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File: 265 KB, 1481x1481, yo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8263631 No.8263631 [Reply] [Original]

Whatcha think?

>> No.8263654

Fuck no

>> No.8263658


>> No.8263664

Aldo makes terrible shoes and they look like something an unsuccessful mid 40s graphic designer would wear to the office

>> No.8263683

It feels like it's a solid, well-built shoe. No other companies make unique shoes like this with bright colors yet still dressy.

>> No.8263684

This is so accurate

>> No.8263707

Fuck you. Not everyone wants to spend 150+ for shoes that look like this. I work at a semi-formal store as a growing employee so I want something with some sass from my current shitty shoes.

>> No.8263749

>It feels like it's a solid, well-built shoe

I regularly buy dress shoes from thrift shops to sell on eBay. Unless Aldo recently started making much better shoes, they're not well made. Go ahead and buy them, but don't come crying back to me when they fall apart quickly.

>> No.8263754


Cole haan bitchface

>> No.8263767

I really inspected these ones and it seems like it would take a lot to see wreckage.

Don't feel like spending that kind of cash.

Just wanted a simple dress shoe that had some flare.

>> No.8263771

They're shit shoes m8. You came here asking what people thought. People gave their opinions. You don't need to defend the shoes. If you wan't to buy them go ahead.

>> No.8263776

dress shoes aren't supposed to have flare
you will look like a joke/homosexual

>> No.8263794

Shit shoes even for the price? Only $100 for these. Most other shoes that were similar from other stores were at least $160-$180. Didn't really want to spend that much.

For me they are more of a fun shoe that can still pass the "business casual" test.

>> No.8263796

Thrift store guy here. Johnston and Murphy makes the best "cheaper" dress shoes in my opinion. I haven't personally handled these shoes or the Aldos, but based on brand alone I'd probably go with these: http://www.johnstonmurphy.com/ellington-wingtip/8173.html?dwvar_8173_color=Khaki%20Water-Resistant%20Suede&dwvar_8173_width=M#.U3689S97TuY

>> No.8263811

It has nothing to do with the price. They look like shit. I wouldn't pay 5 dollars for them and I'm an avid thrift shopper who'll buy almost anything I think I can wear. You're better of sticking to similar looking shoe with a different color scheme. Something a bit more versatile.

>> No.8263828

That picture I posted doesn't really reflect them very well. The blue isnt THAT blue so it is a bit darker and flows more. Isnt that huge line of contrast.

>> No.8263851

I'm sure it still looks bad. If not, provide a better picture.

>> No.8263860

Ok I will in about 10 minutes. Drying my clothes now. I will shoot a pic

>> No.8263871

Most of us have seen these types of shoes in person, colored sole etc. They are very low quality, and they look very tacky. It's gimmicky and drawing attention to itself pointlessly, more than any other part of your outfit.

I know it's hard to get but shoes are not worth cheaping out on. The difference between a $100 dress shoe you get at macy's vs. even a $200 one can be huge. It's the difference between plastic-y fake leather that cracks and doesn't crease well, off stitching, shitty glue and sole, and one that fits your foot well and molds to it, has a healthy leather sheen, thickness and toughness, etc. Even if you "save" money by getting a $100 shoe it's going to wear out exponentially faster than other quality tiers.

but those also just look like garbage

>> No.8263942

op you fucking suck so does your taste and so does your shit ocean soled shoes. your joints look like they're sponsored by pepsi you fuckin clown or you just curb stomped a family of smurfs. at least you can check the latest updates from your friends on the sole of your shoes seeing as they endoresed by facebook you fucking fruit cup

>> No.8263952

nigger shoes

dem thread b game /w yo pimp outfit

>> No.8263961
File: 2.38 MB, 3264x2448, show.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

deal with it faggots

>> No.8263971

>blue sole

what is this? Aldo Conti shit? fuck off poor fuccboi

>> No.8263973

LMAO the cookie monster is leaking out of your shoe

>> No.8263978

LOL I love it! Le Cookie shoes. Going to get some pussy at the clubs now! xD ty

>> No.8263979

fucking avatar looking ass

>> No.8263980



>> No.8263981

apporved by Aldo Conti

kek, stay pleb and poor

>> No.8263985

idk what i have to deal with i wasnt the one spent money on it and now has to live with it

>> No.8263988

dude they're so fucking trash lmao

you're already in divorced wannabe-young dad core

sage this shit

>> No.8264004

You guys get mad easy. I'd like to see what you guys wear. I probably owned any shoe you wear.

>> No.8264010

you should prob concentrate on your own shit rather than anyone elses, maybe then you wouldn't cop trash

>> No.8264013

LOL confirmed for troll

and thinking people laughing at your taste = they mad

>> No.8264019

Still wearing sk8er shoes? That's cute, kid.

They must be mad to fight it ;) They are nice shoes, you're all just too ugly to pull them off therefore they are shit ;)

>> No.8264031
File: 51 KB, 500x375, swag.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

damn you sure told them

get out there and pick up some classy dames (ie REAL WOMEN WITH CURVES) OP :^) *tips fedora*

>> No.8264043

Pretty much this, you lads are pissed.