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8268240 No.8268240[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

is this effay?

>> No.8268254

>is this effay?

Alot of the sandniggers in my country seem to like that LV crap, looks tacky and most of it is probably fake.

>> No.8268264

>answers shit posting informatively


>> No.8268276

>answers my post


I like answering shit posts with shit replies, it's my hobby.

>> No.8268578


>> No.8270099

arabs in all country's like all that brand shit, our we in the same country Kanker

>> No.8270140

Why are Asians and Arabs obsessed with the tackiest shit that designers offer? Is it a culture thing?

>> No.8270160


I think for a certain group (upper-middle class folks who experienced a lot of upward mobility compared to their previous generations), it's often a signifier of having "made it". I'd suggest that certain people see those items as a solid, concrete way to affirm their success and to broadcast it to their peers.

>> No.8270166

Because they come from broken countries. Its less about looking 'good', as much as looking expensive.

Its why russians go over-board on sports wear. In 1990, very few, if anyone, could get nike or adidas stuff... So it became a status symbol to wear it. And now, they chose it over a legit-well made suit(which they can get cheaper because of availability and skill of tailors) because its still seen as being affluent.

Its like the poor kids who brag about their shoes. People who are far more /fa/ and better off, socio-economically, prob. wouldnt spend 1/3rd as much on shoes, but they dont feel they need to prove themselves, so they dont drop 70% of their income on trying to impress others with something that has little tangible value anyway.

Kinda the 'bill gates vs kanye' thing. Bill gates might look like he shops at target, but we all know hes the wealthier, smarter, *BETTER* person.

>> No.8270248

Varys wtf are you doing

>> No.8270702

lmao had to throw in the kanye hate

>> No.8270725

bill gates still aint drop a mixtape so hes irrelevant

>> No.8270766
File: 2.62 MB, 353x209, 1357171617545.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kanye and bill gates both have more money and are better more succesful people than you plen

>> No.8270817
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>> No.8270847


Asians typically like to flaunt brand names so other people think they're rich.

Take it from me, I'm Asian and a lot of people I know do this.

>> No.8270900

kanye west has dupped millions of people into buying his shit, and acting like a spoiled brat the entire time.
More over, he's DIRECTLY responsible for the death of his shallow, vain mother... And thats something that will haunt him for the rest of his life.
I know he's a piece of shit, most people know he's a piece of shit... and most importantly, he know's he's a piece of shit(even if it is for only one of the MANY retarded things hes done)

And yeah, no question... bill gates is a better person than me. Fuck, he truly might be one of the greatest people to exist. He has done far more for the human species through his philanthropy and targeted interest than anyone else. Indirectly, through the development of some GMO's, banking loans, R&D in vaccines, etc... he's prob. saved a few hundred million people.

Kanye on the other hand, is too busy calling himself jesus and selling $400 blank shirts to help black people in his own fucking neighborhood... he's more than happy to blurt out his feelings on complicated socioeconomic/natural disasters to anyone who'll listen though.

>> No.8270907

I live in a cold city with tons of phillipinos. The amount of fake Canada goose stuff is hilarious! So many duck feet...(The maple leaf on fake ones look less like a leaf, and more like webbed feet)

>> No.8270949

>dupped people into buying things
u fkin wot?

>> No.8270958

Phil Knight is to nike what kanye is to stupid black people.

>Buy this shit if you want to be a part of this culture that i'm not at ALL in or know anything about!

>> No.8270964
File: 76 KB, 375x500, rickrossrapper.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you are mad and white.
you don't listen to or knwo anything about hip hop. your probably gonna say some racist shit in the next few posts.
college dropout is universally considered one of the best debut albums of all time. late registration is considered on of the best hip hop albums of all time. kanye will go down as one of the most notable hip hop producers who ever lived.

your getting mad about kanye as far as being "shallow, vain, spoiled, etc." and bill gates isn't lol.

sorry kanye isnt white and pretending he's giving any amount of money that means anything to him.

Bill gates duped the entire world into buying his shitty stolen software. also GMO's are bad, mm'kay? read more shit that isn't on /pol/, stormfag lel

>> No.8270980

The current human population is not sustainable without gmo's. Come at me.

>> No.8271023
File: 47 KB, 640x480, 1397202664068.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>leather jogging pants
>trying to be part of hip hop culture
how about no.
He might have started out trying to lead it with becoming the louis vuitton don, but he's progressed beyond "black culture" as a style, he only still references it in his songs because he feels his skin colour has a major effect on his ability to be sponsored to produce clothing, which it very well might
>spoiler: I'm a white guy

>> No.8271061
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>> No.8271172
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It is actually. Did you know more than half of all food in the world ends up as waste? there is a distribution problem. there are no networks of distribution in sub saharan africa and southeast asia.

this is where people don't have enough food.

>> No.8271183

is he new member of teenage mutant ninja turtles?

>> No.8271202


>implying I don't get a massive hard on every time I throw away half a steak, knowing that even if I wanted to, I couldn't give it to an African.

don't attack my lifestyle bra

>> No.8271315

I mean thats cool whatever. but youre wrong about GMOs lel. have fun with no endocrine system and becoming a girlman against your will

>> No.8272649

>YFW you daily see niggers with 1.5x their minimum wage salary on sportwear on them.

>> No.8273887


that's the reason niggas die for their jordans

>> No.8274222

Yeah... and if they werent destined to be parasites, i might feel bad.

As it stands now, its a great 'tool' for thinning out the numbers of 'undesirables'. The real tragedy is when innocent people get caught in the crossfire.

If jamal wants to kill tyron for his AF1's, all the more power to him! Because interesting fact: No one who owns AF1's is a productive, contributing member of society... regardless of how they managed to get ahold of those shoes.

>> No.8275918

Yeah he's an ass but I think he's still one of the best artists.

>> No.8275962

wow what the fuck

>> No.8275969

>poorfag whiteboi mad that Ye is a god

>> No.8276064
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>he thinks bill gates, someone who advocates closed source software, monopolies and got rich because he ripped off someone else's work is a good person

>he thinks kanye is not the most influential and creative "mainstream" artist in thelast generation

>> No.8276073
File: 73 KB, 640x960, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's wrong with the Beatles faggot?

>> No.8276082
File: 1.96 MB, 615x413, 1370645525550.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>He does enjoy the beatles


>> No.8276084

The fact that so many books still name the Beatles “the greatest or most significant or most influential” rock band ever only tells you how far rock music still is from becoming a serious art. Jazz critics have long recognized that the greatest jazz musicians of all times are Duke Ellington and John Coltrane, who were not the most famous or richest or best sellers of their times, let alone of all times. Classical critics rank the highly controversial Beethoven over classical musicians who were highly popular in courts around Europe. Rock critics are still blinded by commercial success: the Beatles sold more than anyone else (not true, by the way), therefore they must have been the greatest. Jazz critics grow up listening to a lot of jazz music of the past, classical critics grow up listening to a lot of classical music of the past. Rock critics are often totally ignorant of the rock music of the past, they barely know the best sellers. No wonder they will think that the Beatles did anything worth of being saved.

>> No.8276107

is called natural selection

>> No.8276110

lmAo everything wow log off u shit taste geek

>> No.8276118

>sold more than anyone else (not true, by the way),

ruined your whole point there

>> No.8276174

>not knowing 'ruffi

>> No.8276590

Please define a "better" person pleb
When I see kayne it only makes me wonder, how many low life people he represents in murica
Being an engineer I consider myself far better than this
What's your excuse for living of good peoples resourses?

>> No.8276927

autismalcore is in

>> No.8276947

Its horrible.. but i would say 30% of the 'horribleness' is because his fat fucking head looks out of proportion to his body squeezed into that jacket.

If he wasnt so fucking fat, it would still look like shit... just not as bad.