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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 50 KB, 500x500, girls-smiling-26.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8239210 No.8239210 [Reply] [Original]

>Anon, you look like a model!

What does this mean?

>> No.8239222
File: 45 KB, 582x720, drowning in pussy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what do you think nigga

>> No.8239225

It means they consider you good looking, well dressed and well groomed.

>> No.8239229

You look good, for a homosexual

>> No.8239277

t-thx mum

>> No.8239363

they want to give you the D

>> No.8239645

Ok why do they say that instead of just saying "you're really attractive" or "you're hot anon"

>> No.8239646

probably because you are just skinny and dress well?

idk man post a pic

>> No.8239788

Lets role play for a second. What you think would happen if you walked up to a someone & the first thing you said was "you're hot." Think they'd continue the conversation?

>> No.8239792

it means you give her the d you autismal fuck

>> No.8239796

but my sister told me i should model once...

>> No.8239801

see above

>> No.8239806
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>I like your shades
>I like your hair
>I like your eyes
>I like your shoes
>I like your jacket
I know ALL of these feels, and tbh, it doesn't make me feel any better about anything. I'm still a cold, unfriendly, asshole.

>> No.8239812

It means you were blessed by the god of genetics. Welcome to the club m8.

>> No.8239813

This >>8239788 along with being able to downplay their own interest in you. "You could be a model" is way less aggressive than "You're attractive." If things don't work out for her, she can always tell herself and her friends that "anon could be a model, but I'm not really into that look anyway."

>> No.8239814
File: 134 KB, 640x960, original_original.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

take notes
this is how you should respond to any compliment from a woman
you trying to get the pipe?

>> No.8239816

I do this all the time at the gym
>Hey man you're hot
>>Wanna come over to my place
>Let's go
>no homo

>> No.8239821

Can a white man pull this off?

>> No.8239828
File: 229 KB, 1814x1020, DSC_9505'LIGHT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My niggas.

>> No.8239832

a grill last night at a party stopped me and told me I had a beautiful face that she had admired all night. I wish I had said that in response

>> No.8239844
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>> No.8239859

I don't know why everyone is saying "nice" when it doesn't show the follow up response...

However, being forward and direct like that over text can work just fine but it's usually 50/50.
If you're at a party and a girl says you are hot/look like a model and you think she's cute then of course you should make out with her pretty quick after.
Do like me for the best results:
>girl: "you're hot"
>Calvin: "you're kind of cute too"
>"j-just kind of???"
>push her against wall and start making out

It can be awkward as fuck when girls say you're hot and you aren't in a party setting to act on it right away - like at work.

>> No.8239861

i've been getting this a bit lately

feels good

>> No.8239863
File: 141 KB, 1109x677, 1396280030837.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"you're kind of cute too"

>> No.8239874

>>"you're kind of cute too"
trust me on this one.
i'm being 10000% serious and it's almost scary how girls all react the exact same way.

Even if a girl doesn't say you're hot first, say something like, "you know, you're kind of hot" or "you know, you really don't look that bad" and it will be the same results.

There was ONE time a girl didn't respond with "j-just kind of" and she responded like this:
"you think i'm just kind of cute? wait. you hook up with stupid girls. i'm not a stupid girl, so i'm not like them"

>proceed to push against wall and make out

>> No.8239878
File: 292 KB, 800x800, sadseppukufrog.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I like your jacket
>Y-you, too.

>she isn't wearing a jacket

>> No.8239881

Okay, I see what you're going for. I dig the whole barely complimenting them thing; It works well because they feel like they need to prove themselves to you.

>> No.8239892

niqqa that's jr smith of the knicks

>> No.8239902

lol then it really doesn't matter because he doesn't need to try to get girls, they come to him. he doesn't have to do anything other than say 'do you want to pipe' because even if 100 girls get offended, there will be one who will be down.
not to mention he already has girls lined up if no new girls come through.

when you have options you can afford to get straight to the point.

>> No.8239904
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>> No.8239909
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>> No.8239937
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>> No.8239947

yeah nah thats the height of douchebaggery man

>> No.8239953
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>> No.8239958

you're bitchmade

>> No.8240028
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>> No.8240046


>> No.8240239

really, though, people telling you you're hot to start a conversation is just awkward unless the timing is perfect

>> No.8240245

I can smell the euphoria from here.

>> No.8241201

>You're cute
whats the reply?

>> No.8241236

Act like i'm wrong, but try it and see i'm right.

your homie (Calvin) used the same line just last night and now i had to rush home to get new clothes for work and i'm gonna be late.
hit me on my cool blog to talk to me at work.

>> No.8241250

ill try it next time

>> No.8241280

do you ever get slapped, or cause a scene? seems like pushing a girl against a wall and just forcing a kiss on her can turn out pretty badly, a major faux pas

>> No.8241294

>you're cute
I get called this all of the time god damn it

>> No.8241407

dont listen to him he's a wall in diguise. He just wants to qts to brush up on him

>> No.8241409

>tfw in school and qt.'s are brushing up against me
>obviously brushing ass against me on purpose
What the fuck do I do? I'm in fucking school! This isn't a party, so I just kinda act like I don't even notice it.

>> No.8241411


It's more polite

>> No.8241413

weird but in a good way

>> No.8241437

of course you do

>> No.8241449

tangentially related but quite different, but why do women rub your arm when they ask you to help them or do them a favor? do they really think it will sway me if i can't/already set on not doing it?

>> No.8241454

If you like them then pursue it / look into it

>> No.8241485

yes it will, but not in that instance probably. physical contact is part of building rapport + a relationship, the better that is then the more likely you will do things/like her.

>> No.8241572

"I like your pants/jacket/hair"
I still hate people the same ... Anytime I get asked for advice I just say look online.

>> No.8241596

Too real man

>> No.8242096

You're thin like a railspike and you dress like a phaggot.

>> No.8242128

>older woman at work asks me if I've ever considered modelling as a career
> I laugh and tell her no, and that most agencies wouldn't hire a 5'6" guy anyway
> she just gives me a skeptical look and walks away
Shit like that always catches me off guard, since I consider myself to be on the ugly side of average. Still a good feel.

>> No.8243870

JR Smith still didn't lace it up

>> No.8243933

Everyone says things in a way that will be beneficial for them even if there is a risk so they can fall back on something if things go south. Depending on the personality there may be more or less risk in wording something a certain way. If they are really confident and know you'll be attracted to them as well they might go that route if they perceive that you're not already in a relationship or something. Otherwise they may not be as direct in sending you the message that you're attractive to them. Conversely my mother and step dad do say I could be a model which I'm not exactly sure how to deal with.

>> No.8244043
File: 176 KB, 424x470, 1323348588661.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you should be a model
>you're so hot
>your hair is great
>you're always dressed well
>you have nice eyes
>none of it matters because i hate myself

>> No.8244051
File: 608 KB, 500x669, 1392251109784.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just assume anyone who compliments me is lying to make me feel better about myself.

>> No.8244099
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>> No.8244141

I think if you want to pretend like people say you look like model you should post a picture because I'm tired of all these fags blowing steam but not posting pictures of themselves to back their claims. Its sad when ugly dudes have to lie about their attractiveness on the internet. Oh well.

>> No.8244185
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>> No.8244199

i'd say he has a point in that first sentence but frankly i don't care for taking a gander at any of your mugs

>> No.8244263

>paranoia around friends
>think they're just using me as their jester laughing stock
>they might just be hanging out with me in pity
>think they have ulterior motives
>never enjoy myself and try to isolate myself inside to avoid them

>> No.8245368

I know that feel

>> No.8245393
File: 645 KB, 860x603, websnap_0230001349.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Girls and guys tell me that on the daily

>> No.8245397

Trunks is legit pretty uggo

>> No.8245399


>> No.8245400

trunks is qt af
he's like 1/2 of abo or asok

>> No.8245402

no they dont.

>> No.8245403

were u that nigga posting in the glasses thread? I'm guessing you didn't get them lmao

>> No.8245417
File: 37 KB, 549x240, BUSTEDDD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok Trunks

>> No.8245420


>> No.8245425

Trunks made a thread about a half hour ago while drunk I guess calling out some trip's on /fa/ for being unfashionable. He posted a picture of himself trying to be /fa/ and had a slew of people in his thread calling him ugly and shit. He took his trip off a few times to say things like
>>8245400 but forgot to take it off one time. He deleted the post immediately then rewrote it as anonymous before either he or the mods deleted his thread.

>> No.8245428

>/fa/ a girl said i was good looking pay attention

>> No.8245486

"y-you t-too"

>> No.8245535

5`5 friend of mine did some modeling
He gets chicks all over him all the time

Then again, it was hollister modeling job

>> No.8245835

I'm talking about a party type situation when you've been talking and picked up on body language and eye contact.
When it happens, it's welcome.
It's much different than a girl just walking up from out of nowhere, complimenting you and then acting on it.

However there doesn't have to be much time between that scenario and the first, you just can't go directly into it.

Also, anybody posting the typical /fa/ "post pic for proof" is a pretty pathetic person. Do girls really never, ever, say you are hot or good looking? Or do you think you're the only guy girls say it to?
It isn't some unbelievable miracle that girls compliment guys sometimes.

>> No.8246088

what kind of body language suggests they're interested?

>> No.8246293

If you ever doubt, reach out and grab her lightly and if she's interested she'll get closer and into a better position.
You don't even have to grab her for long, just act like you want her closer to you, and she'll do it.

I'm not going to try describing body language through text, but maybe you can google it and find some pics.
You'll pick up on it for sure when you start spending time with girls.

>> No.8246414
File: 151 KB, 817x1000, Descartes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

female shorthand for "sex pls"

>> No.8246484

bro, you're a trip on /fa/

no one actually believes you're cool

>> No.8246505

Understanding that being a trip can't be cool, but being a cool trip is one of the coolest things a person can do. I explain this concept in great detail in my essay entitled "Sun Wearing Sunglasses: The Cool Man Tumblr Paradox," which I highly suggest reading.

>> No.8248194

>tfw fat girls says that

>> No.8248274

>tfw I know this feel

>> No.8248317

>Hey, anon, are you a tattoo artist?

I've been asked this by girls multiple times, and I only have 3 tattoos.

>> No.8248323

uh they probably read some stupid shit in Seventeen magazine
"if you want a man to fall in love with you, ask him to help you with something and touch his arm!"

>> No.8248332

>Sun Wearing Sunglasses: The Cool Man Tumblr Paradox
why are you still the best poster on /fa/?

>> No.8248344

Some people are just born winners i guess.

>> No.8248364

Whats the worst time that you've cock blocked yourself Calvin.

>> No.8248375

spending over a year tripping on 4chan.

really though, i can't think off the top of my head when i've clocked blocked myself, only times when i couldn't find my balls to talk to a girl. if i say or do something stupid that prevents me from getting laid i wouldn't consider it cock blocking, i'd just consider it as incompatible.

>> No.8248592

>"You have a nice face"
This is my most common compliment I get.
What does it even mean?

>> No.8248628

I'm sufficiently insecure about my body and face, and wear sufficiently weird shit that I think every compliment is just someone fucking with me.

If someone says I'm fit, I think they're lying because I'm not fit enough.
If someone says they like my clothes, I think they're lying and just trying to make fun of me.
If someone says I'm attractive or handsome, I just awkwardly laugh it off and pretend to not notice because I'm a virgin with no gf.

>> No.8248652


"You're good looking but don't take that as meaning I want a relationship with you"

>> No.8248666

You know, I started tripping because there are so many guys like you who just need some guidance, but sometimes it sounds so pathetic it makes me cringe.

I know what it's like to be insecure and full of self doubt and I know where those feelings come from and how deep they can run, but it won't get better until you decide to get better yourself.

You won't just snap out of it, in fact, it will only get worse as you make up more and more lies about how you seem VS how you actually are.

Guys are weak because society keeps telling them it's ok to be weak, and it's ok to be passive, and it's ok to give your soul to women like they'll be able to save you.

Don't sit around and look at all the things other people have and wish you had it as good as them, figure out why they got those things, and how they got to their position and focus on how to use your individual strengths to get the same.

Someone was born in a better spot than you and they'll always be happier than you without any effort? Maybe you're right, but there are billions of people on this earth and nobody gives a fuck about 99% of them in the long run, and hardly even in the short run. Understanding that is actually a gift, and should make life a lot easier.

Make a list of what you want, and then start working towards getting those things. Make an actual list, and when you get depressed or feel like you're going nowhere think about pursuing one of those goals.

It doesn't matter how small the goal is, or how big, just make it something realistic, and keep adding to it.

>> No.8248680

And yes, cool trip getting cool trips proves the legitimacy of my message.

By actively keeping a list, and crossing stuff off it helps you remember more of the positives in your life and where you've been and gives hope about the future.

>> No.8248741

I see where you're coming from, but you've misread a lot. I'm not weak and timid because I don't do shit that adds to who I am; on a daily basis I pursue things on my own for my own sake, and I have a list, just like you suggested.

I think the issue is that I'm not shitty by anyone else's standards, but by my own, and I don't believe anyone when they say otherwise. I'm the "big guy" in my friend group by at least 30 pounds, but I refuse to listen to anyone talking about me being in shape, because I'm not big enough by my own standards. Similar things apply for clothes, base physical attractiveness, intelligence, etc.

And while I used to sit around and mope, like you say, I stopped whining a while ago and started being real with myself. There's no "blame" to put on other people. When I fuck up with a girl, I know exactly how and why it was my fault.

The laughable irony is that with so many of my hobbies resulting in me being more interesting or attractive (/fa/, /fit/, foreign languages, reading, music, whatever), it just makes it increasingly sad that I'm socially inept, and the disappointment visible on a girl's face when I talk to her just gets more intense as I become more attractive. As of a few months ago, I just gave up and realized that I prefer keeping at a distance and being "that interesting guy I've never talked to" than starting a real conversation with a girl and fucking up so hard that I just become "that weird guy who tried talking to me."

I'm aware of the positives in my life. But socializing isn't one of them. And the pain associated with socially falling on my face one more time outweighs the nagging, festering sadness from being alone forever.

>> No.8248742

get off the internet

learn how to talk to people who don't use 4chan

>> No.8248748

>tfw I had an 8/10 say this to me last Friday
>Due to damaged self esteem from my teenage years, I don't know what to think

>> No.8248767
File: 338 KB, 1078x726, MLK giving his I have a feel speech.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm not shitty by anyone else's standards, but by my own

No matter what I do, no matter how well I do, it's never enough. Some people might call this determination, or drive, but I hate it. I just feel like a failure 24/7.

>> No.8248780

I've been the same with girls, and of course it's only going to come down to "post pic" but that's irrelevant to the point.

You can do good, if not better than many other guys, by learning how things work. I talked about this before, but guys who are "naturals" many times don't have an understanding of how the "game" works. Introverts can reverse-engineer how "naturals" get girls and learn to become ever better than them in your own way.

Instead of thinking about what you did "wrong" with a girl, think about what you can do better next time. Most likely you're completely wrong about what you did "wrong" are trying too hard.

If girls think you're hot and you can tell, you don't need to try very hard to impress them. Make a few comments, whether you want to act charming, funny, cocky or a mixture of all of them, get an emotional reaction from her and then let HER work to impress you. Don't waste time trying to converse with girls until they like you. Get her number, set up date over text, go on date, type question marks, profit.

Next up is you dismayed because you act awkward on dates. Just learn and practice enjoying it more. You're talking about your high standards, but girls love a guy with high standards because it makes them feel like you're worth winning. Don't take them on a date to impress them, take them on a date for something you'll enjoy, and expect them to work to impress you. You be the leader, and girls will follow.

You're really insecure, and there is no magic trick to fix that, and getting girls won't fix that either, but like this guy said:
>get off the internet

Fuck /fa/s perception of "fashionably acceptable. Fuck /fits/ perception of fitness. Fuck /v/s taste in JRPGs. Go be around real people and look at all the shit in the world.

You're just as insecure as anybody, yet you have more than most people have. It's even more pathetic.

>> No.8248806

To be honest, my dating life has only improved by posting advice here. I started posting a lot of personal texts to show how easy things actually are, and then I ran out so I felt like I needed to keep getting more and getting better and better to give better advice with more experience.

I know i'm not just spouting BS by saying that it doesn't matter what you talk about because I have LITERALLY spoken memes on a date just to say I did it, and guess what... I got laid and we're still talking to this day.
She just looked at me like she didn't even hear it. It was right when Mandela died so I had to mention that the dudes my hero.

Another time I was out with a different girl who dressed kind of bad and she mentioned how I'm always dressed nice and asked me where I got my clothes and you know I told her Raf Simons Rick Owens is usually what I'm dressed in.
"Where do they sell that?"
Old Navy and Kohls mostly.
"Yea they have some really nice things."

I just say things to amuse myself.
OOOh you want a girl who you can talk all intelligently with? They exist, and it's cool, but guess what, the same exact things work. Words don't mean anything, and they don't care how smart you are OR how dumb you are.

>inb4 someone posts the word "autism"
>inb4 someone thinks all I do is spew memes on dates

Being a good conversationalist is always a good skill when getting girls, but it mostly comes down to HOW you are speaking and when.

>> No.8248829

Being a good conversationalist is incredibly important. I hear some guys say that girls don't value intelligence, that's wrong. Girls, most girls, like it when guys are smart, but you need to be smart in an engaging way.

If you can make complex shit interesting and easy to grasp girls will be all over you. Course being attractive helps too.

>> No.8248871
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>you need to be smart in an engaging way.
Yea that's actually a good way to put it.
Well, you don't NEED to be smart, but it can be a plus. Still, when in doubt just let her do the talking. GIrls love to talk about themselves, so let them.

Also if you're in doubt act disinterested, like what they're talking about is basic and unimportant. I know that seems counterproductive, but there are a lot of reasons why it works.

Understanding and finding the right balance of both will make you pro. This text is a good example because she was very pissed off at me over some dumb shit (basically she texted me when i was sleeping and the girl i was with told her to fuck off) but instead of making a big deal about it I let her cool off, said the absolute minimum required to start fucking her again (i broke up with her, and even though she'd text me late at night she would blow me off during the day) and then dropped it. The next night (last night) I stayed over at her place.

Too many guys would talk it to death, but it doesn't have to be that way.

>I guess I'm just a likeable guy 8)
That was actually such a dick thing for me to say, because of how pissed off she was at me, but I knew that the situation was actually working in my favor so it made it easy to act confident. She wanted drama, I let her have a little, and then I went right back to being the 30th US president.

>> No.8248916
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She obviously was still having doubts about getting back with me, hence the "take me to dinner to show you care about me and not just sex" but I was able to deflect that one.

>> No.8249162


>> No.8249482

>Do girls really never, ever, say you are hot or good looking?
no they never told me im "hot" or "good looking"
i must be pretty ugly huh ?

>> No.8249489

it means that you have a nice face

>> No.8250490

calvin you're my favourite trip

but how do i learn conversation and small talk? whenever I try I come off as boring

>> No.8250502

Fuark. Why are my aesthetics so strong but my pimp game is so weak? I mean I look the part, but I'm slacking man.

>> No.8250890


im skinny and dress well, groom well also, i've gotten the comment "you should model" and "you look like a model" but i dont feel like i get any special attention from the grills that say this or from the girls that dont, ive caught people miring but i never really know whats up.

>> No.8250962

>I like your hair. No wait, I mean, I love your hair. It looks really good on you!
>God damn anon you look so good. You're really good looking.
>Your hair is amazing.
>Anon, you should model. You totally have the bone structure for it.
>You just seem really into fashion
>You always dress so well. I can't even imagine you not being at your best.
>I love the way you walk. I can't get over how great it is.
>Anon you're so tall
>I am in love with your hair. It seems like that haircut's getting really popular lately but it's still your thing. I've never seen it look as good on anyone else as it does on you.
>Anon are you a model? You walk like one
>You have so much style. Not just in how you dress but other things too, like how you walk and how you carry yourself and the things you like. I love it.

The plebeians are so easily impressed.

>> No.8251083

I don't know any tips on how to be better at conversations, but it's something you'll naturally get better at with practice. The whole point of those long ass posts above were to demonstrate how little you actually need to talk.

Start convo, let her talk, let her talk, let her talk, say something, let her talk, repeat.
ASAP go in for the kill and then you don't have to worry about it.

>> No.8251176

>implying anything like this ever happened

>> No.8251182

They're trying to get free tattoos, I guarantee you. I used to work at a tattoo shop and most times a girl asked that, she wanted to get a free tat or something among those lines. Nobody is actually impressed that you're a tattoo artist
>tfw once I got laid because I promised some chick a free tat, but never followed through

>> No.8251187


>> No.8251195

>How you are speaking
what is the best way to speak?

how do you become more fun and light when talking to someone?

>> No.8251197

h-how do you walk

>> No.8251306

I just don't understand what makes them think I'm a tattoo artist, like, do they ask every guy that has a tattoo if actually does tattooing?

>> No.8251333

>tfw when fwb said I look like a greek god

>> No.8251537

h2c a fwb?

>> No.8252220

Sweet Jesus are you me?

>> No.8252649

>>think they're just using me as their jester laughing stock

oh wow fuck this

>make a joke
>people laugh
>think they're mocking me/laughing at the fact I thought anyone would find my comment funny

self-hate isn't all it's cracked up to be

>> No.8252658

>tfw you've been depressed and miserable for so long you like it

It's a weird love hate relationship. I've been like this for so long, I don't really know what I'd do otherwise.

>> No.8252677
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I think the role of numb/emotionless cynic suits me well

Taking compliments is also pretty difficult considering how self-defeating I am; when I go to a mall or store and see girls looking to me, I force myself to avoid eye contact and just ignore them. Save us both the awkwardness

>> No.8252684
File: 108 KB, 276x201, 1395320266780.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>get accused of being dead inside all the time
>get called cold, and uncaring
>try to open up about some small shit
>"why would you care about that?"

It's better this way.

>> No.8252702
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>friend telling me about her favorite new show
>tell her what shit it is, find some better hobbies
>I'm rude/callous

>tear up watching Eternal Sunshine
>choked up saying goodbye to people at the end of the semester
>cry after sex
>I'm a pussy

>> No.8252782

be english in any country outside of the UK/france/spain

>> No.8254709

way too close to home man

>> No.8254722


>> No.8256244


I know this feel, except I am friendly and easygoing. I just feel I'm being patronized as opposed to their compliments being genuine.

>> No.8256283

Isn't it a bit dissatisfying to dehumanize women like this? I've done things with that mindset, and it made me feel really empty.

>> No.8256299
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>this thread has been popping up since Friday reminding me I have no gf

>> No.8256315

it means she's blind

>> No.8256339

>lol i got complimented time 2 gloat bout it

>i mean lol wat does it mean guise

>> No.8256420


You're a fucking asshole and you're going to end up all alone one day.

>> No.8258434

Yeah im here too. So much mystery

>> No.8258439

post face

>> No.8258450

A gay man told me this once.

>> No.8258472

lets see your list bruh

>> No.8258582

>tfw only guys hit on you

maybe i should just give in. what's dick like?

>> No.8258881

>had 2 girls tell me I look like I should model
>spaghetti everywhere
>commence mumbling and walking away while randomly flashing deer in headlights looks at them

>> No.8258891

When im drunk like now i look so fucking sexy to myself in the mirror goddamn. Beergoggles

>> No.8258895

once this has led me to ask a girl if i could be a model she laughed her ass off

>> No.8258899

The point is that being alone is just fine.
Why you mad?

>> No.8259157
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>> No.8260698
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>tfw phone camera is turned to selfie mode

>> No.8260701

>reverse image search this to see if its real
>find some celeb site talking about it
>read this:

Scarlett Johansson was caught off guard when she was asked to autograph a picture of her face that had been covered in semen.

Ever the professional though, Scarlett quickly regained her composure and licked the photograph clean to the delight of her fans.

>thanks for the laugh anon

>> No.8260703

What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch. I’ll have you know my name is John, and I woke up this morning 5:30 sharp to the smell of wet pussy. I was getting a blowjob from two bitches (Shit was SO Cash), one was trying to fit my humongous 3 pound balls in her mouth while the other was choking halfway on my 18 and 3\8 inch dick. She started to squirt hard, she was convulsing and having 6 orgasms at the same time. I gave it to them and they were on the floor squirting like motherfucking fountains. Must have come about a quart of sperm and compressed air. Imagine your best orgasm, then multiply it by 35. I had to go to base camp so I front-flipped from my 14th floor barracks into my valet parked 2012 Ferrari (I got connexions). Pushed my shit to about 4 hundo (mph, mind you) and I was at base camp in no time. When I entered, I became a top sniper and was granted access to the entire arsenal of the USMC. I learned how to kill someone in over 700 different ways and was assigned to be the leader of a squad that will kill 300 terrorists using gorilla warfare tactics. Also did 6000 push-ups, 8000 sit-ups and bench-pressed 30 plates in 16 minutes. After basic training, I met a network of secret spies who will help me trace your IP address, while eating gold plated sushi and 15,000 $ champagne. My unit got the rest of the day off and I became captain of our base’s football team and starter of the basketball team. I got straight A’s on the military entrance exams and received more awards. Meanwhile, you were jacking off to pictures on Facebook and naked drawn Japanese people. Went back in the Lambo to my barracks and now I am getting ready to go to sleep. I am going to graduate at the top of my class in the Navy Seals tomorrow and I want to look pretty much perfect for it. Don’t be a stranger and remember, I did more in one day than you will your entire life.

Nothing turns a woman on more than romantic stories.

>> No.8260720

I read the same thing in a self-help book but people just get freaked out when I touch them for no apparent reason.

Thank God I never got into all that PUA shit.

>> No.8260722
