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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 256 KB, 800x714, waywt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8265184 No.8265184[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]



>> No.8265203
File: 2.47 MB, 2448x3264, aee0a25a-24b6-4aac-b066-1f2473104.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You'll cowards don't even smoke crack

>> No.8265205

sure looks like you do though

>> No.8265210


>straining to give the impression that shirt drapes like that

>> No.8265216

can someone dump their earth folder?

>> No.8265218
File: 448 KB, 800x640, alexkabung.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

reminder that's not Earth, that's this guy

>> No.8265222

I tied a rubber band around the bunch I made in the back so yeah it does drape like that.

>> No.8265240
File: 219 KB, 1144x844, tumblr_n613w1m9bz1srwocyo1_1280[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not wearing a drkshdw gimp skirt 24/7

we're in it boys

>> No.8265242
File: 105 KB, 800x557, lol.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8265257


>> No.8265264

God damn straw stop it. This boner is all your fault.

>> No.8265285

Fucking virgins always ruining threads smh

>> No.8265296
File: 54 KB, 468x832, unnamed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nothing special

>> No.8265313
File: 116 KB, 640x1136, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damn I'm so BANJI

>> No.8265316

shoes look too big, rest of the fit is too casual for the shoes too so those things combined make them stick out (like a sore thumb!)

>> No.8265317

Nice hairline

>> No.8265324

Yeah that's a fair point I'd switch them for my vintage highs I think

>> No.8265326
File: 149 KB, 500x1452, IMG_0941.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

staw i love u

>> No.8265330
File: 713 KB, 974x612, average fa poster.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>gets prada creepers

>wears them with a hoodie and sweats

>> No.8265334
File: 19 KB, 400x297, 9e2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8265336
File: 1.39 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2014-05-23-10-18-58.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All black everything. Inb4 roasting once it heats up today.

>> No.8265342


wanna hit you

>> No.8265349

very punchable face

>> No.8265395
File: 474 KB, 526x567, 1397345891834.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8265403

Do you enjoy samefagging

>> No.8265417

You need to get rid of that lesbian haircut

>> No.8265419

do your friends think you dress weird?

>> No.8265420

straw I love you! No homo.

>> No.8265423

m8 it's an undercut. Lighting makes it look really bad though

>> No.8265438

If you can't tell those are fake as fuck I don't think you should be talking shit

>> No.8265443

When I wear stuff like this yeah a little bit they might give me shit for a second but they know it's something I care about and they respect that. Usually though I dress a little more normally

>> No.8265445
File: 133 KB, 796x1000, 5-cara-a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>i love you! No homo.

>No homo

i don't know man it sounds pretty homo to me

>> No.8265456

well if ur up for it then homo

>> No.8265459
File: 269 KB, 800x748, WAYWTR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im leaving for the day but just made this so somebody use it for the next waywt

>> No.8265460

Please tell me you didn't draw that. I might die from your perfection.

>> No.8265462

no its final fantasy
>git gud

>> No.8265471
File: 794 KB, 1536x2048, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

half marathon hat
t by wang
american eagle

>> No.8265472

thx b

>> No.8265473

I think if you tucked in the short it might look a little better.

>> No.8265475


unfortunately no,, its Yoshitaka Amano concept art for ffv which was a great game

its krile i believe??

drawing is one of the things that im never going to be able to do in any capacity

>> No.8265477

i thought u were wearing pantsu on ur head nigga lmao

>> No.8265528

You look like my rich 50 year old uncle but asain and really fucking stupid

>> No.8265545
File: 57 KB, 640x624, IMG_20140524_020221.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8265548


those aren't prada ceepers you fuckhead

>> No.8265549
File: 2.74 MB, 2448x3264, waywt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nothing fancy just sum basics

>> No.8265554
File: 65 KB, 724x743, 59.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You don't understand.

You can't understand.

>> No.8265558
File: 2.21 MB, 3264x2448, a5ae8daa-1f78-4b79-ae3c-2a8466bc2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

repost cuz im bored at work

>> No.8265559
File: 23 KB, 300x300, 1400377679832.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]





>> No.8265561
File: 293 KB, 413x396, 1390393245094.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8265562

Lookin good Dan!

>> No.8265564

If you're going to try and pull off fits like that (why even post it) at least post so we can see your hair, and lose fucking weight, lift.

>> No.8265565


Thanks Joe.

>> No.8265567


these cargos look good on you but ive never been a fan of that sweater thing you diy'd

if you wore something tight like one of those nifty julius tees that stack on the side this would be goat, really just somethign slimmer on the top

>> No.8265578

thx for crit. its not really a sweater, I dunno what it is it feels like a towel lol, comfy af tho

been wanting to get some tight tanks to tuck in and get some weird sci-fi belt shit game going like a space auto mechanic. need to grab some cotton lycra blend jersey and make something but first im planning to make shorts and tees

>> No.8265584


sounds cool man, looking forward to it

>> No.8265702
File: 73 KB, 613x612, waywt 23.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8266036
File: 171 KB, 1024x768, fit4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fresh out of the rain.

>> No.8266043
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>> No.8266071
File: 691 KB, 1536x1946, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Played with something a little different from my normal fits today.
I admit that the Y-3s are a little out of place but they're my only lows and I don't have any derbies. Also the pants make my thighs look fat. People too busy mirin the shirt to notice or care though, so thank goodness for that.

>> No.8266075


that shirt is +++++++

it's actually plain enough that the y3's might look okay (to add some detail), and your legs look fine lol

>> No.8266090

wat shirt

>> No.8266098

Thanks. Glad you think the pants look okay, but I'm still disgusted by all that extra material just below the crotch. I think it makes my thighs look huge.
Shirt is by far my favorite button-up.
Neil Barrett "cropped-sleeve" shirt. Back of the sleeves have buttons like you'd see on a l/s shirt which is pretty cool.

>> No.8266101

firstly this fit is so boring I want to die. Not especially bad but not worth posting for others to assess

secondly it might be the angle of the photo but your body looks wack as fuck. your shoulder are like 90 degrees to your neck and your upper half is way out of proportion with your twig legs

>> No.8266102

Straw can we be friends pls, I added you on steam to play doto but I.m too nervous to message you ;_;

>> No.8266105


haha its all good, just message me whenever i'm online!! i don't bite

>> No.8266111

I'll try I'm just autistic

>> No.8266112


>> No.8266116

top + hair is nice. I think black/darker pants would be better tho

>> No.8266128

cool af m8. especially like the pants + shoes together

>> No.8266137


Stop ditching class, Jimmy. Everyone knows you hide in the restroom to take selfies and masturbate to them.

>> No.8266152

>bitcoin sticker


>> No.8266157

please stop trying to be artsy

>> No.8266168


>> No.8266172

you caught me.

>> No.8266175
File: 1.88 MB, 1840x3264, 0a349e02-5315-45a9-9d9b-8d0d3da83.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

straw i love u! no no homo ;^)
is men swear 4 a summer fit effay

>> No.8266180

nice vagina

>> No.8266181
File: 1.49 MB, 2448x3264, IMG_20140523_131346.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"it might rain" edition

>> No.8266183

I really don't like it, sorry.

>> No.8266205

>benching anything

>> No.8266221
File: 94 KB, 640x960, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

high fashion consumes me n-word

>> No.8266262

spoony is that you you fat slut

>> No.8266275
File: 575 KB, 919x1345, IMG_20140523_145401.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8266280
File: 328 KB, 1280x1338, basicbitch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

basic monochrome

>> No.8266294


best in thread imho

>> No.8266296

the AF1s look fucking retarded. something slimmer would be better (read:cps)

>> No.8266298
File: 148 KB, 1024x768, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just try and do better!

>> No.8266299

kek is that a target henley (b/c I have one from there that looks just like it. p. good quality for shitty ass target too)

>> No.8266305

You're a faggot, OP. Nice bucket hat too, bet you listen to Slipknot.

>> No.8266308

Thanks man! And no I listen to sex pistols.

>> No.8266312

w2c hoodie?

>> No.8266361

anybody else looking for side boob b4 realizes it's a dude?

>> No.8266366

relax. it fabrixquare one. lel

>> No.8266371

are smelling your finger after masturbating?

>> No.8266385

how is the fabrixquare? what would you compare the quality too?

>> No.8266437

i can see what you were trying to go for but this is. so. fucking. bad. did you even try? fuck off fatty

>> No.8266455

It's my fit.

I'd compare the quality to something slightly above shoes you'd find in Topman.

They look nice though, and there are no other alternatives. I'd be prepared to pay above £600 for prada but I have had no luck and had to settle for fabrixquare.

Quality is fine though for what they are - fakes. They look decent too, but maybe a bit uncomfortable.

>> No.8266473


w2c bomber

>> No.8266482

what's wrong with it, it's better than dirty ass mirrors and pictures of half of a fit
the collage thing looked pretty cool even if the fit was just meh

>> No.8266484
File: 764 KB, 1536x2048, WAYWT - May 14.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8266488

would look 10x better without the socks and if the shirt were white
would be better to see a proper picture

>> No.8266491

amazing jeans, just pin the cuffs a little so the dark part of the inseam won't show on it

rly good

>> No.8266498
File: 265 KB, 894x297, IMG_0598.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hi /fa/, this is my first time posting here.

I realized that I didn't care enough about how I dress like 4 days ago, been lurking since that.

Any advice will be greatly appreciated.

>> No.8266501

There is nothing inherently bad a bout this fit. It's is just really basic. Have you read the sticky?

>> No.8266512

pants fit really weird. shoes don't look good either.

>> No.8266517

W2C Shoes?

>> No.8266523
File: 925 KB, 1986x3264, IMG_20140524_005146.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8266525

WAYWT- What Are You Wearing Today
>posts fit from 14may


>> No.8266526

Yes I already did m8.

That's cuz my legs are weird and my hips are wide, I can't find find pants that fit me well. :( Shoes are shitty converse, I've only got two pair of sneakers and they both suck.

>> No.8266531

fucking cool
great textural play
i could verbally suck your dick for a while longer but i don't want you to get h8 for samefagging so i'll leave now

>> No.8266533


>> No.8266538

this is cool

solid fits/palette


literal fooch bwah

MDE is my hero XD


fucked proportions imo
not awful but your legs aren't skinny enough for cropped pants/sandals with that upper body
bench more or get better ankle genetics

>> No.8266542

Jeans fit horribly, bomber looks cheap and tacky, t-shirt is too short and boxy for that fit and AF1s look so massive and out of place.

>> No.8266553

ditch socks pls

>> No.8266556
File: 224 KB, 1080x720, Photo on 14-05-23 at 7.10 PM #2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8266562

shit palette
lame fits

>> No.8266569

not that guy but disagree w/ you on all counts
the pants are fine, the shirt is a fucking shirt and the bomber is fine.
It would be better if the pants were a bit more relaxed and if the shirt was looser but i cannot understand where all of your vitriol is coming from
christ, making mountains out of fucking molehills

>> No.8266575

firstly, lurk more. a lot more. get some plain shirts and jeans that fit better (look for APC, Naked and Famous, Acne, Unbranded, and other quality cheap denim brands on eBay. Look for brands on rawrdenim and denim cuts that have roomy thighs but reasonable tapering). until then, cuff those jeans so they dont flare so much.

>> No.8266580

wtf? not that guy you're replying to
his shirt works well w/ the bomber, his pants are just too slim for the af1s

>> No.8266585

semi cool.
i kinda dig the pants and shoes but the hoodie is uggo and the shirt looks too dark

v ugly hoodie, lose it
cuff the pants or get nicer ones
shoes look okay

>> No.8266587



>vitriol, making mountains out of molehills

it's a one line post with some opinions and he didn't like it

you just made it more obvious that it's your fit

>> No.8266600

Thanks anon.

>> No.8266601
File: 17 KB, 840x425, OBVIOUSLYME.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sit the fuck down
you used to be likeable

>> No.8266607

w2c top?
cool fit, i like it

>> No.8266616

>you just made it more obvious that it's your fit
it's a one line post with some opinions and he didn't like it
you just made it more obvious that it's your comment, straw

>> No.8266620
File: 70 KB, 248x252, 1386509912481.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8266626


>30sec in microsoft paint



why would i go anon to hate on some fit though, its not like he fucked my mom

my honest critique is i like the bomber, tee looks really awkward and i don't like heather grey.

pinrolled jeans look solid, but not with the footwear, looks pretty juvenile. lowtops like stan smiths maybe ??



>> No.8266630
File: 14 KB, 228x221, 1384456789169.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>8 hours ago

>Youll never find w2c bag and jumper

>> No.8266632


he made the bag himself
as for jumper ask him on sufu or next time u see him he seems pretty active

>> No.8266633


don't fret anon

hes "cheesefreak" on sufu and "jew hair boy" on /fa/

bag is made from scratch by him

jumper is thrifted and diy'd by him

>> No.8266636

inb4 fag
inb4 I'm home
inb4 lose the chain
inb4 clean your room

>> No.8266638



>> No.8266639
File: 1.27 MB, 3264x2448, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

inb4 forgot photo

>> No.8266644

Too late.
And you're not even wearing a shirt, what are we supposed to judge? Your pants and socks? Cause your socks are p lame.

>> No.8266647

W2C everything

>> No.8266648

The thread is what are you wearing today. That's what I'm wearing today.

>> No.8266651

It's shit and not fashion. Especially your socks.
There ya go.

>> No.8266654

Ohfuck lol'd
Dose AF1, I cant believe ppl took it srsly

>> No.8266701

Thanks! The top is a thrifted piece I touched up a bit. It's reminiscent of a faded glory sweater.

>> No.8266708

>you used to be likeable
hahah true that anon
I left /fa/ for a good number of months and I guess strawtengu has filled the tripfag ethos vacuum
it's hilarious imo

>> No.8266808
File: 867 KB, 1473x2713, P1000025.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone have recs for a neat hoodie in this color?
something with a more interesting design or fit i guess, zip preferred

>> No.8266860
File: 1.30 MB, 720x953, hey.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can i get a rate? Also how does /fa/ feel about pant fit

>> No.8266864

you look like a young timothy omundson

>> No.8266871

you look like the kind of grill I would be friends with. Not sure about the contrasting on the shoes, but the socks r fine imo~

>> No.8266876
File: 61 KB, 720x960, 406748_4112230200435_1887484783_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You asking for a double date my bitch.

Cuz I got my numbeh right hur.

Tfw when I took this pic 2 years ago. I actually went into high school like this for 3 or 4 days straight.
People either thought I was a foreign exchange student or a girl.
Some guy came up to me and ask me for my picture. Poor guy.
Also one of my long time friend that I had for 4 years told me she thought I was a new student.


>> No.8266883

you are making those ramones look very shitty
dress according to them

>> No.8266890

I don't understand why you would post this on 4chan of all places.

>> No.8266894
File: 83 KB, 600x903, 10391413_10152141344317828_906445047586790064_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8266896

I just want to see the responses. It keeps my curiosity intrigued.
Also I'm bored.

>> No.8266897


>> No.8266906
File: 143 KB, 600x1113, Rihanna-Vivienne-Westwood-Penis-purse.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bruv, standin on the toilet is well 2k7

>> No.8266911
File: 101 KB, 800x473, 1399751602697.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


i am completely and utterly baffled right now

and slightly horrified


im all about that middle school life

>> No.8266912
File: 23 KB, 204x222, 1396555809258.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you actually look better as a girl,

>> No.8266916

new waywt img op

op pls


>> No.8266917

that dick bag tho

>> No.8266927

back to leddit the fit isnt bad and why do you even trip?

>> No.8266938

back to your cave that fit is piss poor and he doesn't even trip

>> No.8266955


fooh bauw

>> No.8266970

so where in the midwest u from, fuckboi?

>> No.8266987
File: 95 KB, 428x856, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ysl, bape, af1s, levi's

excuse the shit pin roll as I was a hurry

>> No.8266990

w2c shoes?

>> No.8266991

you are me and we should not wear such tight clothes.

>> No.8266994
File: 106 KB, 418x852, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*in a hurry

also which jacket works better?

>> No.8266998

not a fan of the graphic tee but sick fit otherwise

>> No.8267004
File: 18 KB, 360x480, 10325687_10202393092082396_4188213079157821898_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not wearing a bape jacket

>> No.8267006
File: 246 KB, 794x1410, YOUWANTEDAREALFIT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here have a fit if you aren't satisfied.
It comes with the trip mah boi
Also it is much nicer that I can release this on here. lel.
Lets see you in drag s-man.

Ples drag waywt

>> No.8267007

what cave faggot?
the clothes dont fit that well but they work together and are perfectly ok
and responding with that unfunny meme is just so wrong (not in moral-badass way but in a new-cancerous way)

>> No.8267010

weird fits, looks good tho
ehhh. like the shirt
really bad. the hair and jeans suck, get darker ones cause they dont go with the jacket at all
awful. i think it's the shorts
bad hat, good pants + shirt combo. also are you really short or is it the pants' fit
lookin ok. pants tight af
god bless
i really like this, colors are good. same with fit. a+
so good, one of the best in the thread. w2c shoes and pants
shitty photoset. the pants and shoes do not go well together and the sweater over that white shirt just looks like shit. try again
shoes don't match, maybe get black laces. jeans are ehh
color scheme is good until the shoes. ok
none of these look good together, but i like them individually lol
bad fit on the black jacket, and as much as i hate camo i'd say go with it

>> No.8267013

pls respond

>> No.8267016


whoa looking a lot better without glasses and diff hair no joke this time, genuinely surprised

>> No.8267025
File: 659 KB, 800x599, 1385690884269.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here's an old one

>> No.8267028

you look mucho improvo without those strange cardigans and that hair :3

>> No.8267036

You are mai man stance.
You cool.

>> No.8267048
File: 1.89 MB, 2448x2448, photo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i bought this fear of god tee today and my milky geos just came in the mail

>> No.8267049

post fit fuccboi

>> No.8267055


this looks really nice proportionswise

tee looks like perfect length from what i can see

>> No.8267057

lol you're retarded. Half of the fits you disliked looked fine.

>> No.8267062

w2c shirt?

>> No.8267064

Best colourway Geos imo, good job.

>> No.8267067

lol no it doesnt

ilu tho tengu

>> No.8267068


smh. you got all this dosh n you rep it like this. this is def one of ur better fits, a lot better than any rickadas. but smh bro. this one is p nice, i'll admit but others arent. u gotta get ur top game up tho. get some nice sweaters in dis homie, cause i dont feel ur cut off hoodies *pukes* they remind me of that movie with the autistic guy who runs with the trash bag played by bradley cooper smh.
keep on being you tho. but be u more originally :) cus u dont look comfortable in what ur wearin. thou i like dis one. keep up.

>> No.8267074


omg fuckin fight me dude

i love tees that are a little longer than they should be

>> No.8267080

thank you!! i really like how it fits. it fits me really well. i'm 6'3 and skinny as heck so long tees work well on my body.
i said its fear of god u silly person
i'm really digging em. thank you. i might throw the black laces on em and see how that looks.
uh..i um... th..thank you??? i do need nice sweaters though like some raf tier sweaters. i am always comfy.

>> No.8267081

We're you texting on your phone or something.
This is like broken English tier of writing.

>> No.8267084

U gud.
Probably the best basic fit on this waywt btw.

>> No.8267085

how 2 english??

>> No.8267095
File: 1.11 MB, 1600x1200, CIMG1077.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry to leave you all hanging
Some mod decided that 1 post = spam so I got put in the bin for 2 days
>inb4 some of you claim that it's good to silence those above you

>> No.8267111

Looks better than normal. Please tell me you're not wearing those ridiculous boots. I don't want to have to take back my compliment

>> No.8267114


u are always comfy? or u will always comfy? c what i did there. i asked u a rhetorical question u dont noe the answer 2. but I do. basically u think ur comfy n u think u're good but ur not u've built up this persona of money=style. im not sayin u're un/fa/ im just sayin u need to get less stound out pieces in put em' together. like u did here, all basic then POP white geos fuckin looked nice too. but ditch ur simons'. n i was gonna say that exactly raf dip die is nice. n so is acne, n u obviously got the money 4 it so thats nice. but u gotta stretch ur dollar so u get perspective on what u're wearing. i like some, but ur bleach jeans, white tee, with mmm hightops is just tacky imo. u gotta spend ur money on things that look nice n suit ya bruv. i get ur skinny so jeans are hard for u. but stll, tone it down a bit, n that way u're toning it up a whole lot. peace.


nah man i just dont play the game. u can ride the train of life, pay ur ticket, and get of when u want to die. but not me bro. im gettin off when the clouds disappear n the weather looks good. im not walkin into a rainy station of death. thats for u to decide.

>> No.8267120

you're not worth speaking to when you type like that.

>> No.8267122


i doubt u read what i had to say.


my advice is valid b

>> No.8267127

just filter yung demon lol

>> No.8267128

yes i read what you had to say
but half of it
made no

>> No.8267130


get reading comprehension? lol

>> No.8267138
File: 1.06 MB, 1600x1200, CIMG1081.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nothing wrong with my boots, m8.
Basement made me feel post apocalyptic so I decided to squat. Gonna be cawping some diff stuff in Europe anyway. Looking to find some silver metallics like in vid related.

In fact, I would cop the entire fit in vid related.

>> No.8267142


holy shit this is hilarious

>> No.8267154


>> No.8267226

I am uncertain about this fit, but I don't know why. Also, I know the red on the jacket is tacky, is there anyway to dye it black or get rid of it?

>> No.8267231
File: 1.82 MB, 3264x3689, waywt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

forgot picture

>> No.8267278

what are jeans?

>> No.8267283

I think this is a basic ass fit but the fraying at the bottom pushed it into a fucking offensive terrible fit.

>> No.8267287

they're a new fit by Acne called "The Thin" in the Stay Cash wash. Apparently you can't find them anywhere but at the Acne stores.

>> No.8267292

what shoes are those?

>> No.8267300

rack'lovin geodudes

>> No.8267305

Hmm okay, why?

>> No.8267321

looking good without glasses, mate

>> No.8267456
File: 913 KB, 1000x1000, CASUALFIT3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Must lose weight :( Friend sent me small instead of medium sized shirts

The McDaniels shirt (fruit of the loom s)
V Ave Shoe Repair shorts
Walmart socks
Raf Simons response 1

>> No.8267463


>> No.8267509

I think that if you lost some weight this would look really good. Without extra fat on your chest and slightly skinnier legs this fit would be butter

>> No.8267516

yeah my normal weight is like 140 but im at 150 right now (weight got fucked up at uni)

the shirt is one size small from what i normally buy as well

>> No.8267544

Actually looking good here. Now to work on your autistic posting

>> No.8267601 [DELETED] 
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>> No.8267609
File: 358 KB, 1002x998, badfitnotgood.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

regretting buying this yohji suit
i cant pull it off

might buy an old cheap comme des garcons suit and retire this one

gonna wear this to dinner and some symphony tomorrow dt

>> No.8267614
File: 286 KB, 1918x1080, DSC03886 (Large).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8267629

wear some pants u fucking slut

>> No.8267650

How do I look better than almost everyone here? I only shop the clearance rack and I literally don't follow a single trend on here.
>I literally don't follow a single trend on here.

>clown shoes and mecha legs

>> No.8267655


you look like my girlfriend in the morning after fucking her the night before

>> No.8267661
File: 243 KB, 922x1500, 1346263486777.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy crap I remember you. Thanks for the peek.

>> No.8267666
File: 222 KB, 1440x1920, 1346258207225.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>August 30 2012

>> No.8267672

wow, you saved my pic. cant describe the feel

you mean she'll look differently if you didn't fuch her the night before?

>> No.8267673

Big improvement, still an ugly as fuck bitchboi though m8

>> No.8267683

I haven't lurked here consistently enough to know whether you post often. But do you actually wear anything interesting or do you just post to show off your legs?

I'm fine with it either way.

>> No.8267693

those ann deez phffuehhaha

>> No.8267698


>> No.8267699

fuck off

>> No.8267700

what bout them? they are comfy and covered in slurpee stains and blood stains

>> No.8267701

Um.. I almost gonna say "you got me" but, hey I posted interesting ones too!

>> No.8267707

What's this cesspool??

>> No.8267708

haha lmaoing my butt off at your pic :)

>> No.8267711

I started scrolling from the bottom, it went from 60 to 0 in wat

>> No.8267713
File: 103 KB, 640x960, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you have more nice photos you could share with us

>> No.8267720

I'm sorry what are you talking about?!

>> No.8267723

>v neck

>> No.8267727
File: 89 KB, 748x875, today.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

copped this recently

>> No.8267730

sluts. you win some you loose some

>> No.8267744

Nope sorry

>> No.8267746

You pulled off a nice color contrast with that peek shot from two years ago so I will give you that.

>> No.8267748

R u a geologist?

>> No.8267752


>> No.8267757
File: 334 KB, 780x982, Untitled-1.1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here you are guys. for whoever starts the next thread.

don't see much point posting a fit this late in the thread really.

>> No.8267762

Haha, you mean the zigzag stripe dress?

>> No.8267763

Could you post an actual picture of the full fit it looks really nice just not the easiest to make out.

>> No.8267773

sorry i only have a webcam or an iphone

if i use the iphone my proportions get warped because i have to stand at a weird angle

thanks for the interest (im gonna buy a camera someday)

>> No.8267775

Are you gonna dye that bag? Would look really cool if you did.

>> No.8267830
File: 259 KB, 350x800, anotherfit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how is this
same jacket as yesterday

>> No.8267832

love cute girls with bangs hng

>> No.8267836

lots of unecessary, shot and pose could be better

>> No.8267838

I like you

>> No.8267844

H&M bomber jacket
H&M tee
April77 Dictactor
KVA back zip

>> No.8267846

why is no one else horrified by this gypsy devil magic?

where the fuck is the camera in this photo?

this guy is truly evil it's a mirror shot and it's straight on, and yet there's no fucking camera who's even holding hte camera what the fucking fuck >>>/x/

>> No.8267853


didn't see your last shot but it's decent, could benefit from some accessories. What are those double white straps over your dress? Not a purse since it's on both sides, don't think I like it from that shot anyway.

>> No.8267857

pls b jokin

>> No.8267865

ty anons

ok will try to, have shaky hands so i usually hold my steady with two hands

forgot to mention it's a white drawstring backpack. bought it for summer white fits but i have no white clothes for the time being :/

>> No.8267869


>> No.8267874

I mean your panties nicely contrasted your striped dress.

>> No.8267893

you look like my ex gf but ugly

>> No.8267896
File: 128 KB, 760x1000, 1387344754029.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8267901

>sheer dress to view underwear
>upskirt/ass shot
Keep it up, I respect what you do.

>> No.8267918

hi sashimi

>> No.8267925

wow good deduction skills pal

>> No.8267929

thx m8 I had to say something cause my tumblr life and my /fa/ life came crashing together

>> No.8267939
File: 23 KB, 116x87, 1395636398926.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its not much of a secret

>> No.8267951
File: 237 KB, 720x960, IMG_1448.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

clown feet >check
skellington >check

>> No.8267963

>no gf

>> No.8267966

Nope :^)

>> No.8267968

that frayed shirt is embarrasing lol

>> No.8267983

Babbys being this mad about their sick fits getting shit on

>> No.8267988


How fucking short and lightweight are you for AF1s to look stockier than Ricks do on most people.

>> No.8267992


Are you CIA?

>> No.8267993

Frayed shirt is awful, tie your shoelaces

>> No.8268009

looking good tbh

>> No.8268018

>wearing the ugliest Ann D's ever
looks like absolute trash

>> No.8268020
File: 1.63 MB, 2448x3264, IMG_20140524_110830.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8268022

that's not a good place to keep eggs

>> No.8268030

Who needs that many eggs

>> No.8268036

Few things bro
>stand up straight
>iron your shirt
>don't wear sandals with socks
>eggs go in the fridge rotten eggs are not effay

>> No.8268041
File: 47 KB, 640x640, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i always reply to these threads late ~.~

>> No.8268051

can you not?

go back to tumblr, i like your body and all but no

>> No.8268052

go eat hambuga fuk u look like ull snap

>> No.8268059

can you suggest anything different? what is wrong with it

>> No.8268061

you actually have anorexia
i'm not trying to be mean
you need help because it's bad for you trust me

>> No.8268065

check out yesterday:

>> No.8268068

crop tops look dorky imo
most Tumblr shit does to me
nothing really wrong with it
just a generic fit for a likely generic person

>> No.8268089

what is she wearing today

>> No.8268094


If it was not for the frayed shirt would it be basic but okay?

>> No.8268100


once again, you've managed to post the only good fit in a WAYWT

>> No.8268105

those legs.those fucking legs jesus

>> No.8268110

naw the ugliest are the pink ones or the orange and black high ones

i like them them ;o)

>> No.8268146


Bottega Venetta, Loro Piana, Gucci, usually what I'm dressed in

>> No.8268180

yo srsly pls b in london. pref hackney

>> No.8268213
File: 488 KB, 2052x2989, IMG_0208.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How much like an autist do I look, /fa/?

>> No.8268277
File: 421 KB, 916x1632, WP_20140522_013 (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8268280


>meme shoes

>> No.8268281

You're trying, and it's perfectly fine for a casual outfit. Problem is you posted it on /fa/

>> No.8268287

top looks good
bottom is revolting
get black skinnies and doc 1460s

>> No.8268290

i want to get rid of them theyre just too white and gay

>> No.8268380

Not ok, shoes in context :/
Might be ok
Can't see, filter :/
Bad sorry
V neck, shoes :/
Short sleeves shirts not for me
Not a fan
Looks ok
Shoes terrible
Jeans fit + tee too :/
Very average
Short sleeves shirts not for me
Bad sry palette terrible pants maybe too tite, can't see
better w/o glasses, new hair
Better w/dif jacket/shoes imo
agree maybe ur a bit big atm but ok anyway
Boring but safe
Shorts :s

>> No.8268382

please eat

>> No.8268402

>get the /fa/ uniform instead!

>> No.8268554

this is so hot.
dont listen to the haters

>> No.8268557

whats ur instagram ?

>> No.8268575

probably not, if I did I'd use tea or something really light. im planning on spraying the bottom to coat itn in white rubber tho

>> No.8268590


>> No.8268599

let's see the back

>> No.8268611

ur hot gurl

>> No.8268634

I wish I was asian, would be easier to become a trap.

>> No.8268653
File: 1.28 MB, 3264x2448, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i know /fa/ hates my sneakers and watch but good morning /fa/

>> No.8268939

You are correct. I am indeed silly.

>> No.8269371
File: 108 KB, 358x1005, use.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

graphic tee autism

>> No.8269422

What kind of interesting ones? Pics or it didn't happen!

>> No.8270378

Um, some clubbing dresses, bikinis?