spilling spaghetti, the he is /fa/. Same goes for any other style.

>> No.8294818
File: 152 KB, 500x747, tumblr_mw9a2gzhZm1sh2cs3o2_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i felt the same way yesterday after seeing some hypebeast/swag am90 kids and how "normal" they seemed
ya feel?
it was just a passing feel tho :)

but if you're sick of your internet approved style chances are high that you weren't comfy and confident within that style imo

>> No.8294932

it's true
the lamone is never rising again

>> No.8294967

The best way to live life is to spend money on the highest quality, best fitting clothes that are within your budget at every stage of your life. I can't stand it when broke college students wear bullshit designer clothes that just look try-hard. I don't care if it looks good, you're a goof for dressing out of your means.

>> No.8295065

Dear god that is the most insane outfit I've never seen anything like it

>> No.8295081


>> No.8295106


I would wear straight jeans, but I'm a complete skeleton and they look like fucking pantaloons. I wish people would stop giving me shit for wearing jeans that actually fit me

>> No.8296037

what ur saying is very true and u sound v insightful yet i would not want to know you irl as u sound bland and pretentious at the same time

>> No.8296055

both the situations u mentioned dont have specifically necessary outfits tho
i usually dress for w/e event that day needs a specific outfit and stay in it for the day unless its like a suit or gym clothes

>> No.8296057


This guy gets it.

>> No.8296149


Not all rick is drapey goth ninja stuff.

If someone with a rick hoodie, tee, jeans and geos walked into any store nobody would look at him/her weirdly. How many people wear hoodies and sneakers, a shitload of people do.

Alot op people here think that designer clothing is a costume. Something that you throw on to show off. If you're comfortable with what you're wearing then yes you can be fully decked out in rick to get groceries or whatever the fuck you need.

>Dress in a way that makes you comfortable and confident in your body.

I saved your post for future use.

>> No.8296201

I just assumed you all were heroin shooting millionaires living in cement modernist houses driving black bentleys. You mean you dress all rick and raf while living some weird middleclass life? that would look fucking awful

>> No.8296223


That's basically it for me. I dress mostly rick and few julius pieces. I have a small apartment and drive a 25y old econobox. I'm only 23 tho, i'm trying to save as much money as possible so that i can get a decent place in the near future. No trustfund-kid that gets everything handed to him i have to work for my shit.

>> No.8296251

>he cares what people think about him

How does it feel to be unhappy, a slave to the desires of others?

>> No.8296270

it feels awful. Especially because you can almost never know what people think, obviously cause you can't read minds, and rarely are there situations where someone tells you what they think. So you have to start guessing. That is why i take effexor and trying to score more klonopin from psych :.(

>> No.8296346

sup deux

>> No.8296354

it feels bad, i know i just have to not be an asshole, be confident and be myself but it takes time to achieve this, give me some time

>> No.8296782

is anyone tired of sun ra??