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8220487 No.8220487 [Reply] [Original]

My hair loss is now effecting my self esteem and confidence. Thinking of trying propecia. Any experience of taking it? Its going to make my balls shrivel and fall off, isn't it?

>> No.8220500
File: 224 KB, 500x375, tumblr_n47hnsnk1k1s1a2dlo1_500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

very rarely it can cause impotence or sexual dysfunction which in most cases returns once the treatment stops then usually you can restart the treatment in a few months without side effects

use google scholar/your university library and look up the studies that have been done instead of asking /fa/ who are entirely un-qualified to answer your question.

>> No.8220519

Thanks. Yeah , don't worry. I'm just starting my research.

>> No.8220542

Think for a second, you monkey.
This prince has like enough money for almost anything. Anything. If there was an effective hair treatment, do you think he wouldn't do that? Yellow teeth? Can be whitened. Excessive fat? In 99.9 percent it's just fat fucks eating too much and doing 0 exercise. But hair loss... Nah :^)

>> No.8220548

Do some research on Minoxidil, Azelaic acid and Spironolactone

>> No.8220549

He's as old money as it gets. They don't do things like that.

>> No.8220555

I'm using minoxidil. All it seems to be doing is making my remaining hair greasy. I'll check out the other things you mentioned.

>> No.8220722

A UK anon posted a propecia thread a few weeks ago and recommended a source cheaper than the traditional chemists. I think it was an eBay seller. Can anyone recommended a retailer, Boots charges £45 for a 4 week supply.

>> No.8220761

What's with all the hair loss on /fa/? Must be a fucking nightmare though.

>> No.8221030


>> No.8221033

/fa/ makes people much more self conscious about balding than they need to be

>> No.8221035


>> No.8221320

shave head

>> No.8221406

I wish I could, it looks terrible. Head shape, face and pale skin are all working against me.

>> No.8221443

find yourself a wife ASAP

>> No.8221455

I first noticed my thinning a fee months ago, so I'm considering minoxidil first before propecia/finasteride, due to the horrible side effects I've read about the latter (limpdick).
I assume I'd be missing a piece of the puzzle with using only minoxidil, because I've read things about it not tackling the root of the problem (promote hair regrowth, but doesn't do anything about the hair loss itself).

I don't know, man. This sucks.
>tfw thinning tops will never be fashionable

>> No.8221458

I started finasteride as I noticed that I've had slight temple recession and a little thinning in that area.

I've been on it for two months. No dramatic changes as of yet, but there are some relatively thick hairs sprouting in between the hairs near the temporal areas. No idea if that is because of finasteride. At least I don't think I've lost any ground.

Of course, no side-effects.

>> No.8221475

>receding hairline

stop the drugs, cus nigga u fukt

>> No.8221500

>tfw high hairline all my life and receding early
I've heard minoxidil can do something for receding hairlines, but I haven't noticed any success and hope is dwindling

i gotta get me some biotin though

>> No.8221512

minoxidil doesn't help with receding at all from what i've read

>> No.8221520

I've heard that too, but this shit also makes hair grow on my ears so I have some faith in its hair-sprouting abilities regardless of location

>> No.8221526

Generic finasteride costs pretty much nothing and you can order it on the internet. If you do get sides, you simply quit. If not, well, duh, you just keep taking it. Why waste time on minoxidil, biotin and alike?

>> No.8221621

Where 2 cop fin?

>> No.8221632

also goes by the name proscar.

seriously, don't take it. I took propecia for a couple years, I think. just be yourself. tons of dudes go bald. being bald isn't bad, it's when you're bald and/or fat and/or a slob that you look like shit. take care of yourself, dress in clothes that fit you, buy some nice glasses and shoes or whatever, and respect yourself. it's not worth the potentially irreversible side effects.

>> No.8221721

I wouldn't consider it but I've become depressed as a result of my hair loss, I now have almost no self confidence. Its easy to say 'just rock it' etc.

>> No.8221771

does minoxidil even work y/n

>> No.8221803

Don't get Propecia, get the proper 5mg pills and split them into four. Waaaaay cheaper and you know what you're getting instead of some dangerous shit from ebay.

>> No.8221821

Just shave your head clean, get some sun, and start lifting.

>> No.8221888

I found the thread on 4chanarchive. It wasn't ebay, it was an online pharmacy. The 5mg pills are available but I think I'll start with the 1mg first, I don't want to be sometimes taking slightly more than 1mg a day due to possible side effects, and whilst 5x more expensive its still affordable.

>> No.8221936

You can try cutting the 5mg pill in 8. It really isn't rocket science. It got sort of messy for me though to divide it so finely. I took approximately 1/8th of a pill for a few weeks, saw no side-effects so now I take 1/4th. Buying the 1mg pills is a waste of money.

>> No.8222062

If i were to continue use I would look to buy the 5mg pill. A month or two using the 1mg pill will make little financial difference in the long run. If money is tight I can see it being worth going straight to the 5mg and cutting though.

>> No.8222133

Good luck then. Just don't freak out. I did and for the first three days I couldn't get an erection. Top lel. I've had no side-effects since then.

>> No.8222666

did it actually work?

>> No.8222750

Thanks. I've heard you should stop use if you experience ED, how long were you prepared to stay on it whilst not being able to get hard? Also, how long have you been on it and how are your results?

>> No.8222831

I was prepared for placebo ED given how (unnecessarily) scared I was. I was planning to lower the dosage to approximately 0.25mg after a week. Never had to. As for the results and time >>8221458

>> No.8225183


>> No.8225448

So I'm ordering guys, wish me luck.

>> No.8225475

I've been using topical spironolactone for three months. So far it's been nice, it's not supposed to grow back your hair, but to maintain it.
I use it twice a day, and a canister(30 bucks) lasts me two months, so it's not even expensive.

>> No.8227091

I have been on fin for a little over 5 months now
I am definitely seeing a lot less hair come out when I shower

Hopefully I can get some regrowth in the latter half of the year

>> No.8228968


>> No.8230394

how are ur balls

>> No.8231011

It is the worst thing that has ever happened to my confidence. Yeah I know girls aren't that put off by it, but in my head it just rings "Who the fuck are you kidding? You're balding at 20. Just give up and kill yourself." whenever I even look at a pretty girl

>> No.8231055

The same as always.
Libido is as high as ever
Only side effect I got was watery cum its still thin but much closer to normal now

>> No.8231072

is brain fog real?
cus shit sounds terrifying

>> No.8231713

How quickly does hair loss progress generally?
I noticed my friend's hair thinning about a year ago, and here he is now, with his scalp extremely visible in light. I just noticed my own thinning a few weeks ago, so now I'm paranoid as fuck.

>> No.8231855

I started losing my hair at 20, I'm just about to turn 23. Researched a lot, was depressed and it genuinely bothered me every single day until I shaved it off. I did this in the hopes I could commit to being bald because I didn't want to nuke my balls or wallet. I'm not completely bald btw just thinning a lot on the crown and top in general - way too much for my age. Anyway I kept it shaved for half a year or so and hated even more.. so now I'm growing it out slightly on top and keeping the sides shaved at a grade 2 so it doesn't look a shit ton thicker than the top. This surprisingly helped my confidence a lot - although it's thin it sure suits me a hell of a lot better than shaved. I currently use a shampoo called Natur Vital or something (around £10 in boots) it has stopped anymore from falling out but that's about it.. anyway good luck in whatever you try! (I realise this doesn't answer your question OP but I thought I would share.. know you are not alone)

>> No.8231886

So what's with all of us losing our hair in our early 20s? I've started noticing it, and one of my friends has it way worse. I still get minor acne. What the fuck, worst of both worlds.

>> No.8232399

enjoy your ED you fucking idiot

>> No.8232473

Finasteride is the only reason Dr.Drew isn't bald.

Finasteride side affects are uncommon so don't be turn off because of the possible penis problems. Not to mention they can be reversed by just coming off the medicine. Nothing serious.

>> No.8232474

fucked up hormones for most guys, but in instances like mine, fucking got hit on both sides of my paternal tree—my mother's mother's had balding in her family, and both parents of my father had dominate balding genes

there are worse things to worry about in life, but life isn't worth living if you're worrying about everything

>> No.8232479

shave it off if you're valid manlet, if you're shorter than 5'9 then doesn't matter, you're pretty much invisible to women

>> No.8232480

i take 1mg generic propecia. I take it every other day cuz the dermatologist said you can do that to save money. I pay 44 dollars for a 30 day supply at walmart

>> No.8232483
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True, genetics plays a role. But why the hormone problems? I believe it is caused by an excess of testosterone, had the media just led us to believe that going bald in your 20s is abnormal?

>> No.8232530

yeah, just about every single person gets this

>> No.8232545

Our hormones are generally all out of whack because the ubiquity of xenoestrogens. If our bodies are always trying to achieve a semblance of homeostasis, it'll try to compensate for the excess estrogen by producing more testosterone.

>> No.8232555


>> No.8232570

>tfw fast growing beautiful curly mane of hair

my one blessing.

>> No.8232579

so close, anon

>> No.8232611

I have a weak chin, big lips + big nose.
I'm thinking of getting a beard transplant but I'm afraid of the scar it will leave on my head.
I can't grow stubble or a full moustache or anything at all, I'm 20 and a head full of hair, no history of male baldness in my family

>> No.8232615

The phytoestrogens in soy are just a few of the many xenoestrogens we're faced with on a daily basis. Estrogenic-active compounds in plastic (BPA isn't the only one...), are probably more common, since they're even present in synthetic fibers, silicone, et al

>> No.8232656

Obviously gong bald in your twenties being abnormal isn't a lie made up by the electric jew. Look at your average twenty year old, how many of them are bald?

>> No.8232692

It's definitely a growing amount.

>> No.8232698
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Actually a lot more than I would ever expect. Until recently, baldness in my mind was reserved for middle-managers in their 40s and skinheads. Then reality came a-knockin'.

>> No.8232816

It's not yours to say.. If someone wants to take fin and it works for them it works for them.. don't put your shit onto someone else..

I take fin, my hair was receeding.. it costs next to nothing and I have no side effects and I'll keep my hair... if I had've known about it I wouldve started it when I was 18..

I respect myself, like myself.. dress well and I look good with a shaved head but at the end of the day I choose to keep my hair.

>> No.8233505

False. You can get permanent sexual side-effects from that shit.

>> No.8234899


Go bald on your own. Don't bring anyone down with you. You scaremongering asshole.

>> No.8236740

He`s not really scaremongering, he`s pointing out facts. Finasteride fucks with your hormones (blocks DHT production) and can lead to very serious side-effects (permanent ED, endocrine system failure among other things). Also, the side-effects aren`t that rare (/fa/ seems to think it`s one in a billion).

I`m beginning to feel like /fa/ is spammed by pharma-shills...

>> No.8236749

i order 5 months of fin online for $29 delivered. ill run a weekly log and post at the end of 12 weeks. might help some people out wanting anecdotal experience

>> No.8236823
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>> No.8236913

Theres no denying there are possible serious side effect but
>Arent that rare
come on buddy playing into a vocal minority on the internet
I can attest that I have no side effects I even take 2mg once in a while in hopes of added efficacy although I recently read some guy didn't see any major differences in his blood test when jumping up a mg

>> No.8236954

Best solution:


>> No.8237028
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brb loads of hair
brb no sides whatsoever except slightly increased sex drive

>> No.8237033

lol nahhhhhh

>> No.8237065

DHT has an essential role in the formation of the male external genitalia and after adolescence it acts as the primary androgen in the prostate and hair follicles.
all dht does to adult males is sometimes cause their prostate to enlarge and/or make your hair fall out. this is all it is known to do to. it's a useless androgen post-puberty, and i'll keep believing this until there is evidence to the contrary.

>> No.8237066

It's the internet.. search for negative side effects and you'll find them.. I take fin and I have for two years and have no sides

I know some people do but they're a minority.

I'm not a pharma-shill my hair's just important to me and Fin allows me to keep it and it costs fuck all...

Fuck.. eating too much factory farmed chicken like KFC fucks with your hormones... eat a bag of dicks.

fin works for me and I'd reccomend it to someone wanting to try it.

>> No.8237075

lel nigger the only hormone i've heard is your mother..

get rekt baldy

>> No.8237085

hardly anyone has sides it is rare as fuck, and most of them who supposedly do are just paranoid wackjobs. i laugh at all the 'just shave your head..fin will make your dick fall off' brigade, many of them are probably balding guys crying themselves to sleep at night....HAHAH serves you right for being retarded

>> No.8237101

just being vocal and trying to justify not taking fin and going bald to themselves by posting shit like that online... and the real tragedy is that they probably don't get any pussy anyway..

>> No.8237111


>still taking the hair retaining jew
>nuking your testicles
>being a good goyim

>> No.8237112

d-d-did your hair make it?

>> No.8237134

minoxidil 5%

>> No.8237139

men being meant not to worry about their hairloss is a belief perpetuated everywhere, i blame women, if this effected women they'd be a cure by now, i think they want to keep one thing over us. mpb is meant to be like our childbirth. fuck that.

>post 1997
>becoming an ugly, bald alien freak to appease your female overlords

>> No.8237143


>> No.8237153

>implying the jew isn't our overlord.. nice try Rabbi Shekelshoahburg

>> No.8237159

my roommate was on fin for six months and got some serious gyno.
wasted 200$ on man tits.

>> No.8237168

Bald people become like faceless humans to me
They all look the same if ever a interact with one at say my customer service job and then try to recollect what their face looked like
it all gets washed out into this bald guy blur

anybody else get this?

>> No.8237169

did you ever titty-fuck him?

>> No.8237182

it depends where you live. go to Russia or eastern europe and it's common, go in Italy or Spain and it's not that common

>> No.8237188

where did you get yours, the dermatologist I went to said that she didn't like finasteride since its for prostate. Should I go back and insist or find another dermatologist?

>> No.8237191

no, but i used to grab his tits from behind.
no homo.

>> No.8237194

just go to your GP and get him to write you a script.I had no problem getting on it

>> No.8237202

you gotta be assertive bruh
and let them know your dead set on it and if they dont gib youll find someone who will

>> No.8237207

lel if i were a Dr and some balding manlet came to me for Fin I'd decline to write a script and lel at his defeated look.. i'd probably have to fap

>> No.8237222

lol i dont think that would work

>> No.8237295

>I have no side effects

Well, anecdotal evidence is not how the world works, `mkay?

The fact that you don`t have any grave side-effects doesn`t mean procentually many people get them regardless of what you believe.

>> No.8237299

Are you fucking retarded? The fact that you seem to be lucky with the medication doesn`t mean everyone is.

If you take fin, you risk permanent ED among other scare shit. Period.

I`m not risking my wellbeing for something as vain as keeping my hair.

>> No.8237303

Fin has been linked to prostate cancer, btw.

There is loads of evidence pointing out that Finasteride is a dangerous drug.

>> No.8237304

Rare as fuck? AFAIK around 5-10% experience problems with their libido(lower), and temporary impotence. 1-2% experience permanent reduction in libido and sometimes permanent ED.

Read the actual studies, they are right out there on the internet, dumbfuck.

>> No.8238436

Finasteride has a link to the development to high grade prostate cancer as it lowers your PSA level which increases if you develop prostate cancer. Essentially, it can mask elevated PSA levels, so the cancer isn't detected until it's developed into a high grade form.

I don't believe there is a direct link between finasteride causing cancer, like there is with smoking, for example. I may be entirely wrong, but that is what I've read.

However, it can cause some other serious side effects, which are often played of as being experienced by one person in a million.

Finasteride attaches to the 5-apha reductase type II and III enzyme, which means that testosterone can't bind to the two enzymes and be converted into DHT but can instead be converted into other hormones, like estrogen, which causes some of the side effects linked to finasteride. DHT is what causes hair follicles that are genetically sensitive to DHT to shrink and produce thinner hairs each time until eventually not producing any hair at all. Obviously this is good, but reduced DHT levels and increased levels of other hormones can cause some serious side effects, such as reduced libido; erectile dysfunction; reduced sperm count; difficulty concentrating; and the development of man boobs, just to name a few.

I'm not trying to scare people away from taking finasteride, I just want people to be aware that these side effects are not as uncommon as a lot of people say, and can often persist after stopping finasteride. Messing with hormones is a pretty big deal and can lead to some horrible consequences.

>> No.8238453


>> No.8239554

The fact that your spouting shit about how common side effects are doesn't mean everyone's dick is dying, 'mkay?

Im done with you

>> No.8240024
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>tfw my hair grows out so fast that I need to get it cut every 3 weeks to maintain my hy

>> No.8240919

just popped my fin

hair is looking so thick and sexy today fuarkkkkk

>> No.8240927

still got dat widows peak tho.

>> No.8240931

well ive always had a high hairline

>> No.8241141

>what is scientific research
>what are generalizations

Dumb fuck.

>> No.8241145

Oh, you mean once a month like everyone else basically?

Fucking dumbass

>> No.8241152

ive already done 3 cycles of roids and handled the sides easily. fin did nothing except make hair grow in thicker. maybe if ur some hyper sensitive baby it could be a problem but real men can adapt

>> No.8241213


I tried minoxidil too, after 6 months my doctor and I agreed it wasn't doing a damn thing.

After that I switched to finasteride (propecia). At 1 mg it absolutely helped, my hair loss stopped and I started seeing really fine hairs regrowing. I was on it for a few years and decided that it was starting to affect my libido and erections. So I cut down to 0.5 mg about a year ago, and my sex life seems to have gone back to normal without losing any of the hair I regrew. Some theorize that as little as 0.1 mg is enough to stop hair loss but of course there's no way to really know.

I also had a couple of transplantation surgeries to add density along the hairline and partline and of course that's the most effective and permanent solution.

Good luck.

>> No.8241218

don't fucking do it. 1.25 mg is too much. you'd be amazed how much small differences in the dosage will affect your sex life.

>> No.8241246

It's not the dosage of fin that causes ED.. it's the effect on the DHT levels.

If fin is effective at 0.2mg, and also JUST as effective at 1mg, meaning that it reduces the DHT levels to roughly the same - then you will have the same sides.

You guys who have gone from 1mg to 0.2mg and noticed a difference were experiencing placebo side-effects. you read up on them, got the fear, took fin anyway and had it in the back of your head always that you could get sides.

the best way to take fin would be to forget that you're even taking it, and see how that effects your libido/dick

>> No.8241276

god damn. Just go with it you pussy. I'm pretty bald for 23 but I don't treat it like a problem. It sucks but you're a man, and it is strictly genetics. A lot of people in the world loses their. If you act confident then its no big deal to anyone. You will be this way your whole life so get used to it.

>> No.8241278

you think that's fast? i get1000 inches of growth in 1000 years, beat that

>> No.8241438

confidence doesn't frame a face

>> No.8241872

That has to be the most petty thing to be concerned with. You're really going to try and reverse something natural about your body so you can have a 'framed face'? Especially with known side effects? Gay noballs.

>> No.8241884

permanent side effects are something like 1/100000, probably not helped by unhealthy habits too, like with all effects of drugs.

>> No.8242124

Wrong. Permanent ED has been found to affect a few % of the people who take Propecia.

Over 10% have temporary ED which stops after they stop using the drug.

Keep living in denial.

>> No.8242155

baldness doesn't seem natural to me at all, i wouldn't feel like myself anymore if i was bald, it seems alien to me.
finasteride saving my hair is what seems natural to me, thank god i wasnt born twenty years ago

>> No.8242192

you're gonna need some studies to back this up buddy

>> No.8244529

Fucking google it.

>> No.8244579
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OP, when a real man has bad hair loss he knows there's one option and runs with it.

when a sissy boy gets hair loss he takes drugs with side effects and goes through expensive procedures, and keeps harping on it.

women fight their aging with overpriced products, men embrace it.

>> No.8244589
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>hair on your head might grow back!
>you might lose your ability to get a boner!

>> No.8244622


you're a bitch

>> No.8244639

Has it stopped or slowed your hair loss?
Topical is supposed to inhibit dht with no sides right?

>> No.8244726

fucking dropped at that image.

>> No.8244979

anyone know any hairsprays or products to make hair feel thicker?

>> No.8244981
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would anyone reccommend this

>> No.8246728


>> No.8247767

Not all of us are comfortable with traditional perceptions of masculinity and acting out on them simply because we happened to be born in a certain body you inconsiderate piece of shit.

>> No.8247785


There is nothing more /fa/ than correct spelling.

>> No.8249505

aww you big baby

>> No.8249575

bump for interests

>> No.8249579


>> No.8249589

>start taking finasteride
>about a week later start getting daily diarrhoea

what are the chances this will go away? hair obviously isn't worth it if this is going to be a permanent thing

>> No.8249789

Lower dosage to 0.25 mg a day if you must. It's easy to get up to full 1 mg a day after your body adapts.

>> No.8251218


>> No.8251390
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A sage word of advice from experience and wisdom from a a happy, bald oldfag to a depressed, balding newfag...

Concentrate on your education, and your career...

Women only care about $$$.