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8194980 No.8194980[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>tfw ugly

>> No.8194983

>tfw attractive but only to some gay guy
>you will never be manly and attract girls

>> No.8194990
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>> No.8194995

>finally shave beard after like two weeks
>notice acne is almost gone
>forgot how good I looked clean-shaven
>qts mirin errywhere

fuckin sick

>> No.8195001
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>tfw girl you like calls you attractive
>tfw she still doesn't seem to like you

it doesn't even matter ;'((

>> No.8195004

she does like you tho, learn to take hint autist and make a move

>> No.8195005
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i asked her if she wanted to do something sometime a couple weeks ago and she said "but i fucking hate you??? joking!"

>> No.8195007

what more do you want fella

>> No.8195008

1st class of a new semester in 3 hrs
will I make it /fa/?
will I end this misery

>> No.8195012

jesus dude...

>> No.8195016

guys do this all the time to girls, except might not even say joking as it sorrve makes you beta, depending on how you say it I suppose.

just make a move, whilst drunk maybe because you seem like a pussy, and if it doesnt work out then you havent lost anything and you havent gained anything. if it does then you gain sweet grills. you cant really lose

>> No.8195021
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>she will never dump her bf to runaway with you

>> No.8195022
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well i replied with "i'll take that as a maybe", then she changed subject.

yeah, but it's been a couple weeks. she used to seem pretty into me, and after that invitation she stopped being as friendly.

call me noided but i just feel like when i showed interest, she lost interest.

saging, since it's going off the thread topic.

>> No.8195025

what does it feel like when a girl likes you

>> No.8195037

i wouldnt know anon

>> No.8195044
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some physicist are actually seriously considering the possibility that our universe is actually a computer simulation and they will soon actually be able to carry out an experiment to test their hypothesis

>> No.8195067
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>tfw only ever asked out by middle eastern girls who want to suck my dick

>> No.8195071

How would they go about testing something like that?
Also as soon as we'd find out about it the simulation would lose it's purpose (unless it was for us to discover that it's just a simulation) so why let sth like that happen?

>> No.8195076

Feels good, but then she leaves and it's the worst feeling ever

>> No.8195078

Any link?

An AI simulation, mate.
Gotta know if their toaster is going to go full skynet on them

>> No.8195088


I'm a math major and I can't make sense of the math but good luck

>> No.8195090

the test is something to do with detecting anomalies when photons travel in a certain direction i think

it's so weird to think about a simulation realising it is a simulation though

>> No.8195092
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>tfw all I want is a qt gf to hold hands and snuggle with under bedsheets, waking up late in the afternoon to explore the city together and eating japanese food

>> No.8195096

tfw it is winter and you have no one to snuggle with

why does feel come from

>> No.8195099

hello fellow ausbro

>> No.8195103

Yeah, I mean as soon as we know we're a simulation we stop acting naturally, therefore the information collected from us would lose it's value from that point on...
It's like playing Sims and the characters start fucking with you and acting even more retarded than usual

>> No.8195109

wanna get onigiri in the city and smoke some weed im not gay tho

>> No.8195110

why would we stop acting naturally? Imagine if you built a universe and watched it until the inhabitants realised they where inside a simulation, thats when it would start to get really interesting

/r/ing sick post-simulation core fits

>> No.8195120

>"...the most stringent bound on the inverse lattice spacing of the universe ..... is derived from the high-energy cut off of the cosmic ray spectrum. The numerical simulation scenario could reveal itself in the distributions of the highest energy cosmic rays exhibiting a degree of rotational symmetry breaking that reflects the structure of the underlying lattice."

What interests me about this is whether or not these symmetries are inherent to all lattices or not, because if they are we stand a chance of detecting whether we're in a simulation or not; but if it's possible for there to be a simulation without these attributes then we still wouldn't know.

In fact, the last time I'd heard about/paid attention to this argument this is what people (who are far cleverer than me) were arguing, about whether or not it was possible in any universe for there to be a perfect (ie undetectable) simulation of that or other-order universes.

>> No.8195121

Sorry, that should start with (before the greentext) "I don't think you need to understand the math to grasp the premise, though."

>> No.8195147

what does the distribution of the cosmic rays have to do with the universe being a simulation?

is this lattice thing, is that sort of a discretization of the 'space' of the universe?

should mention that I'm a math major with a very average GPA.

>> No.8195194

>getting asked out by girls that want to suck your dick
I don't see the problem

>> No.8195203

Because instead of living as we always did, the main goal will be to find out as much about that simulation. When you try to simulate a situation to prove a poing, most of the times the test subjects don't know what it's about.
Unless the simulation is about how we react to finding out we are in a simulation, it becomes obsolete

>> No.8195207

>is this lattice thing a sort of discretization of the 'space' of the universe
Exactly, the space-time of the universe, yes. Essentially, that our universe/space-time has the dimensions that it has because it is being simulated/projected onto(or is that in?) a lattice with those dimensions.

Now if this were true and our universe were a simulation, whatever was being used to simulate it would be at some stage limited by computing power; resulting in a limit on the scale at which it could accurately reproduce/display date - discrete distances in the simulation - sound familiar?
They are suggesting that this is the reason for the existence of the Planck length, that it's the smallest possible distance between discrete points on this 'lattice' of the simulation; anything that would be smaller than a Planck length cannot possibly exist due to the simulation's limited processing power (that I mentioned above)

The highest-energy cosmic rays that they're referring to exist on a scale very close to the Planck length. which means that if this is all true, rather than there being a continuous progression of frequencies of these rays there will instead be at some stage a 'cutoff' point, where rays that have frequencies higher than this point cannot exist (because they would then be smaller than a Planck length, except that if this is a limitation due to the nature/structure of the universe, it is impossible for things to be smaller than a Planck length, see above). They are then suggesting that if these rays closest to the 'cutoff' point exhibit some symmetries, rather than being naturally emergent they are reflecting that lattice structure of the universe, which is evidence that the universe could be a possible simulation.
From what I understand, anyway
>which isn't much

Confused yet? I am.
>I-I'm sorry, I'm a Science dropout, so I'm not very good at express the concepts.
I-I'll go and see if I can find some sources that do a better job of explaining it, anon.

>> No.8195211

What I don't quite understand is whether they're planning to observe these high-energy rays at the boundaries of our own universe, or if they're instead wanting to wait for the predicted increases in our own quantum-computing power to allow us to simulate a universe and observe the rays there; and then possible compare them to our own universe?

Some philosophical argument, that if we live in a universe where it's possible to perfectly simulate an arbitrary number of universes identical to our own, probability states we're almost certainly living in a simulated universe blah blah blah

>> No.8195222

I'm picturing something like the nyquist theorem? I guess the 'sampling' density of space isn't large enough to correctly simulate really high energies?

so kinda like when you see car wheels start to spin backward on video

so why would the designers of the simulation have allowed a 'glitch' like this? why not design the simulation so that the plank length is the upper cut off on high frequency radiation?

more than likely there is other intelligent life in the universe, if we're already seriously considering the possibility that our universe is a simulation, it stands to reason that other intelligent life, which could possibly be only a few thousand or million years more advanced that us, would have already discovered if the universe is a simulation or not. If we are the only intelligent life then why make the universe so large?

>> No.8195233

>tfw when girl smile at you but you're too autistic to do anything

>> No.8195236

> If we are the only intelligent life then why make the universe so large?

So we doubt that this is a simulation, just like you're doing right now
Just kidding, I see your point and agree. But maybe this all turns out to be infinetly more complicated than we know and no other species actually discovered if this is a sim or not until now. Which would mean that we too are far from finding out or suggests that we might be in a "perfect simulation".
But I suppose your point is more probable. Maybe aren't even bothering with us anymore and just felt it was inhuman to shut off the simulation...

>> No.8195253

I don't necessarily doubt that it's a simulation, it's only a theory and I'm not in a physicist so I'm not in a position to doubt or not doubt it.

I just personally find it fascinating because it is an interesting solution to the problem of mathematical anti/realism

>> No.8195322
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is living in a simulation /fa/?