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/fa/ - Fashion

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8241970 No.8241970[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Is acquiring aesthetics /fa/?

>> No.8241975

He's too ripped.

>> No.8241978

why u have pics of naked dudes saved on ur computer?

>> No.8241983

How is that ripped?
Why not?

>> No.8241987


dat dere phaggy time

u on it

>> No.8241990

looking good naked> looking good in clothes

>/fit/ here

>> No.8242001

>Is acquiring aesthetics /fa/?
For women yes, because they need to take care of their body image.

Aesthetics is pointless for men (unless they're trying to impress gays).

As long as the mans face looks attractive + good hygiene and fashion sense, it is considered /fa/.

Simply put, Height and Muscle are irrelevant.

>> No.8242007
File: 80 KB, 768x1024, 1392129097741.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's important to distinguish between /fit/ aesthetics and /fa/ aesthetics.
pic related

>> No.8242009

Yeah does he even lift lel xD

>> No.8242012

how to achieve this?

>> No.8242015

>Women should take care of their bodies
>Men shouldn't
So /fa/ Aesthetics is otter mode?

>> No.8242018

I need this any anons have a good routine?

>> No.8242020

>tfw after three months of bodyweight I'm only now just starting see the tiniest resemblance to this

I admire /fit/ much more than I ever did

>> No.8242027
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Pick one

>> No.8242033


>> No.8242051

Yeah, pretty much, if anything, slightly skinnier than ottermode.

>> No.8242060

More or less yeah.

>> No.8242064

>height is irrelevant
manlet spotted

>> No.8242069

chest flys all day erry day bruh

>> No.8242072

haha tavi (guy on the left) used to be in my calculus classes

>> No.8242074


eat clen tren hard

>> No.8242078

clen+DNP+EC stack+tren+chest flies

>> No.8242079

do you think is effay when you're a skinny guy with abs and stand near one of these >>8242027
guys? you will literally look like a kid, no one will take you seriously.

>> No.8242088

I bet he skips leg day.

>> No.8242101

now decipher this shit.

>> No.8242108
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saw this a while ago, seems legit

>> No.8242114

They'll tell you bruh

>> No.8242118

>no cardio
You need at least 2 hours of intense cardio a day to reach ottermode.

>> No.8242122

That routine is so fucking bad.
I seriously hope no one is doing this.

>> No.8242127

did he hump a stove or something

this guy is a fucking burn victim

>> No.8242132

explain why
fit noob here

>> No.8242136

men should take care of their bodies, yes. disregard what this lazy-ass faggot says. there's no compulsory 'try to impress gay' tag on whoever does it.

>> No.8242138

strong homo

>> No.8242144

are burn victims /effay/?

>> No.8242153

hanako is

>> No.8242157

If you care about what you eat or work out you are gay, no exceptions. Fuck off homos.

>> No.8242161

Brad Pitt has said he just did a shitload of push ups and sit ups, with a lot of sprint/walk cardio to get his body for fight club.

>> No.8242163

he has had muscle before tho
assuming /fa/ is coming from ausch or skinnyfat

>> No.8242165
File: 130 KB, 640x521, 1381118629497.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw the best girl has the worst route

>> No.8242166

That is what he did. He just didn't mention that his doctor put him on roids.

>> No.8242167

and him being fit up to that point didn't help at all right?

just go to gym, fags.

>> No.8242170


>> No.8242172

im shitzune's route is the worst but yeah hanako's one is second to last

>> No.8242171

How intense? Could I do it with a heart condition? pls, I don't want to be skinny fat forever, but everything I've tried has just lead me to having a heart rate of 150 after minimal effort.

>> No.8242175

>not based


He made Shizune's route nig nog. Hanako's route is Hisao being autistic for two week not being able to understand the most basic of social ques and then flat out raping Hanako, and then it just ends there.

>> No.8242178
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Hisao you're not gonna make it

not without this

>> No.8242180

nobody ever agrees with me but Emi's route is the best to me

PS: jigoro a shit

>> No.8242182

What if I built up to it for like five weeks, and then started running. Would that work?

>> No.8242184
File: 27 KB, 492x445, 1385109087372.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do I get to run with a qt slut?

>best route

>> No.8242186

>taking roidheads serious
they aren't even athletes

>> No.8242187


>> No.8242193

you may find a qt old man or average mother, the only other people under 25 who run these days are "athletes"

>> No.8242195


>> No.8242203

And people with heart conditions apparently.

>> No.8242207
File: 183 KB, 873x1100, Steve-Reeves-32.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't mess with /fit/. They board has taken a turn for the worst.
The youtube fitness community, bodybuilding.com, leanbulk, google scholar, ect. are all better sources of fitness information.

First off-
>Eat at a caloric deficit of -800cal
This is retarded. You need to be calculating your own specific caloric needs with a caloric deficit calculator and factoring calories burned during daily activities. Slowly eating at a lower amount every week so you don't destroy your metabolism is also wise. Add an EC Stack with HIIT to your routine if you seriously want to burn some fat.

>Do this every day.
Not even enhanced bodybuilders are working out everyday. You will overload your nervous system and not give your muscles the time needed to recover. Muscles are torn in the gym and built in the off days.

>Legs work not needed
This doesn't require an explanation as to how stupid it is. You work out every muscle so you don't acquire any unhealthy imbalances.

>this is just a starting routine to get your proportions right
And it leaves out your entire lower body and other major muscles while using shitty dumbbell movements.

You can not build muscle while cutting down body fat when you are not 'enhanced'. It is either build muscle are lose it. I HIGHLY suggest you start by bulking, unless your are obese.

Do StrongLifts 5x5 with trap and calve isolation's added in there.
You are natural- you are going to need to bust your ass off in the gym 3 days a week and you need simple movements since you are a beginner. What better than a highly recommended beginners 5x5?

If you eat correctly and do SL5x5 for a year- expect to gain 20-25lbs of LBM natural.

>> No.8242218


>> No.8242220

Anal. The word is anal.

>> No.8242233

Do you really give a shit what anyone on this board has to say? Most of them are fucking losers and the ones who aren't hardly post. I just come here for like 15 minutes a day while sitting on the train for amusement.

>> No.8242235

You seem pretty knowledgeable, what would you do with 2 plates/barbell, no spotters and no racks.

Not gonna buy more plates/pay for gym membership since I'm going to uni in fall.

>> No.8242271

I'm this guy>>8242171

Is there any chance of me being able to bulk up on muscle? Or would my heart condition be too much of a hindrance? I have A-fib. Which basically means my heart doesn't pump enough blood because it pools in my atria.

From everything I've read, it seems like interval exercises would be the best, and that heavy weight lifting is basically a no go. What sort of results could I get with that?

>> No.8242281

>This is retarded
not that guy but it isn't. a deficit is a deficit. wether you have a maintenance level of 3000kcal or 2000kcal, an 800kcal deficit is still gonna be an 800 kcal deficit and is gonna net you the same amount of weight lost after x amount of time.

>You need to be calculating your own specific caloric needs
>with a caloric deficit calculator

count calories for a week, and check the scale
total the calories and divide by 7. check the weight from day 1 and day 7

gaining weight? you're eating too much
losing weight? you're eating too little
maintaining weight? this is your maintenance level

this is much more reliable, though a calculator is a good way to get a guesstimation.

source: just got out of my bulk. ended at 98kg. now sitting at 87kg 2 months later. spent about 1,5 month losing 10kg, then took a week off, then resumed at a slower pace for the last couple kg of fat.

losing weight is 100% kcal in kcal out. you can not excercise at all, and lose hella weight through just diet. HIIT, EC stack and other specific types of training or supplements are not required, however working out is recommended for your sanity and wellbeing. losing weight is simply a lot harder if you're eating like a third worlder, as opposed to a couple decent meals and an hour of excercise.

>not even enhanced bodybuilders blabla
they train pretty much every day, 5-6 days a week weight training. Arnold supposedly worked out 4 hours a day, 6 days a week.

should you work out 4+ hours a day 6 days a week? no. should you worry about working out so much that you are overtraining? no

>do stronglifts 5x5
yes, excellent advice
>with trap and calf isolation
no, what is wrong with you

source: did stronglifts 5x5 for bout 1,5year, then 5/3/1 from there for about 2,5 years. started out at a chubby 73kg, now 88.

>> No.8242304

this seems counter-intuitive.

take my advice with a grain of salt and please check with your doctor, i am not one

that being said, interval training involves switching between high intensity and low intensity intervals. this in turn causes your heart rate to go up and down, often peaking in the high 160s, and dipping in the 100-120s throughout the training.

as such, interval training is very hard on the heart, so intuitively one wouldn't recommend it to someone with a heart condition.

again, i ain't no doctor

weight training has a similar effect on the heart, but with much greater rest pauses and with much less intense peaks. your heart rate will go up, but it won't spike high in any normal routine (stear clear of crossfit).

people have died of heart trouble during weightlifting, but far fever than have died during cardiovascular activity. so i'd go for weighttraining if i were you.

>> No.8242307

Assuming the bar is on olympic style bar, the weights are 45lbs, and you have a place to trow them around...

You will not be able to do much muscle building or weight progression seeing as you only have 135lbs. But what you could be able to do is take the bar and practice proper form, learn muscle contractions, and experiencing the biomenchanics involved in moving the weight.

You might be able to get some weighted deadlifts, rows, and shrugs in but I wouldn't push you to do those. Just concentrate on the movements and do a lot of research on health, diet, form, biomechanics, ect. until you can get into a gym at uni.

Once you get yourself a gym, then you can start adding weights safely and progressing on your SL5x5 routine.

>> No.8242311


>> No.8242315

not that guy, but this guy:>>8242281

do you only have the 2 plates? are they standard 20kg plates? is the bar a 20kg bar (45lbs for americans ofc)

if so, there's little you can do. 60kg is a little much for anything entry level, save for deadlifts. if you have incremental weights below that, you could do some weightlifting (google clean and jerk, powerclean, snatch, squats, deadlifts, overhead press, push press).

those are all lifts that can be done from the ground up (you can lift your squat weight over your head and onto your back as a beginner easily) and will give you at least some gains. although i'd highly recommend either joining a gym, or buying more plates + a squat rack/squat stands.

don't expect to gain much mass, but you can definitely get a little stronger/faster

>> No.8242321

google is your friend m8

>> No.8242327


Yeah I'll just work on form until university, hopefully the gym is good- thanks.

>> No.8242338

you're either a chubby fag, or a hungry skellington.
which is it?

>> No.8242343

typical /fit/ poster
>>>/bullshit basics general/

Isn't that treatable mate?
Either way, HIIT will raise your heartrate quite some bit. When I finish my 5x5 for the day I am hardly sweating. Unless your doing high reps in the gym, you should probably be fine. And stay away from pre-workouts.

Talk to a doctor and try and get if fixed. That should be your first step. I am no expert in A-fib.

>> No.8242351

Don't forget diet. It's never to soon to start eating healthy. Starting piece by piece will help you transition into the bodybuilding/healthy lifestyle.

>> No.8242352

It's more manageable than treatable.

>> No.8242358

>implying this is effay
>implying it still isn't sexy as fuck, doe. no homo

>> No.8242367

>typical /fit/ poster
which is why i'm on /fa/ ofcourse
i'd post my stats or a pic but you'd call bullshit anyway so w/e do what you want.

thing is i actually agree on you on a lot of points but you're such an egomaniac that you only read the first point where i disagree and go into full shitposting defense mode.

>> No.8242375

If it's not as bad as you say, then you probably aren't the first to start weightlifting with afib.

Try and check out Google Scholar and see if any studies have been done where people with afib were monitored doing weight training/ exercise.

>> No.8242406

why does /fit/ feel the need to constantly shitpost on /fa/?

>> No.8242409

>a deficit is a deficit
what is a metabolism.
what is catabolism.

>count calories for a week, and check the scale
or you could just use an online scale instead of guestimating how much less you should be eating.

>source: my bulk
good for you. but your source means shit.

>they train pretty much every day, 5-6 days a week weight training.
Have you ever read a cycle log before? NO ONE is working out every day while on cycle. Gear is not magic.

>Arnold supposedly worked out 4 hours a day, 6 days a week.
Arnold was also taking 1/3rd of the gear people are taking today and wasn't using a pct. Your point is moot.

>with trap and calf isolation
Learn biomechanics. These muscles are not under any load in any of the movements SL5x5 is having you do. They must be isolated.

>> No.8242434


How long and how much work does getting a body like that take if you're not really fat but cardio fit.?

>> No.8242436

depends on how much steroids you want to inject

>> No.8242450

I can't choose all of them?

>> No.8242463

>not under any load during deadlifts
>not under any load during squats

maybe you should learn biomechanics

>what is a metabolism.
>what is catabolism.
>throwing big words around

>NO ONE is working out every day while on cycle
except ofcourse athletes, weightlifters, powerlifters and many bodybuilders

>Arnold was also taking 1/3rd blablabla
moving goalposts etc etc

>your source means shit.
at least i post a source cunt, what do you have. a cool internet name and no sources

i bet you still deadlift 3plates or something

>> No.8242497

Dunning-Kruger in full effect right here

>> No.8242548

3 months is nothing
god you peopel

>> No.8242566


>> No.8243419

Fuck off, fatty manlet

>> No.8243438

>quit using words I don't know
quit shitposting. you obviously know nothing of what you are trying to comment on. dude got you.


>> No.8243773

>do nothing

>> No.8243831
File: 19 KB, 356x357, 1399503541383.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>destroy your metabolism
>Add an EC Stack with HIIT to your routine if you seriously want to burn some fat
>You can not build muscle while cutting down body fat
>telling beginners to do SL
Shit post 0/10

>> No.8243843

>lifting purely for aesthetics
>people saying to do strength routines
Jesus you idiots do a brospit
A - chest and tris
B - back and bis
C - legs

>> No.8244541


>> No.8244557

they're also some of the most closeted homo dudes u will ever meet. seriously. u think trying to dress well is gay? compare the time it takes to get a few decent pieces in your wardrobe and learn how stuff fits versus sittin in a gym with other half naked sweaty men 90 minutes a day, 4 days a week+, spending hundreds a month on supplements and drugs, checking out pics of mostly naked dudes only for their "aesthetics" as motivation, and then constantly looking at yourself in the mirror all the while. roiders and bbers in general are fucking gay as you can get

>> No.8244568

Don't forget that takes years to perfect and they have to keep up the drug cycles and constant lifting or their bodies fall apart, whilst once over the learning curve of dressing yourself well and cultivating a decent wardrobe, you can maintain your style pretty much effortlessly for the rest of your life.

>> No.8244924
File: 2.12 MB, 360x213, 1399487775073.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>watching pictures of half-naked men is gay
it's gay when you get an erection while watching those pics, otherwise not. You're the true closet homosexual since you're so afraid of half-naked men because you fear you might actually like what you're seeing in a sexual manner. If I consider the anatomy of a cheetah fascinating, does that make me a zoophile? That's right, it doesn't. Admiration =/= sexual arousal.

Most guys who go to the gym solely in hope of a better physique aren't exactly homosexual, they're mostly just insecure.

>> No.8244961

joff plz go

>> No.8245109


>Not realizing Lily is best waifu

>> No.8245116

>not realising Misha+Shizune is best waifu

>> No.8245133

damn.. well said

>> No.8245140
File: 274 KB, 1267x966, IB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay I scanned through this thread, lot of shit and some good stuff too.

I'm 8 stone at the moment which is pretty bad I'm guessing, but I've been exercising and doing calisthenics, eating well drinking water etc.

Should I put on weight until I'm 9 or 9.5/10 stone and then try to form muscle?
Pic related is the body I want to achieve, but I'm very poor atm.

Could calisthenics allow me to get a body similar to this? And should I bulk?

>> No.8245163


I'm 6' and 70kg (11 stone) and my body is like the ones in your pic (slightly larger legs). As far as lifting, really a pull up bar is all you need.I just do pull-ups, dips, hanging-leg raises, push-ups and I bike to work (30mins 5 days a week).

You should bulk if you need to put weight on, just don't go mad (or gomad) else you'll have to cut afterwards anyway.

>> No.8245167

Yes, but looking like the faggot in the picture isn't

>> No.8245185

do i need to have calorie deficit if im not an amerifat

i'm already only just within healthy weight

>> No.8246403


You can be /fa/ with any body type, just not the same /fa/ as people with different body types, whatever you get it


>> No.8246422
File: 26 KB, 480x480, 1346620925381.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>If you feel like you want to look like a trex, do SS or SL

>> No.8246454

>posting no scientific evidence to refute this.
good one mate. you so got him.

>> No.8246470

The one that doesn't die before he's 30 from taking too much roids.

>> No.8246526


Fucking retard, I hope you are trolling

>> No.8246559

/fit/ here. Calisthenics... but ok your lifting with body weight. Body weight is weight but you can't really change it during workout. To get a body similar to the pictures just eat clean and keep training. Nothing special to it. Even being poor wont be a problem. Oats are cheap and chicken is, and find some cheap tuna. I think just ab and chest is enough. But you better do some back/leg training aswell. Always compound exercises with free weights.

>> No.8246731

>Simply put, Height and Muscle are irrelevant.
>5'5 manlet detected

>> No.8246743

>can't really change it

I won't deny you probably know more than me when it comes to fitness, but I'm fairly certain I could get put weights or smth in a backpack, or get somebody to weigh me down.
In push-ups or w/e.

Thanks for the info besides that, appreciated.

>> No.8247043

he's clearly wearing a hat and pants how is he naked

>> No.8247061

I want /fit/ to leave
srsly this time
u fuken ppl r the stupidest

>> No.8247079

yes aesthetics is /fa/

but do NOT go to /fit/ for advice how to. i used to lurk the /roid/ threads and laugh at how embarrassing the physiques were despite all the gear they were using.

all you need is diet and a good workout routine

>> No.8247105
File: 534 KB, 414x1049, doryphoros2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

unlock Doryphoros mode.

>> No.8247472

quit posting nothing

>> No.8247692
File: 2.56 MB, 960x720, 1397083812903.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only olympic lifting is /fa/.

Ignore all others.