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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 20 KB, 401x251, memehair.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8218021 No.8218021[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]


>> No.8218025

Oops, Hitler youth not hitley

>> No.8218029


>> No.8218036


>> No.8218039

that depends
i hope you like my reply

>> No.8218045

Hitler youth was done in 2010

>> No.8218048

if u have good jaw and cheekbones, buzzcut all the way

>> No.8218059

How does your nose factor in? I don't have a huge nose but it's definitely a strong feature.

>> No.8218066

I didn't.


>> No.8218072


>> No.8218096

>it just started getting popular last year so if I pretend it was done 4 years ago I'll seem so trendy and knowing XD!

>> No.8218117
File: 35 KB, 268x705, EdgyCapture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8218130

>just started getting popular last year

>> No.8218156
File: 16 KB, 387x291, kim-jong-un.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8218347

Can you have an HY with shitty asian hair? (Even though I'm not asain)

I tried before but it doesn't look right so I let it grow out. I might go for a buzzcut if nothing works out. I

>> No.8218364
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>> No.8218377

haha that's funny

>> No.8218536

That's like a down syndrome bowlcut

>> No.8218540

Buzzcut, Hitler Youth is for faggots.

>> No.8218732

buzz is safer and requires way less less (no) styling/maintenance

hy has more potential to be effay/stand out if done right, more potential to be atrocious if done wrong. Although if it is done wrong you can always just buzz it.

dont forget faded back and sides buzz also

>> No.8218742
File: 83 KB, 510x625, brad-pitt-perfect-buzz-cut.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>buzz is safer
I disagree with this, as much as a hitler youth depends on a sharp or square jawline to not look like shit, a buzzcut requires a person to have above average facial features in general, especially headshape, to pull off.

>> No.8218750

very true, take trunks for example his head is weird and he's ugly as shit in general, doubly so because of his buzzcut

>> No.8218756

It can also make a guy look scary as fuck, but if done right it can be very masculine. HY can make a guy look like a puff, but if done right it can look very chic.

>> No.8218834

I got a HY, I looked like the ponciest ponce to ever ponce past the ponce shop.
I buzzed it all off, I looked like a cancer patient in Auschwitz.

I should just kill myself.

>> No.8218853

that's not a buzzcut u idiot
short hair =/=

>> No.8218902

You're autistic as all hell, that is obviously a buzzcut. All buzzcuts dont range only from 0 or 1, you can easily get a 2. Besides, its obvious that he buzzed his hair and if anything it grew a little.

>> No.8218930


well what did you expect taking advice from fags?

hopefully this experience will teach you a little common sense.

Or that you need to lift and grow a beard to look like your sex identity.

>> No.8218946


>> No.8218978

>I buzzed it all off, I looked like a cancer patient in Auschwitz.
thats the point

>> No.8219173
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>> No.8219251

What is the next hairstyle that will take hold on /fa/?

>> No.8219325

That rule applies to ALL haircuts.

>> No.8219349


why are we shitting on trunks for no reason

like not trolling here, he never posts and when he does he seems nice, and i saw those pics of him helping at an old folks home

he seems cool

>> No.8219351


that's not a fucking buzzcut then

it's a fake buzz/a overgrown buzz

it's not a buzzcut

>> No.8219357


Because he's an arrogant shit for using a name on an anonymous message board.

If he was a drawfag or had taste it'd be a different story

>> No.8220664

buzz regular

hy for fun

>> No.8220676


Exact same thing there.

But it doesn't really work, because hair need to grow, so when the fuck do you decide " heh, i should let it grow ".

>> No.8220684

you dont

just when u think ur gonna let it grow, u buzz it off for a clean nice look

rinse and repeat and at some point itll look longer than usual and u get that perfect hy

>> No.8220692

also mohawking and side trimming every once in a while

is this really a question?

>> No.8220723
File: 134 KB, 300x300, 1399689207620.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what's the best way to go about achieving a hy? my hair isn't quite long enough to get results like in OP's pic. do i grow my hair out longer and deal with it looking shitty in the process or do i get it cut to that style and maintain it until it grows to the right length?

>> No.8220741

would like to know the answer to this too

>> No.8220742

>cut to that style and maintain

>> No.8220748

which is better for curly hair?

>> No.8220752

It doesn't matter you fuccbois

>> No.8221925


>> No.8222121
File: 139 KB, 449x407, BuzzcutOrNot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You guys think I could pull of the buzzcut look?

>> No.8222155

yes, for sure
your hair is p short atm so just go for it

>> No.8222332

I'll try it during summer, if it doesn't work atleast I wont sweat as much.

>> No.8222487

chill dude its still buzzed

>> No.8222655

are you retarded? I have literally had HY since 2010 and im not even the same guy, it got popular here (northern europe) in late 2009.

>> No.8222679

Buzzcut literally only works if you have a perfect skull shape. If your noggin ends up looking odd under all that hair, you're kinda screwed.

>> No.8223515


>> No.8223538
File: 63 KB, 600x600, bork bork bork.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw beautiful skull

>> No.8223586

Been gone since like... fall 2013 and its incredible to see you people still talking about these 2 cuts, let alone HY

>> No.8223652

The angle is more important.

90 degree angle noses will really make a buzzcut shine.

>> No.8223679

Hitler Youth is effayy this year.
Do it faggot

>> No.8223764


yes it is. obviously a #3 or #4

sorry to break it to you man you seem to be pretty emotionally invested in it not being one

>> No.8223783
File: 50 KB, 406x382, 1398487042654.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw fringe and top too short to get a proper HY
>tfw i realizewd my cheekbones are too high

just kill me already

>> No.8223862

>Cheekbones too high
>no such thing

>> No.8223872


It's still a "buzzcut" at #2 and even 3-4. just because it's stupid to get a #3 buzz cut doesn't mean it isn't a buzz cut

1/10 made me reply

>> No.8224139

well, i feel them out of place, maaybe because is the first time i get a HY and i´m not used to my real facial aesthetics

>> No.8224150

>my cheekbones are too high

Unless they're parallel with your eyebrows they're not too high.

>> No.8224182

>implying it's cheekbone height that determines cheekbone aesthetics and hollow cheeks

No stupid it's how prominent they are, low or high that looks good, although non prominent high > non prominent low, prominent low = prominent high

See Johnny depp for prominent low

>> No.8224219

you have to have great aesthetics for buzz cut because it draws the eye to your face. super masculine (sometimes wrongly considered ugly), feminine or andro aesthetics work the best with it. short, textured hair is best if you have an unaesthetic face. that way you can draw attention away from the face, control the head shape proportions and hair line a bit, but its not too long or "look at me" to make u look like a try hard ugly faggot

>> No.8224252

this, i´m a hideous babyface cunt and i have a large fringe to hide it, today i just gave it a squared shape and faded a bit my sides, i think when it grows mre it will look nice, also, no poo will help to that texturized part

>> No.8225408

does buzzcut work for bad hairline, HY i can push it over side and i looks decent

>> No.8225443


I thought the buzz was an epic maymay to make fags shave their heads?

>> No.8225462

fucking this. with a buzzcut i look like a fucking cop killer

>> No.8227059

most things that gain facebook level popularity were happening and potentially considered mainstream four years prior
2010 isn't even long ago, it might seem like that to you because you were probably in primary school back then

>> No.8228852

I had HY 6 years ago. Officially died two years ago.

>> No.8228866

buzzcut is the only choice for the bad hairline.
3mm buzzcut without beard / skinny body = heroin chic skinhead mode
3mm buzzcut with beard / slightly ripped body = masculine inmate convict mode