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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 250 KB, 1279x959, 1399490464667.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8227327 No.8227327 [Reply] [Original]

How does one cut their own hair?

Lets say you wanted a cut like pic related, would you grow your hair really long and leave it untouched until the cut, or would you maintain it every few weeks (layering etc.)?

>> No.8227338

that pic comes from a /fa/ post, so he might give u advice directly later idk
id hazard a guess that while growing it out, he cut the sides every once in a while but left the top alone while it grew, and just styled it like that until that point

>> No.8227351

cool thanks man

>> No.8227358

Holy fuck his hair is perfect
also stop making me question my sexuality

>n-no homo

>> No.8227367
File: 214 KB, 500x663, 1399490261123.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

also hair like this

>> No.8227385

do you think this would be something a girl could pull off?
i've had short hair for a year now and i've got good enough facial features to pull it off
i've had this pic bookmarked for a few weeks now thinking about doing this to my hair next once i let it grow out a little bit to be long enough on the top.

>> No.8227396

yes ofcourse

>> No.8227399

post your face

>> No.8227409



>> No.8227487


>> No.8227555


that hair looks really bad irl

>> No.8227758

suck my dick i would ejaculate all over that beautiful hair

>> No.8227772

any more pics of this?

>> No.8227791
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>> No.8227848

>bookmarking pictures on 4chan

holy shit

>> No.8228068
File: 142 KB, 909x718, 8097768.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've got a few

>> No.8228073
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>> No.8228099
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>> No.8228104

why does it keep hiding it's mouth

>> No.8228106
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>> No.8228115
File: 165 KB, 1406x480, 8097827.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You think Asians can pull this off?

Also, what would you call a haircut like this?

>> No.8228118

I swear this guy makes a new hair thread every couple days just so he can post his pics

>> No.8228126


he's Mileena

>> No.8228134

he's self conscious about his nose i think

>> No.8228140

which picture is the best to take to a barber?

>> No.8228141


The one that has the most angles?

>> No.8228142

and im not complaining
yeah, or maybe his chin

>> No.8228151

lmao so true

>> No.8228155


prob because you're him

>> No.8228157

arent we all him tho?

>> No.8228161

lmao so tru

>> No.8228163

>tfw my crown area was too long it looked like a big blob

i had to cut ti and now i cant layer, the fuck i´m supposed to do? can i just keep trimming it and leaving the top or what?

>> No.8228169

I am him first.

>> No.8228182

lmao so tru

>> No.8228184
File: 13 KB, 122x154, a4f82941-f219-4778-b6cb-9172062fb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>look I posted it again!

>> No.8228188
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>He will never fuck you

>> No.8228192
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>> No.8228196

don't think so

>> No.8228205
File: 183 KB, 700x600, 1398800201875.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You will never be /fa/

>> No.8228214

we;ll see about that

>> No.8228219


Asians can pull everything off.

>> No.8228222
File: 25 KB, 300x300, 2hot5me.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8228243

you obviously haven't seen that many

i've seen some p wack looking ones, usually hypebeasts or skinny gollum-esques with uncorrespondent round faces and tryhard haircuts

>> No.8229169


>> No.8229378

are there any tutorials how to style hair like that?

>> No.8229724

Second this

>> No.8229732


>get crew fiber
>put it into the top of your hair kind of like shampoo
>when you're happy with it use a strong hairspray to set it

>> No.8229739

This is how to get reputation as a trip, thanks

>> No.8229747

No problem. Just got mine cut like this today.

When you're using crew, make sure that you use enough so that you have full control of your hair.

>> No.8229752

Thanks, do you have any pics? Also, what picture did you show your barber?

>> No.8229778
File: 43 KB, 552x828, 10366203_10202920083037157_8095973465310185939_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah sure.

It was the first time I went to the hairdresser in a while. I showed her OP's photo.

I got a 4 on the sides just to be safe because she said that if I got any less the top of my hair would look out of proportion.

Can't wait until the fringe grows longer now.

>> No.8229783

Looks really good, thanks

>> No.8229797

I cut my own hair recently..
It is definitely a bad cut but IMO was good for a first time ever cutting my own hair after watching Mike and some others posted her from YouTube.
Plus I'm not currently employed and am going to be inside recovering from a rhinoplasty for at least a month so..

>> No.8229809

This guy's my favourite haircut inspo, I suggest you check him out


>> No.8229811

Appreciate it man. Good luck.

The picture really helped too. I wouldn't have explained it well without it.

>> No.8230028


Lol I've seen this b4 is that the only video he cuts his own hair.

>> No.8230089

your hair has 0 texture, i hope this is with no product

>> No.8230111
File: 146 KB, 640x1136, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does /fa/ think I could pull off something similar to OP? I've always wanted a haircut like that except I worry that my hair is too thick and/or curly to be able to pull it off.

First time posting a pic, pls don't laugh ;-;

>> No.8230117

just get the sides and probably the back shorter and leave the top you dont have to go full hy

>> No.8230138
File: 884 KB, 640x1136, digital haircut.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so you can get an idea

>> No.8230154


Thanks :)
I feel like I'd be comfortable with that, maybe a little off the top too, thanks for the help. I'm going for a haircut soon and I had no idea what to tell the hairdresser, I might just get them to cut the back and sides shorter and see how it goes.

>> No.8230184

What do you mean by that?

Yeah there's no product it but it isn't coarse at all so that's why I always have to use crew.

It's probably gotten like that from blow drying it since I was like 14. Any tips on how to make it stronger?

>> No.8230233


dont blow dry it.

and dont wash it either, go no poo with water only (and hope it works for you)

been doing that for almost a year now, and my hair is thicker than yo momma's ass :^)

>> No.8230243


yeah sounds good i'll give it a go. thanks anon.

>> No.8230258

I had OP's haircut a few years ago when I found it on /fa/. It turned out really nice, and i got a lot of compliments on it. To those saying it doesnt look good IRL, it's kiiinda true, but if you know how to style it right and have healthy hair it shouldn't be a problem.

It's a sick haircut, my only problem is that it's becoming incredibly popular now, (at least in Gainesville) and that's the only thing holding me back from getting it cut like that again. It's a stupid reason i know, but i like being different.

Plus i'm enjoying my lion mane too much to cut it just yet

>> No.8230283

how can i thicken my hair for this kind of hairstyle?

would my head shape even suit it?

>> No.8230285
File: 188 KB, 960x1280, IMG_1195.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

forgot pic
i apologize for the bags under my eyes, finals and all

>> No.8230297
File: 2.08 MB, 503x714, output_fduAPh.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's mine, Mike's vid taught me

>> No.8230298

the semi-fringe thing looks way better than the overplayed undercut imo

>> No.8230316

boy's hair is super cute

is his hair naturally wavy? can someone with straight hair achieve a similar texture?

>> No.8230318
File: 50 KB, 469x700, 1379566023665.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I can do both as I have the freedom to slick it back or not, it's like having two hair cut in one

>> No.8230354

holy shit you're fucking ugly

>> No.8230393


u kidding!! hes qt :-3

>> No.8230395

Wut. Are you fucking kidding me? this guy's gorgeous!

>> No.8230399

still waiting for a response. excuse my fuccboiness

>> No.8230415

>tfw heart shaped face

i will never have a proper haircut like OP´s pic

>> No.8230426

no poo.

>> No.8230446

what about conditioner?

>> No.8230468

what about head shape? thickening my hair for this haircut is pointless if it won't look good

i also tried no poo for around a month, just stopped using shampoo gradually. to me it didnt do much

>> No.8230474

you didn't show us how to cut it at all

>> No.8230475

lol. wow

>> No.8230532

my hair curls after about three inches. will it just look retarded if I try and go for OPs pic and then have the top waving and curling around? it's not ridiculous curls, but I'd still be worried.

also, whats the idea behind no poo? I usually just condition, but surely shampoo is there for the benefit of your hair?

>> No.8230544

the thing of no poo is that shampoo has Lauryl Sulfate and many other chenmicals that #rek ur hair making it dry and brittle and by doing no poo you produce natrual oils as lanoline or how ever the fuck is called that make your hair healthy as fuck with the perfect bouquet and shit

>i got bored of explaining

>> No.8230573

how tlal r u
ples be in loNDon

>> No.8230584

your hair looks good as it is
why risk fucking it up

>> No.8230611

How would you let it dry?

>> No.8230615


>> No.8230642

Did she cut the end of your fringe "linear" (constant lenght), or it's irregular? I can't tell from the picture.

>> No.8230673

Yeah she cut it linear, and left the hair behind it slightly shorter.

When you're styling it you would then put it to the side that you want.

>> No.8230682

I was thinking about cutting it the same way, but getting a irregular fringe, a bit shorter on the sides, so it would look decent when left unstylised. Could that work?

>> No.8230707

I've had a bad experience with an irregular fringe. It just doesn't look right on some people.

It all depends on the hair type though, if you post a pic I could probably tell from that.

>> No.8230713

Back and sides are far too long for my liking.

And you can't really see it here, but the back and sides like to curl outwards, whereas the top likes to curl up, which results in it my hair looking really shitty from the back/side

>> No.8230725

use L'Oreal sulfate free shampoo and thickening conditioner

>> No.8230742
File: 1.81 MB, 880x960, img.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only recent photo i have, the hair isn't very visible, but the head shape might help a bit.
Also, it will take a moment for the fringe to grow a decent lenght.

>> No.8230752

I'm not sure if an irregular fringe would suit you that well. Actually I can't really think of anyone that it suits, do you have a photo of someone that has hair you want?

You should let it grow for a few months at least before you do anything anyway.

>> No.8230765

>do you have a photo of someone that has hair you want?

>> No.8230784

haha alright then yeah you shouldn't touch an irregular fringe. you don't need one when it grows to a certain length.

>> No.8230789

I love this video.

>> No.8230806

Oh actually the hairdresser aswell said I can backcomb the fringe in order to have it like ops photo.

>> No.8230884
File: 446 KB, 603x595, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pic of me about 2 months ago. the top is alot longer now. can I pull off OP's hair? I wouldn't cover my face though, but put it to the side. Also how long is the backtop suppose to be? I have trouble keeping it in place

>> No.8230923

Just try it out and post a pic. If it's not good, just wash your hair and go back to previous style.

>> No.8230986

well the thing is I need to get a haircut, like I said my hair is a lot longer now. Is the top back of OP's hair cut shorter than the rest? I haven't touched the top hair for a few months

>> No.8231098

with a towel u dumbfuck or let it dry in the sun

>> No.8231103

so would i look okay with this haircut if i had thicker hair?

>> No.8231113

w2c this jacket

>> No.8231382

Can't tell because you've covered your face with a giant censor bar and your hand.
Post pic like >>8230742 or >>8229778 so we can see shit.

>> No.8231444
File: 189 KB, 960x1280, IMG_1203.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im sorry i just am kind of self conscious about my face. is there any way you know of to make my nose look more small?

>> No.8231474

You've got similar face shape to OP's pic, so the hairstyle could look good, but i guess it's easy to fuck it up. Even on >>8228068 >>8228106 you can see it looks really messy without proper care.

As for the nose - i wouldn't really care that much if i were you - it is just masculine, not too big.

>> No.8231479

what kind of care would you recommend?

>> No.8231498

No idea about your hair type, so propably do as >>8229732 suggested. Just go to your local cosmetics store and ask for fitting care products or talk with your barber (if he/she's a decent one).

>> No.8231500

ur qt tho

>> No.8231507

Rhinoplasty/makeup/facial hair/really good haircut

>> No.8231541
File: 86 KB, 500x667, 1390640062502.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Post some more severe crew cuts pls

Need a short summer haircut

Also how to get this texture?

>> No.8231562


>> No.8232196


>> No.8233459

ive got the same uneven nostrils and im going to kill myself soon but i want you to please learn to live with your disability dont be me

>> No.8233752

fuck same here
i hate this fucking pic

no homo :(

>> No.8233841
File: 3.27 MB, 2151x955, like fuck that disease.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


so do you guys think i should try this messy fringe-y thing in op's pic, or should i keep my weird fluffy david lynch down-to-the-left-quiff?

>> No.8233850

get your own style, you look like a complete pussy.

>> No.8233859


Your hair's obviously quite wavey, if not necessarily curly, and the fringe thing requires straight hair.

>> No.8233862

you come off as homosexual as you are

maybe my queer eye is off tho

>> No.8233863

what hairstyle suits an oval face?

>> No.8233871


well that's fortunate because i love me some hard dick!


i think you're probably right, i find it difficult to do a fringe. half of the wavy-ness is product, but the other half is natural. what about a wavy fringe?

>> No.8234267

is this the new meme cut

>> No.8234298

what product are you using?

>> No.8234304

i'd love to see a pic of you rockin your own style buddy

>> No.8234350


>> No.8234449


>> No.8234596
File: 47 KB, 552x828, 10330450_10202927686827247_6691307056504941009_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Update from yesterday.

I think having it up looks p cool. Just used a bit of hairspray to keep it from falling forward.

>> No.8234629
File: 25 KB, 300x223, 1391465934258.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


i know this is probably way too late, but pic related

>> No.8234636


yeah man do that until it grows a bit, if you still want a fringe, and if you do have it down, get it a bit messy with some product...at leat that's what i'd do

>> No.8234991

how to you apply it?

>> No.8235272


Just found this if you're interested.

>> No.8235343
File: 2.38 MB, 1600x1200, 15.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would I suit this style?
My hair is really thin. I've been growing it out a bit to get a new style.I usually just get a short back and sides. My hair grows out the way at the sides and shows more when I get the sides cut short, that's what I fear with this hairstyle.

>> No.8235355

wow I'm a retard


>> No.8235378

give it a shot mangs

>> No.8235534

i got hair exactly like this, except not as long: ~2.5 inches or so
how should I style it? Already got the fade/cut on the sides, should i just stop trying to make a fringe and pull it up?

>> No.8235694 [DELETED] 

Hitler Youth guy from other thread

How do you get your hair to stand like that? I'm new to styling products and I have almost no idea what I'm doing.

>> No.8235794
File: 100 KB, 500x749, tumblr_inline_mz9t6lCU0E1r7ndkx.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sorry for bad fit, forced

>> No.8236214
File: 116 KB, 1280x1024, Snapshot_20140414_5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

got this cut a bit ago. my hair's pretty curly but i think it works

>> No.8236265

this nigga looks like sofia coppola

>> No.8236270
File: 55 KB, 620x766, sofia-coppola-image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

forgot pic

>> No.8236272

he doesn't

>> No.8236360


>guy calls dude out
>dude responds
>guy still snickering behind his keyboard
>is actually dead inside

>> No.8236370

really cute, jealous of your curls

>> No.8237468 [DELETED] 

wow you are a faggot

>> No.8237485
File: 100 KB, 1280x720, WIN_20140516_153106.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You guys have any advice? I hate my hair, could I pull a HY, or is it worn out as fuck?

>> No.8237628

im alive inside.

>> No.8237632

you should just grow the top out till like 6-7 inches and push it up and let it fall and be flowy as fuck but still kinda greasy

>> No.8237953
File: 8 KB, 240x323, aussie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


i rub it all over my fingers then kind curl it into my hair, like pushing up to give it more lift...it dries pretty quickly but it can be kind of crusty in texture so i use a drop of pic related and knead it in to get it a bit shinier again, and easier to run your hands through

>> No.8237972

Look at Diplo Jr over here

>> No.8237977
File: 390 KB, 546x547, 603672_10152349584984337_1657736805829622208_n[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8237983
File: 536 KB, 547x548, 10250345_10152365381459337_4030456721155343411_n[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol I thought the exact same thing

>> No.8238452

Looks very nice. You propably should keep it like that until the fringe grows long enough.