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/fa/ - Fashion

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8198297 No.8198297 [Reply] [Original]

/fa/ seems like the most appropriate place to talk about this, so let's have an interior design inspo and advice thread.

First thing I need to buy is a new desk.
What are some places to cop nice, small, desks in US? Online is fine.

>> No.8198303


>> No.8198304


>> No.8198311

I saw one I really liked at Frys electronics actually, but I want to look at more before I decide.
I want to keep it small, and minimalistic.

Also, where are some good places to cop /fa/ drink glasses?

>> No.8198316

go over to /diy/ and build one

>> No.8198329

I just looked online at Ikea and I'm near positive they'd have exactly what you're looking for. It's pretty cheap too.
Here's some cool cups I found.

>> No.8198337

I was thinking just plain, clear glass but I'm open to getting black stuff too. Seems like it would look cleaner at least.

>> No.8198824
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>> No.8200597

THoughts on this desk?
I like it because it's very basic, with a glass top.

>> No.8200601
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Forgot pic.
Thoughts on this desk?

>> No.8200639

won't get much easier than building a desk m8

>> No.8200646
File: 227 KB, 750x461, optix_broken_glass_table_01[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

uh oh

>> No.8200662
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>fashion board
>seems like the most appropriate place to talk about this
>interior design

>> No.8200672

Omg dream apartment.

>> No.8200673

I have it, and I hate it, accumulates fingerprints and dust VERY fast, clean it every day, looks cluttered easily

>> No.8200674

That wouldn't happen unless someone smashed it though, right?

>> No.8200689


when it comes to style/image it probably is the best place to be honest. It isn't the technically correct board, but the people are better.

>> No.8200692


There's a reason Italian design desks with glass tops are ridiculously expensive.

>> No.8200743


That guy probably put too much weight on it.

>> No.8200788

marble plate + ikea desk stand

>> No.8200793
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>> No.8200800
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and here the other half of my room, if anyone cares

>> No.8200812


Will you please flip the head of your Tizio the right way round?

You are hurting my inner autist

>> No.8200840

Hmm good to know.
Do you think it's like that on all glass desks or just some?

>> No.8200843

How much was that marble plate?
Post pics of this "desk stand"

I'm guessing it's for DIY desks?

>> No.8200852
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holy grail

>> No.8200899

w2c that hermon miller chair so comfy

>> No.8200935

Looks like a damn hotel room

>> No.8200973
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how about replacing it with a good GY!BE album?
like pic related

>> No.8201033

>become part of /v/ community
>battlestation threads inspired me to get into interior design
>become part of /fa/ community
>fashion is now one of my main hobbies/interests
>become part of /fit/ community
>now slightly turned on by guys

4chan really did turn me gay

>> No.8201040

I think you might have been a faggot before coming to 4chan :^)

>> No.8201056

Nice taste man.

>> No.8201110


Clearly never sat in one for long periods of time.

Your back will hate you.

>> No.8202395

what are those plants on the windowsill called

>> No.8202440
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New desk is making me happy. Only 200 odd something bucks or so. So much damn space for work. So much storage for dope things.

I'm moving out soon so I haven't bothered to make it look as cool as I could yet, but just you wait until I move into my new place.

>> No.8202472
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My nigg

>> No.8202487

>Nice taste

top kek

>> No.8202493

Ikea has some nice shit man

I have that same desk

>> No.8202497

Outside of FOSS faggotry, and the price it comes down to personal preference, saying that macs are shit without providing a reason is fucking stupid.

>> No.8202505

I would have thought most of the reasons are so well known I wouldn't even have to state them

>> No.8202510


>plants on speakers...
>lazy cable hider for tv
>lame artwork

otherwise nice

>> No.8202535

the edge

>> No.8204333

This....most desk legs from Ikea are changeable, and as someone who has moved a few times with an Ikea desk, being able to break it down makes life so much easier.

>> No.8204346

lmao is steam open on the monitor

>> No.8204352

whats the wall diagram? looks cool

>> No.8204373

how about replacing it with a good album? like any non-crescendocore

>> No.8204406

which board would be better?
personally i feel it deserves it's own board, but good luck getting that

>> No.8204430

engineering stuff
it's just cat grass
yea boi

>> No.8204438


Using Ikea expedit for shitty hat storage.

>eternal fuccboi

>> No.8204472

Someone posted on here a few days ago about his black design desk, anyone saved the pics?

>> No.8204479

>facing the window when you sit at your computer

This is a terrible idea, what the fuck was that person thinking

>> No.8204481

why three hookahs?
doesn't the law of diminishing marginal returns set in fairly quickly on hookahs?

>> No.8204492

>not knowing about the 20/20/20 rule
>facing a wall instead
Enjoy your ruined eyesight

>> No.8204503

maximum comfy activated

>> No.8204945


>> No.8204983

I think that's some kind of audio player or editorial program

>> No.8206331

interior design gets discussed on this board a lot fuccboi, what are you NEW ?

>> No.8206360

got that same storage thingy, for records & other producer related shit. thinking bout getting the desk version for a studio room.

>> No.8207882
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>> No.8207894

Build it yourself. Much more gratifying, hella cheaper.

>> No.8207914

>supreme hats, mcm
>rafdidas, rikdidas, balenciaga arena, kva
>hypebeast bookmarked

>> No.8207915

that's final cut bruh

>> No.8207924
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You guys have shit taste.

Posting some actually nice interior design.

>> No.8207926
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>> No.8207932
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>> No.8207934


>American Psycho.

>> No.8207939
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rage quit

>> No.8207942
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I fucking love old casements like that. Doesn't help that I work for a PVC double glazing company, makes me want to vomit every-time some pleb cunt wants their timber frames replaced by shitty white plastic.

Pic related

>> No.8207974

>Posting some actually nice interior design.

That's shit interior design in a nice space.

>> No.8208004

Yeah, putting a glass desk with an iMac on it is definitely more creative.

>> No.8208013
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im bored, so im taking over this thread. best place to buy interior design and furniture in the us is probably design within reach. correct me on this if you know better, im from europe. europeans are usually better off just ordering stuff directly, that means vitra, knoll, kartell, b&b italia, ittala, alessi ect. invest in nice furniture people, its a one in a lifetime thing

>> No.8208017
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white walls > any other colour of walls

>> No.8208019
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create a space you actually want to live in

>> No.8208021
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bookshelves are expesnsive as hell, but again, its a one time investment. if you cant afford custom, go with a modular system like String

>> No.8208025
File: 226 KB, 614x807, tumblr_n3u60tolzy1qb4wy7o1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

for furniture, just like for clothes: buy less, spend more. youll benefit in the long run

>> No.8208042

Not everybody is into designer furniture. The best flats I saw were furnished with thrifted/found pieces and it looked awesome.

>> No.8208057
File: 100 KB, 480x542, 1370036136651.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

true, didnt really mean to imply that.
in europe there is also the possibility of getting really old furniture really cheap. can work well on its own, or as a contrast to modernistic stuff.

>> No.8208064

post more please

>> No.8208069

what's the best way to deal with storage in a one room living space?

>> No.8208071


w2c floating shelves like that for records

>> No.8208073

buddy it's AE

>> No.8208089


I didn't say anything about iMac's.

That space just hasn't been done very well. the Retro red and green stuff clashes like fuck with the sharp cornered pine. Then that "antique" chair and couch thing in the corner are doing their own thing too. There are three separate themes that don't compliment each other in any way.

>> No.8208096

that is nice tho

>> No.8208107


My dad did that. He bought an old builders yard and converted it into apartments. He kept one of the buildings for himself and converted it into a loft apartment with a 6 car garage underneath.

He got most of the old furniture from his parents house and made it look awesome. He put old rusty sledge hammers and wooden ladders and stuff in the corners for decoration too. All the old stuff that was lying about when he bought it. He said I could live there if I wanted but the location was pretty rural.