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File: 41 KB, 500x500, $_12[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8230580 No.8230580 [Reply] [Original]

So I know this is pants-on-head retarded, but I really like spiked shoes. Does anyone know where I could find some like in the picture? High top trainers, gray or black, heavily studded, preferably in silver.
Been doing a lot of searching with not a whole lot of luck
need help with edgy cheapish shoe stores

>> No.8230587


Try Jeffrey Campbell's men's line, The Damned, or a brand like Forfex. Also, please use the general/fuccboi thread for a request like this next time.

>> No.8230594

okay okay what the hell is fuccboi? I dont understan

>> No.8230599
File: 14 KB, 300x261, $T2eC16h,!y8E9s2fl7nrBR(136GNmQ~~60_35.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

those are shit

>> No.8230601

yours make me want to throw up in your eye sockets
never ever wear those ever

>> No.8230604

Watch out you guys Lady Sovereign coming through going to spit some sick rhymes.

>> No.8230607

go back to tumblr kid

u know ur poor when ur buying gook converse ripoffs on ebay

>> No.8230609
File: 25 KB, 600x406, 3e015bdd08hoes-1.jpg-600x406.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Don't worry about the word, but just keep lurking and post small questions in those general threads to avoid making too many small threads.

I guess we could just have an embellished shoe thread in the meantime.

>> No.8230616
File: 369 KB, 1100x1100, Prada_Studded_Loafers_Shoes-7991637.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8230619

I'm convinced that you only post when you're trolling.

>> No.8230620
File: 26 KB, 400x534, 10335341_1713465_400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8230622
File: 21 KB, 600x400, xchristian-louboutin-studded-hightop.jpeg.pagespeed.ic.mony0TV8aa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8230624
File: 22 KB, 500x333, $_12[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dont have tumblr
At least I dont walk around looking like a punk wannabe in a pair of astronaut boots, jesus christ


Been looking at some creepers, too

>> No.8230630
File: 361 KB, 952x635, 32266M049004_1_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You aren't really helping your own argument by posting plain TUK/Undergrounds.

>> No.8230635
File: 77 KB, 952x1428, 32375M049001_1_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8230643
File: 154 KB, 930x620, raf-simons-chain-trimmed-derby-shoes-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8230646

fair enough

I just dont know where to look for all the edgy cheap shoes
if there are any

>> No.8230649

>"doesnt have a tumblr"
>posts creepers


>> No.8230659

Not sure how those two are related.
I posted some platform boots a while back and someone told me creepers are better, so I checked em out.
You have a fucking mental disability or some shit?

>> No.8230667
File: 76 KB, 722x905, 44570942VK_13_f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


The real problem is that edgier designs need to be executed better, otherwise they look juvenile and cheap. It's the "tumblr" thing that some folks are accusing you of. It's the very nature that the further away from standard convention a design gets, the better it has to be done or it just looks like a cheap, poorly done experiment.

>> No.8230676


fuckin' timely comment

>> No.8230678

le edgy internet teen

try hot topic

>> No.8230686

Okay okay I see now. Makes a lot of sense.
So if I want to get something well-done and edggy, chances are I'm going to HAVE to pay a lot?

>> No.8230699


Relatively. If you just think about what the options are when it comes to embellishment: cheap metal punched into cheap leather or sturdy metal punched into nice leather, there's obviously a better choice and given the narrower market, Gap and H&M aren't going to go around producing a bunch of very specific styles at large scales when they might not move them all.

Why don't you start by being realistic and detailed. Think about what you what, how much you want to spend, and narrow your search.

>> No.8230704
File: 27 KB, 400x533, 009_d7f89e28-8546-49db-8ba4-9bbbd2d83327[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like these a lot

>> No.8230711

There was dis pair of Air Force 1 downtowns in white wit a translucent grey sole and they had spikes all over em at the Barney's outlet... Everyday I regret not copping..

>> No.8230717

thats because ur a tasteless kid whos too stupid and poor to know anything besides corrected grain pleather trash

>> No.8230723


Too much going on there. Slight ombre from the burnish, all those bands cutting across, perforations, etc. It's just too busy and even if it were executed perfectly, it's going to look gaudy.

Compare to this Valentino style. Whole-cut shape with studded lines that emulate the usual style lines around the heel counter, toe, and vamp for a tromp l'oeil oxford silhouette. The tonal detailing also makes it much more sophisticated.

>> No.8230724

I'm vegetarian, I try to avoid leather.

>> No.8230737
File: 72 KB, 1571x2000, 44540511BI_14_r.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Forgot pic


Then your options are going to be severely limited. Try textile shoes instead of going for faux-leathers and you might have an easier time. You still haven't mentioned anything specific in terms of style or color or cut or budget or anything, though.

>> No.8230741

u love the poor innocent animals but ur happy to buy some 3rd world zara trash made by child slaves in some southeast asian country?


>> No.8230749

Fair enough point.
Hard to find an in-between.
very varied, just want creepers and spikes and everything tacky and edgy, I already have a bunch of basics at home
dark. or monochromatic. if color is necessary, dark blue or red
cheapish. ish. My job doesnt pay a lot, sooo

>> No.8230755
File: 28 KB, 400x533, 001_da456817-ab34-4e80-8165-fd639c31b93d[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dont know how I feel about these. they're docs, butttt.... the spikes are too short. short spikes look weird.

>> No.8230778
File: 103 KB, 1200x1200, christianlouboutin-louispikpik-1140090_W011_1_1200x1200[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like these. too expensive for me, though

>> No.8230780

theyre not hard to find at all, youd just rather pretend to care about animal rights and get disposable plastic trash than actually get something made in a first world country

you do know the pollution caused by manufacturing cheap chinese plastic shit kills more animals than the 10% of a cowhide it takes to make leather shoes right?

>> No.8230793

Ugh moral dilemma the idea of wearing an animal is fucking gross

>> No.8230799


You might be better off just DIY-ing something.

>> No.8230810

But then it ends up looking so tacky. Practice is key, I guess. I DIY a good amount of clothing, just because it's fun

>> No.8230822
File: 51 KB, 541x319, at8NPth.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

theres no moral dillema ud just rather spend 50$ on plastic than spend 150$ on leather than spend 300$ on something ethically made

pic related

>> No.8230867
File: 78 KB, 598x307, new%20mythical%20other%20side[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let's talk canvas for a second.
I've seen some crazy ass shoes with canvas, in particular one with a space for a guitar pick, which is a fucking kickass idea.
However, it's made by youtubers, and is therefore tacky.
Any similar shoes?

>> No.8230871

I feel an ethical dilemma every time I see a picture of you and wonder why you're parents didn't abort you.

>> No.8230892

le newtrip tries his hand at ebin ethers

>> No.8230900

>you're parents
What's your fucking excuse?

>> No.8231118

u getting owned lol

>> No.8231209
File: 13 KB, 416x422, dissapoint.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

trunks you are honestly the ugliest fucking incestrous looking cunt ive ever seen in my time on the internet, your face looks like my cousins friends disabled grandads gurned jaw. your face looks like a prehistoric caveman botched operation..I don’t even know why your parents conceived you, they are selfish tbh, why would ugly as fuck parents bring a human life into the world and know that this life will be on the path of failure. its just PURE selfishness, your lips pout out like a prolapsed arsehole. you look like a caveman slash redneck hybrid. honestly, why was you even born? you are dumb as fuck, ugly as fuck and just a boring indepth piece of shit. i would love to know what kind of thoughts you think off when you're alone. probably shit like “whens my chicken nuggets done” and stupid shit like that because you are not capable of thinking of anything more intelligent because ur brain is strained. you look like a citizen of chernobyl reactor explosion, you took the radiation up your asshole and now you look like you do. shit son, you fucking ugly as fuck kid. why do you even live? --- biggest mystery known to man. you look like a fuckking feral ghoul from fallout 3 everytime i see your caveman face i get a little bit scared that i will get killed by feral ghouls. seriously, what the fuck is wrong with your face? explain to me, because i honestly dont think you are human, you are a poorly made robot, you was prob made by dell or something as an experiment and the creators gave you the ugliest features known to man.. kid. i swear i just cannot believe it, people like you should be lined up and shot onthe spot so you dont pollute the gene pool, you fucking abomination kid. i wish that happen, never have kids based caveman because you will cause a lot of unhappiness and depression, you absolute ugly fuck, you disgusting fucking chernobyl creature, mutant cuboid.

>> No.8231242

that filename

>> No.8231281
File: 15 KB, 416x422, 1400103984233.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8231355


Nope. And even the idea is silly. April 77 pulls it off (just barely) because they've been doing it for so long and they built such strong branding around it.

>> No.8231406

nah this isnt tacky actually nicer than any margielas or rafs so buy it

>> No.8231412

captcha was neogooc

>> No.8232478

Only thing I know about spiked shoes is that I bought a girl I fancied a pair of these little shits because she said she wanted them.Fucking bitch didn't say thank you, didn't mention them again, and never fucking wears them. Now we don't even talk. Took that bitch on dates and spent hundreds on her. Fuck her.

>> No.8232506

Post your fit moletta, and make sure you look like you're falling over it's funny lamo

>> No.8232831

That's not a very nice thing to say Anon.

>> No.8232836

Maybe she thinks you were better off without her Anon :)

Posting a fit might help, we could get a better sense of your 'style'

>> No.8232846

some bruno bordese shoes utilize studs really well

>> No.8233666

I was in the middle of taking a step that time, lol
Wearing blue suede ankle boots today, copped 'em from J. Crew. I didn't have to pay for them, so it's whatever.