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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 86 KB, 420x359, example boobs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8286894 No.8286894[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Hello. Do any of you know how to dress when you have giant tits? I'm rather /fanorexic right now, but my boobs still stick out A LOT; I haven't lost any weight in that area. I look overweight and frumpy whenever I wear anything loose.

I've looked online about trying to dress my figure, but everything seems to cater to chubby girls and older women, or is some stupid niche style (fucking pinup). The advice I've read has been usually unflattering/stupid, but I've gained a bit of knowledge.

Do any of you have any more advice? Am I destined to never be fabulous?

Pic related. how my upper half looks, only I'm a bit thinner.

>> No.8286902

I don't know, I would probably need to see a few pictures to give you any decent advice.

>> No.8286904

post a pic so we can judge

>> No.8286906

brace for mad thirst

>> No.8286907


post pic

>> No.8286910

>boobs still stick out A LOT
lel just a reduction you fat cow

>> No.8286913

Anything low cut and tight and/or see through should work but to be honest I would need some pics to see what I'm working with.

>> No.8286917


please post a photo of your breasts

>> No.8286932

>any of you know how to dress when you have giant tits
>when you have giant tits
>giant tits

Do you even know where you are? Is this real?

>> No.8286934

Get your chest measured properly to make sure you are wearing a bra that fits you.

>> No.8286942

>>8286934 is right.

Actually I could probably help out with the measurement process just online but to be honest I would need some pics.

>> No.8286964

>just a reduction
confirmed for 15

>> No.8286966

if what you say is true, you probably look awesome. if you look awesome, boy or girl, you can wear whatever you want. its just about having nice clothes and your own personal style, IMO

i guess i'd suggest cardigans or something if you're worried about them sticking out. it will make the curves look less drastic underneath the breast by giving a straighter line down. then if you feel frumpy looking you can undo the buttons.

you could also try dressing a little more boyish, like nice tucked in oxfords with some cool ties. if I were hot girl, that's what I'd do. suspenders, too

>> No.8286967

I think the OP photo gets the point across enough.

>$6,000 surgery
>leaves giant, red scars
>chance of breasts regrowing afterwards
>i actually like my boobs when it doesn't come to fitting them in clothing


I usually go with tight material, but I'm getting sick of just that. Sometimes I want to be more subtle, y-know?

Yep. 100% sure I'm wearing the correct size. It's a UK 28H if that helps anything.

>> No.8286974

It depends on what style you're going for.
There's a reason why pin-up is popular for top-heavy, as it helps accentuate the traditional hourglass. If you want classic styling, look to the 50s and work off of there.

If you want to wear a more modern, loose style, either cinch it in the waist (and not, that does not always mean with a belt), or get a breast reduction if it bothers you too much.

>> No.8286975

n-n-no gonna need a p-picture 5chin has s-spoken

>> No.8286980

ugh, don't listen to this dork

>> No.8286981

post tits whore

>> No.8286984

Dress exactly like you wanted if you had average boobs. They're going to stick out and I can understand you don't want the attention, but unless you're willing to dress in loose clothes I just don't see it happening.

Also search for famous actresses with above average breasts and take a few notes. I'm thinking ScarJo, Christina Hendricks, etc.

>> No.8287000
File: 54 KB, 440x659, rexfeatures-1697461b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm thinking ScarJo
She suffers from the same problem OP does, loose shirts and such make you look more fat than you actually are

>> No.8287004

to be blunt i think everyone fucking loves her, never heard a bad word about her

>> No.8287005
File: 166 KB, 570x814, o-SCARLETT-LAX-570.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

...and even if wearing more tight clothes would show your figures better, sometimes you'd just want to look good in loose clothes and middleway is often kind of difficult to find.

>> No.8287006


>> No.8287009

xD banter!

>> No.8287010
File: 146 KB, 1320x1600, power girl sexy cosplay big boobs huge breasts milf san diego comic con 2012 2013 pose dc comics new 52 actress thick blonde female superhero pawg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>How to dress with giant boobs
like this

>> No.8287020
File: 23 KB, 436x436, scarlett_206881070.jpg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's because she's fucking awesome, why would anyone have anything negative to say about her. But some of the stuff she wears just don't compliment her features.

>> No.8287024

because she's a jew

>> No.8287025

How many KG do weigh atm?

>> No.8287028

Thank you.

That's what I usually do. Wear tight spandex-y shirt underneath an androgynous, unbuttoned long sleeve shirt or a cardigan. It gets a little boring, though. I don't know much else to do besides that.

I like the idea of dressing like a boy. I usually can't pull off a feminine outfit without looking like an unintentional whore, it'd give a good neutrality. Suspenders and ties sound a bit.. I don't know... Comical? Like I'd be trying too hard to be cute and dorky.

Yeah, I know it'd probably be flattering. It still leaves a bad taste in my mouth, though. I kinda cringe whenever I see girls dress in that style.

What other ways could you tie off a waist besides using a belt? I haven't heard of much else.

Loose shirts literally make me look obese. Shirts that fit average boobs usually don't fit right, and are unflattering or show too much. I'm trying to get advice on finding a good middle ground, or brands/styles to try.

As for the celebrities, they often have unflattering clothing on (Johansson's globular balloon titties always trying to escape the top of her dress), and just look gorgeous no matter what they wear. Also, they have tailors to work with. You can't really go out and get what they're wearing.

myb l8r beb

>> No.8287031
File: 115 KB, 724x564, mans_best_friend.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

typically, as we can see ScarJ doing, single tone shirts or simplistic shirts if they are made out of thinner material. Jackets are your best friend now, but don't abuse and reuse everyday. In a sweatshirt, you have to just squeeze them in. Now, post pic of squeezing into a shirt.

>> No.8287032 [DELETED] 
File: 353 KB, 555x670, elliot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>28 replies
>no tits
>people still responding

>> No.8287035
File: 47 KB, 590x442, the problem with suspenders.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>like I'd be trying too hard
good judgement, also meaning no disrespect to whoever posted it would it just look like this?

>> No.8287039

yo /b/ lurk for a few months

>> No.8287066
File: 176 KB, 960x736, closetowhatimean.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can tuck a loose shirt into high-waisted pants.
It doesn't have to be all frilly like pic, can even be a normal t-shirt, etc.

>> No.8287096

Around 68 Kg (150 lbs) and 177.8 cm(5'10) tall. The measurements are a terrible description of my whole body, though.

I don't really need want attention, so I don't feel the need for posting my body. I'd prefer just advice and shit.

Yeah, pretty much. I look pretty stupid in suspenders. Like I'm an autistic 6th grader who was given free reign to dress themselves.

That's actually a really good idea. I think could even pull off a loose shirt with it. It'd probably work well with the rest of my body, too, as I have wide hips, and I've heard high waists flatter them. Thanks

>> No.8287131


on a completely serious level, /fa/ demands 9/10 times that we can see what we're working with, whether its hair, face, or in this case boobs

>> No.8287138

Then look to the original photo. That's pretty much how I look.

>> No.8287143

just post a regular fit pic
its easier to help you out if we have a visual aid in imagining what'd look good on you

>> No.8287147


Just post a picture of your damn body you dumb bitch, post an outfit or something

That picture is no help, we cant see your proportions, or how big your tits are and how they make you look like shit, so post a fucking picture, dressed or not to see how do you actually look, a picture of a random torso doesnt mean shit

>> No.8287148

sure is no tits in here

>> No.8287148,1 [INTERNAL] 

No turtlenecks, boat necks. Counter-intuitively, these make one's bust look larger. Crew neck is fine. Look for V-shapes generally, not just in neck line.

Dark colors on top.

Consider becoming taller. Break kneecaps and/or wear platforms.

Ehh... If you really want to look androgynous, might be worth it to look up actual FTM style guides? Consider compression tops as a base for layering?

W-What hair do you have? If long, don't wear it up...

>> No.8287155

post yourself clothed you dumb cunt

>> No.8287157

tits or gtfo
[dem rulez]

>> No.8287162

does this b*tch know the rules??

>> No.8287163

god this thread sucks

>> No.8287186
File: 178 KB, 717x1024, 20140515_06.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

big jackets

>> No.8287190
File: 260 KB, 717x1024, 20140123_02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


big jumpers

>> No.8287204
File: 579 KB, 500x200, black_widow20.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8287220

i need to get my hands on some neoprene so baaaaaad

also op a HUGE way to help you not look fat even in loose clothes is to have perfect posture. its also going to help prevent back problems for you in the future

on a big dude, posture is the difference between bear mode and fat slob
on a big titty girl its the difference between good looking and droopy

>> No.8287268

I can see how it might look quriky. I guess, as a guy, my style is a little "quirky" too. I try to do things I know other people can't pull off.

Well, as a defense/rebut, I mentioned it because I saw a girl the other day wearing a dark flannel/western shirt with some neutral colored suspenders. She looked so stylish and hot, IMO. she rocked it. I feel like suspenders might help you with the silhouette, hold clothing down for some form factor, without having to rely on clothing that is too tight or too loose.

don't have to do suspenders AND ties at the same time. I think a tie along with a cardigan would be a pretty smart, scholarly look. A tie might give something else too look at in your chest area.

but yeah, you saw better what I was getting at. A little more "masculine" look, (not butch or anything) would bring a good balance to a feminine figure I think.

>> No.8287279


dark t-shirts and bomber jackets m8.

>> No.8287281

>tfw have to order my bras online since none of the cup sizes in the stores fit me
>tfw can't find my last bra
>tfw wearing two bras to properly contain myself
>tfw tight as fuck and uncomfortable

I need these things cut off. I can't even look /fa/ with these.

>> No.8287286


nah you can. things that don't necessarily rely on a sharp silhouette are good

>> No.8287294

Yeah atm I like to wear a lot of jumpers and loose fitting tees. I just wish I could wear all dem cool clothes and look cool n stuff.

>> No.8287298

Suspensers seem like a terrible idea on big boobs, because they go right over them.

>> No.8287311
File: 117 KB, 279x270, 1399003961994.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw have to order my shoes online since none of the foot sizes in the stores fit me
>tfw can't find my last shoes
>tfw wearing black shoes to try to make them look smaller
>tfw big as fuck and flat-footed

I need these things cut off. I can't even look /fa/ with these.

I know that feel (size 16 US, EU 50). Too bad mine aren't sexualized. I've just grown to live with them.
We can be friends :3

>> No.8287317


everyone's got something weird they're compensating for tbh. look at what big chested men are wearing throughout the last 70 years and adapt them for yourself

>> No.8287328

>size 16

Are you talking about dress size or bra size?

That's true. Idk. Plus I feel people staring at me I really don't like it. I mean, it's nice to know that people are attracted, but I'd rather go without the looks.

>> No.8287330

Foot size (USA).

>> No.8287338
File: 223 KB, 717x1024, 20130413_01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8287339

Ohhh, okay. Wait. WOAH. size 16 shoe???? holy, wow.
I don't mean to be mean I'm just astonished, I've never heard of someone that big of feet.

>> No.8287347
File: 218 KB, 717x1024, 20120825_06.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8287357

Sorry everyone. I was eating.


being a cunt sure doesn't make me want to do it. The small urge to do so is pretty gone now.

I've tried out suspenders. It looks terrible. I'll try going more masculine, though. I don't know about bowties and stuff. I've never really seen it pulled off on a girl.

This guy is right

>quadboob and sagging flattering in any outfit


Don't really see how those are flattering. They make the girls seem apple/rectangle shaped.

>> No.8287359
File: 262 KB, 500x376, 1396728030471.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They're not even ~that~ big. They mostly act as a party trick now, and an occasional speed bump when job providers have to specially order me shoes, because the largest in stock are 48 (gathering dust on the top shelves). At least I'm skinny and supposedly very good-looking. I just build my outfits around the colors of my shoes mostly. I just thought we were in the same boat with our larger than average body parts.

>a-at least I'm m-masterrace 6'3"

>> No.8287370

We are in a similar boat, I'm sorry if I made you feel excluded. Also I didn't imagine you being that tall so it evens out, I just thought you were like 5'9" or something.

>> No.8287375

I've lived too long to feel any embarrassment for them anymore.

>I just want to fit into designer shoes
>tired of this phony pleb life

>> No.8287388

> I look overweight and frumpy whenever I wear anything loose.

improve posture :)

>> No.8287394
File: 55 KB, 500x375, 1396807537704.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh, and here you go, OP.
I think that what's been said has been said, but this clothing is cut for larger bosoms.

>> No.8287400


Kill yourself

Saged and reported

>> No.8287402

boo fucking hoo
if you didnt want attention, dont ask a male-centric part of the internet about your big boob problem.
you're not special
there are a ton of other places to ask that would provide more substantial advice, like other women.
fix your posture and lurk other places. be realistic. what do you expect to get from this? think about how you're wording your questions around these virgins. if you don't want to post a pic (which you absolutely shouldn't do on 4chan) don't mention the small urge to do so, or teasing the neckbeards. just ignore them

you're probably a man anyways.

source: im a woman on the internet

>> No.8287414
File: 106 KB, 288x281, 1401058859995.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8287417

just post a fucking fit
how hard is this

this is the most basic requirement for legitimate /fa/ help. otherwise you get the vague shit fits and advice because no one has any fucking idea what they're actually dealing with

you've twisted the idea of attention whoring to an extremely stupid degree

like god damn look at the images in this thread. everyone has a completely different idea of what you look like and what style you typically handle

if you're not going to post a fit, just fuck off and figure it out yourself because no one can give you any legitimate advice beyond 'wear stripes!'

>> No.8287495

I have pretty terrible posture. Also a hip torsion, possibly caused by boob weight messing with my posture. I try to keep it decent, but it's rather hard. Looking frumpy with loose clothing doesn't have much to do with my posture, though. Just how the clothes drape over my boobs and don't show my waist.

Sounds like a good idea. I've heard of the place before, but never checked out the site.

I'll get on it.

>if you didnt want attention, dont ask a male-centric part of the internet about your big boob problem.
And I didn't really get it, which I'm happy with. I only wanted to ask a the question without having to make an account somewhere, and I've always liked the styles of the people in this particular community. I've also actually gotten quite a bit of good advice (some I've never seen on the boob-related places I read from) from this thread, so I don't regret it.

>don't mention the small urge to do so, or teasing the neckbeards
Nah. The levelheaded people asking made gave me an urge to do so.

>you're probably a man anyways
>im a woman on the internet

oh jeez.

>no one has any fucking idea what they're actually dealing with
Yes they do. A curvy figure. That's about it.

>everyone has a completely different idea of what you look like
Not really. They all seem to be on the mark.

>and what style you typically handle
That's because I don't have a style. I literally was asking ways of how to flatter my bodytype.

>no one can give you any legitimate advice
I wanted general advice so I can use that advice to create my own style. There isn't much else to know other than the photo I posted. I really liked all the advice I got so far, though. It actually helps a lot.

I'm just not up for posting a photo of myself right now. Mostly because I'm sickly.

The thread is going on fine so far, so I don't see why so many people are angry about it. It's getting exactly the answers I needed.

>> No.8287500

fat girls always claim their tits are their best feature

chances are OP is fat

>> No.8287510

How big of inserts you think RDJ's wearing in that photo

>> No.8287522

>What's the first thing people usually notice about you?
>My tits.
dropped like a hijacked plane

>> No.8287556

you don't have nice tits you're just fat.

also you referred to yourself as "curvy"

case closed

>> No.8287563

>I have pretty terrible posture. Also a hip torsion, possibly caused by boob weight messing with my posture. I try to keep it decent, but it's rather hard. Looking frumpy with loose clothing doesn't have much to do with my posture, though. Just how the clothes drape over my boobs and don't show my waist.
posture definitely has to do with that
if you are slouching or hanging forward you are going to look fatter than if you are standing/sitting straight its just how it is

>> No.8287566

it's k sieg, you'll always have the biggest tits in town

>> No.8287579

>Yes they do. A curvy figure. That's about it.
That's not a description
you might as well say you're white

>Not really. They all seem to be on the mark

these are all completely different what in the hell are you talking about

>That's because I don't have a style. I literally was asking ways of how to flatter my bodytype.
just because you don't know enough to recognize the patterns in your wear and the difference between other patterns doesn't mean you don't have a style you moron
everyone adapts to a style, its a function of your taste. Even the completely tasteless follow the trends of their environment, which varies greatly by geography / websites.

>I wanted general advice so I can use that advice to create my own style.
there's a sticky for that
it's the whole point of its existence
to lay out a simple ruleset for the fucks who can't analyze the world or themselves, for themselves
>There isn't much else to know other than the photo I posted.
yes there is

>I'm just not up for posting a photo of myself right now. Mostly because I'm sickly.
you undoubtedly use instagram and all that garbage

>The thread is going on fine so far, so I don't see why so many people are angry about it
because it isn't
it's been annoyingly terrible

>> No.8287589

This girl knows correct band sizes for the weight she gave. A person who was fat probably wouldn't have that accurate of knowledge since it doesn't apply to them. I'm at OP's BMI and my band size is pretty similar. That's something a thin girl would know that well.

>> No.8287629

As easy as it is to give general advice, it's always going to be better the more people know. Just post a picture of yourself if you do so giving advice will be easier and the advice will be better.

>> No.8287642

That wasn't OP. I am.

I am pretty darn curvy. Even though I hate that adjective because of how skewed it became, it is true. I also never claimed to have nice tits. They're only big. They aren't really pretty when I'm naked.

I was kinda referring to the you mentioning the baggy things. I thought that's what you were more focused on. I know it makes me look worse to slouch. I've been trying to put in a conscious effort to curb it. I'm sure it'd help in more ways than my appearance.

Yeah, thank you. A fat girl doesn't have a 27 inch ribcage, and would likely never need to know of their existence.

I've seen quite a few girls on bra sites wearing size 28 band who were slightly fat. Oh god. The raw red marks and indentations.

>> No.8287673

post em'

>> No.8287688


>That's not a description
Yes it is. My waist is very tiny and my boobs are very big. that is the definition.

>these are all completely different what in the hell are you talking about
One was in reference to how suspenders may look on me. It is accurate, and I doubt there are many other references for that. The other two were examples of clothes they think I could wear... It doesn't really show off a bodytype. The Scarlett photo was to prove that celebrities don't always have the most flattering clothing for their bodies, and wasn't in reference to my body at all. I don't really see why your examples matter. They got the point across they were trying to make.

>just because you don't know enough to recognize the patterns in your wear and the difference between other patterns doesn't mean you don't have a style you moron
I have preferences, but I often can't wear them based on my body. I'm asking others about what would suit me so I can mold them to my preferences, and explained about the little information I found elsewhere. That's it. I don't want to exclude anything that would flatter me because of the clothing I find attractive. I just wanted tips about wearing things right when I have such large breasts.

>there's a sticky for that
And I've looked through the sticky quite a few times. The information that isn't very general (matching, coloration, fashion "rules") doesn't really help with my bodytype, which is what I was only asking about. Most outfits on here are on small girls with small breasts. I have large breasts. Therefore, I asked about how to be stylish with them when I couldn't find good information elsewhere.

>you undoubtedly use instagram and all that garbage
I've actually never once used any social media. At least not that I remember. If I did, I'd have a photo on hand. But I don't, and I don't want to take one.

>it's been annoyingly terrible
Then hide the thread.

>> No.8287697
File: 46 KB, 300x285, 590.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>They aren't really pretty when I'm naked.

my thirst cannot be quenched at this point

>> No.8287702

man I just wanna see some boobs

why you gotta be playin

>> No.8287708

straight girl here whos been lurking this thread and even I agree now

>> No.8287726

who gon do it?

>> No.8287730

Okay, all non-whore girls with big boobs that i know dress kinda similar. Many dress shirts, (male or female) sweatshirts, jean jackets. You have to focus on a good sillouette. It looks sexy as hell when the boobs aren't pronounced, but you know they are big

>> No.8287962

That's basically how I dress. It gets the job done, but it often looks a bit sloppy. I usually try to keep a sillouette, but it can be hard.

>> No.8287998
File: 238 KB, 768x1280, Boobs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fine. Here. Sorry for the quality/shitty angle thing, it's hard taking a photo with a tablet (my only device for photo taking) propped onto a chair. Also holding sweater back to show waist difference.

>> No.8288015

holy moly..

>> No.8288018


>> No.8288020

This is the only thing you should wear you fucking 3dpd titty monster

>> No.8288027

>this angle
>putting your hands right above those hips, right on the waist

>> No.8288029



>> No.8288033

I've wanted to get one for years, but I've been too lazy to order.

>> No.8288034

thats a lot of boob

>> No.8288041

please b in london

>> No.8288042

imo "big" anything is comical

>> No.8288044

Yeah. They end a few inches from the bottom of my ribcage.

>> No.8288057

pls be in México

>> No.8288061


>> No.8288068

marry me

>> No.8288071

now take that jumper and shirt off just so we can really get a good idea of how to dress you well

don't worry, we are experts at this shit

>> No.8288072

Yeah. it's a pretty shitty outfit, and the collar is wrinkled as fuck. I was cold today, though (because sickly), and didn't have anything else to wear that wasn't filthy.




>> No.8288073

ur boobs are gonna be big no matter what u wear so just wear whatever

>> No.8288076

back off, faggot. She's mine.
*bares teeth*

>> No.8288079

i said back the fuck of?!?!?
*stabs u in the balls*

>> No.8288080

that really is too much boobs. I'm not sure what style would fit you other than very loose, tucked shirts like someone suggested before. even that would be uncomfortable.

my suggestions are: either embrace it and show em off with dresses and such, or start lifting and you will eventually burn the fat off that area. no, running alone isn't enough, plus with that size it's really going to hurt.

good luck

>> No.8288084


holy neckbeards batman

>> No.8288100


>> No.8288101

wow those hips hnnnnnng

post some more when you buy some fits you're happy with?

>> No.8288104
File: 11 KB, 312x26, Screen shot 2014-05-03 at 5.26.13 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


finally. wow. Those are some boobs alright.

tbh I think your current outfit is boring AF but it IS working. It complements your chest nicely and accentuates your curves.

Sweaters which are made with really light fabric and are form fitting would work well with your figure.

Also loose, sheer wide crew neck shirts would be good. Loose, but form fitting dresses would also work.

I think what I'm getting at is go with shit that's not incredibly tight or skinny, but things that are fitting [so as to not drape from your boobs and make you look like a fatass] and come on, showing those off is never a bad thing. Baggy or loose things tied off at the waist = good too.

>> No.8288108
File: 398 KB, 2133x1200, 1394513027503.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8288114

Looks like you already have an idea of how to dress. That's a decent outfit.

>> No.8288115


i like that fit

(pls be in lisbon)

>> No.8288127

pls b in lumbridge

>> No.8288128

hahaha now you're never going to get any advice

>> No.8288133
File: 17 KB, 682x597, cushion.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8288138

How did you take that photo?

>> No.8288153

pls be in melb

>> No.8288157

holy shit please post more
it's for clinical studies

>> No.8288158

You can't target weight loss in any area. Gaining muscle there would give me a larger circumference.

Cardio (like running) is what makes you lose weight.

I lose weight in my midsection first, and it's been hard getting it down anywhere else. Obviously.

I could do that.

I usually go with form fitting things. I've always found it hard to find truly tight sweaters, though.

I never really liked how crew necks looked, but I might be able to get into it if its flattering. I'll probably start wearing dresses more often, too. They seem to be more fitting and in higher supply than fitting shirts/pants.

>showing those off is never a bad thing
It's hard not to look like a harlot when doing so. But when I can do it, it's pretty fun.

>it's hard taking a photo with a tablet (my only device for photo taking) propped onto a chair

Yeah. That's why I didn't want to post anything.

You guys certainly have given me a self esteem boost, though. Thank you. I should probably go outside for reasons other than necessity at some point.

>> No.8288166

This isn't /soc

>> No.8288170

just curious, what kind of reactions do you get from guys lucky enough to land you in bed?

>> No.8288175

yeah bruh get out there you can do whatever you want

I bet you have a really cutie face too

>> No.8288182

>implying you're not trying to hide your boner while caressing it gently through your stretch skinny jeans you little faggot
stop trying to be a supreme gentleman

>> No.8288183

>Cardio (like running) is what makes you lose weight.

Fat loss is caused by a caloric deficit in a diet.

Weight training keeps your metabolism running, even while you rest and more than cardio by itself.


>> No.8288190

>You can't target weight loss in any area. Gaining muscle there would give me a larger circumference.
look let me put it this way
what you have right now is a bulk. yeah for sure it is concentrated in that spot. but if you start lifting while keeping your calories at maintenance level you WILL burn that tit fat and not really build much muscle at all (not only because of nutrition but also because you're a girl and will never ever gain biceps mass like a man)

you shouldn't run cos you will injure your back, srs

>> No.8288191

dude rock the fuck out of looking like a harlot.

>> No.8288195

it's really late I should sleep

good night

>> No.8288197


>> No.8288204
File: 1.92 MB, 500x390, nice.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you're going to have to embrace it boo

I don't think there's a lot of general advice you don't already know. Aside from looking at similar figures and seeing what looks good on them, your best chance is probably knowing ALL of your measurements as well as what fabrics accentuate curves (light material / vertically stitched/striped / high wasted etc).

gawdamn am i thirsty tho

>> No.8288209

that chest to waist ratio i'm jealous af
my sad pear body silently rots in the image of ur perf hourglass
>go star in a rap video or something and leave us starving lonely /fa/ggots

>> No.8288217

they don't look that large to me...

what ethnicity are you?

>> No.8288244


I'm actually a virgin. Like. A hugless virgin. This is because I'm anxious about relationships and shy.

But I do have a (LDR) boyfriend I will be meeting with this summer.

pls don't kill me everyone

My face is pretty average. My eyes are quite big, though, so I've got that going for me.

Never implied I wasn't.

But isn't weight gain caused by taking in more energy (calories) than you're expelling? So cardio would cause you to lose more weight. I'm going by my memory of 9th grade health class, so correct me if I'm wrong.

I've been losing weight by eating less calories, though. I can't exercise strenuously because I have a bad back/hips because of unknown reasons.

I understand. I might look into that.

>implying pear bodies are goddess tier
They're classy as fuck. No need to rot.

>> No.8288248


oh god
I meant
>implying pear bodies AREN'T goddess tier


>> No.8288249

>can't exercise strenuously because I have a bad back/hips because of unknown reasons

Probably because half your bodyweight is in your tits.

>> No.8288252

how old r u bbgurl?

>> No.8288254

>I'm actually a virgin
>I do have a (LDR) boyfriend

i bet you met that guy online
i'm very gelatinous right now it's not even funny

>> No.8288259

>But isn't weight gain caused by taking in more energy (calories) than you're expelling? So cardio would cause you to lose more weight. I'm going by my memory of 9th grade health class, so correct me if I'm wrong.

Weight gain is indeed caused by consuming caloric excess. My argument is that if your goal was fat loss, and you had to choose between cardio (running, biking, swimming, walking) and weight training (squats, deadlifts, bench/overhead press) while also eating at a caloric defecit, weight training would be more efficient in not only burning more calories, but promoting the retention of lean mass (muscle) while you lose body fat.

>> No.8288263
File: 38 KB, 60x60, b68b874d-7128-4da2-bcc7-5f7d8c1ab.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


we all gonna make it someday

>> No.8288270

They're pretty big. Look at my wrist, and imagine my hand in comparison to them.

Also, no one can ever guess my ethnicity. It's pretty funny.

I'm mulatto, though.

Eh. Probably not.

Yeah. On 4chan. He's pretty awesome, and we're super compatible. He's the blonde bug guy that posts to /b/ every once in a while with his plant filled bedroom and invertebrates. You might have seen him in threads. He whores around often.

don't hate me please

>> No.8288271

can you post something you else you would put on normally?

im curious now because i think you did pretty well in the one you posted already

>> No.8288321

I guess I could. But it would be incredibly boring.

>> No.8288326


>> No.8288328

>it would be incredibly boring.

for you

>> No.8288337

s-she's a big gal

>> No.8288341


>> No.8288343


This sounds like it has alternative motives to fashion.

>> No.8288346

that's probably about 95% of this thread (or this board really)

i was just taking the opportunity to make a banepost

>> No.8288348


My girlfriend has enormous boobs (DDD) and everything she wears makes her look a little fat. I was hoping to see what other busty chicks do

>> No.8288350


perhaps she's wondering why you would ask her to post pictures before not giving her any advice

>> No.8288381

fuck you're like female objectification levels of curvy

>> No.8288387
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>you will never be this hot

>> No.8288396
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>> No.8288399
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wow u guise really got her to post her boobs.

since no one's recommended clothes, I'd recommend v-dresses. also, fitting jackets look nice. wear them longer and drapier if possible.

>> No.8288402

>Yeah. That's why I didn't want to post anything.
your fault
hyped it the fuck up and actually delivered

>> No.8288421
File: 472 KB, 683x1024, fendipf12(1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

good thread fellas

>> No.8288423

holy shit dem curves. gat dayum girl where do you reside

>> No.8288427
File: 146 KB, 300x525, more boobs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I usually just wear a spandex-y neutral colored shirt with a loose men's collared shirt. I look shitty. This is why I'm here.

Also, you can not have a bra cup without a band size to go with it. The cup is useless on it's own.

D, DD, DDD are only large on a large girl. The letters are related to the band numbers. The letter is the number of inches your bust is larger than your ribcage. A DDD (which isn't a professional size) is a 7 inch difference between the ribs and boobs. On a larger woman, this will create a larger breast by volume. If she is small, it will be a smaller breast by volume.

Pic very related.

If she thinks she wears a DDD cup, isn't fat, and yet has large breasts, she is wearing the wrong size.

I might pick up some v-dresses. I should start wearing dresses more often.

I can't ever find jackets that fit, though.

Nah. I just really didn't want to post. I did after I thought the thread was pretty dead.

I never said it wasn't my fault. I posted it.

>> No.8288429

pls be in london

>> No.8288431

how fat were you before you lost weight?

>> No.8288438

Don't worry, my face is kind of weird looking.


I never really was all that "fat", even when I was fat. I've always carried my weight really well.

I was probably 200 at my highest. 175-180 about a year ago. I've been trying hard lately to get further down.

>> No.8288442

damn girl you must have an H cup

>> No.8288451

Yes, actually. I wear a UK 28H.

>> No.8288454

now that's jealousy

>> No.8288472


>> No.8288482

>I can't ever find jackets that fit, though.
do you mean up or down

people always forget they can get shit tailored pretty cheap and quickly, when its just a simple size down

>> No.8288483

wut O.O ( o ) ( o )

>> No.8288485

i can only imagine your cup size when you were heavier. what was it?

>> No.8288489

Wait... why do you say you're in America when you're giving out UK bra sizes?

>> No.8288493

>A hugless virgin.
How? If I saw you irl I'd be humping your leg like a chihuahua.

>> No.8288495

lmao sad bro

>> No.8288496


holy gotdam, boners 4 dayz

>> No.8288498

>200lb girl
>was never that fat


>> No.8288499

lmao bro get a penis bro

>> No.8288502

>white shortsleeve
>long black skirt
> full tifa

>> No.8288503


lmao bro

>> No.8288509

200 pounds is fat for anyone. Thats not even /fa/ standards thats just normal people standards

>> No.8288534

Yeah. I know about tailoring. It seems a bit annoying when I have such odd proportions. I've heard it's worth it.

You could have tried to word that in a less creepy manner.

For bras, UK sizing is more reliable and is used more often on forums and by (actual) bra professionals.

US goes A B C D DD DDD G H I J K L M N

I might have messed up some, but you get the gist.

I don't go outside much.

I was obviously pretty fat, I wasn't dodging that. When I said that, I meant in how I carry my weight, and how it wasn't like a typical fat person. I've never had a pronounced stomach or any rolls (except in elementary). My butt area, arms, thighs, etc. were just much bigger. I looked like an amazon from Futurama, only with more of a stomach.

Now I don't get a muffin top and my stomach is flat without any sucking in.

muh bone structure nd geneticz

>> No.8288546

is there some kind of underground bra hobbyist culture

>> No.8288552

you sound like the most perfect girl
even the way you type is so refined and slightly elitist

are you sure you exist?

>> No.8288555

30F reporting in
if you want to wear looser tops & still look good, go for curve-hugging & high waisted on the bottom. jeans, pencil skirts, bodycon skirts, etc. if you have an aritzia near you they have some really nice high waisted shorts that aren't jeans i.e. won't make you look """tumblrcore"""
wear this stuff with button-down shirts, the heavier the fabric the more tailored. like with light summery silk/rick's synthetic tees you ccan go for drapey or linear, what have you
if your ass is beyonce-mode just pray you know a good tailor... i can't tell you how often i have to get shit taken in at the waist. which reminds me, tailored dresses, though not particularly effay, are very flattering. pick up something durable that can be altered to offset cost of tailoring.

tl;dr: all high-waisted everything, find a tailor

>> No.8288556

i know right

boob femanon you are perfect

>> No.8288557

>tfw no petite shy gorgeous effay gf

>> No.8288558

It's more of a necessity than a hobby. My back would be far more broken without a well fitting bra, and all of their factors can get complicated. I kinda have to know a shit ton in order to find out what works for me.

>> No.8288565

You're very sweet. Yes, I do exist. I'm not sure if I feel elite about anything, though.

I'm actually not all that petite. I'm pretty big boned (honestly big boned) and wide.

>> No.8288575

you can save the compliments, the picture still has me in a daze. I can only think what pretty face you have.

but clothes wise: It's hard to be fashionable when you have extraordinary features, as models are supposed to look ordinary to emphasize the clothes, you know? I'd just recommend using your gift to your advantage. It looks like you have a good idea of what you're doing, but by no means should you stop learning more and more about fashion.

ps im so damned jelly of that guy you got

>> No.8288595
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our queen

>> No.8288600

for more casual fits, you might find the standard MA-1 cut to be fitted
>the only body to ever fit a military bomber

>> No.8288612


fuck you

>> No.8288617
File: 886 KB, 175x144, 1393737120592.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damn y'all some thirsty fuccboi niggas, g2b/soc/ jesus.

We're meant to be the cool board.

>> No.8288625

Thank you Curvy Femanon

>> No.8288626

Say it with me now

>> No.8288628
File: 150 KB, 797x515, 1369232963566.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jesus, all this cringe.

>> No.8288630

This isn't actually such a bad idea

>> No.8288633

>not paying your respect to this girls fantastic body

>> No.8288663

Virgins please leave.

>> No.8288664

My face isn't all that great, really.

I don't really think models or thin girls are ordinary... they're more like a blank canvas. It's hard to go wrong when you're talented with a blank canvas. They don't have many limitations on what looks good, and have a lot of room to be expressive and come off a certain way (cute, sexy, respectable, etc.). No other bodytypes are like that. You don't have to refer to them negatively in order to compliment me.

I still do appreciate what you're saying, and I'll try to improve my fashion sense.

Oh jeez. You got a legit laugh from me. Being cancerous is bad, though. Not allowed.

I don't know if that'd look very good on me. I might try one on the next time I go to the Military surplus store, though.

You're welcome.

>> No.8288671




>> No.8288680

imo large breasts are common these days
every female ive seen out is either well-endowed or over-emphasizing them.
average. mediocre to me

>> No.8288687

this is true
simply because of natural selection

girls with big breasts are seen as more fit to reproduce = more babies with big breast genes

tfw i dont even like big boobs

>> No.8288689

hey i was just making a banepost

what does that have to do with my virginity

>> No.8288690

It's funny how /fa/ has pretensions of being a board full of skinny white cigarette-smoking certified chilling on the street corner "coolest people on 4chan" fuccbois but one girl posts a grainy picture of a pleasant body in some boring ass clothes and suddenly you all turn into gibbering goobninja virgins harassing gas station clerks in your sick raf hi tops with dickies jeans and getting into your 1999 pontiac sunfire to go back to your parents basement and drink the energy drinks you bought while masturbating to pictures of fags on lookbook and telling yourselves that the reason you don't post fits in WAYWT is because its 2dope2cope but really you're just fat

>> No.8288703

lel took the words right outa my mouth

what a bunch of plebes u turned out 2 b effay
fancy urselves cool fashion ppl then start drooling over big tits like cavemen

u have the benefit of a doubt that it might b passerby from other boards that got attracted 2 this thread while -fa- stairs in disgust

>> No.8288712
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>> No.8288723

My girlfriend got a breast reduction a year ago due to back problems. She doesnt have huge scars because she went to someone that knew what they were doing and got them lasered two or three times, and it was covered under her health care

>> No.8288726

but not you though

you're different and special

>> No.8288731
File: 205 KB, 553x521, 1281156620553.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

more attractive than this trainwreck

>> No.8288735
File: 411 KB, 648x968, tumblr_l9ag6wT8qP1qzmq2ro1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sooo proud of this stupid shit

>> No.8288745

not even close

>> No.8288748
File: 173 KB, 800x534, 1396984182891.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

threw up in my mouth. this ham-beast is disgusting.

>> No.8288749

>that disgusting haircut
she must hate herself
unfortunate because otherwise she's cute

>> No.8288755


I'm OP. I also think my photo isn't worth so much obsession... and I do have boring clothes.

It still feels nice, though. I've never really felt "special" like this before from a group of people. It's just reassuring. I feel much more willing to stop hiding inside my room or under plain, strictly androgynous clothing.

That looks more like an exaggerated pear shape rather than curvy. Still, lucky genetics

I'd rather learn to live with it instead of going through surgery. I also think I would look weird as fuck with smaller breasts. They make me pretty proportionate.

>> No.8288762
File: 215 KB, 253x591, 1397857256475.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

blahblahblah go get your tits out on /soc/ if you like all the attention from beta fuccbois.

>> No.8288768

2 much goth-weaboo hybrid 4 me

>> No.8288770
File: 25 KB, 300x400, Zizek-wedding.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

34F here.
Just wanted to say, I know this fucking feel.
Wish I could give you some advice, but I have no idea either. I stick to tees although you sometimes get the tenting effect which really sucks, or else it's too tight and you feel like you're spilling out.

Do you know any sites for decent bras btw? I wear Victoria's Secret but I find they're uncomfortable and shift around a lot during the day.

>> No.8288772

Eh. I'd prefer not to.

I have a bit of an aversion to attention. This will last me for a year.

>> No.8288774

is that berry??

>> No.8288777

if you actually did want advice instead of the noise of 1000 fuccbois fapping in the distance, here's some addenda to
low scoop & v-neck tees can be worn pretty loosely but if you want to wear the whole skintight top thing which you've said you have a penchant for & are willing to experiment, try out harem pants. they really play up the curves of your hips and the bagginess makes it look less slutty (tho sometimes it's fun to toss on a crop top with them & pretend you're a kardashian :^))

>> No.8288779

freya & elle macpherson intimates all fit tts, wacoal is kind of all over the place so you'd need to try it on but when it fits, it fits good

>> No.8288790

Oh god. Never get bras from VS. Try Panache, Nordstrom, Figleaf, or research specialty fitters in your area. Read up on proper bra fitting, and learn the shape of your breasts so you can best fit your bra.

Oh god. I didn't see
That's actually super helpful. I'll certainly take everything you said into account. I've kinda been lazy about getting with a tailor, but with all the advice to, I probably will.

>> No.8288800

thanks m80s. I know it's dumb to not have bothered with fitting until now, but I was a late bloomer. My boobs didn't stop growing until after puberty, shit is weird.

>> No.8288813

what? physically this girl is perfect

>> No.8288837

fuck you fake sieg you faggot, berry is perfect way better than curlgurl

>> No.8288841

Cinch your waist with a belt.

Wear tighter tops that are stretchy material. Or tailor them.

>> No.8288849

try asking /b/.

they will give you the kind of attention your tit-whoring cravings desire.

>> No.8288854

how many dicks have you sucked?

>> No.8288855

Now seems like a good time to ask it if ever.

Are the thirst ones the people who defend a girl, or the ones asking for tits. Are both parties equally thirsty?

>> No.8288856

finnfag here

fucking hel-looks shit

all it is, is shitty bitches randomly throwing shit together bought from our shitty second-hand/thrift shops.

>> No.8288861

thread turned to shit

>> No.8288863

hetero men like to fuck pussies
they are attracted to women and want to fuck as many pussies as possible.

its not being "thirsty", its being a hetero male, and fuck anyone who tries to make that out as if it was a bad thing.

>> No.8288868
File: 54 KB, 400x316, wk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>fucking pussies
>on the internet

>> No.8288870

Hetero men fuck bitches, they don thirst on the inernet.

>> No.8288871


fukken. saved.

>> No.8288872

to the hetero male, it doesnt matter if its just a picture.

for example: give a hetero male a playboy magazine, and they will want to fuck every pussy they see there.

stop hating on hetero males.
we want all the pussy we can get.
accept that and stop trying to claim it like its somekind of "bad" thing.

basically you are slut-shaming men, you cocksucker.

>> No.8288873

"look mum someone was giving a girl attention on the internet and I posted a white knight picture!"

>> No.8288875

Oh my god

I honestly have no advice for you. Like I knew they'd be big but that's just impressive. I'd say your best bet is to show them off. From that photo I'm guessing your body's not bad overall so just go for it and enjoy the fact that you have power over every straight dick in the vicinity.

>> No.8288878

had a good laugh to this thread, thank you friends

>> No.8288880

"shut up mum i'm talking to girls on the internet!"

>> No.8288881

>implying you wouldn't
4chan virgin faggot or no, the chick has like a 9/10 body, you're either legitimately gay or trying way too hard if you're not appreciative of that

>> No.8288883

Just post a pic. You can have a full on shirt and bra, no face in the image. We need to see what your personal style is and how clothing fits on you.

>> No.8288884

Just not the curved ones

>> No.8288887


Look we all wanna see op as naked as possible but it's not happening

Ahaaaaaaaaaa iseewhatyoudidthere

>> No.8288895

You are going to have to show them off. And no, you can't do masculine outfits. Its not just the boobs its the hips, the waist, the legs, everything is feminine. Which is great, actually. Its very, very rare you get such good proportions.

What I'd recommend is fix your posture. Afterword it will become easier to buy clothes because your body can actually be properly fitted to. And that fit doesn't look bad at all.

>> No.8288901
File: 68 KB, 500x415, 1388082899072.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8288905


Jackal also had a 9/10 body, and if you were here back then then you know how that turned out.

>> No.8288907

>that pic
>wearing spandex
>claiming to be fat when obviously your proportions are fantastic
>I'm actually a virgin. Like. A hugless virgin. This is because I'm anxious about relationships and shy.

Did you come here just to troll anons? Seriously, I guess you need to work out? Lift weights? Fix your posture? Work on self esteem issues? What the fuck, normalfags think you dress great, and /fa/ faggots won't even notice because they have a white biological bomb exploding under their layers.

>> No.8288916 [DELETED] 
File: 332 KB, 1280x960, jackal censored.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pretty well

jackal was hotter than this frump ass chick though

>> No.8288917

anon do you know any idea what the hell spandex is

those are clearly black jeans

>> No.8288927
File: 30 KB, 600x800, l_cb9393aaaa964607b41abfb05a6db1ff.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nice eyes
pale skin tone
right hair color

she could be hot if she didn't try so hard to be different

>> No.8288928

>>those are clearly black jeans

they are filled with elastic fibers.

morons like you can no longer distinguish actual denim. gtfo my /fa/

>> No.8288929

weak nina ricci wannabe.


>> No.8288940


>not posting her face
>implying that and a anime tattoo doesn't make her at best 7/10
>YFW there was no "0" espada

>> No.8288942

those jeans are like 30% spandex, 2% elastaine and a little cotton and polyester content for texture

watch a fat girl put on miracle jeans

shit tripskank's lardaass looked sexy in a pair of them too

you also don't know whats underneath

spanx under yoga pants is a thing here

wouldn't be surprised if spanx under miracle jeans under wonder bra under $300 of mac makeup

>> No.8288943

indeed. and a flat full of weeaboo shit.

no thanks.

>> No.8288947

That body is average.

>> No.8288949


fucking try-hard dilettante retards don't even know what jeans are anymore on /fa/.

>> No.8288954


it's really not.

it's not jawdroppingly amazing, but it's definitely above average.

>> No.8288957

god damnit anon I'm not fucking putting up with your gnu/linux bullshit on /fa/

>> No.8288962

girl jeans almost literally do not come without spandex anymore these days though

>> No.8288963

She is contorting and stretching her body, what do you consider average?

>> No.8288964

its average.

understand that "average" is a factor of how attractive/aesthetic something is, not of how common it is.

her body is nothing special at all and ranks below average. the stupid tattoo gives an extra minus point.

>> No.8288969

that's bullshit and you know it

also LOL @ 4chan

>why don't girls wear raws?

because they'll look butch and not hot in them unless they have well above average bodies

>> No.8288975


average in america is short and chubby.

>> No.8288980



>> No.8288981

i'm american and can confirm; after i lost weight i suddenly became aware that the vast majority of girls have friggin fat legs

>> No.8288984
File: 49 KB, 500x502, 1388985430795.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Confirmed for new pasta

>> No.8288985

>>girl jeans

give me a fucking break, anon.

women can wear everything men wear. its accepted.
men however cannot wear everything women wear. its not accepted.

shove that down your feminist entitled cuntmouth.

jeans are made of denim. no denim, not jeans.
learn to differentiate.

>> No.8288986

it appears to be some kind of animal, if i had to guess i'd say a camel that had its brains bashed in, and they started to swell up and ended up like that

>> No.8288990

read again:
>>understand that "average" is a factor of how attractive/aesthetic something is, not of how common it is.

>> No.8288998

Yammy was the 0 espada ya dingus

>> No.8288999

That girl looks short and a little chubby.

>> No.8289001
File: 255 KB, 457x471, 1400735432644.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wish I could kill white knights outside of runescape too

>> No.8289004

"Jeans" can refer to both the style of trouser as well as a catch-all for denim.

>> No.8289018


that's an absurd definition and you know it.

>> No.8289019

this, jeans simply refers to the cut not the material

>> No.8289021


>TFW male
>cant wear hijab
>can't into pastel goth


>> No.8289038


5 pocket wool pants are not wool jeans

neither are 5 pocket linen "jeans"

>> No.8289064

This isn't /soc/. Read the goddamn sticky.
7. For fucks sake stop going full stalker-mode on every female that dares to post a fit here. You pathetic little shits.

>> No.8289103


>> No.8289108

its not absurd at all.

its absurd to grade esthetics based on the quantity of a thing, rather than on the quality of a thing.

the fact that most tryhards look like shit, does not make them "average", it simply means most things look like shit, and score BELOW average.

>> No.8289111


"Jeans are trousers made from denim or dungaree cloth. " - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jeans

you fucking tryhard shitmorons.

>> No.8289122


>> No.8289123


yeah, but beauty standards are subjective, not objective.

what you think looks good or is desirable isn't a measurement the rest of the world will recognize.

>> No.8289131

you completely missed the point.

do you not understand that beauty/esthetics is a quality, not a quantity?

it does not matter that globally there are many subjective appreciations of that quality, NOWHERE is beauty/esthetics a matter of QUANTITY.

>> No.8289142


[citation needed]

>> No.8289151

[brain needed]

fucking uneducated pleb

what are you even doing on this board?
you clearly don't understand what beauty, esthetics or fashion are, at all.

just some dumb cocksucking moron who thinks their "opinion" is validated simply because they have one.

>> No.8289165

pretty sure she said she WAS fat

like past tense

as in not fat anymore

in the present


>> No.8289202

I'm pretty sure that anything can be rated on a quantified scale

It's statistically impossible for a majority to score below average unless there is a gigantic disparity between the mass and the minority, with the minority score being so ridiculously high that it somehow brings up the average

but considering how people who dress well do not look hundreds of thousands of times better than the average slob, this isn't the case.

If the majority of people dress bad, then "average looking" has to be lowered in order to accommodate. Simple as that.

Perhaps it would be best if you went and looked up what "average" actually means before you go off telling people that they're using it incorrectly.

>> No.8289224

oh my god all of you just stop

>> No.8289225

not that guy but just for a moment try to imagine than words are something that were invented by humans and so when someone defines what theyre talking about as a qualitative average and not a quantitative average your response of "but my mathematical definition of average means this.." doesnt actually have to apply.

>> No.8289278


Despite the predictable nonsense that's come out of this thread, the question's actually pretty interesting, to me at least.

Some of the suggestions have been solid, ultimately you can't cover up your chest or ignore what's there, and it's a little hard to generalise as one loose shirt or sweater will fit or fall differently to another.

Only piece of advice I can think of at the moment is to avoid anything that makes you look matronly, as well as flowing floral dresses, and anything overly cutsey.

If anything else comes to mind I'll report back, good luck with the thread.

>> No.8289350

i know a guy with the same problem but hes 2m tall so its proportional

>> No.8289367

you can wear looser fitting tops if you also show that you arent overweight, like with tight jeans or even if its just your wrists that can be seen

>> No.8289482


>> No.8289487

OP how often do you have sex?

>> No.8289902
File: 6 KB, 184x184, 2ab13355297685176ed7b5d6c04b3b992fabdec7_full[2].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know a girl with gigantic tits (slept with her once I was so fucking lucky) that's training to be a lawyer. She's totally nuts when it comes to guys and I swear she gets booty call every day.

Every day.

P.s. she lives in London

>> No.8289906


I fucked her four times that night and she kept on telling me to be gentle and I wasn't. I should have been more gentle so I could stay on her bootycall list ;(

>> No.8289969

Does breast reduction surgery cost a lot?

>> No.8289973

My ex-gf was the same but she didn't live in London. She made me want to kill myself.

>> No.8289977


so you are saying beauty is a matter of quantity.

in other words, that which there is most of ie: the median, is therefore the most beautiful.

you are an ignorant, uneducated moron and its no wonder someone like you is not capable of understanding or appreciating what beauty/esthetics actually are, as a quality.

>> No.8289979

lol why?

Did she live in Liverpool perchance? I know a girl from there who is like that.

>> No.8289995

Because she refused to acknowledge that I loved her and kept seeing her 'ex-bf' who she was 'just friends with' the whole time. She's now dating him again.


>> No.8290024

Brutal. You've got to be realistic with crazy girls like that. I tried asking this girl out and she was very evasive and I think she just really wanted to have sex with random dudes. Which is fine and I would have had to have been a chump to chase her.

I did ask her out twice afterwards though. That was embarassing. Anyway, lesson learned.

>> No.8290036

Jesus that doesnt even make sense.

>> No.8290165

show us another outfit boob femanon

>> No.8290212

this fucking thread

>> No.8290396
File: 70 KB, 800x600, I-am-monitoring-this-thread.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8290418
File: 3.97 MB, 2000x1333, pleased bee inn, london.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8290477


>> No.8291006
File: 985 KB, 1000x741, thirst2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8291082

I went to sleep.

I never said I was fat. I used to be.

I don't think it'd be very efficient to troll after getting advice for hours and typing out long replies.


It's not even a jean material at all you guise. It also isn't stretchy, so I doubt it contains much spandex. My tag is ruined, so I can't really tell you the contents.

I understand the girl denim thing. I can't wear mens pants. Their cuts literally cant be pulled over my thighs. I used to greatly prefer men's pants when I was a wee loli, though.

Mens' pjs are the best thing in the world, though.

I actually really like the look of androgyny and masculinity on my figure. It makes everything a bit more subtle. There aren't many other looks I can do besides androgynous, sexy, slutty or elegant. Sometimes I want played down sex appeal.

Yeah. I can't pull off cute things. I convince myself I can every once in a while, and end up looking autistic as hell. Nevertheless, you're kind, and I enjoyed reading your reply.

I haven't.

I'll post in some thread or make one or something when I actually have one. I got a lot of great advice here, and I'm eager to act on it. I have only shit currently, though.

>> No.8291178

pls b in Warsaw

>> No.8291191

>lucky genetics
She has fucking chins on her knees

>> No.8291731


>> No.8291762
File: 71 KB, 600x597, 1393812639169.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can't it's in the sage stage