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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 604 KB, 1280x1185, Guy Bilbout.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8214816 No.8214816 [Reply] [Original]


Is it weird to go shopping alone? Do you do it?

>> No.8214820

No and yes.

>> No.8214827

/thread. It is useful, but not required, to have someone with good taste with you.

>> No.8214828

I am always scared to meet a group of people I know doing something together and looking like a loner faggot who goes shopping alone

>> No.8214829

>tfw all my friends dress like total shit

>> No.8214833
File: 640 KB, 1280x1185, 1399771982381.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8214835

I only shop alone

why would you want somebody else with you?

>> No.8214836

>/fa/ - Crippling social anxiety


>> No.8214843


can't believe you're still on this board

10/10 keep doing your thing


>> No.8214846

Holy shit.
Good job, outdid yourself.

>> No.8214848

you missed a spot
baldchen you've upset me

>> No.8214849

I hope you're the original
it sucks, don't it?

>> No.8214893
File: 42 KB, 276x268, 1392958887805.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck this happened to me once

>hot day in july
>nothing to do
>find out that a warehouse sale is occuring two streets away from my house
>that's why i've been seeing fashion qts all summer in my ghetto-ass part of town
>get dressed and go there
>spend an hour there trying to see if i know anyone there so i can avoid them
>get a few things and head to the register relieved that i met no one i know
>as i walk to the counter, lock eyes with THREE girls i kind of know
>literally point at me and laugh

true story
i know its hard to believe because it sounds exactly like what people fear the most but it happened
i laughed it off too cuz i'm not a faggot but damn i'd be lying if i said i wasn't feeling like pic related at that moment

>> No.8214898

Stop caring what other people think you insecure motherfucker.

>> No.8214901

Fuck them, why should you always have to have people with you when you go out?

>> No.8214918

>literally point at me and laugh
What the fuck?
Why did they laugh?
And why did you laugh along what in the fuck

>> No.8214921

He's clearly autistic or awkward or whatever the losers call themselves these days.

>> No.8214922

fuck u man even the most badass motherfucker feels a twinge of awkwardness when people team up to point at them and laugh

anyway im friends with the three girls so i didnt give too much of a fuck but you'd feel the same way i bet

you don't

OP listen to everybody here and do your thing
i see people shopping alone all the time

>> No.8214934


idk maybe because the type of people that shop at that store (scrawny hipsters) isn't something people would associate with my personality unless they know me better. I never really thought about it too much

and i didn't laugh with them, i laughed it off in my mind instead of feeling sad or awkward

>> No.8214935 [DELETED] 

I shop alone all the fucking time

I also smoke alone, watch stuff alone, skate alone, etc

Idgaf, if and when people do become my friends I guess we'll do stuff together, but I'm not willing to go out and find/make friends

You don't make friends that way, just leaches.

>> No.8214957


the lone ranger

>> No.8214968

I shop alone all the fucking time

I also smoke alone, watch stuff alone, skate alone, etc

Idgaf, if and when people do become my friends I guess we'll do stuff together, but I'm not willing to go out and find/make friends

You don't make friends that way, just leaches.

>> No.8214976

kek my professor illustrated that

>> No.8214982

People actually shop with other people?

>> No.8214983

your prof is guy bilbout?
tell him i love this image

what does it mean tho

>> No.8214990
File: 39 KB, 300x449, kanye-west-kanye-west-seen-shopping-for_3757122.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shopping alone is the only way to shop.

Why would you need someone else giving you advice if you're supposed to create your own style?

>> No.8214992

my teenage sister always goes in packs of four

her friends and her can't seem to be able to do anything alone

>> No.8214997

>implying i bring people along to pick my clothes and not just tell me when i'm making a mistake
It's quite the opposite, in fact.

>> No.8214999 [DELETED] 

>moved in a new town 8 months ago
>my best friend moved in another one far away from mine
>met some "nice" people in class
>none of them is /fa/
>do not see them but in class
>they don't understand fashion and my style
>met a nice girl, spent time with her doing drugs, she's close to me
>invited at birthdays parties with the class, pretty cool but not my kind of people
>don't hang out with people of my class
>shopping alone when there's almost no one in the malls, trying to avoid people
>a guy I love rejected me
>spending my time wandering alone and waiting for the summer to come to see my best friend again

>> No.8215006

boy what a shitty greentext

>> No.8215011

this is not tumblr

>> No.8215018

fuck you too

>> No.8215019

yes haha, I will mention it.

A lot of his work deals with light, reflection is a property of light. My best guess is that in his reflection of the character, the character is 'lightened' in an emotional sense. His work is simple like that; yet there is usually something to read into- typically one element.

>> No.8215021

If you're making a mistake you need to learn from your mistake.

That's why there's a thing called Exchanges & Returns.

Contrary to your contrary.

>> No.8215026

I don't return clothing. I take it to the charity. I vote liberal after all.

>> No.8215028

>posts awful unrelated greentext
>gets upset when called out for it


>> No.8215032

You're naive then and that was an ignorant post.

>> No.8215034

wow i like that, like a meaningful visual haiku

it feels refreshing to find modern art where the artist only tries to convey one element, and not some convoluted "deeper meaning", usually trite bullshit anyway.

props to him

>> No.8215046

>moved in a new town 8 months ago
>my best friend moved in another one far away from mine
>met some "nice" people in class
>none of them is /fa/
>do not see them but in class
>they don't understand fashion and my style
>met a nice girl, spent time with her doing drugs, she's close to me
>invited at birthdays parties with the class, pretty cool but not my kind of people
>don't hang out with people of my class
>shopping alone when there's almost no one in the malls, trying to avoid people
>a guy I love rejected me
>spending my time wandering alone and waiting for the summer to come to see my best friend again

Can't escape

>> No.8215048

you win most immature anon of the year award


>> No.8215049

He's someone who identifies more with illustration than fine art. Which is my major. Illustration is all about telling a story or 'illustrating' something. He's been my best professor in terms of helping me say exactly what I want to say and nothing more.

I know he's pretty well known but its cool to see his work in the wild.

>> No.8215050

>deletes post
>whines that people called him out on it

>> No.8215051

are you at qt grill?

>> No.8215057

that's not my post, it belongs to this cry-baby: >>8215048

>> No.8215059

what does he teach?

>> No.8215115


>> No.8215121

i shop alone all the time
i dont want to be hindered by other people when im in my zone

>> No.8215140

nigga that green text was a repost.

>> No.8215149

are you a qt grill?

>> No.8215160

this. I was shopping with a friend and said "that is so you!" and at the time I thought I'd give it a shot.

Returned it the week after.

Sometimes friends can be a good second opinion, but you gotta be sure YOU like that shit.

>> No.8215229

>"that is so you!"
why are you friends with people that talk like they are on Sex and the City

>> No.8215249
File: 110 KB, 384x313, 1340433133397.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

beats me

>> No.8215263

I ONLY go shopping alone. That way, I don't get bogged down by other people distracting and talking to me while I'm trying to make decisions on how to spend money.

>> No.8215284

I shopped alone earlier today. It's so efficient but I regret shopping in person altogether because most brick&mortars have shit selection and stupid pricing. Almost copped the H&M black bomber today.

>> No.8215306

is it a swaggy bomber

because i might buy it
i need a good bomber

>> No.8215383


>> No.8215402

fuck off

>> No.8215405

I'd shop with my guy friends if they had good taste

>> No.8215422

he's teaching my 'visual stories' class but he also teaches other courses

>> No.8215437

I'm pretty sure you aren't a teenage girl.

>> No.8215445

same. never shop with people. they get in the fucking way. They don't want to wait for me to dig in places I'm interested, and frankly I don't want to wait for their shit either. Going to the movies, eating out, etc. is weird alone - shopping is totally fine.

>> No.8215447

suck my dick
no I am not
but my sister is

>> No.8215463

A few of us seem to own it as I've seen them discussed and posted numerous times in black bomber threads. I'm not sure about "swaggy" but those threads deem it sufficient and I thought it was pretty nice in-store.

>> No.8215484

I do skate, smoke, and shop alone too. I don't watch stuff alone (usually with my roommate), but I do eat out alone quite often. I do have friends to skate and smoke with sometimes but I'm just usually busy/lazy and don't feel like arranging it.
Doing stuff yourself is totally normal. If anything it is better than being scared shitless of doing shit alone. Independence.

>> No.8215499

ye man
road to success and effayness is a lonesome road

>> No.8215528

I don't know about you guys but I dress terrible when shopping. I don't feel like wearing heavy pants or multiple layers when I'm going to take them off to try on clothing. I always wear sweat shorts or something. I guess that's why I get bad service sometimes.

>> No.8215585

I intentionally wear shitty clothing when I go into high end stores and if I get bad service then I go buy it somewhere else or online. It's kinda like when your shopping for a car.

>> No.8215593

no im too self conscious to


>> No.8215607

and I thought I was insecure

I hate shopping with other people
they slow you down
you have to wait for them to try on all their shit (which takes hours)
you have to give them fake opinions/compliments which they never end up taking
you have to go to crap stores which you dont like

only pros are having someone to lunch with/them spotting something u otherwise wouldnt have

>> No.8215616

yeah same but i'm always dressed terribly

>> No.8215617

>smoke alone, watch stuff alone


wathcing movies with ppl is annoying too- esp when they wont stfu and add unnecessary distracting comments thru the whole thing

>> No.8215652

Shopping with other grills is awful. I prefer to shop alone - I don't have to listen to other people's pleb input and also I can spend as much time as I want making my mind or whatever.

>> No.8215664


>> No.8215674


>literally point at me and laugh

what the fuck?

are you some sort of weird social outcast or some shit? why would anyone point and laugh at someone shopping?

>> No.8216739


as multiple anons have pointed out, not being able to do stuff by yourself is teenage-girly-level bullshit.
I always go shopping alone for all the reasons pointed out in this thread.

>> No.8216770

Why would you ever shop with someone else?

The only reason I can imagine is that they are paying for your shit and want to see you try it on, in which case: Say hi to your mum/mom, or stop being someone's sugar baby.

>> No.8216772

Yeah I have mental breakdowns everytime I go to grocery store to buy KitKat by myself. WHAT IF SOMEBODY SEES ME?! WHAT DO I DO?! EMBARRASING

>> No.8216960

yeah what the fuck. I've been to shitty sample sales etc and never thought to feel embarassed.

>> No.8216966

lmao. underrated post of the day.

>> No.8217076


i havent even considered this as an issue

i dont shop as a social activity, i do it for the clothes, and if i happen to run in to a friend im confident enough to tell them that I'm just shopping

>> No.8217092

>tfw only /fa/ friend has a way higher price range than me

>> No.8217107

i dont understand people who cant go shopping alone its usually better since you dont have someone nagging you to go someplace else.

>> No.8217136

>>8217107 i agree, shopping with other can be fucking annoying
Especially if they can't dress

>> No.8217138

I shop alone or with my girlfriend. If I were to phone up one of my male friends and ask them to go shopping they would probably call me a poof and hang up.

>> No.8217198

>Going to the movies, eating out, etc.

I do both of those alone. If I want to see a film and nobody wants to go with me, am I supposed to just not see it? Fuck that, I go see it. At least nobody is talking to me during it.

I probably wouldn't eat out in a high-end restaurant, but if there's a cafe or a place to grab a quick lunch, I'll happily sit at a table and eat my meal. I'm not going to eat inferior food just because nobody happens to be with me.

Also for anyone interested, /tv/ has a Solo Cinema Guide.

>> No.8217210

Never tried going to the cinema alone
Isn't it incredibly awkward?

>> No.8217218

liberals don't charity, that's what taxes and welfare are for

>> No.8217235

I used to go by myself all the time. I'd walk there, bring a flask full of 151, drink during the movie, then walk home drunk.

fuck off normalfag

>> No.8217256

I was really self-conscious at first, but then I stopped caring.

You just go there, buy a ticket, and sit down. It's like getting on the bus or something. People care more about the film than some person sitting alone.

>> No.8217264

ive been going to the cinema alone for years cuz i dont have any friends or gf and i really enjoy it
i can focus on and fully experience the movie, noones there to annoy me (except other people in the cinema of course)

but if youre the type of guy to go to the cinema to go to the cinema, not for a movie then u dont belong here m8

>> No.8217280

eeh, I do it alone mostly, and if I do bring a friend, it's because I want to hang out with that person, not because I necessarily want to buy clothes.

>> No.8217288

If my friends tag along is cool, they usually never say anything or comment on the things I buy.
I can go both ways
>n-no h-homo

>> No.8217291

>but if youre the type of guy to go to the cinema to go to the cinema, not for a movie then u dont belong here m8

I'm not, I just tend to enjoy company in the cinema

>> No.8217300
File: 266 KB, 1216x1251, jesuschrist.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

christ /tv/ is insecure on a whole other level

do they actually think people care this much when someone goes to a movie alone?

>> No.8217304
File: 189 KB, 420x560, 23339315.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw I only go when a girl invites me and is only making out.

I've only been to the movies about 4 times in the last 5 years tho

>> No.8217314

I've been laughed at. The problem with that guide isn't that you're using all these techniques to avoid being noticed or mocked, when really you should just learn not to give a shit if you are.

>> No.8217316

>I've been laughed at

pls elaborate

>> No.8217317

holy shit that is bad

who cares it's just a film

>> No.8217325

Usually groups of kids/teens when I go to see capeshit film. They'll have a good bit of jeering for some quick schadenfreude before the film starts.

Never had anyone confront me directly though.

>> No.8217333

it usually isn't, but I had one bad experience

>be me
>go to the cinema, stand in line until it's my turn
>"one ticket please"
>the cashier just stares at me, dumb bitch
>she says "just one?"
>"yup, just one"
>"do you want me to reserve the seats next to yours?"
>think to myself ok, she just wants to offer good service, but still "no, but thanks"
>"uuuuuhm, is anyone going to come later?"
>"nope, I don't think so"
>continues to stare at me in blatant disbelieve
>gives me my ticket

What makes this even worse is that I was seeing Only God Forgives. Half-empty cinema, and most people left during it. Whatever

>> No.8217344

wtf your countries/people are fucked in the head
where are u from? us?
I dont think I ever went to movies alone, wanted to sometimes but always ended up not going. usually did it with gf, but not for movies, for making out/fingering whatever, and with friends ofc.
but srsly, fucking SCHOOL KIDS laughin at you, who is probably 20+ or near?

>> No.8217346

I've had similar where the guy was overly apologetic. Like I clarified that I just wanted one ticket, and he was all "Oh right, I'm sorry, it's okay, just one, right, sorry."

>> No.8217350

>wtf your countries/people are fucked in the head

It only happened once, I wouldn't say it's typical for people here. I'm from Germany.

>> No.8217353

>>8217325 here, UK.

It's usually either 10-year-old little shits or 13-year-old chav types who think they're hardcore.

It used to make me feel embarrassed or angry, now I can laugh at it. It's kind of endearing in a way.

>> No.8217368

that's kinda depressing but yeah, it's no big deal to go by yourself to the movies

>> No.8217371

>i'm not a faggot
>spend an hour there trying to see if i know anyone there so i can avoid them

>> No.8217380

the fuck, what kind of autists go to /tv/
just ask for a ticket a watch the damn thing jesus. no need to prepare fucking turducken or whatever.

>> No.8217384

Lol you guys are over thinking this shit wayyy too much and I guess that's what shows and makes people laugh at you. Humans have a great capacity to sense self confidence and fear (just like dogs) and if you're scared and are over-thinking something it will show.

>> No.8217388
File: 25 KB, 296x288, poor frog.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw all my friends dress like plebs
>tfw theres only like 2 guys in my college that don't dress like plebs
>tfw I dont share interests other than fashion or classes with them so we never actually see each other
>mfw I live in a small shitty town in the UK- I wish I lived in a big city where theres more than 200 students in the college

>> No.8217402

I'm guessing by college you mean sixth form or a community college?

Go to university. You'll meet interesting, effay people.

>> No.8217405

>tfw I dont share interests other than fashion or classes with them so we never actually see each other

you share fashion and classes so talk about that you twat other things will pop up naturally

>> No.8217564

Yeah, I meant sixth form. And yeah I'm planning on taking a gap year before uni just because I don't know what to do. I'm retardedly apathetic right now.

Oh, sorry. I meant to say that we also don't share classes as they are in the lower year so I rarely see them. There would be no problem if I actually had classes with them, I'm not that much of an aspie when it comes to socialising.

>> No.8217594

Either way anon. Go to a real city when picking a university.

Seriously Manchester, Bristol and London are your best bets. Bristol or London if you care about music too.

>> No.8217621

it kinda matters what course you do as well though. I do a Games Dev course and all it is is fedoracore, catearscore & autism.

Made friends with a couple that dress okay though, and a guy who wears his pokemon gym badges on his hoodie...

>> No.8217645

in america colleges are ghetto as shit
my alma matter and ex-professor recently was busted for distribution of meth, possession of unregistered firearms and discovered that he was a chapter president of well known M/C

they alluded to him in sons of anarchy

>> No.8217691

If you're a male and you go out to try on clothes with other males you're a colossal faggot.

If you do it with girls you're either a faggot or you have mommy issues.

If you're a girl and you go shopping alone you must have a pretty lonely existence although sometimes that is necessary and you shouldn't feel too bad about it.

>> No.8217729
File: 1.79 MB, 263x350, pricey.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Out shopping alone - As always.
>Had heard from a mate that there was a sale on some decent brands downtown, because a semi decent fashion store was closing.
>Get down there solo, pick out a couple of clothes and try them out. No mirror in the changing booths because it's a big blowout sale or something I didn't really know.
>2 grills from my class are there when I come out, say a quick hello and try some more shit on.
>When trying on the worst sweater of the bunch, one grill comments "Anon, you can wear anything and it looks great."
>Say a quick thank you, and get to the register, end off with a pair of Won Hundred jeans and a belt for 64 dollars, not to mention a compliment from a qt.3,14.

Nigga shopping alone is the shit - Ain't nobody there to mess up your purchases. Just don't be a insecure beta faggot about it.

>> No.8217738

my m8s don't share ny taste and would probably be shocked by the amount i'm willing to pay for clothes. Solo errytime.

>> No.8217751

Shopping with others sucks. I feel too pressured to hurry up in the changing rooms or i'm afraid of dragging them somewhere where they don't want to be.

Also, how the fuck is it weird to shop alone. People I know (UK) do it all the time. Also, why the hell would anyone care anyway? Such a weird thread.

>> No.8217756

> In America colleges are ghetto
If there's one thing America can do right, it's having decent colleges. (Not counting the shitty tuition prices)

>> No.8218353

y are u friends w/ them if they pointed at you and laughed

>> No.8218392

Unless you bring someone with the same style you have it's better to go alone. If you go with someone with a different style you probably will get a bit bored of eachother because you'd likely want to check out different kind of stores.

>> No.8218431

Can you people post some sort of picture of yourself when posting your feels? (Face blocked is ok)

I am having a hard time imagining if you are just normal dudes or not.

>> No.8218445

what defines a normal dude? I consider myself normal, even though I definitely have some issues.

>> No.8218455

You clearly didn't go to a university. Don't talk about subjects you don't know anything about.

>> No.8218597 [DELETED] 

There's some video game speedrunner who wears nail polish as a gimmick and it made me realize just how stupid it is.

>> No.8218662

Beats shopping with your mom~!

>> No.8218701

Me too.
If I run in to somebody I know, they're usually alone too. kek

>> No.8218705

it's your fault for going to see shitty movies
why not just stream them on your computer, and save up money for a real show?

>> No.8218737

Confederacy of Dunces

>> No.8218784

I buy all my gear on the internet. What kind of garbage are you guys buying at the mall? I bet none of you are talking about going to the F.I.L store together tih some friends to try on some visvim