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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 14 KB, 338x273, 1381047722357.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8210594 No.8210594[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>tfw you'd be good looking if only you had good skin

>> No.8210602

no you won't
your awkward body language will be stil there

>> No.8210646

>tfw $900 Hermes shoes
>tfw never any reason to wear them

>> No.8210657

>got a job tutoring a class next semester
>$300 per week

>> No.8210666

>made a feels general weeks ago
>banned for offtopic

>see this thread
fuck you mods

>> No.8212292

>gonna try and get a part time job at grocery store
>might make around 400 euros a month if im lucky
>tfw i wont get it bc im top awkward

>> No.8212303

>tfw you go shopping with friends
>end up not buying anything cause you can't decide on what to buy


>> No.8212323


>> No.8212357

how to fix bad posture?

>> No.8212362
File: 356 KB, 500x334, hfj.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>go to sleep depressed
>wake up depressed

>see all the happy people on facebook
>if I dont go on it will cut off the little social interaction I have

>> No.8212366

listen to "I'm a man" by black strobe every day at least 30 times

worked for me

>> No.8212374

>don't have the body to pull off androgynous fits
>spent the past few years only buying too tight pants
>can't justify spending all the money i make this summer buying new clothes when i've got student loans to be paying off

>> No.8212380

>tfw you kissed with one of your best friends and now it's incredibily awkward and we can't bring ourselves to talk to each other
>tfw shit ton of homework to do
>tfw most of my cool clothes are dirty
>tfw adam's voice from tigers jaw/wicca phase is the only thing that really helps atm

>> No.8212393

>tfw international student in canada
>tfw specialty you chose is kinda interesting and I'm enjoying subjects, but dont want to work in it
>want to do some business back home
>hope for inheritance from granny and parents
>feels bad being here and having parents pay for you

what do
just enjoy my best years of life
or wat

>> No.8212396


you do realize about facebook people only post the best bits of their lives so you get an unfair representation of how good it is

>> No.8212401

>you chose
>I'm enjoying
>tfw I might be schizophrenic too

>> No.8212402

>been working out
>still have chubby cheeks


>> No.8212408

u've been blessed with godtier genetics, where no matter how skinny/ripped you are, you will have chubby cheeks

good thing is it can be fixed... surgically

>> No.8212415
File: 190 KB, 400x400, 1356976261864.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>get an oil stain on hoodie
>smack dab in the middle
>can't get stain out, so don't want to where it but don't want to throw it away

>> No.8212417

I know but its the fact there outside doing something

>> No.8212421

>having a facebook

>> No.8212423

mods only delete good threads
like that braless inspo one

>> No.8212424

Drink lots of water

>> No.8212652
File: 278 KB, 1179x742, 1397181411404.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw sometimes you wish no one cared about you so could kill yourself without anyone caring.

>> No.8212655


>> No.8212661

w2c female attention

my parents keep hinting at me being gay because I've never had a gf

>> No.8212664


>> No.8212675

What's good skin?
Greasy, moisturized, dry, pale, tan, freckled?

>> No.8212677

Dress well basic bitch and go to clubs/pubs/bars
you're gonna make it son

>> No.8212679

I'm finally starting to come around to the idea that I need to make changes and improvements to my life if i'm ever going to cop a satisfying social life/girlfriend/confidence

I don't know where to start, i don't really aspire to much, there isn't anyone I see that I want to be like, advice please /fa/?

>> No.8212687

Should I just go into a bar and like force myself to start a conversation with a girl?

I mean it's okay if I mess up or it's awkward or whatever right? I honestly think I'd be proud of myself for just saying 'hi' to a girl at this point even if she ignored me or mace sprayed me or something.

>> No.8212697

Kill yourself.

>> No.8212708

skin that looks and feels good.

>> No.8212724

make electronic music and get hunnies

>> No.8212728

get off 4chan

>> No.8212737

stain the whole thing so it is all one colour again

>> No.8212742

>nose is quite oily
>have a scar where I was scratching off skin to get rid of spots (worked well, no more spots there, and the scar isn't that bad considering what it went through, I just don't know when it will fade properly)

>> No.8212751
File: 98 KB, 500x357, 12964994134_da9615c674.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>parents are out of town for the night
>only me and my bummer younger sister
>have 3 essay to write
>one is for an open topic and idk what to write about

>want to do something cool or have party
>sister will tell adn homework


>> No.8212758

>tfw haven't kissed anyone in two years
>tfw friends went out drinking together last night
>they invited people they aren't even close with but didn't invite you
>tfw they're at a party right now that you didn't get invited to
>tfw you've got a shitload of work to do but don't have the sleep or the energy

I just don't really want to deal with life at the moment

>> No.8212808
File: 58 KB, 251x239, 5263677216.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw no qt azn gf

>> No.8212811

>tfw fat
>tfw poor

>> No.8212818

what do all you people without friends/lives do? what sites do you go on? do you just play vidya?

>> No.8212820
File: 139 KB, 500x333, doge is kill no.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw beautiful gf
>tfw great hair, eyes, skin
>tfw job I love
>tfw 5'6"

I just wanna have sick fits....

>> No.8212821

>tfw 3D is PD
>tfw no pure waifu

>> No.8212822

I have a few friends, but....4chan....porn....amazon...

>> No.8212826

>people always comment on how "cute" and "outgoing" you are
>tell them the truth and say that you just stay home and you don't have any friends irl or any kind of social interaction
>no one believes you
>go back home crying and then go on the internet for prolonged hours
>rinse and repeat

>> No.8212834

haha that picture is great.

>> No.8212839

fuck her

>> No.8212843

Take some dish soap and a tooth brush and scrub it/soak it as well.
Then wash it.
Got grease stains from working a deep-fryer out of white shirts by doing it.

>> No.8212937
File: 2.13 MB, 400x300, 1375635827747.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fellow neets what do you do with your time?
How often do you go outside, where do you go?

>> No.8212944

>not good looking enough thanks to jew crooked nose
>getting a rhinoplasty in two months

Finally it ends

>> No.8212947

>>tfw constantly complimented on my style
>>tfw women hit on me
>>tfw im so baked half the time i dont even notice
>>tfw im recovering from social anxiety
>>tfw sometimes people really like me, yet i feel like they dislike me
>>tfw people keep asking me if ive lost weight
>>tfw i still hate the way i look
>>tfw in about another 20-30 lbs ill be skinny

>> No.8212976

I-I'll be your qt azn gf.
>tfw no qt effay bf

>> No.8212983

the nipples are what got me lol

>> No.8212991

>tfw no effay qt azn friends
I am just so very tired of being alone and so disconected ;_;

>> No.8212994

>I am just so very tired of being alone and so disconected ;_;
Then you should spend more time on 4chan.

>> No.8212995

why do you think I spend so much time on /fa/

/fa/m gonna make it one day
we're all gonna make it
>we're all gonna make it

>> No.8213005

I was being sarcastic. You should spend less time here. Places like 4chan or Reddit are terrible to visit when you are depressed. You are very likely to be suckered into mediocrity.

Why don't you take a walk in the park? Do you have a dog? Put on a sick fit, walk the dog, and get some sunlight. It'll be good for you, fam.

>> No.8213007
File: 79 KB, 500x456, get meowta here.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw your gf doesn't know how to cook or dress

>> No.8213020

apart from terrible skin, which I'm just going to have to deal with + grow a beard, if I had a nose job I would be soooo much better looking.

Where are you getting it done? How much? I was thinking of going abroad next year to indonesia and getting it done on the cheap whilst having a holiday out there.

>> No.8213026


where you qt's at? ;_;

>> No.8213055

You're right, of course... that's a good point.
I think I'll go for a walk after all, at least I can look effay and appreciate nature/the world
Thanks fam... I-I hope so

>aus ;_;
>implying I'm qt

>> No.8213077
File: 28 KB, 500x300, 1381638843683.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm in aus too

>> No.8213124

>I mean it's okay if I mess up or it's awkward or whatever right? I honestly think I'd be proud of myself for just saying 'hi' to a girl at this point even if she ignored me or mace sprayed me or something.

Yeah, just go for it. I'm in the same boat and spent the last 2-3 years in crippling fear that every stranger I talked to would hate me and tell me to fuck off. But that literally never happened. Unless you're a disfigured, horrible person, just being nice and saying something with a smile will make most people act friendly. The more attractive you look and confident you act, the weirder stuff you can say.

Nowadays I say shit that would have ruined my conversations a year ago. I'll talk to girls I've only seen around and mention their clothes, hair, nice cheekbones, height, whatever, and I just never let it get awkward.

Then again that's the most intimate female contact I've pretty much ever had, so what do I know?

>> No.8213125

is this real life?
where are you at?

>I-I'm really not qt though
>or a girl

>> No.8213133

You two should make out with each other.

>> No.8213138

>or a girl

hopes crushed

>> No.8213148

>tfw gay
sorry anon
you'll find a qt effay grill some day

>> No.8213167
File: 29 KB, 396x385, Feels 26.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>severe acne
>spends days grooming and healing my skin
>acne gone

ftw i just had to use olive oil and wash face 2 times per day

>> No.8213208

>invited to a party in a couple of hours
>don't really wanna go, and I know that I wont be missed if I don't attend
>sit here in a casual fit and nice hair, and I know that I'm gonna mess it up if I change clothes

>> No.8213249

>Olive oil

>> No.8213286

Wanna tip? Just bullshit. It doesn't have to be something you honestly agree with or enjoy or know a lot about, just make it seem like that.

>> No.8213288
File: 42 KB, 500x375, ryansad.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh my fucking god you autistic fucking beta male. What is the point of even owning clothes. man up you disabled cunt. just go. I'm so sick of you people

>> No.8213296

>tfw you've been buying the wrong size clothing for the past few years
Why am I so bad at this bros?

>> No.8213301

Can be cute tho. Just hope you have a good jaw line

>> No.8213308

It's not that I don't want to go out, it's that party in particular that doesn't appeal to me

>> No.8213310

Oil stains are a bitch. Maybe try some fels naptha

>> No.8213327

Skin that isn't scared or broken out. Sometimes you'll see people with this perfect skin where the don't have any blemishes or blackheads, can barely even see their pores. Makes me so jelly

>> No.8213343

Spend almost all my free time watching TV or on 4chan. Also workout at home and cook tho. Not really a neet, just have no fronds

>> No.8213345

Where do you live?

>> No.8213350

getting surgery for your jew nose only makes you more of a jew

>> No.8213358

wash with what?

>> No.8213361
File: 18 KB, 243x258, 746545466.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>get dressed
>don't like outfit
>change outfit
>lose all desire to leave home

>> No.8213363

why do you want to know

>> No.8213379

pls be in london

>> No.8213601

Tfw I want to quit my job and become a neet.
I enjoy copping grails weekly doe

>> No.8213887
File: 7 KB, 225x225, pepe5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got my braces off
Finished Exams
About to start going to the gym regularly again since I dont have to study.

Feels good man

>> No.8213896

implying the gym will help your face get less ugly

>> No.8213906


>Bought a pair of decent boots in my size
>Boots arrive and fit about a size too big
>Have to go through the hassle of returning them

Life is pain

>> No.8213912

>put on a bad fit
>contemplate life

>> No.8213955

>tfw not invited to a party where you know that qt3.14 you've been mirin is right now.
>tfw when your bro is obsessed with that qt3.14 you've been mirin/have made out with once but know it can never go anywhere coz of your bro and the fact that she's friends with your bro and doesn't want to 'hurt' him.

>> No.8214190

i'll beyour friend

>> No.8214214

>want gf
>back home for the summer
>don't know how to meet gf material girls
Went clubbing last night, 4 numbers later --> Two are sluts, two don't even seem interested :'(

>> No.8214222

sooooooooo shes ok with hurting you?
sounds like a bitch

>> No.8214225

are you me? i feel u bro x

>> No.8214281

>decide to clean up my wardrobe
>looking at the clothing I've bought
>reliezed how much I've spent on shit
Live and learn.

>> No.8214294

exact same shit happened to me o m g

>> No.8214305

>lost my laundry card
>clothes piling up

>> No.8214312



>> No.8214320


when I have no motivation to write, I walk.
I walk a lot.

I also shitpost a lot

>> No.8214336

>literally no social life since broke up with gf 2 yrs ago
>spend the whole day on school, 4chan and now gym
>not ugly but painfully apathetic towards people until recently
>not even that awkward
>i know some people who seem really chill but idk how to approach them
>tfw live in Mexico

I'm only 19, though. Is there still hope for me or should I just wait for a stray bullet to end this?

>> No.8214344

>tfw poorfag with a shitty job
>torture myself by going on /fa/ and to my favorite designers' websites and looking at clothes I can't afford
>reluctantly put on basic black skinnies each morning and some cheap tshirt
>leave the house feeling like trash even though most people wouldn't see anything wrong with what I'm wearing

>> No.8214352

>My legs are short, I'm 6ft but they look odd.

>> No.8214360

Thirft some good looking clothes and become a cool poorfag

>> No.8214371

>I'm only 19, though. Is there still hope for me or should I just wait for a stray bullet to end this?

You're 19. Figure it out.

>> No.8214375

I'm also 5'7''.

>> No.8214377

>literally no social life since broke up with gf 2 yrs ago
>19 years old

So you actually had a social life before?
You'll bounce back.

>> No.8214385
File: 1.95 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2014-05-10-16-18-34.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The internet is killing us bros

Ditch the neurosis and take up mindfulness

>> No.8214386

you're just saying that because you know he's cute

>> No.8214391

that's why you should try to buy second hand, on sale, or things that will have some resale value

>> No.8214394
File: 9 KB, 300x163, 1323062619583.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I also shitpost a lot
me too!

>> No.8214395

dude those shoes are so cool

are you japanese?

>> No.8214414

that fit is dope bro
what shoes are those?

>> No.8214418

look like wallabees

>> No.8214427

nah I'm white lol

I got them when I went to japan idk what they're called there's just japanese shit written on them

>> No.8214435

I-is that you Cosmic?

>> No.8214440

>dude those shoes are so cool
those are clarks wallabees idk where ur from where thats a cool shoe
most young ppl wearing the m wear the m ironically
>are you japanese?
>hairy forearms
>pale skin

>> No.8214460


I'm as American as they come


Mspepe, the way you type is so recognizable. You capitalize my name each and erry time.

>> No.8214494

Most of the shit I'm cleaning out is either gifts or/and from jr high/high school.

>> No.8214529

feeling you bruh, i have shit ton of crap, graphic tees etc etc from when i was in high school. dont know if i should donate them or put on trash

>> No.8214539

>tfw bought nice clothes
>tfw don't have the occasion to wear them any time soon because no friends

>> No.8214568

I'm donating all of it. There's some diesel and Hugo boss shit with tags still attached. I'm sure someone will appreciate it.

>> No.8214891

>distant cousin eye fucking you at family meet
>pornstar body
>janitor face

>> No.8214926

>tfw heavy scarring on my torso from a skin disease, some scarring on face but not in a hideous way- just subtle enough to bother me but not usually show up in photos, makes me look sort of like a villain from a cartoon or some shit more than anything
>tfw that combined with general 'cold/tired' demeanor seems like it works with the depressed skeleton aesthetic /fa/ strives for
>dumpy body
>tfw you're unsure if you're a deformed fuccboi spending too much money on clothes that look awful on him or if you're tapping into next level aesthetics

>> No.8214936

more feels
>tfw no /fa/ friends (ok, no friends at all, but that's only because i willfully distanced myself from them all because they were boring and uncool)
>tfw gf is the only person worth interacting with
>tfw slowly converting gf to /fa/ mode, convincing her to buy better quality items instead of just twenty pieces of crap at a time

i have so many feels and i can't hold any of them, /fa/. hold them for me. let's feel together

>> No.8214977

>tfw productive, engaged student in college, studying literature and mandarin, finally broken out of the slump of depression and MMOs i had been in all through high school, in a loving relationship and submitting my poetry around hoping to get published
>tfw feel like my entire life was wasted until the last few months, still only recently trying to become /fa/
>tfw i pissed away a solid three grand since this summer on bullshit like food and cigarettes and spend almost none of it and good clothes
>tfw dreams of teaching english abroad and spending the guap the chinese government gives me on dope fits and becoming a great poet who dresses in siqq clothes
>tfw biding your time as an unemployed fuccboi waiting to land a summer job

i'm so late to the game, /fa/m. i have so many feels but one of these days i'll make it

>> No.8214981

>i willfully distanced myself from them all because they were boring and uncool)
cool i can understand but to how many other people will do the same to you,think of you and you unto them?

i just texted a girl a pic of pie,she says its pizza and i autismed texted befor remembering the cool reply i had
it's 4am
eh >_>

>> No.8214991

u or your cousin

>> No.8215003

im talking abut her
your #rek was weak
>implying i do it for free
check out my word stair case

>> No.8215070

you in guanatos?

>> No.8215134

>don't talk to exgf for a month
>she messages you last night and you can't stop messaging her to the point where she tells you that you're "annoying".

Fuck me god damn it. She isn't even that hot. I'm just caught up on her still after a year.

>> No.8215137

ur a beta fuck m8

>> No.8215141

I know dude

It pisses me off because I can blow off any other girl. She just gets me all wound up

>> No.8215151

>have to go collect data samples by a river for my shitty bio major
>most of the people supposed to be going bail and don't show up
>a group of five girls who are friends and I are the only ones there
>they decide to break up into groups of 2, really obviously forcing the nice homely looking girl to go with me
>she spills spaghetti the entire time and really obviously is flirting
>when we're done she says goodbye to me in a way that really heavily implied she wanted me to get her number or something
>I leave b/c qt gf and narcissism

I can't tell if I'm an ass because I left and probably made her feel bad or if this is just what normal people do reguarly.

>> No.8215155

Beta as fuck

>> No.8215172

beta as fuck

>> No.8215176

beta as fuck

>> No.8215193

wow and now you're making excuses
I dont even know why they are calling you beta
beta is like second in hierarchy after alpha
you are omega

>> No.8215292

r u normal?

>> No.8215299

ye gj monkey
when ur gf dumps u or u dump her u will regret u didnt make as many connections as possible

just to fuck/whatnot

>> No.8215332

>6'6" 180 lbs.
Shopping. Impossible. Losing. Hope.

>> No.8215401

uniqlo's pants are all unhemmed so they're all like 36" or what have you

>> No.8215416

Maybe you shouldn't have grown to such a freakish height

>> No.8215419

>tfw seeing pictures of other people enjoying themselves makes me angry

>> No.8215475

>no friends at all, but that's only because i willfully distanced myself from them all because they were boring and uncool

same here
where do i cop friends

>> No.8215480

you dont
road to success and effayness doesnt have friends
the only friend should be your shadow

>> No.8215482

fuck her if you get the chance just make sure nobody finds out
trust me i've fucked ugly hot girls before

>> No.8215492

>and I autismed texted her before remembering the cool reply I had
fuck this feel

>> No.8216003

Leave it out in the sun for a day. Sunlight usually works a charm with stains.

>> No.8216821
File: 75 KB, 300x300, canvas2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw poor and shit too stubborn to get i job i don't like
hated my last job and i made me miserable, god im spoiled

>> No.8216826

I've learned to cut my hair by myself and I now have a fresh haircut whenever I want to.

Feels amazing.

>> No.8216829

Fuckin millennials man....
> Studies predict that Millennials will switch jobs frequently, holding many more jobs than Generation Xers due to their great expectations

>> No.8216834

tfw you could be a male model if you weren't 5'7

>> No.8216849

>tfw could be a female model if you weren't male

>> No.8216870

tfw not even tall enough to be a female model either

>> No.8216896

just get the fuck out of mexico

>> No.8217363
File: 81 KB, 148x204, 1381228603230.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Capable because she wants to be so close to him in the first place.

>tfw no relationshit

>> No.8217375

>That feel when you actually get a loving relationship with good looking women if you were white but because im a good looking person of colour all i'll be is a curiosity fuck to white girls


>> No.8217392

>started taking strong opiate painkillers few years ago to get high
>got top the point where I stopped getting anywhere near as high but didn't feel right until I'd taken some
>started feeling shitty lately so stopped taking them
>couple days in and I feel really, really irritable and restless but other than that I feel fine

Am I withdrawing?

>> No.8217401

>tfw terrible genes
>whole family is overweight, I'm slightly chubby
>testosterone overload, always hairy
>shitty skin

>good facial aesthetics tho

>> No.8217403


Yes just keep off them man.

your body will adapt to how you were before you took opiates but you'll never receive the same high

>> No.8217421

Go for the white ones that smoke kools

>> No.8217460


Im not black black

Im a middle eastern looking guy.

>> No.8217466

Thats pretty far down the white girl totem poll
Sry anon

>> No.8217470


b-b-but im good looking...

>> No.8217474

Oh well in that case you can get any girl you want

>> No.8217477


I usually can but one night stands/flings/short term shit =/= Long term relationships

>> No.8217753

Sounds like god-tier genes.
> high test
> chubby has nothing to do with genetics
> good facial aesthetics
> skin can be cleared up too

Just put the work in and you've got it made.

>> No.8218257

>go out clubbing lastnight
>hook up with girl
>go to her house
>fast foward to this morning
>quietly trying to get dressed
>she says "I thought you were different since majority you're wearing is rick owens"
>I think to myself and relieze it's too late to go back to bed with her
>take the "alpha" way out and leave without saying anything
>now I'm at home in my underwear eating chilli wanting to cry.

>> No.8218339

he just thinks he has high test because he's hairy

>> No.8218879
File: 58 KB, 650x842, 1388177402475.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be fatty all through highschool
>skinny jeans and faded ripped band ts

jump forward 2 years

>be relatively skinny
>dressing better (basic bitch streetwear, dadcore, fuccboi goof fits)
>old highschool girls I knew start saying I''ve become really handsome nd stylish
>homies start calling me a faggot
>"what happened man you use to be cool"
>they cut contact saying I've changed
>meeting new /fa/ girls nd dudes

Im not sure how to feel about it. I lost all my close friends but I'm making new and better ones.

>> No.8218951

holy shit I have the exact same feels man

>> No.8219136
File: 1017 KB, 240x221, 1382579175315.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw 8/10 girl w/ dat ass was into me
>tfw we would talk and laugh everyday and she'd get super close to me
>tfw she lost interest in me and is now dating some guy that she despised weeks before
>tfw he's less attractive than I am
>tfw we stopped talking after I found out now we just ignore each other even though we still see each other almost everyday
>tfw she isn't the first girl that I let get away

>> No.8219145

something is wrong with you
you are boring piece of shit

>> No.8219327

wait I don't get it, she didn't like that you were wearing rick owens?

>> No.8219339

She liked that I was wearing rick owens

>> No.8219352

oh she just didn't like u as a person?

>> No.8219359

how old r u
also i kinda know that feeling except i'm just finishing hs and not getting any new friends

>> No.8219361

She did like me. I just went full autism when leave her place.

>> No.8219362

You probably didn't just change your style and body, but also your personality

>> No.8219381
File: 23 KB, 553x478, Feels 8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh god 'em feels are coming, same happened to me. we gonna make it brah

>> No.8219431


To be fair all I really did in highschool with friends was get really high and eat. I stopped smoking weed and started trying to meet people.

Not sure if that's really changing personality.

>> No.8219476
File: 103 KB, 899x578, ygpK9wE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dam yall dum niggas depress the fuck outta me

just get on fuckin OKcupid, even a numskull like me has relationshipped 6 chicks from there over the years

>> No.8219518

what if a girl with an internet connection instantly is out f your league?

i need to stick my dick in chicks who are tripping so fucking bad i look like brad fucking pitt

>> No.8219519

>tfw took Ritalin to help me through studies
>came home every day feeling like I had a shit day
>reflected for like two hours about how my life is in a rut
>post a thread on /adv/ no gf no real friends
>this happened daily
>got switched to Vyvanse
>eeyore is kill
>cop real friends
>meet one girl
>meet a few more
>choose between them
>now have a fah tumblry gf minus the bad parts about tumblry chicks

We're all gonna make it :^)

>> No.8219539

i fucked more woman in gross weight than you have in your life fgt

and trust me shit was gross
>not having fucked literal tons of women


>> No.8219542

Where the fuck do you meet /fa/ friends?
I'm not even in college, that's probably my problem
when I get there though, what next?

also, what's the most /fa/ thing to take?
I want to have fun and don't really give a flying fuck about 'making it' financially, but I don't want to completely waist my time.

>> No.8219549

lmao yeah like when you buy women's shoes from goodwill and fap to the smell of them

I bet you save the used condoms from your slaying in between your rolls of fat afterward, don't you?

>> No.8219574

>I bet you save the used condoms from your slaying in between your rolls of fat afterward, don't you?
That is fucking gross. Jesus Christ.

>> No.8219575
File: 1.47 MB, 1280x719, danielle.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw she will never be your gf

>> No.8219620
File: 43 KB, 422x352, 1399694400493.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Tfw apply to jobs, call to leave my name and have yet to be called in for an interview
>Tfw distancing myself from friends because I've come to realize they use me for what money I do have
>Tfw there is nothing you can offer other people
>Tfw you're a boring, vapid 18 year old with nothing to offer to the world yet

I don't know, man.

>> No.8219659

all ppl are vapid
u can either become a poser: hurr durr look at my rich inner world I read polish poetry in original and am a vegan
you can do shit you like, without thinking what others will think of you, and eventually you will be surrounded by people who genuinely like you, because you're doing what you like, right? anime neckbeards, fat feminists with godawful dyed hair, indian immigrants, everyone has some friends and circle, I cant see why you couldnt

>> No.8219666

that being said I am a shut-in (when Im not going to college) no gf no friends nolifer who recently started to have suicidal thoughts again. hmmmmm
but at least I had gf and started working out.

>> No.8219672

>you can do shit you like, without thinking what others will think of you, and eventually you will be surrounded by people who genuinely like you, because you're doing what you like, right? anime neckbeards, fat feminists with godawful dyed hair, indian immigrants, everyone has some friends and circle, I cant see why you couldnt

This is the best advice you can follow. This is probably the best advice I've seen in 4chan in a while.

>> No.8219761

are u literally me

>> No.8219848


The first part didn't make sense unless you were familiar with sieg's post about lady's shoes

sieg = bitch ass nigga

>> No.8219882
File: 29 KB, 316x202, 1386449323576.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>spend 30 mins. perfecting hair
>walk outside
>18 mph wind completely fucks it up
>look like shit for the rest of the day
Fuck you too, nature.

>> No.8219892

>wind blows
>get peice-y wind swept hair

>cold weather
>hair products gets cold and keeps hair perfectly in place

>hot weather
this is the only thing my hair cant beat

>> No.8219925

Are you me?

>> No.8219931

> not knowing what Hush puppies are

>> No.8219933

>tfw been diggin this hot chick
>tfw got and banged her

>> No.8219964


>not wearing a hat until you get where you're going

why do you think those model guys wear beanies all the time, even in the dead of summer?

because it's cool?

>> No.8219971
File: 119 KB, 320x600, 1394082344171.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


This right Fucking here.

I got a job at a swanky bar, and I had bitch ass friends that would pick me up and ask me to "pitch in" for gas, food, weed. It turns out I was paying for everything. I fuckin ditched them.

I'm friendless but I'm meeting people

>> No.8220027

>tfw first techwear cop
>tfw no other techwear clothing to wear it

>> No.8220063

>tfw no gf
>tfw no friends
>tfw whenever you get friends you end up alienating them
>tfw whenever you start flirting with a girl/go on a date you fuck it up
>tfw no more weed
>tfw weed doesn't even feel good anymore anyway

>> No.8220374
File: 35 KB, 256x399, cant_change_feel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>about to graduate as engineer
>job outlook good
>most of my generation dropped out or is swamped by debt
>unsure how to help

>> No.8220383

beanies ruin your hair too

>> No.8220387


>> No.8220396


>tfw throwing all of my shit away that isn't worth having
>tossing clothes out left and right
>fuck bed desk tables lamps and BS
>vow to only own shit worth having and live epic minimalist life
>tow begin living the awesome way i want to finally

>> No.8220418
File: 8 KB, 270x285, 1324720168565.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>overhear some conversation on the bus
>girl: are these shoes too hipster
>guy: no, if you were a hipster you'd be wearing converse
I got really mad and I don't even know why.

>> No.8220425

>dropped out of school because idk
>gonna get fired from job
>no idea what I want to do with my life
at least im having this problem now instead of in 20 years. i hope i dont again

>> No.8220427

i lost my gf because of this (was always skinny tho)
I became /fa/ and changed massively as a person and she didn't keep up. Kinda sucked as we were together for two years, and I haven't found someone else yet, but i feel better for it ultimately (pretty much a year on).
Instantly befriended like 5 qts though and now i pretty much only hang with grils at school and 3-4 of my OG friends in my spare time as well.
Pretty good feel, although the only one of the qts i would go for got with me at a party once and wasn't keen for round 2.
>tfw standards too high
>tfw craving intimacy not sex
>tfw copped velcros tho

>> No.8220562

l..lifting routine man?

>> No.8220589


>> No.8220597

jesus, man
gotta live like you are taking control

>> No.8220598

>studying fashion management
>i'm the only dude there
>about 80 girls
>only one girl is into avant-garde fashion
>got her number cause we don't see each other at school
>text her, making conversation, talking about parties and stuff
>say one thing about fashion
>she never replied
its been weeks since we talked, feels bad man.
really want to get back in touch but she seems so uninterrested

>> No.8220609

'Raf Simons, Rick Owens usually what I'm dressed in these days, how about you?'
Or 'does techno interest you?'
That'll get her into you again, right off.

Anyway it's /fa/ to not care about anything, or to act like it at least

>> No.8220615

>tfw could at least try to be confident if it wasn't for the skin

>> No.8220616

should've mentioned kanye. seriously.

>> No.8221259

fuck em, jelly crab mentality ass niggas

>> No.8221597

fuck her. stupid whore

>> No.8221636


>> No.8221702

its basically pickup artist shit but its also about just being confident and loving yourself
this guy is especially just good to listen to

these kinds of videos might sound stupid at first but they helped me get confident although it does take some time and practice

>> No.8222463

fuck off ph

>> No.8222500

When someone tells you, “You’ve changed,” it might simply be because you’ve stopped living your life their way.

>> No.8224469

Good feels inbound
>hit up one chick, go dancing with her
>grinding on her on a dance floor, pretty nice
>she's fucked up because she just got out of a 2 year relationship with a verbally abusive nigga
>I kissed her once and then later she was like "let's take it slow blah blah"
>find another girl
>I figure if girl 1 is such a poon about kissing, she won't be a freak in bed
>juggle between the two girls
>pick girl 2
>girl 1 still texts me about how she's "done" even though the last thing I texted her was "k bye"
>4 hours ago I just finished kinky sex with girl 2, and I roared like a fucking lion at the end
>knew I made the right choice

Life is good.

>> No.8224507

Naked and Famous has got just the pants for you.

>> No.8224684

it could be water retention which if you cut out/down salt intake it could really help

>> No.8224724

what does this have to do with fashion? fuck off you teenage cunt

>> No.8224998

>poor as shit freezing my skinny junky ass off (winter in my country)
>keep hitting up the only thrift store in my terrible city looking for a jacket im not swimming in and isnt made of cheap shit
>today found a ralph lauren jacket that fits, is warm and i could afford

almost cried

>> No.8225043

Artschool no joke i see the most effay people there

>> No.8225050

learn to oil cleanse you fucking teenage pleb

>> No.8225091

I-I don't know man. /fa/ is something you can become, I definitely get your point. However I believe your dream shouldn't be to be recognised by an anime board. You should be knowledgeable of the fact that this doesn't mean you actually have a sense for fashion, if all the fits are recommendations from other posters or you copying others. Style and fashion should be something personal that you should decide for yourself. Think of it like your political ideologies, you wouldn't just let random strangers decide that for you, right?

>> No.8225288

two landwhales i bet

>> No.8225343

You're gonna make it anon. srsly fuck her

>> No.8225354
File: 456 KB, 946x2755, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wanna work out and get in better shape but whenever I say this people give me advice on how to gain weight

I don't want to fucking gain weight I'm 5 8" and 126, I'm already kinda fat. Why do I look like shit when I'm skinny.

I don't want to turn into one of those fat fuck mfa people, who are eternally " bulking"

Pic related one of them

>> No.8225356

>tfw she just really jock me cuz my gear

>> No.8225364

I'm just about your weight but 6', and I definitely need some weight, at least up to about 132 lbs is my goal.

>> No.8225593

126 from the torso but what about the rest?

>> No.8226730

You made me smile. :)

>> No.8226732

You should sell it or give it to a thrift store instead of throwing it away.

>> No.8226982

Get some cool looking cheap shit from H&M then thrift cool stuff to replace it

>> No.8227042


>> No.8227125

>could've had qt /fa/ asian gf
>liked me a lot 2 years ago
>few months ago talked to her
>"I really enjoyed talking to you again anon"
>start overthinking everything
>end up not talking to her again ever
>still want to talk to her but feel like it would be stupid to do so

>> No.8227146

>tfw managed to finally get rid of half a decades worth of fast fashion clothes
>tfw finally happy with wardrobe

>tfw still 5'5

>> No.8227161

move from your parents house