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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 251 KB, 977x658, Sl9lizA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8199707 No.8199707 [Reply] [Original]

When and why did you decide to become /fa/?

>> No.8199714
File: 69 KB, 500x375, 14.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been using 4chan for a while and didn't really know about /fa/ at all, but when I was at college I started to notice a black guy who dressed pretty well.

I'd consider him a fuccboi now, but he made me look at clothing more I'd say.
I copped a blue button-down from River Island and another one from another place (why did I cop two?), I still have them and they do their job, but that was around Xmas last year.

Since then I've been lurking, I post on /fa/ all the time, post my fit about once a month.
Have a huge shopping list.
Idk I guess I just wanted to become /fa/ after being here long enough, fashion is a really nice hobby/thing to be into.

>> No.8199718

when did /fa/ get added to 4chan? like around 2008 or something?

>> No.8199723

Yeah around February, along with /fit/

>> No.8199724

>fashion is a really nice hobby/thing to be into

I'm actually thinking about taking a sewing class or something

>> No.8199727

Crafting hobbies are fun... I'm trying to take up cooking and calligraphy.

>> No.8199730

Junior year of high school. I didn't know that 4chan.org had a fashion board so I started lurking for advice and decided that it was something that I could do.

That was 3 gears ago ;_;

>> No.8199769

>was pretty fa with 16, didn't know 4chan
>had ricks with 17
>discovered 4chan
>discovered /fa/
>was astonished that I was fa
>now i'm 19

>> No.8199772

I'm not /fa/ yet. I knew of this board for a few years but I was never really interested in fashion, I was convinced it was more practical to wear and buy clothes for the sole purpose of comfort. As I got older (I'm only 20 now) I started to notice people who dressed nicer more and I realized that I would be perceived better by people if I dressed nicer, it would help me get jobs and gain confidence. I had gained like 30 lbs in the last 2 years though so I posted by body a month and a half ago on /fa/ and asked what they think I should wear but they said I was too fat to buy anything right now, as it would be a waste of money. So I've lost about 15 lbs now, and I would say I have another 15-25 to go before I can start buying nice clothes. Just been lurking here, I bought some shoes and sunglasses so far though.

Pretty excited to start dressing well.

>> No.8199773

ok m8

>> No.8199774

Post fit

>> No.8199780

did never post a fit since I am here and i won't

>> No.8199788

It's bcuz u r fat and not /fa/

>> No.8199791

Dude. That fucking feel. I'm the exact same everything as you except I just started eating healthy and doing cardio... This is gonna be tough, wish me luck!

>> No.8199800

5 feet 10 inches - 141 lbs
1.78m - 64 kg

>not /fa/
can't prove it

You post fit

>> No.8199803

are you me

>> No.8199805

Cakebitch detected

>> No.8199806

>are you me
no you are me

>> No.8199809

>Bad breakup with ex-qtgf, really dragged out
>fucked me up good
>Was basically a clueless kid a year into uni, at risk of becoming an autist
>drop out of uni
>Decide to better myself, 'cause that's what you do, right?
>Almost fall into the autism dadcore trap
>Discover /fa/ instead (because everyone knows when you want to better yourself you go to 4chan)
>Like their approach to fashion
>Come to learn how to dress myself, stay for the culture
>lol at all this goofninja shit, I'm not gonna be one of those faggots
>Get fitter
>Wait, shit. I actually like fashion as a hobby now
>Completely change my attitude towards fashion & its status as a hobby, have many conversations with trips & anons and go through a complete maturing of taste/style/attitude towards fashion and life in general
>Not /fa/ yet, but gonna make it one day
>I /streetninja/ now

>> No.8199811

You're a Manlet, you can't be /fa/

>> No.8199813
File: 64 KB, 640x480, Its+not+ironic+unless+you+know+I+have+flabby+tits+_28fc62a64d5a92ce888c565d87cbc379[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In case you didn't know, I'm not effay. In some ways, started shopping effay last month, but still getting into it. Will never go full effay; it's cool but kinda retarded.

>> No.8199819

Like a year ago, maybe a little longer. I just had the realization that I hated how I dressed and that all my Walmart tier clothes sucked. I was the type to just grab randomly from my pile of clothes and wear whatever I grabbed cause I didn't care.
Then I started coming here and got into the black/white game. Started off pretty minimal. Now all my fits are heavily textured and mostly statement pieces. I'm loving it tho. Def have more confidence now that I pay a little more attention to my appearance.

>> No.8199840

Basically I hadn't bought any clothes for sometime, and most of my clothes tended to be skate/surf type brands and a lot of my stuff was quite relaxed and shapeless which made me look like a stoner.
I wasn't fat, but I just recently started working out with the goal of getting a more athletic physique and better posture.
I wouldn't say I'm fa/ I'm just trying to rebuild my wardrobe with solid basics with an eye towards a nice fit and nice colour combinations.
I live in a small town so some of the styles here would make you stand out for the wrong reasons, but I'm incorporating as much advice as I can and I'm definitely starting to notice people seem to be more level and open with me or see me as more mature.

>> No.8199852

>everyone knows when you want to better yourself you go to 4chan

Coffee all over my screen.

>> No.8199862

I want to but just don't have the cash, got a great CV just really crap when it comes to interviews missed some really good cops as well ;-;

>> No.8199881

what if in the post-apocalyptic future people travelled great distances to visit the mystic neckbeards who are gate keepers of the 4chan archive and if you could correctly answer their riddle then you could be granted one search of the archive

>> No.8199887

go to /b/, you must be lost

>> No.8199898


>oxblood cap toe oxfords

lel what is this 2009

>> No.8199902

no but seriously just imagine what people in the future will think when they discover ancient computer hard drives with 4chan archives stored on them, imagine being a scholar in the future reading feels threads from a thousand years ago and seeing all the waywt's and shit

>> No.8199909

No I know but that was kind of random

>> No.8199917

yeah idk it was mostly in response to >>8199852

just made me think isn't that what effay is about

>> No.8199925

True. But effay is a culture, not an absolute. Like /mu/ won't give you better music taste, just THEIR music taste.

>> No.8199951

being /fa/ isn't a choice

>> No.8199957

But /fa/ fasion is

>> No.8200025


>> No.8200121

how does one going about getting a HY haircut?

>> No.8200152

print picture
bring pic to hairdresser

>> No.8200351
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>> No.8200363

>lighting changed on both first and last clothes

Why do you insist on being an imposter?
Maybe you are baldchan but if not shame on you.

>> No.8200578
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Had this laying around.

I began lurking /fa/ at around 16 and slowly grew to pick up things. I can't really go around shops and look for things I like because I live in a post-communist country of slavs, thus my kind of tastes are nowhere near common enough to sell. The bare-bone postal system does not help either, packs get lost, gypsies, you have to drive hundreds of kilometers to a city with a customs office. It's really a nightmare.

>> No.8200644
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I've been browsing for less than a year and it's improved the way I dress a whole lot already.
Like most people when they started I fell into dad-core for about two months but that changed pretty quickly.

Still poor, haven't copped any real pieces aside from my first pair of nice shoes (wore wal-mart) shoes all through HS)

I'm think gonna make it brehs

>> No.8200667

I would be your friend

>> No.8200680

Can somebody post the template for these drawings?

>> No.8200717
File: 912 KB, 1772x1920, templ.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here you go

>> No.8200756

Hey you're me

>> No.8200799

I've been browsing for about two years, 19 years of age currently, and mainly dress dad core because I have a nice job and would get pulled over otherwise in my neighborhood due to being black (this area is almost entirely asian). Don't really have the same "I'm better than everyone around me" mentality that a lot of people on /fa/ and 4chan in general tend to have simply because my clothes are expensive and fit, but I do cringe when my 34 year old brother comes to visit wearing the latest Js, a tank top, Yankees fitted, and cargo shorts.

>> No.8200815

Began lurking when I was sixteen. Dressed pretty much like every other person around here. Graphic tee, jeans and Vans every day. Had an awful Justin Bieber-esque mop-top and glasses, looking back on it I hate myself for it.

Since then I have ditched all my graphic tees, got some skinny jeans and basic tops. Learned a lot about fashion, even if I don't have many pieces yet because I'm not rich (uni student) but I do notice myself judging people for what they're wearing. Also got a haircut and got contacts, which made me look so much better, apart from getting better clothes.

Funny thing about the OP, my hair has seriously reached the level where it falls perfectly into a HY.

>> No.8200862

Fat manlet detected. 6' 3" 145 or die.

>> No.8200876

this is not true at all if you spend any time on /mu/ you will see that people who have mucore tastes get the piss taken out of them constantly

>> No.8200908
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I discovered /fa/ in 2009 and wore the basic uniform until about 2011, when I started dabbling in basic streetwear until 2013.

I'm now in some sort of limbo where I own two colored articles of clothing and a pair of orange sneakers, slowly replacing everything in my closet with black and things that go with black.

I do however keep a regular wardrobe for work. Faggots.

>> No.8200913

i discovered /fa/ when i was 17
im now 19 and due to no job im still not /fa/

yay for being a neet

>> No.8200941

When I realised I couldnt go for lazy student look anymore.

But Im still unsure as to general websites to browse for clothes in spare times. Im still a bit of an uninspired fuccboi

Any suggestions for a mid 20's in the UK?

>> No.8201044
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we'll make it.

>> No.8201051


>> No.8201082

discovered /fa/ in '11
dressed like a retard for a year
realized that dressing monochrome/like a ninja is fucking retarded
wear high quality basics now and occasionally come here to shipost

>> No.8201273

Before /fa/, I was dressing like any other teenager, hoodies, blue jeans, vans.

When I discovered /fa/, kind of the same thing but with a better fit, shirts instead of hoodies.

Now, better brands, comfy japanese style with brands like Trove etc.. Muted colors.

>> No.8201518
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>> No.8201526

When I turned 18 or so and started making money.

Got a decent job but all my shirts sucked and so did my shoes.

>> No.8201529

good boi

>> No.8201534

Around 18
Cause I lost weight and found some good facial aesthetics, and thought that maybe dressing well would make me hate myself less. I was wrong.

>> No.8201536

I'm not /fa/ yet

I still need to stop trying to impress people, lying, and lying to impress people.

Being /fa/ is being the best possible version of yourself.

>> No.8201686

Always wanted to be /fa/, never had the time or the money. Visited this board a few times then returned to my homelands of /ck/, /x/ and /tv/.

Just finished moving house today, fucking exhausted but I'm quite excited for this chance to make a clean break, once I've paid off the moving expenses, I plan to start spending on clothes and getting rid of the beer flab.

I currently have a pile of battered old clothes that exist solely to cover my nakedness. Until a month ago I literally had one pair of knackered old trainers as my entire footwear collection. I have one pair of trousers that fit comfortably, and one or two t-shirts that I think look okay on me. I stay indoors as much as possible. Sometimes I disgust myself.

I have a dream of looking good and carrying myself with confidence though, so I came here today, for the first time in a year, to begin the reinvention of myself armed with knowledge and inspiration.

Hopefully /fa/ will do for my style what /ck/ has done for my kitchen.

>> No.8201704

around 17 I realized I looked dumb every day and started dressing nice-ish for self confidence

>> No.8201736
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dressed really basic in high school (vans, skinny jeans, hoodies). went through an urbie outtie indie phase when i was like 18, found /fa/ and have since sold all that shit pretty much. i'm 20 now and have gotten a few nice pieces here and there, try and stick to a pretty minimal mostly black wardrobe (still trying to lrn 2 color). feel like i found /fa/ at just the right time cause this past year i've just been working (still living at home) and browsing /fa/, listening to music, reading, shit like that. so i've learned a lot about fashion and am developing my own taste in it. and my girlfriend and i are moving to seattle in a few months so by then il hopefully be pretty basic fa. this place really helps a lot though when you don't take everything super seriously. thanks guys.

>> No.8201750
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>> No.8201767

step up nigga i had calligraphy in my catholic primary school with internat

>> No.8201805

I went to a shitty modern elementary school in an antiquated museum town, so we learned nothing but cursive.

>> No.8201942

cause i'm a vapid hipster fuck

>> No.8202053


your not a hipster you nerd

>> No.8202077

after i took accutane and got rid of all of my cystic acne and i had finally lost a shitton of weight and become thin as hell back when i was like 16, i realized i was still dressing like a dingus in beaten up running shoes and band tees and shit. so i went to /fa/ for a while and went "fuck this, this is too expensive" but i became h&mcore for a while and basically wore nothing but cardigans and desert boots, it was stupid. anyway after doing that through most of the rest of high school i get to college and blossom out of a fairly awful depression (my high school gf was awful to be around and threatened to kill herself if i broke up with her) i realize "damn i'm still dressing like shit"

so basically i've spent the past five years or so overcoming a series of hurdles that have prevented me from being /fa/ and now i'm finally in a good enough place as a person to want to love myself and buy clothing that will make me really happy. i see wanting to wear things that look nice as natural; well-crafted clothing is art that you can display on your body. it's not about looking attractive for me so much as it is about appreciating clothing for what it is

>> No.8202233

Around age 16, I got sick of wearing tshirts and baggy blue jeans every day. Plus I liked getting compliments every day; it was really easy to dress better than 95% of my highschool.

>> No.8202255

>2011, 17 years old
>To attract other /fa/ people, i find them very atractive

>> No.8202279

> I started dabbling in basic streetwear until 2013
please leave and take your reddit meme with you.

>> No.8202334
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>> No.8202349
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high school senior detected

>> No.8202503

>implying the loving, caring, fun child within you is dead
Anon, my dreams, our dreams, all of our dreams will come true..right?

>> No.8202543

Hey, where is Bono? this post has "The Edge" written all over it

>> No.8202559

I started browsing /fa/ a year ago
I haven't bought any clothes since

>> No.8202594

when i realized i dressed like shit. Now i still dress like shit but at least im concious of it

>> No.8202623

former military? How's life treating you?

>> No.8203397
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>> No.8203424

it was sarcastic
commenting on how it's he stupidest place to look

>> No.8203444


nobody. fucking. cares. you narcissistic fuckheads.
>my parents want me to be a ____ or some shit isnt that hilarious. I am the rebellious voice of a generation
>but no Im not never mind because I wanna have lots and lots of money in the future because I deserve it for being so special and unique. I dont know what I would do with that money but I WANT it because Im too much of a fucking idiot to understand how personal goals and self improvement work.

go back to /soc/ and rate yourself 8/10 and jack off each others oily 4 inch dicks you self important complacent retards.

>> No.8203506
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a million hours in paint later

>> No.8203526

I clicked my bottle to the screen when you said
> because everyone knows when you want to better yourself you go to 4chan

>> No.8203530

this is not your fucking livejournal

>> No.8203534
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>> No.8203539

I read all those and I most definitely did care. :)

>> No.8203540

H & M

I'm an American so I don't know if they ship there with out outrageous pricing

>> No.8203542

why is sieg your ideal partner

>> No.8203546

uniqlo and hm are both there, gap and aa would cost more though (and are better)

>> No.8203548
File: 550 KB, 960x720, boy george propaganda.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

because muff muff kawaii uguu desu you skanky nigger

>> No.8203552

i was making a joke what the heck

>> No.8203558
File: 411 KB, 584x439, kawaiiface.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I forgive you of your evils

>> No.8203559

they told me I could be anything, so I became a weird pirate

>> No.8203566

back 2 reddit

>> No.8203570

you are one massive faggot dude

>> No.8203668
File: 2 KB, 137x125, 1385146116462.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1.78m isn't manlet...

>> No.8203699

it is
1.85 is the cut for manlet height

>> No.8203708

you both are me

>> No.8203713

age 16 is more pleb than age 13 lmao, those drop-crotch chinos are fucking horrendous

>> No.8203717

that picture is from 2009 or something IIRC, yes

>> No.8203727
File: 6 KB, 191x250, 1393194315552.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw 185cm

>> No.8203745

>2009 thought drop-crotch khaki chinos were effay
maybe this board's not getting worse

>> No.8203748

lmao fuck off manlet
cutoff is 1.90 or 6' 3

>> No.8203765


ITT: someone is wrong on the internet

>> No.8203767

we are two of the same friend

>> No.8203781


>> No.8203783

me too anon :)

>> No.8203809

Earlier this year when I decided I dress like shit. Help me /fa/.

>> No.8203817

6'2 under 60 kg

>> No.8203844

>being underage
>on /fa/

ffs follow the rules

>> No.8203860

>implying until recently this board had an almost nonexistent standard of moderation and that's barely improved
Praise based starfrog

>> No.8203867

>be 16
>graphic tee/flannel wearing ragamuffin with bad hair
>new friend dresses well
>copy him for a while, get tips etc.
>start putting together my own fits and paying attention to things like fabric/silhouette etc. when buying clothes

eventually ended up here

>> No.8204365

You're me, minus the effay.

>> No.8205630

thank you hungry skeleton

>> No.8205669

Holy fuck these threads are so embarrassing. I'm glad I've always been and will always be more cool than 99% of you.

>> No.8205673

fite me irl faggot

>> No.8205675

it's ok im still cooler than you

>> No.8205930

>peruvian btw
>got the dortmund quiff last year

fear that I'm tryning too hard to be /fa/
no one here take this shit seriously

>> No.8206063

(They're joking)

>> No.8206153

you're an asshole

>> No.8206920
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First time I ever thought about fashion a lot were alternative bands I listened to in middle school like Mumford and Sons and Creature Feature. I loved more modest old fashioned/ Victorian clothes like they wore because I hated the way emos, indecent"popular" kids, ghetto people and future fuccbois wore and still ware. I dressed really shit and awkward until I was 17 last year because I fell in love with 60s music and the fashion particularly of rock stars or just the high standard of fashion of music/movie people in the early-mid 60s. So by them I think I've learned and dressed far better than my plebian/romantic days in middle school.

>> No.8206953

I hear all that man. I still, deep inside, wish I could go full fedoracore Victorian 3 pieces every day, but that isn't going to be acceptable ever :~;

>> No.8207966

yeah me too

>> No.8207970

lol stfu manlet everyone know the official is at 1.94.

hahah maybe u should wear heals ;)

>> No.8208358
File: 24 KB, 650x366, 243425-anders-behring-breivik.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>tfw can't find a triple-lapelled tartan jacket

>> No.8208369

I'm still not even /fa/

I'm completely average
6' 150 lbs with a decent face
and I just wear really skinny jeans, shirts, henleys and flannels, vans and toms basically.

I'm everything this board hates. I work at a mall so I can't afford much either, but I enjoy fashion and have been told I have a good vision for it, just my collection is not impressive at all.

>> No.8208559

good luck man. it gets easier as you save inspo for outfits you want to wear when you get to your goal body. really pushes you to lose those pounds. I'm feeling pretty good after losing 15 lbs, not unmotivated at all. Buying shoes, watches, a nice pair of sunglasses to go with your future outfits, grooming and getting your hair nice really gets you excited to lose weight and dress nicely. Saving up for a watch currently myself.

>> No.8210793

>listening to /fa/ for advice on weight
>implying they don't want you to be an anorexic skinny ass little bitch

buy and wear your clothes dude. don't listen to these faggots.

>> No.8211266
File: 901 KB, 1772x1920, Untitled-3 copy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Be 18, get out of a couple of different skater / emo / punk / hardcore / whatever you get the idea phases in high school
>only own plaid, vans, bandshirts, and one pair of black jeans left over from highschool phases
>Looking to improve wardrobe
>why not try /fa/?

Glasses are fucking hard to draw

>> No.8211270

im embarrassed for myself. that i actually go to a board that has something like this thread on it.

>> No.8211293


w2c shoes?

>> No.8211297

Because I never know what to wear so I wanted to learn more about clothes and how to dress

>> No.8211455
File: 59 KB, 468x508, 1392407583448.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i don't understand you guys who are still obsessed with drapey all black clothing and ridiculous sneakers

do you realize that this not only looks juvenile but socially isolates you from a lot of people? wear a fucking chambray and get some friends

>> No.8211469

That pic is so exploitable

>> No.8211688
File: 106 KB, 692x768, 1396248255153.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As a teen I got into fashun in some hope of a sense of fulfillment and self betterment.

It never did really fill the hole ;_;

>> No.8211709

nothing will

>> No.8211781

Started thinking about it around age 18/19, didn't really figure out what I liked until I was 21.

>> No.8211792

Ehh I always kinda just wore the basics. Like black or blue jeans with a white/grey/black shirt and a jacket. Then I came here and all I changed was my hair. Went from a buzzcut to a Hitler Youth in about six months.

>> No.8211796


Cake, burgers and Chinese food disagrees with you.

>> No.8211798

i would fill up that hole
if you catch my drift

>> No.8211802

recently started to care about my appearance/clothes/everything and started to develop a 'style' i guess

>> No.8212467

Present fit looks pretty good imo. Wonder if it would translate well to real life

>> No.8212602

17-18 I guess. I only wear basic colours ie only white and black

>> No.8213062

I wouldn't bank on it son, /fa/ will eat you up and spit you out. Don't take it personally though, unless you become a tripfag, then it's personal. Listen to what they have to say and you'll do alright

spoiler: nice clothes won't make you feel better about yourself, welcome to /fa/.

>> No.8213067

when I saw my 55 yo teacher wearing same jacket like I had

>> No.8213320

Pls no Anon

>> No.8213540

*former militarycore

>> No.8213586
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>> No.8213631


>> No.8213666

6 months ago bought a pair of chinos and though it felt nice to be dressed nicely.

Nowadays I dress like a 15 year old nigger in Zara and H&M goof clothes and dreambox sneakers. I burned the chinos in a pyre in Rick Owens honor.

>> No.8213836
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>> No.8213925

How would you even use the toilet in that

>> No.8213963

Post fit.

>> No.8213967

When I was 21. 21 years of t shirts that don't fit, jeans that don't fit, and old running shoes. Unfortunately I came to /fa/ for fashion advice so I look like a ninja freak

>> No.8214016 [DELETED] 


i dont dress like that soz

i posted in a waywt on thursday

>> No.8214040
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>> No.8214049

Holy shit.
What the fuck are you wearing?

>> No.8214052


sorry those are just concepts i dont actually dress like that

ill post real fit in waywt tomorrow if thats what u want

>> No.8214057

pls tell me you dont go outside like this

>> No.8214067


dont worry

i dont obv

>> No.8214072
File: 39 KB, 419x483, pleased.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

crying on 4chan why though

>> No.8214073

I wasn't that aware of fashion until the end of high school, before that I just abstractly thought goths were cool and wanted to look like an anime character. junior/senior year I stopped dressing like a weeaboo goth but all I wore were jeans and hoodies, moved to cardigans from there, had no real sense of fashion.

I've only recently taken steps towards being /fa/ though, and I'm 20. I've come a long way but I have a lot more work to do and need to practice putting outfits together/buy better clothes. My hair still needs a lot of work too. It's just a money/waiting game at this point.

>> No.8214075

I enjoyed your one lul

>> No.8214080

oh no they're gay!! how will the fashion board react to a HOMOSEXUAL?!

>> No.8214083

keep at it bru-bru
you WILL make mistakes :[ bad purchases will be made but it'll pay off :3

>> No.8214089


I cared about how I dressed since maybe I was 12?

at 14 started buying clothing for myself but didn't really know about "fashion"

at 16 sister took me back to school shopping and i realized that dressing well made me feel good

17 started getting seriously into it

19 and i've come a pretty long way with a long way to go but i'm pretty content with where i am and what i know atm

>> No.8214114

I wasn't that aware of fashion until the end of high school, before that I just abstractly thought goths were cool and wanted to look like an anime character. junior/senior year I stopped dressing like a weeaboo goth but all I wore were jeans and hoodies, moved to cardigans from there, had no real sense of fashion.

I've only recently taken steps towards being /fa/ though, and I'm 20. I've come a long way but I have a lot more work to do and need to practice putting outfits together/buy better clothes. My hair still needs a lot of work too. It's just a money/waiting game at this point.

>> No.8214117

>socially isolates you
this is so true, and why i have been drifting farther away from goofninja and closer to normcore. you're right and it took me a really fucking long time to realize that i was drawing close to no friends

>> No.8214121 [DELETED] 

NO actually is cutoff is <insert anon's height.
This is what you sound like.

>> No.8214123

make the girl blonde and we're the same

>> No.8214130

NO actually the cutoff is <insert anon's height.
This is how stupid your logic is.

>> No.8214132

Meant to reply to >>8203748

>> No.8214133
File: 155 KB, 468x508, exploitysl.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Go wild

>> No.8214325
File: 106 KB, 800x600, A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be complete autist who wants to fit in
>gradually realize I look like shit and attempt to appear socially acceptable (if pandering to "alternative" subcultures) rather
>realize that most scenesters ook like terrible and so do regular people
>go through a dadcore phase thinking I'm le classy when I look like an apathetic businessman
>start paying attention to fit and realize that dadcore is awful and that menswear as a whole is impractical for myself
>start getting clothes altered and buy custom shirts, gradually building up a small but fairly decent wardrobe in the process
My ideal look isn't exactly /fa/, but whatever.

>> No.8216124

19 y/o tryhard
Decided to get into /fa/ and basics two years prior, now going all-out on streetwear/goofninja shit and even though I love the aesthetic, it's so fucking hard to get right on a budget.

>> No.8216179
File: 46 KB, 336x322, 1303764244981.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


lol y u mad tho?

>> No.8217485

because I was self-concious faggot who couldn't get da booty because I was putting everyone at pedestal, thinking that they know what the fuck they are doing with their lives (spoiler alert - they don't)

>> No.8217626

Your pic is sorta my goal aesthetic, military looking clothing, muted, earth palette, etc.