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/fa/ - Fashion

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8189859 No.8189859 [Reply] [Original]

I was diagnosed celiac, stopped eating gluten, and I've lost 40 pounds in 3 months. I know /fa/ isn't very friendly to fatties, but I want to share this with someone, and one of the things I look forward to most about being skinny for the first time in my life is being able to dress well.

I'm now 6'2, 200 pounds. I have a long way to go, still have a bit of a belly, but my legs look like normal person legs now, my arms are starting to look like more than lumps of flappy flesh, and I generally feel so much better about myself. It's like it happened over night, I didn't even notice how much weight I was losing until the last couple of weeks when I finally started to feel it. I've had 10 years of failed attempts at losing weight. I've exercised my ASS off, but never had any real results. After changing to gluten-free, I just did the same exercise routines I've done for 10 years and apparently the pounds just started dropping. It's amazing. I'm even able to wear jeans that aren't dad jeans! I've gone from a 38 - 40 in Levis to a 30 - 32 waist size.

Anyway, I just want to say thanks to /fa/ for giving me a little motivation to not stop trying despite 10 years of struggling with weight. Since I started coming here 3 or 4 years ago I've found a lot of inspiration to try and pick up my exercise, and when that didn't work I knew something was wrong, which was what lead to me finding out that I have celiacs. Without you guys reminding me that I would always look like shit if I stayed fat, I might have given up.

I've always had stomach problems, and assumed it was just because I was fat, which is why I didn't pin down gluten sensitivity as a cause. I feel like a different person now in every way, and all I had to do was stop eating fucking bread and rice. It's amazing shit. Not sure I'll ever be a skeleton, but damnit /fa/, I'm going to look like a man before I get my first grey hair.

<3 u all

>> No.8189867

Too long, don't read and you're still fat

>> No.8189896

/fa/ in a nutshell

>> No.8189925

I'm still ok with it. Honestly this attitude is what inspired me to fix my shit. I almost definitely wouldn't have been as motivated as I was, and it took me working my ass off with no results to realize I had a problem that went beyond just being a fatty.

I went to a doctor, described my life, and they put me on a "diet test". 2 weeks later I was diagnosed celiac, they said "we can't do shit for you, but stop eating gluten and life will be awesome"

So, yeah, jerks on /fa/ changed my life.

>> No.8190073

Post fit faggot.

p.s. we love you

>> No.8190086

I..I will when I'm ready.

Seriously though, all of my clothes suck right now, because as said in the OP I literally didn't realize I was losing weight until a few weeks ago because I had spent so long unsuccessfully exercising. I didn't expect results, so I didn't really check for them.

People finally started saying that I looked great/that I had lost so much weight, and I was like "really, I did? wtf".

tl;dr I have no clothes right now because I'm not sure what size I will be in a month or two, so posting a fit would be pointless.

>> No.8190099
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post fat fits nigga

>> No.8190137

I'm proud of you man. Hope you're feeling good and your quality of life has improved! Going gluten free really is the shit albeit a but of a pain in the ass. It's a good excuse to learn how to cook stuff using specialized ingredients though (if you like cooking)

>> No.8190139

do u go on /fit/

>> No.8190156

Never posted there. My experience from a couple of short browsings hasn't been good. Seems quite inaccessible and in-groupy. I'm not into their culture, and they don't seem very receptive to actual health, just dick measuring over lifts and shit.

Thank you.
Promise I'll buy some nice clothes soon and post fits. For now it's midnight and I'm in comfy pjs under a cover.

>> No.8190336
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What the fuck happened to /fa/?

Don't sympathize lardasses

>> No.8191622

He's trying to lose weight doe

>> No.8191726

Getting diagnosed with celiac last year was the best thing that's ever happened to me, I can think clearer, my stomach isn't constantly hurting. I feel so much healthier and happier. I was slowly poisoning myself with gluten, I don't even miss it

>> No.8191751

He was unaware that he had celiacs you cunt

>> No.8191757

>daily reminder that if you tell a story that's not in green text, no one's going to read it

>> No.8191759

Yeah, fucking >>8190336 is a complete faggot. Fuck off and die, this "lardass" is really putting in effort.

>> No.8192599

Glad to hear that dude. It's been pretty amazing for me too, I'm really excited to see what my life is like a year from now.

I'm already feeling better mentally and physically, and while I'm still suffering from some tiredness and stomach pains they're definitely getting better. It's amazing that I don't have to suffer through the stomach pains any more, doctors had given me all kinds of medicines that just didn't work and I had given up hope.