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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 81 KB, 819x460, laffin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8253384 No.8253384 [Reply] [Original]

why do kids fresh outta high school feel the need to dress up for no reason?

I went to go meet my little brother at his university yesterday. I got there a little early so went to go kill time in the campus coffee shop/lounge. It's pretty busy so i sit in a lounge chair across from this kid who looks barely 18. He has a poorly cut hitler youth (he had curly hair kek), is wearing desert boots, slim khaki chinos, and a red ocbd tucked in with a sweater over it. I should also mention that he has is pool stick in a bag and looks to be waiting for a pool table to open up or s/t. Sure everything fit well and he was of good proportions, but he just looked so goofy sitting there alone. I was surprised he wasn't on his phone browsing /fa/

So anyways I'm bored so I decide to try and strike up a conversation with this autist.

>"waitin for a job interview or something?"
>"n-no...I-I'm just waiting for a friend"
>"ha, i bet it's a first date"
>"ahh okay, i just thought since you're dressed up"
>he looks down at his clothes, throws the pasta in the boiling water
>"I-I'm just waiting for a friend"
>"ahh no problem buddy, but you're dressed to impress"
>two qt coed grills next to us giggling and watching this kid approach al dente

The kid, looking very uncomfortable, ended up leaving a few moments later. I turned to the qt grills and commented on what a weird kid, and had a pleasant conversation with them until my brother got outta class.

Why do these autists dress up so much, but can't hold a basic conversation?

>> No.8253395
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what kind of autistic fuck cares enough to make a thread about this

>> No.8253399 [DELETED] 

haha u fucken smashed that faggot aye fucken right, lucky he escaped with his life by the sounds of it.

idk why these queer little FUCKS dress up probs cuz they overcompensating for their tiny kid dicks is my best guess smh smh

haha fucken hell dude what a yarn, got any more barn burners for the presses? i could listen to a real cool customer like you talk for days haha too right mate

>> No.8253403

wow you must be so alpha

>> No.8253406

being a dick to random kids and shit talking them behind their back is not /fa/

>> No.8253407

just a normal guy trying to kill time by striking up a conversation m8

>> No.8253411

why would u go up and talk to someone u dont know for no reason u fucking weirdo just because u saw it happen on tv doesnt mean it happens in real life

>> No.8253413

new pasta or just a faggot?

>> No.8253416

Yeah, why would someone try to lock good, I don't get it.

>> No.8253419





>> No.8253425

>I was mean to some kid
>that makes me cool, right?

Autismo, we act like that on fa because it's funny and nothing on the internet matters

Doing shot like that irl just makes you a prick

>> No.8253429

Based pig fuck is back to custom the shit skins

>> No.8253430 [DELETED] 
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not op but you guys have a poor percievement of reality if you don't see alpha-beta interactions on a daily bases. Do you even go out?
I've fucked bitches at parties while their boyfriends wait outside, get out sometime you basement dwelling nerds

>> No.8253436
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>walk over to him in my Rick Owens Raf Simons usually what I'm dressed in
>he vomits spaghetti onto my dropcrotch
>trip over geobasket soles
>knock over an entire rack of video games

>> No.8253440

>implying OP wasn't the kids in the chair with the DBs and pool stick and just wanted to feel like the alpha that made an absolute mockery of him in front of a couple of qts by pretending that he was in fact said "alpha"

ur not foolin any1 ya fuk

>> No.8253441
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>I've fucked bitches at parties while their boyfriends wait outside

>> No.8253444
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>> No.8253451

u can look good w/o looking like an autist. i could just imagine this good going back to his dormitory cafeteria to eat a slice of greasy cheese pizza and some chocolate milk in his ocbd, cdbs, and chinos usually what he's dressed in.

it's like wearing full rick to go pick up a prescription for your mom at the grocery store or putting on a thom browne suit to go to a funeral

>> No.8253453
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>I've fucked bitches at parties while their boyfriends wait outside

>> No.8253470

>two qt coed grills next to us giggling and watching this kid approach al dente
i bet they were totally wet over how you established your dominance over that guy right

you sound like a total prick tbh

>> No.8253475
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>not op
just because you say that doesn't mean we will automatically believe you

>> No.8253479

Oh look it's the anti bullying squad again aka Glee watchers club. Fuck off

>> No.8253518

why do you feel the need to be an asshole?

>> No.8253527

ur pretty funny and a decent writer. way better than asok as well, and that fag actually wants to study writing at uni. top cuc

>> No.8253537

>"h-h-h-hey, those are some n-nice clothes"
>"Thanks. I'm just waiting for a friend"
>"i-i-is it a... g-g-g-girl?"
>"What? No"
>"o-oh ok"
>"My friend's probably gonna be here soon, so..."
>"y-y-you too"

And then OP goes home to post on /fa/ about how he just TOTALLY DESTROYED some random little kid.

>> No.8253541

Did u fucked that tight boypussy

>> No.8253556

>Why do people dress for themselves?
It's fun. If you don't need to dress for others, might as well have some fun.

>> No.8253559

He's "barely 18." What humans are not goofy at 18? Even the ones so preternaturally self-possessed they make you jealous and regretful have some goofiness in how they do that.

The idea that someone in an Oxford and a sweater would (oh, my god) be waiting on a job interview or date is... interesting, and I'd be a little weirded out if some rando came up to me in a coffeeshop and started asking about my utterly unremarkable clothes.

>approach al dente

Lol, what?

Everyone sees tons of interactions on a daily basis. What makes you think this "alpha-beta" conception is a useful way of understanding or speaking about them?

It's called dressing your self, dimwit.

>> No.8253561

>OP tries to be friendly to a lonely looking kid
>/fa/ tells him he's a prick and a bully for being so rude

jesus christ you guise ARE actually autistic

>> No.8253563

Post a fit, you fucking pussy. Except you won't because you're a scared little bitch who can only shit-talk online.

Run along now, pussy.

>> No.8253579
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>> No.8253611

>op samefags
>thinks he's fooling anyone

>> No.8253618

in all seriousness that kind of outfit is pretty common among college students because A: you can put it together dirt cheap and B: it establishes you as a person who wants to look put together and academic or whatever

i think it's less a fashion thing and more a projection thing

op is still a dick tho. for real the kid is just some awkward freshman not everyone can walk around in cps and acne jeans all of the time

>> No.8253626
File: 68 KB, 431x581, samegag.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP here. try again

>> No.8253648

>a poor percievement of reality

>> No.8253649
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>thinking a screenshot proves anything
go be a retard somewhere else, pls

>> No.8253662

Still waiting on that fit

>> No.8253668 [DELETED] 
File: 863 KB, 500x281, 1351639314822.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and your all manchildren, most of which are virgins

>> No.8253677
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lotta nerve with that nappy negroid hair, look like an african american female lesbian hahhaaa!

pic related my gf u think shed give a darkie like u the time of day??? get in like buckface

>> No.8253680

a guido-looking faggot with shit hair that can't into basic english

>> No.8253683
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>> No.8253731

since when desert boots, chinos, shirt and sweater is "dressed up"? it's a pretty common and safe fit, that goes well pretty everywhere
"dressed up" could be brogues, chinos, shirt and blazer, not what you described

>> No.8253737

serves that dadcore fag right
gj OP

>> No.8253752


>> No.8253811

it's "dressed up" when ur an 18 y.o college freshman who shares a bunk bed with a roommate in a dorm room, eats pizza and drinks monster for breakfast, has to call his mom for instructions every time he does laundry, and is running late to his intro to american literature course

>> No.8253844 [DELETED] 
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>> No.8253862

Rover, stop pretending.

>> No.8253915

happened 2 yrs ago but w/e

>interviewing for one of the drkshdw pop up stores
>make it past the group interview
>make it past the 1-on-1 interview with the manager
>get to the third and final interview session
>rick owens himself comes into the room with two big binders full of stuff
>opens them up, it's all of my combined posts on /fa/
>rick tells me that my geos are well made knock offs, but he could tell the toe boxes were a little too big
>dont get job
>go home and shitpost more on /fa/ to make up for my insecurities

>> No.8253916

where I live people start to wear this kind of clothes since highschool...

>> No.8253923

did this really happen?

>> No.8253943

I bet you don't have any friends

>> No.8253949

Do you really think someone would go on the internet and lie? Only the worst kind of person does that. Of course it's real.

>> No.8253951

at least he had a friend huh

can't say that much with a personality like yours

>> No.8253986

I had an incident like OP but afterwards I fucked the beta in the ass and smashed his face in for wearing a faggot skirt. I don't care if its designer. A man shouldn't wear a skirt unless you're wearing a kilt and you're scottish

>> No.8254187

>hurr durr u shud only ware swetpantz nd t shirtz in collage

How did this thread get so many replies?

>> No.8254219

Dude you're some old fuck hanging out at a Uni you don't go to alone. Kid probably thought you were trying to fuck him or something, especially asking about the date shit.

>> No.8254231
File: 115 KB, 1267x706, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah m8 fucken eneethink uvver than full nike tracksuit is gay as fuk innit m8. Proper batty boi innit.

>> No.8254247

fuck im in love with this bitch

>> No.8254255
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>> No.8254258


>> No.8254287

Because im tired of thinking what to wear so i just put on a white shirt, black pants and black shoes. I don't care if i look too formal nor does anyone else

>> No.8254294


what was her channels name

>> No.8254330

i cant tell if youre saying he was too dressed up for what he was doing or if he was just dressed poorly

>> No.8254344
File: 99 KB, 682x600, 1376908913413.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>did this really happen?

>> No.8254349

>what are you dressed up for?
>these are my only clothes
>oh i'm sorry

problem solved

>> No.8254386

this girl is hottt
skinny girls are hot i dont care what anyone says

>> No.8254411

>I bullied an autistic kid over his clothes am I cool yet?

>> No.8254561

>people actually fell for this troll

>> No.8254636

Here's what really happened

>"ahh no problem buddy, but you're dressed to impre-"

Autist: how about this. You shut your mouth. Or i'll kick your teeth down your throat and shut it for you.

>OP shits his pants and spills spaghetti everywhere

>> No.8254671

>18 y.o college freshman who shares a bunk bed with a roommate in a dorm room, eats pizza and drinks monster for breakfast, has to call his mom for instructions every time he does laundry, and is running late to his intro to american literature course
Wow, thats some projection going on around here.

>> No.8255081

>Normally dressed kid waiting for friend
>"Why u dressed up so nice pruddy boy"
>"u waitin fur a girl"
>"u sure dress nice"

No wonder he got uncomfortable. Are you from australia or the states OP beause he sounds like a completely average guy.

That would be pretty autistic

>> No.8255274

w2c skinny above average gf?

>> No.8255304
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>> No.8255317

Too skinny man. And make up doesn't mean "above average".

>> No.8255341

So I'm at uni and my friend rings texts me and wants to hang out after he gets out of class. I text him back and tell him I'll be waiting at the campus coffee shop.

>sitting in coffee shop
>gay dude walks up to me dressed in all black
>asks me if I'm waiting for a job interview
>tell him no, I'm just waiting for a friend
>stutters while asking if it's my first date
>tell him no
>tells me it's because I'm dressed up even though this is what I wear every day
>continues to try to hit on me while two girls laugh at him
>leave because I don't want the aids

Seriously why do all these gay dudes keep hitting on me. I was just waiting for my friend to get out of class.

>> No.8255393
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OP: Maximum Autismo

>> No.8255413

w2c spooky skeleton gf

>> No.8255440
File: 10 KB, 221x228, all i feel is rage.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I bet you dress like a total fuccboi

>Kid was wearing desert boots and chinos out to a pool bar
>You think thats dressed up?
>Nigga you so pleb youre transcending fuccboi
The boy could have worn a blazer and still been legit, you blew up his spot to impress some hunnies and pretty much preyed on the fact he was temporarily alone to establish some faux dominance.

>Straight up omega-level faggotry

>> No.8255453

This post sounds like it was written by someone who has never had sex

>> No.8255465
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Haha. Nope, I get laid on the reg, been cycling a 5 girl rota for the last 4 months

>I dont need to be a douche to be alpha, I just follow the DENNIS system
>I do, however, hate guys that have no game. they shit on other guys that are new to the game and try to pull them down to their level
>I see plenty of /fa/ and /fit/ boys struggling in this female-dominated world, and instead of getting help from proper players, all the beta limp-dick fedora bearing homos try to initiate them into the League of Extraordinary M'ladies
>Just because youll be permavirgin for the rest of your life doesnt mean you need to convince boys new to the cause of trolling for strange that getting laid is hard. Its seriously the easiest shit ever

>> No.8255468

This post sounds like it was written by someone who has never had sex

>> No.8255476

This post sounds like it was written by someone who has never had sex

>> No.8255479

This post sounds like it was written by someone who has never had sex

>> No.8255482

>kid looks nice
>i guess ill make fun of him
>girls will like me
>i feel better about myself
fuck you op

>> No.8255485
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Why dont you tell me about the girl that you like anon.

I will tell you
>Why youre a dumb cunt for pursuing her directly
>How you can get laid by a sloot twice as attractive as her
>How you can use the confidence you gain from getting your dick wet to pull your friendzoning cunt of a pedestal

>> No.8255486

This post sounds like it was written by someone who has never had sex

>> No.8255488

Pls help me I suck at small talk with grills

>> No.8255491

This post sounds like it was written by someone who has never had sex

>> No.8255494


>> No.8255499

This post sounds like it was written by someone who has never had sex

>> No.8255501

wow youve decoded the underlying message of my post

>> No.8255511


Absolutely best advice I could give is just only ask them questions, and link each question to the previous one. Girls dont care what you say, they care more about how secure they are speaking to you and opening up to you. If you can carry on a one-sided convo for 10 minutes then just ask for her digits it will work

>> No.8255512

This post sounds like it was written by someone who has never had sex

>> No.8255548

> out with bros
> see some beta faggot who is obviously trying to look "fashionable"
> sluts are nearby
> alpha mode activated
> mess around with him a bit, similar to OP
> sluts join in and the kid looks like he's about to start crying so I calm everyone down because we're not that cruel
> he leaves with what looked like a single tear down his eye
> sluts are impressed
> spend a while with them but they don't wanna go home with any of us
> left us with blue balls
> we end up ironically giving each other handjobs
> we were all laughing because of how easy it would have been for the sluts to do it and how sluts aren't even good for this

Moral of the story is stop looking like a faggot and me and my bros won't insult you.

>> No.8255559

> we end up ironically giving each other handjobs
> we end up ironically giving each other handjobs
> we end up ironically giving each other handjobs
> we end up ironically giving each other handjobs

>> No.8255624
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>be me
>am rich so I don't have to dress like shit because I can afford nice clothes
>waiting to play pool with mates
>some autistic faggot walks up to me
>is trying to form words as he stutters
>his voice is so retarded I can barely understand him
>respond in "Yeah" and "No" and other short responses
>autistic fag tries to say cliche shit like "dress to impress"
>qt. girls near me are laughing at the fact that a retarded kid is trying to insult me
>leave because retarded kid makes me feel uncomfortable
>later that night after hanging out with friends
>go on /fa/
>see this thread

>> No.8255626

Who is this plz

>> No.8255633

This post sounds like it was written by someone who has never had sex

>> No.8255748
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>> No.8256099

mfw the DENNIS system actually works.

>> No.8256423
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>> No.8256476


>> No.8256483


>> No.8256487

This is it guys. This is the secret. Just be at least a 7/10 & you're on your way.

>> No.8256512


>> No.8256526
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oddly specific