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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 43 KB, 640x480, 1940s-mens-fashion-firth.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8223499 No.8223499[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>never gave a fuck about fashion
>i literally dress like i'm homeless
>haven't gone shopping since 7th grade
>going to elite business school in 4 months
>i need a new wardrobe cuz i look like an idiot

anyone willing to help? i'm really into the 30s/40s businessman look but i don't know if i could pull it off.

i'm 6' 170 lbs

>> No.8223501

Post a picture of yourself.

>> No.8223504

if u cant be bothered 2 do at least that then fuck off

>> No.8223514

If 4chan is anything to go by, everyone who works in finance is genuinely autistic.

>> No.8223520
File: 218 KB, 1080x720, Photo on 5-12-14 at 6.49 PM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sry i thought that was an advertisement for some tux service (it's prom season)
ok here's face (taken fresh)

>> No.8223527

people who work in finance don't have time to post on 4chan

>> No.8223536

and here's body. any suggestions for a look i could pull off?

>> No.8223537
File: 458 KB, 705x466, Screen Shot 2014-05-12 at 6.53.19 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8223543

Take up cocaine, the clothes will come later trust me I know what I'm talking about. You'll start doing cocaine in elite business school networking events and everybody will be like dang that guy is successful. Boom you've now got your foot in the door. Look down at your foot, It's a fucking geology basket shoe but you failed to realize this because you're high out of your fucking mind. Boom. timeskip - 3 years have passed. you're now leonardo dicrapio with a hitler youth that would make any girl wet. boom you're now /fa/.

>> No.8223547

lel i went to a top 10 business school and everybody dressed like shit. you have nothing to worry about. when you get graduate, everybody in corporate america dresses in brooks brothers. it's ivy league business graduate uniform.

>> No.8223555

ok great but i don't think you guys understand
i literally wear the same torn up sweater and basketball shorts to school every single day

i don't want to look like a 7th grade forever

plz some expert plz use some /fa/ wizardry on me

>> No.8223567
File: 2.54 MB, 708x4986, GQ Office Attire guide.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Keep in mind that you don't have to splooge all your money on clothes.

Try and look for less expensive (yet still decent enough quality) but still keeping with the fit and general ballpark style of what you see here.

>> No.8223569
File: 2.09 MB, 2734x2075, Homeless_man,_Tokyo,_2008.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i literally dress like i'm homeless
homeless people are /fa/

>> No.8223573

No. I don't think you understand. There is a reason why we're called /fa/ggots. It's because the only way to be /fa/ is to either be gay aka. blowing dick, or doing blow. It's your call but I prefer the latter. When doing blow you're immersed into coke subculture. That means you'll make millions of dollars and become the homeless chic of wallstreet. Find my one person that does cocaine and isn't /fa/ as fuck. Now you listen here alright you come here asking for /fa/shion help and I'm a fucking professional doing this out of my own good will. Not only does doing cocaine help with your clothing it WILL help with your business etiquette. Prices, supply/demand, marketing, just by becoming a consumer of cocaine you'll be getting straight a's.

>> No.8223574

this infographic is absolute garbage. i silently rage every time i see it.

>> No.8223579

thx, it seems to cover the basics
y-yes master

do either of you think i could pull off the 40's suspenders look?

>> No.8223585

fuck me you're hopeless... you shouldn't be asking

>do either of you think i could pull off the 40's suspenders look?

what you should be asking is

>do 40's suspenders go well with geobaskets

learn /fa/ttiquette

>> No.8223588

suspenders work only when you buy your suits bespoke since modern suits aren't designed for them. bespoke suits can be pricey though.

>> No.8223593

dam w2c those 'didas?

>> No.8223596

thanks for all the help

>> No.8223601

np m8

>> No.8223607




If you're going to try and pull off suspenders at a business school, you're probably going to end up more towards the 80's powerbroker look than the 40's look.

Think Gordon Gekko, Patrick Bateman, or Steve Castle.

>> No.8223637

I really like the Gordon Gekko look. How much does an outfit like that cost?

>> No.8223641

What? A fitted suit with suspenders would look sharp and modern. To look 80s, he'd need a loud-patterned oversized suit with pleated pants. And suits from the 40s are just fundamentally different from today's.

>> No.8223645

>Get 1 each of black jeans Navy jeans black dress pants Grey dress pants black dress shoes brown dress shoes black suitcoat
>Get multiple black tees, white tees, black socks
>Get a decent hair cut. Just ask for something modern and professional
>boring but you'll be dressed like the rest

>> No.8223667

don't do that. you will look like a fedora.

>> No.8223668

maybe you should ask your girlfriend to take you shopping. I bet she has awesome style and knows how to make you look awesome too

>> No.8223674
File: 1.10 MB, 1496x3676, 1392682441272.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8223677
File: 112 KB, 465x700, tumblr_mopscbCiyG1qhmfcoo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck, okay. how bout something like this?

>> No.8223690

pls no. braces should be buttoned to the inside of your trousers.

>> No.8223697

You may like the style, but you also have to consider if you can actually pull it off.

>> No.8223701

google "menswear blog"

>> No.8223710

my face and body pics are in the thread. do you think i could? i really don't know.
not only is this hilarious but it's also really helpful. thanks

>> No.8223712

I'm not really sure when you think you'll be wearing all this formal wear, but its not a daily thing... I go to an elite business school (undergrad), I work in finance, and nobody wears formal stuff unless
1. You're going to an info session/interview special/event
2. You're a wannabe loser who tries to make up for his shortcomings by dressing fancy. Just wear normal, albeit well fitted and decent clothes, and you'll be fine.

>> No.8223718

that's actually really relieving. thanks for letting me know. i'll probably just go for a casual look like >>8223674
that i can bump up to a formal casual when i need to

>> No.8223719

how do i dress like im homeless?

>> No.8223724

>I go to an elite business school (undergrad)
pls be at stern. i need a /fa/ buddy.

>> No.8223732

One thing I'd caution about >>8223674 is that you don't want to look too avant garde or techwear, ie wearing all black. From my experience, appearance is important and you never know whos watching. You may be effay wearing all black rick owens, but you'll get laughed out of school, its a pretty conservative dressed environment.

>> No.8223733

ayee i'm going to stern 2

>> No.8223739

It's not a 1:1 comparison, but I'm in law school right now, and nobody dresses formally unless they have an interview that day or something. There's one guy in our class that dresses in a shirt and tie every day, and he comes off like a total fedora tipper. Just go look up the mfa #menswear basics and wear that. OCBD, flat front chinos, and CBDs. It's basic as fuck, but you'll accomplish your goal of looking presentable while not going so far as to come off as a sperglord to your classmates. Where is your school?

>> No.8223745

new york. do you have a website with examples of men in that kind of clothing by any chance? it's hard to visualize all these new things

>> No.8223750

>not at wharton

>> No.8223752

Agreed with this guy. "Well dressed" at my school can be just a slim cut pair of jeans, dark wash, with a t shirt and cardigan. Dress up too much in blazers and shit and you come across as a tryhard.

>> No.8223754


>> No.8223755


The 80's look is fine so long as he modernizes it with better fitting clothes.

>> No.8223758

>try hard
Blazers are the easiest thing in the world to dress down. Fuck off. I could wear a blazer every day and no one would accuse me of trying hard.

>> No.8223761
File: 660 KB, 2448x3264, WCaeHnM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8223771

Depends on the school m8. Nobody where I go wears a blazer unless they have a presentation or something at least.

>> No.8223787

I like this look a lot (except for the color of the jeans and the shoes). What's the name of that kind of shirt?

>> No.8223799


It's called an oxford.

It's the most basic kind of button up. When people say "business casual", THIS is the shirt they're talking about.

You can get alot of nice quality ones for cheap at Uniqlo, and there are a few in NYC.

>> No.8223802
File: 453 KB, 1536x1484, url.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here's another

It's just an oxford button down (I think from J Crew)

>> No.8223806


Those are chinos, not jeans.

If you don't know what chinos are, they're more commonly refereed to as "khakis", but keep in mind that khaki is the color that is most often worn, not the type of pants.

>> No.8223816

thank you!!
this is great. both me and my gf have liked both of the things you've uploaded. any recommendations on stores i should hit up?

>> No.8223829

I get my stuff from J Crew. But there will be people here that will scoff at that, and the clothes there are admittedly pricey unless you catch them during a sale. I actually think all the shit in both of the pictures I've uploaded are from J Crew, because I have those exact things in my closet.

>> No.8223841

if you're gonna go prep you might as well get bb's

>> No.8223844

alright awesome. money's not really an issue so i'll hit up j crew. any recommendations or suggestions for shoes? the only ones i'm completely against are vans and sperry's (they're like nikes for white people)

>> No.8223853

>vans and sperry's (they're like nikes for white people)
sounds like you're just around people with poor taste.

>> No.8223868

Maybe if you changed your hair and lost some weight.

>> No.8223886

try sebago shoes, they're way higher quality than sperry shoes

>> No.8223895

If I'm wearing shorts, I wear Cole Haan Howland Penny's. If I have on pants, I wear chukka boots, like in those pictures.

>> No.8223924

thanks to the both of you

>> No.8223928


The top three places I can recommend are:

J. Crew
Banana Republic

Since you will be in New York, feel free to hit up all sorts of menswear boutiques to get inspiration.

Also follow the #menswear tag on Tumblr.

>> No.8223944

>follow the #menswear tag on Tumblr.


>> No.8223963


No problem!

Also, here is an excellent blog that'll help out.


>> No.8223986

hey idiots

this guy lives hella near san francisco
tell him where to shop
he has a couple thousand cash

>> No.8224013



>> No.8224232

Hey op could you tell how much you weigh? you probably would look pretty nice if you lost (100 lbs maybe) try losing almost half your weight you have now