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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 589 KB, 1000x1000, STEELERS-SHORTS-GREY-FRONT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8212274 No.8212274 [Reply] [Original]

I'm building a high quality basic wardrobe and need recommendations on basic tees, shirts, sweatshirts/hoodies, shorts (specifically sweat shorts), sweatpants and jeans.
Where do you cop your basic shit?
Looking for particularly high quality basics.

>> No.8212278
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bumping with basics

>> No.8212280

u can find a lot of a.p.c/acne on ebay or grailed for like half of rrp in vgc
if u wanna go all out and cop Jil n that tho its gonna cost way more obvs
>tfw i just copped an acne and patty e sweat for $70 shipped as a bday present for my brother
ty based anon

>> No.8212281
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>> No.8212288
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When people here talk about quality what exactly do they mean? Is there a price point where the quality pretty much peaks?

>> No.8212295
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thanks for the reply mayn. For a budget id say:
tees - up to 60
shirts - 70
sweatshirts/hoodies - 75
shorts - 75
sweatpants - 90
jeans - 150
All in aus dollars and only an estimate

Obliviously I'd prefer cheaper prices, but I don't want to compromise quality at all.

>> No.8212296

cop uniqlo suprema

>> No.8212301

thats p low tbh
keep checking ebay/grailed/sufu for 2nd hand ol/a.p.c/acne stuff
its not the best , most of it is made in like turkey n that but its still a lot better than h&m etc (goes without saying)
you can find great deals if u keep an eye out
couple OL oxfords on grailed for example near brand new for like £30

>> No.8212304
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When I say quality I mean the material and craftsmanship sorta thing, like a quality tee won't have broken stitches after 2 months.

>> No.8212314
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Alrighty cheers.
Also wondering, when buying from places like a.p.c, acne, norse what exactly am I paying for? A brand name? Non-slave labour or something?

>> No.8212318
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still bumpin

>> No.8212319

cut , design , the wages of everyone who works for [brand name] lel
but you're really just buying clothes that are better than average

>> No.8212320
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>> No.8212325

better than average construction and material wise that is (i assume , fascist is probs the best person to comment on this)
soz im kinda out of it 2day so my posts might b even harder 2 read than they r usually

>> No.8212337

I've always liked J-Crew for basics..
Someones probably going to pipe in that they fall apart within a week.

>> No.8212339
File: 47 KB, 540x960, 1398685923090.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks you've helped a ton, I thought this thread would probs just go straight to shit. seriously thanks.

>> No.8212340

Thanks for the reply, I dunno much about jcrew since im aus. i'll check it out

>> No.8212344


>> No.8212346

>that name
gets me everytime

potential good thread
bumping for more

>> No.8212351
File: 114 KB, 1000x1500, mki.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Experiences with MKI? A lot of there stuff looks good, just unsure if cheaply made or fits bad?

>> No.8212358

ty, hope it gets big

>> No.8212363

w-whats wrong with my name

>> No.8212379

i just have to yawn everytime i read your name+mail

>> No.8212383

as for brands that i have copped and stuff: a.p.c., acne, yaeca (needs proxying, or you can order from inventory magazine's store), base range (women's, but their sweatpants and most tops are p much unisex imo, extra comfy as well) p much do the trick for me.

other brands you should probably check out would be nonnative, beams plus, nanamica, and sophnet.

as for price range, the stuff i have listed prolly ain't gonna be in that area but then it's worth getting since the quality of the fabric and the cut would definitely be what you're gonna pay for.

>> No.8212385
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I'm aiming for a slightly more basic bitch version of these guys

>> No.8212397
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Thanks this is exactly what I was hoping for

>> No.8212399

>tfw /fit/
>tfw big thighs
ill never be /fa/ like these fags now

cutting hard and just doing strength to loose some mass

>> No.8212425


Shit those suprema cotton shirts are fucking great

Besides that go to acnestudios if you can afford it. If you're poor I recommend Uniqlo

>> No.8212436

i reckon it makes him yawn
saying yawn has the same contagious effect as someone actually yawning

>> No.8212437

no problem! (●´ω`●) literally almost all of the brands that i have mentioned are japanese, but hopefully you'll be able to find some overseas retailers that sell them!

it totally depends on the aesthetic and purpose of clothing that you're going for too, so keep that in mind while shopping for basics! i.e. shopping for cropped trousers for the summer, looser tee to layer over with something on top, etc.

>> No.8212442

Sure you can, buy Yoolius
Tatsuro got yo back

>> No.8212443

w2c paragraph post about what constitutes low/high quality materials and stitching with more information than a general statement about durability

>> No.8212456

I hope you feel better soon, ilu yawn

>> No.8212457

kind of busting my budget, but maybe that is my only problem

>> No.8212465

I'm in tasmania which is desolate when it comes to even mall fashion, is there a way to get uniqlo shipped? ty btw

>> No.8212469
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ok will do! ty again

>> No.8212476

You can make it anon
lurk yahoo!jp, rak, sufu
poet's on your side man
p o w e r s e a s o n

Really though Julius pants are pretty much goat for those without skeletor-skinny legs

Hope they start an Australian online store
Or order from overseas with a proxy

>> No.8212482
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holy shit i have this same problem! hoping that broadening my shoulders will get my v taper back on track, ty for post

>> No.8212484

>You can make it anon
aww, ty

>> No.8212491

will a proxy really work? i know next to nothing about proxys, how do i find one? ty

>> No.8212507
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>> No.8212520

Best plain white tee for up to £60?

>> No.8212540
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>> No.8212546

hows cos quality wise?

>> No.8212550
File: 23 KB, 380x500, 1410461-our-legacy-mid-sleeve-tee-white-frote-00.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i've got no idea. keep lurking this thread tho, that's what this is about. ty

>> No.8212551


>> No.8212552

cant choose between acne or sandro linen t shirt

>> No.8212558

more expensive h&m branch
pics for basics look decent, but qlo is probably better

>> No.8212564

most of the clothing that you purchase is made out of either cotton, linen, rayon (and it's other synthetic fibre friends), polyester, wool, or bamboo. i'm just going to talk about cotton as much as i could since most clothing is made out of cotton! i don't know anything about stitching though, sorry :(

the quality of cotton is based on measurements for fiber length, strength and length, micronaire (a measure of the cotton's fineness), color grade, color reflectance (luster), color yellowness [copypasted from wikipedia]. there are also many different types of cotton as well, being: american upland (what you normally find in stores), american pima (high end clothing cotton), egyptian (what you'd expect for quality bedding), and sea island.
basically if you're talking about ranking, sea island is top tier, and american upland is pleb tier.

anyway, on to properties of these respective cottons:

>american upland
what you'd find in h&m, uniqlo, etc. most common cotton there is due to inexpensiveness to produce. texture is roughest compared to the rest of the cottons out there, and is often gone under mercerization (to increase luster) to create a more exquisite effect. if anything says "made out of cotton", assume that it's made out of this. don't get your hopes up.
>american pima
what you'd find in higher end stores. there are six grades of pima cotton, and the higher the grade is, the more yellow and luster it has. i don't know much about pima cotton so if anyone knows about it, please contribute!
what you'd find in higher end stores as well. cotton will get softer over time, and often has a high thread count -- meaning that the strength of the fabric itself is quite strong. it's breathability is also quite high.
>sea island
finest and most expensive cotton available, and is often mixed with silk. what you'd probably find in high-end tailoring or clothing.

>> No.8212567

just looked at sandro for the first time, noice. seeing as i've only heard of acne before i'd say that's a safer option.
would you recommend linen or cotten tees? whats the diff?


>> No.8212582

linens lighter for summer

>> No.8212586

better watch out for cough then
see this
linen is usually more breathable and thinner but that depends on the constitution of the item
to quote fascist
>As with any fabric, weight depends on the yarn/ply of yarn and is not a function of the weave unto itself.
but yeah its getting hot here so im dying for a nice slightly sheer , super breathable T
only item i have from sandro is their marble shirt and it's gr8
i would say sandro > acne but i cant really compare when i only own 1 item of theirs

>> No.8212591
File: 596 KB, 2980x2250, 1398467850716.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fucking great reply m8

>> No.8212597

linen has the strength of 2-3 times of cotton (making it less easy to rip), and it is smoother. however, it wrinkles pretty easily, and doesn't have as much elasticity to it.

as for textures, cotton is softer and fluffier, whereas linen is quite smooth, and a bit coarse compared to cotton. linen also feels cool because of it's breathability, that's why it's popular for summer wear.

:> hope this helps

>> No.8212610

alrighty, im a sweaty fucker at times so linen it is i guess. cheers

>> No.8212613

Check out reigning champ

>> No.8212618

fuck yeah it helped, linen is what im after now. thanks!

>> No.8212632

thanks haven't checked there for ages, do you know if their "2-PACK SS TEE" is 2 tees? it's been buging me for a while ahaha

>> No.8212633

try and hunt for linen/cotton blends though. even though the "cotton" part might turn you off a bit, having a pure linen shirt would make it more hectic to take care of, since it may turn brittle if you don't take care of it! (don't baby it though, that's gross)

>> No.8212637

i mean *bugging

>> No.8212645

yer ok ty, i'll keep an eye out. do you buy full cotton tee also?

>> No.8212647

yeah its two. I'm looking for the perfect white t shirt and rc is on my list to try next

>> No.8212654

oh cool, def make a thread when you find the one! reigning champ tees seem a tad to cheap to be the GOAT white tee, but idek im new

>> No.8212657

thank you!! ( ´ ▽ ` )ノシ
yeah i own a few pure cottons tees, most of them being american upland to pima tier since price and all that. i mostly use the lower-quality ones for sleepwear though. it's pretty easy to tell what is low quality cotton though through the price of the product or through what the product is and who it is by, i.e. shirts that you would find on society6 and etc would probably be upland tier. i might be wrong though O_O

>> No.8212674


I'm just going to tell you where I copped my basic garments

> tees - acne, jil sander, wang
> sweatshirts - acne
> shorts - norse
> sweatpants - acne
> jeans - acne

and yes, I love acne

>> No.8212682
File: 280 KB, 1000x1000, 05-02-2014_np_jamesathleticlogotee_paleirisblue_d1x.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ok, where would one cop pima tier tees? wold you say reigning champ or norse is that level or no


>> No.8212686

>and yes, I love acne
made me lol for some reason ahaha, thanks i'll check out acne sweatpants

>> No.8212701

also whats the deal with wang tees? people seem to say they are cheap quality? is it just for the superb fit?

>> No.8212709

this thread is helping me a bunch

>> No.8212711

These threads always do!

>> No.8212720
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das it mayn

>> No.8212730

i've never copped anything from norse or RC before! i'm guessing they both probably use cotton blends of pima and upland since i'm sure they make high-quality basics. if not, then it's probably not worth the price they're offering!!

>> No.8212776

ok, im hoping it's good because it seems to be recommended regularishly. 1:30 in aus so im sleepin, thanks for all u contributed, this has been the most helpful time ive been here, hope this keeps going while im out

>> No.8212783

ty mayn

>> No.8213302

u roq

>> No.8213398
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New arrival to the UK from NZ here, totally unaware of shops over here. Where should I cop my cheap basics from, online maybe?

>> No.8213407

Sunspel or go home.

They use either Sea Island or Egyptian cotton, at a pricepoint lower than shitty Norse.

They don't have any non zip hoodies though ;(

>> No.8213678


i own a tencel tee and the fit is boxy but the way it drapes makes it perfect. it's the type of tee you could wear everyday with different shit and it wouldn't get old

but yeah they aren't constructed the best, they're cheaper than your usual designer fare but should last awhile if you don't fuck around too much with em

>> No.8213774 [DELETED] 
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>looking thru grailed
>see this pic
hmm looks familiar

>> No.8213780


cosmic butts <3

i'm thinking about messaging him through grailed just to annoy him

>> No.8213789

don't be a jerk, anon

>> No.8213794


i know thats you cosmic don't even try to deny it

>> No.8213799

sunspel suuucks. not cheaper than norse either unless you're looking at some inflated international prices

>> No.8213961

Seems like the only place I can ask about this pair of 501's.
Does anyone know where you can order this colour of 501's? Amazon is out of the size, and any other place I check they don't have this colour which amazon has labeled as just "Blue". So I'm not sure if there is another term for the actual colour of them.

>> No.8214019


would always recommend this

>> No.8214024

Doc 1461's would be a basic, right?
I was thinking of copping but they seem overplayed recently.

>> No.8214025

At the moment Uniqlo is my go-to for basics

I'd spend more if I could find something worth the cost

>> No.8214092
File: 783 KB, 1182x3210, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

W2c slimmer fitting basic shirts

>> No.8214109

Not gonna get anything quality with this budget homie

literally tripple each of those and youll be on track

>> No.8214140

wanna fite?

>> No.8214145

As colour

>> No.8214148

where did you get that shirt?

>> No.8214180


>> No.8214196

good luck there, mate

>> No.8214213

w2c basic jeans? I'm willing to spend about 150€

fuck raws they r 2 complicated and make things blue

>> No.8214221

i don't think that's him, anons.

>> No.8214232

you have plenty of options at that price.

raws are not complicated. just wash with woolite black in cold water and hang dry when you need to wash them. otherwise they're no different than any other jean

>> No.8214234
File: 147 KB, 990x1191, AW13---STANDARD%20JAMES%20PERSE---MLJ3311BLK[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

James Perse

like if you're buying plain acne/apc/whatever shit why not just get James Perse?

It is so good not even Sieg Heil talks shit about it because he acknowledges that it's good stuff. Tees are about $50 a pop

>> No.8214267

honestly, apc and acne are better than perse. jp doesn't make jeans either iirc

>> No.8214293
File: 49 KB, 600x465, 791722[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>apc and acne are better than perse
their what is better?

I personally find that jp tees fit me great, and their tanktops are awesome and like $20 a pop and always there at the nordstrom rack. Super nice hoodies and sweat shorts are a hidden gem.

He makes some twill military-esque pants that are cool but they're very baggy (pic) so you'd have to pinroll them or tailor them to make them fit nice (I just pinroll). Also nice button shirts that are relaxed-fit but not too baggy

and yeah I haven't seen any jeans but I am not a jeans kinda guy so w/e. You should def check out the sweatshorts though

>> No.8214339

i'm not saying it's bad, just that if they were the same price i'd opt for acne or apc for just about everything, including t shirts.

just so happens that jp is more affordable and a great deal if you can find it on sale.

>> No.8214355

the fuck happened to his left arm

>> No.8214365

Do you even skelebones

>> No.8214410

You start from Uniqlo and then work your way up from different brands you like, atleast, that is how I've been progressing after lurking. I'm generally staying 'basic' but I'm moving on to more higher quality things now and I've developed my own taste. Honestly, look around and lurk - /fa/ should be for taking notes.

>> No.8214436

>raws are not complicated. just wash with woolite black in cold water and hang dry when you need to wash them. otherwise they're no different than any other jean
I don't even know what wooltie black is
Also won't they shrink and get smaller if I wash them? Can I put them in a washing machine?

>> No.8214459

I would soak in my bathtub as opposed to putting them in a washing machine m8, woolite black is the shit though

>i don't even know what woolite black is
woolite (the detergent) for black/dark clothing like it's called woolite black...or woolite dark, I don't remember...purple bottle

>> No.8214472

heat is usually what shrinks them. Shrinkage after a wash really isn't a problem with jeans, though, as they stretch back out pretty quickly (in the event that they do shrink).

you can hand wash or try a gentle cycle in a machine. What are you so worried about? I thought you wanted non raws so it'd be less complicated? I'm uncomplicating it for you.

woolite black (or dark whatever it is) is just a detergent designed for dark clothing

>> No.8214489

Ah thanks. I don't really know anything about cleaning products and all, thanks for helping.

When soaking them in the bathtub, how exactly do I go about that?
From what I got the water should be cold and I should way them down with something so they stay on the ground, is that correct? How long do you leave them in there? Should I size up or just cop the size I want to wear? Do I have to touch them in any way to make the color stuff go out or does it work on it's own if I leave it in the water?

Lastly, where can I cop entry level raws? I'm afraid to cop something expensive and then fuck it up completely.
I've stayed away from raws thus far because I'm concerned that they will turn my white shoes and my T's blue

>> No.8214658
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fuck yeah the thread continues!

thank you these guys for helping me out in particular:
>>8214234 (haven't looked there much before ty)

>> No.8214663


>> No.8214670

i'm not a shoes guy soz

>> No.8214677

norse projects has good basics in the style of what i am forced to call 'normcore'; if you're looking for the stock-standard regular cut of t-shirt or whatever in excellent quality, go there. acne and t by wang have slightly more odd/fashion/avant-garde/whatever cuts and they're a bit more expensive

also in the same price as acne you have rag and bone, which isn't discussed a lot here because it's not really /fa/'s style right now but i'm wearing one of their tees right now and these things are comfy as a bitch. nice detailing on them too

>> No.8214680
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bump on this

>> No.8214686

how are the supima shirts compared to their premium tees?

>> No.8214690


basically i think about 100 is the most you should pay before the quality peaks, if we're talking strictly about materials. if you have way too much fucking money you can buy a luxury brand that makes their tees out of virgin blood and the pubic hairs of newborn albino sheep for like 400 bucks or whatever but that's the exception

generally like 70-80 bucks is the most you should pay for a plain tee and 110-120 is the most you should pay for a tee with an unusual cut or a print or something. if you're paying more than that you're paying for the brand or the graphic or whatever- and i'm not saying that's unreasonable. if you want to drop 200 dollars on a raf simons graphic tee or 350 on a drkshdw j-shaped and you have the money then by all means do it, but those are special cases and you should never pay that much for a regular ass tee.

>> No.8214693

they run shorter in length contrary to the measurements posted on qlo

>> No.8214700

that's probably good for me since i'm pretty short. do you know if one is thicker than the other?


>> No.8214707
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any recs for brands? the best basic tees $50ish can buy?

>> No.8214743

cheap monday is a british store i'm really jealous of, as a burgerclap. idk if their basics are any good but their parkas are beautiful and not overpriced at all

>> No.8214761

50ish is kind of a weird middle ground on tees, you see kind of a gap there. some other people in this thread said james perse makes tees around that range so maybe cop one of those and see if it's any good; at that range, though, what i would do is look for other brands on sale or secondhand. tees being tees people usually discount them really heavily when they resell unless they're brand new with tags. you could probably get an acne tee or something for 30-40 bucks if you don't mind it being potentially a bit worn

>> No.8214768

nah sorry I dont. Although the supima one is a good thickness imo

>> No.8214784

alright cheers, other than grailed and sufu do you know of any good secondhand clothes sites? ebay aint shippin clothes in aus

>> No.8215148

w2c. what brand is this?

>> No.8215163

how is everlane for basics?

>> No.8215215

read the denim section on the sticky

>> No.8215230

I have a few of both and honestly I can't tell the difference. The only way I can't tell is by looking at the stitching, which is different between the supima and premium cotton ones.

>> No.8215243
File: 123 KB, 1024x1024, RC_5019_HGRY_NEW_1024x1024.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

norsestore man

>> No.8215250

shit these ones are reighning champ tho, the ones you want are norse

>> No.8215259


>> No.8215278

how bad are hanes tee

>> No.8215320

thanks friends

>> No.8215345

extremely cheaply made and fits bad. i own three sweaters and two tees, sweaters are overpriced and tees have horrible fits, the material from both makes me sad

>> No.8215353

w2c skinny chinos? Uniqlo ones are too wide for me

also, are hanes sweaters worth copping? my other options are CM and James Perse but those cost like 5x of hanes lol

>> No.8215398

don't buy hanes.

>> No.8215430

w2c pants?

>> No.8215434

anywhere to cop julius in AU?

>> No.8215440
File: 10 KB, 229x231, 1399738207821.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You couldn't afford it

>> No.8215457

>literally says in image
This city deserves a better class of idiot and you're gonna give it to them.

>> No.8215460

y doe

shit quality?

>> No.8215545

Is that a Rick Bomber?

>> No.8215555

>cheap monday
speaking of them anyone know how their bomber is? any slim-ish bombers for around $150

>> No.8215558

Assin used to stock it but I don't think they do anymore.
Just go off yahoo!jp or rakuten with a proxy or secondhand (aforementioned and Sufu/grailed/sometimes eBay)
(Western) retail Julius prices are rape

>> No.8215693

no uniqlo near me but I've got an H&M. Am I better of buying online or should I go to H&M where i can check the fit in the mirror

>> No.8215706

just check the fit you lazy fuck

>> No.8215711

i'd rather not wait a week for stuff to come in only to have to return it over and over

>> No.8215728

poor to decent quality, awkward measurements. do not recommend.

>> No.8215740

they're fine, the gray ones at least. their white v neck ones though are blatantly cheap shit

>> No.8215750

Pure linen is quite durable though. It can withstand higher washing temps than cotton and more stress. Linen only gets brittle if you overdry it. I have pure linen sheets and they actually get softer with each wash. I put them in the dryer for a few minutes and then hang them to dry the rest of the way.

>> No.8215822

if you like them, get them. if you like them and don't want to get them because they're "overplayed", you will never truly be fa in your insecurity.

>> No.8215840
File: 140 KB, 1200x927, CaxkY7u.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

imho norse projects are very good for basics

expectably reasonable quality, reasonable price, color is very good

>> No.8215862
File: 133 KB, 780x623, 1340936458001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Puma makes great basics. All of my basics are Puma. Puma from Ross. Come at me bro.

>> No.8215886

I'd buy more norse if their stuff was cheaper in the US. The same t shirt is 60 dollars on the norse store website and 85 on eastdane.

>> No.8215902

Not even gonna argue. My comfiest boxer briefs are Puma. They're soft and durable, even after many washes. I don't have any tees, but I'd give them a try. Their sneakers are my go to because they're so damn comfy like walking on clouds.

>> No.8215912


>> No.8215924

Why don't you just buy it off norsestore then?
The 20% off VAT is an added bonus.

>> No.8215955

Shipping costs, even more expensive returns, not having enough experience with the brand to know if things will fit the way I want. Add on top of that the fact that the clothing really isn't outstanding and I'd rather shop elsewhere.

>> No.8216023


I like them because I could wear them everyday, in the winter they are very good for layering and in summer they are perfect as a single piece

I don't know how /fa/ takes care of their tee's but my wang t-shirts seem to last for ages even though I wear them a lot

>> No.8216035


Better pay some more and get a smaller amount but good pieces that will last instead of more pieces with less quality

quality > quantity ;-)

>> No.8216061

Supima cotton vs linen/cotton, which is comfier/higher quality?

>> No.8216256

Just got some Supima tees and I'm in love, though I never tried any others, so take that how you will

>> No.8216285

What are some really basic colored pants I could buy? Just trying to build a solid basic wardrobe before I go any crazier

>> No.8216288


>> No.8216293

Black, charcoal, grey

>> No.8216301

pure cotton tends to be softer whereas linen/cotton tends to be more stronger. both get softer as wear increases. supima cotton is essentially pima cotton so it's premium in quality. i'd opt for the linen/cotton option though.

>> No.8216306

So the longevity of linen/cotton exceeds the comfort of supima, is that what you're saying?

>> No.8216320

sorry for not being clear enough!

>> No.8216331
File: 44 KB, 450x347, 1906647-7-grey-sweat-shorts.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Question about sweatshorts: what about the strings? Do you let them be or do you tangle them somehow? What if they're too long?

>> No.8216342

You guys think I should cop the dark brown/dark green supima shirts from uniqlo? I have grays/white/black/navy blue and blues. Not sure if I should snag the others too

>> No.8216351

No worries, thanks a lot

>> No.8216360

Our Legacy or Norse Projects linen/cotton blend white shirt?

>> No.8216431

bump for unanswered questions

>> No.8216484

copped it online one a whim recently and should arrive within five days. can update you when it gets here if you want

>> No.8216497

pls if possible

>> No.8216524

i've no clue soz

can u not

>> No.8216534

thanks :)

>> No.8216540


>> No.8216561

sold out man :(
steelers brand i think

>> No.8216610


i like the look of them hanging

>> No.8216632

cheap monday is from sweden

>> No.8216679

>tfw manlet
how do their normal tees fit?

>> No.8216698

Which has better quality, Sifr or Sunspel?

>> No.8216733
File: 402 KB, 1365x2048, DistressedCrew-Black sifr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anyone have experience with sifr? good fit and quality?
this tee is lookin aight

>> No.8218258
File: 1.06 MB, 2448x2448, 1379980691.679309.IMG_0163.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

for basic tees i highly recommend everlane tees, i own rick, julius, attachment and boris tees and i still wear my everlane tees. In fact they don't even deteriorate compared to my higher end tees.
Though i do prefer the scoop necks and they aren't in the store atm but the crew necks are still great. I heard they are bringing it back though


>> No.8218307

Are those your shirts? The collar ribbing seems narrower than the ones on the site

>> No.8218481

So I need a lot of new clothes for the summer, what are some good places to go in Canada?
I'd prefer not to spend too much, need to keep saving for next year of uni.

Also, my favourite shirts right now were something stupid like $10 each, but they're the best fitting and best quality (no stitch rips at all after 6+ months), did I just get lucky?

>> No.8219029

yeah they are mine, and its cause those are the U neck ones. The bottom left shirt is their regular crew necks thats still on the site.

>> No.8219042

where do you guys buy your white tees?

I haven't worn a white shirt in a long time because they're pretty thin and my nipples will show during summer. I've never worn a tank top under to mask them, they're uncomfortable to me and summer is here, thats adding an extra layer for no reason.

>> No.8219050

>Tfw a small is too tight and a medium is too big unless I allow it to shrink in the dryer

I cannot wait to start working out.

By the way, how does this sound for a wardrobe:
>2 oxfords
>White and blue
>Basic t-shirts
>White, heather gray, black and navy
>Dark wash, light wash
>A pair of chinos
>All white shoes

>> No.8219088

Alright but needs more chinos and shoes

>> No.8219286

Aren't Uniqlo starting to come into Australia this year? I heard something of the sorts... By the by http://www.uniqlo.com/au/store/

>> No.8219494

holy shit thanks! are uniqlo tees poor quality tho? so cheap, i hear mixed experiences.
i dont want to by the tees just because theyre affordable, i want tees that i like.

everlane is also confusing me, people either say theyre great or shit... any answers here?

>> No.8219502

what tee is mc ride wearing? he always has one of these fuckers on, w2c?

>> No.8219550

everlane tees are good, but the collars always like get twisted and turn inwards, it is obviously poor quality in that sense

i still like them though for the fit etc

>> No.8219985

w2c good scoop neck tees?

>> No.8220129

I'm glad there's a basics thread, I feel bad making a new thread for this shit:

If I'm buying pants online and they only come with one measurement, is it the waist or inseam?

>> No.8220270

whats your build like? im tall and thin and have trouble finding good fitting tees.

>if youre even still in here

>> No.8220291


>> No.8220373

>tfw /fa/ still picks on my chunky legs

>> No.8220390

Get Sifr Beanstalks

>> No.8220402

what is n&f weird guys.

k, my fuccquestion:
for undershirts, just go with mall tier stuff (à la tommy, calvin etc.) or still go for higher up brands like sunspel or james perse? How big would the difference in quality be?

>> No.8220414

1.stop tripping
2.dont wear undershirts. if you have to, wear anythng you like and suits ur bugdet

>> No.8220428

hah, backup browser had a trip saved.

well, I've come to the conclusion that actual underwear t-shirts need to fit tighter than any regular t-shirt. The main thing I'm concerned about is, whether dedicated undershirts have better moisture absorption capabilities and such.

>> No.8220521

why do you need to wear them tho?

>> No.8220553

well, I don't wanna sweat directly into my finer shirts, or in cold weather I'd like a supporting layer. Wearing dress shirts right onto my skin = nipples showing, and risk of pit stains when in a pinch

>> No.8221793
File: 62 KB, 689x665, 696f6d8a_4ad2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they're a slim fit heres a size chart

>> No.8221810

I can vouch for op. Everlane tees are great. Highly recommended

>> No.8221813

they're great dude

>> No.8221822

Agreed. I think 60-90 is a good range for quality material, but still basic.

If you want to get nicer looking shit you can still shell out the same price, or pay more for designer stuff like this http://www.dubucstyle.com/shop/en/clothing/sweaters/p17716067.html

>> No.8221824


how to get rid of pit stains:
> buy clear deodorant

the magnesium in the white chalky deodorants that last longer cause the stain in your shirt not the sweat

>> No.8221840

w2c oversized tank tops for men (long)
not rick etc, just basic cotton

>> No.8221844

I know where flashxhype

>> No.8223649

everlane or uniqlo? or both?

>> No.8223664

i'd really like to know too, since everlane isn't in my country

>> No.8223742

Norse Projects stuff is definitely high quality though. The materials are comfortable from the start and I haven't had any damage with the tees I bought a year+ ago. Just check the measurements first, that's how I went about it.

Makes it even more valuable to cop on sale, though sales only really go on with last season stuff unless you spot a nonspecific norsestore promo.

>> No.8223973

how do you find out when a sale is? not just for norse but just in general you know? ive never worked it out lol

>> No.8224064

Been wondering this too. Do you have to sign up for newsletters and all?

>> No.8224365

w2c best socks?

>> No.8224384

uniqlo supima definitely aren't the best but they're good enough for me

>> No.8224638

w2c slim short sleeve oxfords?

>> No.8224643

some stores will tell you about sales in newsletters, yes. idk about norse, though

>> No.8224645

The acryllic blend ones are the best, in my opinion. Those without it feel thinner and don't conform as well to my foot.

>> No.8224648

Do I really need to drop more than $40 on a pair of simple shorts? It just doesn't feel right man.

>> No.8224678

mate no one is forcing you to do anything

>> No.8224680

If you want nice ones, ye
just dropped 90 on some sweatshorts

>> No.8225461

both! i'd say get everlane if you can tho

>> No.8225518

fuck no. $12.90 twill shorts on uniqlo. I got a pair and got compliments here and there on them so I bought two more pairs. Srs. It may be because I have an athletic build but the point still stands

>> No.8226030

ye I know but the whole peer pressure n shit :^(

which ones?

I only liked about 3 shorts from all the searching, they were all $100+ :^(
Even JCrew can't save me
I'll recheck uniqlo though