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/fa/ - Fashion

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8183048 No.8183048 [Reply] [Original]

Best names? Here are my favorites:

Isabelle, Eleanor, Marisol

Martin, Theodore, Elias, Silas, Samuel

>> No.8183079
File: 74 KB, 318x369, 1399086557077.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My name is Samuel.

>> No.8183088

Same here

Strong names need strong last names though

>> No.8183113

Scott, Thomas, Connor

Jennifer, Isabel, Natasha

>> No.8183118

>all those samuels

the jews have won

>> No.8183120

James Darwin II

>> No.8183125

ew g-d no

>> No.8183130

My favourite female names are: Vivian, Veronica, and Alice.

>> No.8183140

>Samuel not a Christian name
the fuck you on?

Terrible choices, except maybe Isabel

>> No.8183153
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Christopher & Iris

>> No.8183173

Eila, Airi, Stephanie,

Anthony, Roman, Leo

>> No.8183226

My favourite female names:
Fanny, Esther and numerous other names from my country.
ultimate top #1:

>> No.8183235

My name (Lawrence) is pretty uncommon. At least amongst people my age. I don't even really use it that often, I go by a variety of nicknames or just my middle name.

What do you think, /fa/, should I start using my real name again?

>> No.8183249

Mortimus Crème.

>> No.8183267

Depends on your last name, really.

>> No.8183548


>> No.8184070

Yolo McSwaggins

>> No.8184132

Samuel is a Jewish name


>> No.8184138


I like my name.

>> No.8184139

Mah nigga.

>> No.8184146

My middle name is Seth. parents always called me by it, so it's what I go by.

First name is Jacob.

Moving soon, which should I go with for telling new people?

>> No.8184151


Seth sounds cooler

>> No.8184156

Think so? For whatever reason I've always felt it's kind of an immature name.

>> No.8184158

Lawrence!? Only faggots and sailors are called Lawrence.

>> No.8184165


>> No.8184166


Jacob feels to too biblical and formal.

Seth sounds a lot more casual

>> No.8184208

martin is a garbage name

>> No.8184216

I want to name my child Ares or Phoebe

>> No.8184225

thats my middle name :(

(its a terrible name)

>> No.8184232

Emma, Emily, Anna

>> No.8184236

Barbara, Mariana, Rita

Lucas, Phillip, John

>> No.8184239

God tier names: Raphael, Sebastian, Laurent

Pleb tier: Any names not on list above.

>> No.8184262

My oldest brother just had a kid with his gf, they named him Sebastian, we call him Bastian for short

>> No.8184277
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Names, like fashions, go in and out of style. People are currently calling their girls khaleesi but thats not going to stand the trst of time.

Can't go wrong with traditional biblical names, Peter, Paul, Thomas, Samuel ect. They might seem conservative or 'boring' but like true style theyre always in fashion

>> No.8184286

I really like Luna.

>> No.8184318


Peter and paul are poverty names.

>> No.8184324


It's one of the most /fa/ names of all time.

>> No.8184330

Maybe if you live in Nigeria and are named Peter or Paul, otherwise you're wrong.

>> No.8184363


Peter and paul are awful names. Bland and made for peasants.

Especially Peter. Only American uncultured un/fa/ people are named peter.

>> No.8184362
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>> No.8184385

I don't know about best, but I know Bert is the shittest tier name.

>> No.8184394

Anthony, Thomas, Michael, Alexander, Joseph, Daniel, Gabriel, Henry, Raphael

Sofia, Maria, Isabella, Gabriella, Alice, Geneva

>> No.8184404

I really dig old western names


>> No.8184405


>> No.8184410

Almost perfect list.

Would add Evelyn, phillip and Sebastian and would remove maria

>> No.8184420

Butch and Hank are shit rest are ok

>> No.8184421

Sophie, Clare, Emma

Arthur, Edward, Cameron

>> No.8184428

Objective fact. I can't believe people exist that actually think Peter and Paul are /fa/ names.


Those are some of the worst names ever.

>> No.8184433

Is Raphael Navarro an /fa/ name?

>> No.8184437


>> No.8184441

Yes, but Rafael Navarro would be better.

>> No.8184478

>tfw a Joseph
t-thanks anon

>> No.8184513

>tfw my name is Lancelot

>> No.8184516


>> No.8184518
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nina, elise, rebecca, sasha

>> No.8184527

Casey is good

Any name for a male that cannot be shortened to one syllable belongs in the trash.

>> No.8184530

>ctrl+f "Kevin"
>0 results
Thanks for the pleb name mom

>> No.8184541

>tfw normal white guy name
At least you can call people dorks.

Mine is masculine and ends on a hard consonant which is nice I guess.

>> No.8184555

Is Marius okay?

>> No.8184563


we've got a funny guy here

>> No.8184567

Just because your mom named you "nigger" you don't have to hate on other peoples names.

>> No.8184570

I met kid called D'artanian, the little shit was a fencer and shit at it. Name = ruined for me.

>> No.8184573


yea, every seth I meant reminds me of an 8th grade punk

>> No.8184581

I'm a Caleb. I hate my my name.

>> No.8184582

Marcus, Adonis, Nero, Alexander, Artemis, Perseus

Persephone, Antigone, Desdemona, Athena, Artemis, Violet,

>> No.8184593

>tfw named "Muhammad"

Should I ever change it? I actually hate it, but it's been with me for so long it's a part of my identity.

>> No.8184594

Christian, James, Arthur, Gabriel, Michael


>> No.8184601

what fucking century do u live in bruv

>> No.8184603
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>tfw my name got finally mentioned in an /fa/ name thread

>> No.8184608

>naming your children after das juden

>> No.8184617


That's what I want to name a fucking cat

>> No.8184619

I'm Max and I'm ok with that.

>> No.8184624

>not learning etymology and make your own
>suffixes and prefixes

its like you want your kids to be copies.

>> No.8184636

Precilius Orastor Mondragon has a nice ring to it

>> No.8184654

>tfw your name is Kasper with a K but people think you are named after a ghost.


>> No.8184661

Hierophant, Diophantine, Felinius Concolor, Fegliccio, Boccaccio, Salamandrastrom, Siegfried, Octavalus, Prolapse, Elephantitus, Coriolanus, Gottfreud, Gottmilk, Goddard, Brosevilus, Rapsheeba

All my favorites

>> No.8184670

What would be good names if mine is

Marcel Antoine Lirette (french, but im not)

girls middle name would be Antoinette

Alexandre, Bastien, Arto?

>> No.8184673

if you name your kid salamandrastorm and live in a scandinavian country, most likely he/her would be bullied so fucking much.

>> No.8184674


That kid's middle/highschool years would be painful

"Sup, prolapse, how's your ass?"

>> No.8184677


>> No.8184680
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>> No.8184682

I've always really liked the name Rylan

>> No.8184689


>> No.8184694

not getting ur ref. caesar

>> No.8184711

I hate my name

I like the name samson, I noticed that people on here started treating me nicer once I changed my name to samson, cause samson is a harmless name, like u would feel like a mean person to aim shots at a nigga named samson. I will name my child samson probably

>> No.8184713

lmao does it mean something?

>> No.8184718

Just change your name back to 54M50N and go back to >>/r9k/

>> No.8184722

im norwegian and i don't think it does???
it sounds kind of like salamander storm???
idk what they mean???

>> No.8184725

I have never once seen my name on 4chan until this moment, I am content now.

>> No.8184727

U wot m8

>> No.8184739

Maybe cause it sounds like it would mean something in a scandinavian language?

It was the name of a place in a children's novel series i read growing up, iirc

>> No.8184751

im p sure it doesnt mean anything in any scandinavian language

>> No.8184755

do you also like dale ernhardt jr? fuck

>> No.8184765

not really that /fa/ but my name is William and I'm the 4th. I think name suffixes can be effay so my son will be the 5th. Plus it's more rare to see a name carried through 5 generations over just an uncommon name

>> No.8184770

rate my name out of ten

>> No.8184776

why with a u and not w?

>> No.8184779

What is your name?

>> No.8184781
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My two sons names are going to be Ragnar and Loki

If I have a girl it was be Persephone

>> No.8184786


>> No.8184787

idk coz im not a gay asian

>> No.8184789

jules here
weak last name though

>> No.8184796

my housemate is called peter hes a faggot dont call your kid that

>> No.8184800
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>implying Ragnar isnt the manliest name ever
>Implying Loki wont get all the bitches
>Implying Persephone isnt the most attractive name in recorded history
>Implying youre not a fuccboi

>> No.8184804

sophia is the most perfect name

>tfw no qt sophia gf

>> No.8184816

Boy: Miles
Girl: Ellis

>> No.8184819

where i'm from mostly fedora neckbeards are into norse names.
ragnar is like a typical creepy norwegian uncle name, like no thank u.
loki is outdated as a nordic name, no one actually calls their sons loki anymore, they call them loke.
persephone is alright, i've got no problem with persephone.

>> No.8184825
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>Mfw never met a Ragnar in my life

>Tfw you know youre going to drowning in fucking Katnisses and Peetas in about 10 years :(

>> No.8184830


>> No.8184831

why would u want to meet a creepy old norwegian uncle

also that's not as bad as ppl naming their kids after homestuck trolls

>> No.8184836

>tfw my name isnt common at all
>dont want to post it

>> No.8185020

Patrick hunter Maximilian

>> No.8185045

aye bitch why didn't you say zeus and poseidon too you trident humpin fagut

>> No.8185065
File: 56 KB, 596x960, mmmm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My first name is Lavin (pronounced La - Vin not LAY- vin) and it's what I go by.

Switching schools in fall and want to know if I should go with the better sounding albeit incorrect pronunciation of my name or just go by my middle name, James.

>> No.8185151

male: Lucas
female: Nina, Ruby

>> No.8185246

female: Abbigail, Arya, and Arabella

male: Anthony

I am into A names.

>> No.8185259

care to sight some source material? You sound like a total idiot.

>> No.8185265

Mason is alright, but it's weird outside of the states cause it's a super American name

>> No.8185275

Lorraine, Gwendolen, Emily
Victor, Everett, Noah

>> No.8185315

>tfw your name is Lucas

>tfw casually go by Luke

>tfw named my dog Miles

>> No.8185355

>knows a lot of other asians
Like 90% of everyone I know has the name of Brian/Bryan, Kevin, Jason, Anthony, David, or Peter

>> No.8185356
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My name is Miles!

>> No.8185362

Redwall where those fucking badgers and rabbits lived

why the fuck would u name a kid that

>> No.8185380

Did you not see the other names I listed?
Did you think Prolapse and Gottmilk were serious too?

>> No.8185386
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Mah nigga

>> No.8185388

>Not calling him seabass
What are you doing?

>> No.8185406
File: 148 KB, 635x348, screen-shot-2014-02-10-at-10-23-15-pm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My name's Niels
>tfw when nobody can pronounce or spell it for shit
I've just given up on correcting people
Just a short list of idiotic mispronunciations I've heard in the past month

>> No.8185407

oh man that takes me back to highschool

>> No.8185439

there is a Miles in my bio and he is a qt

>> No.8185454

i feel u
my name is åse
i used to go to school in america and i had to spell it like aase all the time
>friggin ASS

>> No.8185483

Colin. Rate my name.

>> No.8185490

rate noah

>> No.8185493
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>sister is named gabrielle von
>brother is named marcus aurelius
>other brother is river christian
>my name is dillan mclure

fucking dillan mclure

wtf were my parents thinking

>> No.8185497

dweeb name, change it legally asap

>> No.8185513

pls help me guise I dunno what to do anymore

>> No.8185524
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go by vinny

>> No.8185541
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>tfw josh

such a douchebag name, doesn't help that I'm asian too so it's just totally out of place

>> No.8185549

I like being Josh! Ive always thought of Chet, Brian, Tony, and possibly John & Matt as the douchebag names.

Im white though, so that helps. Never met an asian Josh, that's for sure

>> No.8185564

I could go by either parker or joe, don't know which is cooler if either

>> No.8185589

fucking cracks me up when asians and especially fob chinks adopt european/murrican/whatever names
like I had a chink housemate, his official name was Hon Wong or sth, and he went by STEPHEN

herro I am Schteven \(-_ - )

>> No.8185592

Rate my name

>> No.8185594

if girl

>> No.8185610


>martin is a garbage name

>USAGE: English, French, German, Swedish, Norwegian, Danish, Russian, Romanian, Czech, Slovak, Slovene, Croatian, Hungarian, Bulgarian, Macedonian, Finnish
Meaning & History: From the Roman name Martinus, which was derived from Martis, the genitive case of the name of the Roman god MARS.
Related to Latin mas "male" (genitive maris). In Roman mythology Mars was the god of war, often equated with the Greek god Ares (Ares was the blood-thirsty god of war in Greek mythology, a son of Zeus and Hera.) This is also the name of the fourth planet in the solar system.

Hahaha sure faggot, tell me your name and lets see how garbage it is.
Martin actually confirmed for GOD tier name.


No, it's not. Be proud of it.

>> No.8185612

fuq i did the same thing

>> No.8185615

Lucas is a name for stupid people in Germany, i think

>> No.8185618

Guy: Bane
Girl: Bannin

>> No.8185628

/tv/ get out, please

>> No.8185629



>> No.8185632

Fuck twilight.

I have the perfect /fa/ name. Sounds good, it's very unique, and not at all pretentious. Whenever I've shared it with people they always gasp and say what a beautiful name it is.

>> No.8185634

Martin is a shit name

>> No.8185643


Hahaha sure. Tell me yours then.
You didn't do it because it's shit.

>> No.8185655

Name's Cassius

>> No.8185661

Lmao dudes heated

Chill out martin

>> No.8185670

it would be extremely baneful

>> No.8185674


I'm calm anon.


Cassius a shit.

>> No.8185679


sorry, last one was meant for >>8185655

>> No.8185681

Martin is a horrible name.

>> No.8185685

Lol who would name a child Martin.

>> No.8185687

agreed, one of the shittiest name you could ever get

>> No.8185701

i am so sorry that you are born with a bad name, my condolences to you and your family

>> No.8185713

Martin is the name of a bottom bitch

>> No.8185724

lol what were your parents thinking
Hahaha you're a fag

>> No.8185749

His name is "Martin"


>> No.8185762

more interesting

>> No.8185767

please never have kids

>> No.8185774

>he what's wrong wi-
well that's just wierd

>> No.8185783

what name is the douchest name?
why it is jake

>> No.8185785


>> No.8185788


>> No.8185791


>> No.8185823

Chad, probably. I'm not from burgerland.

>> No.8185824


> tfw my name is Alexander Michael

>> No.8185837


>> No.8185862

guys: iver, nick, charlie, aleq, pierre
girls: sophie/sophia, santana, claudia, heidi, aurielee,

>> No.8185916

b-b-but anon vinny sounds like an italian pig dog

>> No.8186015

Kurt, Isabel, Gaia, Venus, Naomi, Rebecca

>> No.8186474



>> No.8186531
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>tfw named Edwin

>> No.8186542

Sebastian, Aleksandr, Gregory, Frederick, Oliver, William

Olivia, Lorraine, Ana Lisa, Helena, Meredith

>> No.8186568


My first name is Nathan.

I was almost called Christian and I much prefer the latter name. I just ask everybody to call me Nate anyway.

I like Christian, Cormac, William, Marlon, Llewellyn, Joseph, Wyatt.

>> No.8186595

are you jeans

>> No.8186601


>> No.8186616

i love that name

>> No.8186621

I'm Emilia

is it fashionable?

>> No.8186636

Is being a white male called John effay?

Also traditional Irish names are effay as fk, male: Ronan, Tiernan, Oisin
Female; Roisin, Saoirse, Ciara

>> No.8186653

John isn't fa per say but it's a classic and you can't go wrong with it.

Also how is Saoirse pronounced?ive always wondered

>> No.8186662


You aint got shit on my name, faggots

>> No.8186684

Top tier:

Shit tier:
Everything else.

>> No.8187189

angry martin detected

>> No.8187192

If I was Irish I'd name my kid Diarmuid. Sounds effay as fuck

>> No.8187194

what a below shit tier name
sounds like a good name for a basic bitch like yourself

>> No.8187199
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i like being a theodore its a bit different without being too try hard

my name one of the few things i have going for me :)

>> No.8187281

>ctrl+f Andrew
>no results

>> No.8187293

French here. I like it, it's pretty cool and flows nicely.

>> No.8187297

>my name is also Alexander Michael, but Michael is my middle name

whats good bro

>> No.8187308

>tfw that's my name


>> No.8187335

just gabrielle von?
das dumb

>> No.8187340

>tfw Elias
y-y..you t...t-too..

>> No.8187606

Ruben is objectively the best name

Rueben, Rubin, Ruben, spell it however you want it is /fa/ af

>> No.8187616

Alexander, Jacob, Martin, Mikkel, Mathias, Jean-Paul, Jean-Marc, Nikolaj, Sasha, Daniel, Isaac.

Sarah, Emmanuel, Eliza, Isabelle, Galina, Alexandra, Jeanne, Nataliya, Sasha, Leah, Claudia, Katja.

I'm curious to see if you can guess anything about me from these.

>> No.8187620

get a new name douchbag

>> No.8187628

my middle name is katana. i think that is kind of neat, not fashionable but neat.

>> No.8187638
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>> No.8187643

I dated an Ellie once.

Cute, small, pixie cut, skinny, small tits but nice ass, hips and legs....

I miss her so much...

>> No.8187649

Artemis was a chick

>> No.8187656
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what's worse is that I was named after a motorcycle

>> No.8187663

mah niggah, thats my name

>> No.8187664

I think Adalbert would be a cool name, but not sure how well it would be received in America

>> No.8187666

I aint even mad.

>> No.8187671

high five niqqa

>> No.8187692

Audrey, Alice, Heidi, Julia

Calvin, Elias, Andrew, Steven

>> No.8187808

makes me think of sandwiches

but I'm hungry

>> No.8187874

Maria Merry Sophie Anastasia

Greg Marc Valmond Igor Kai


>> No.8188079
File: 86 KB, 423x750, tumblr_n2loaswNBC1qdfjhyo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8188085

>tfw your name and middle name are there

>> No.8188099

Marc Antony

>> No.8188130

I used to know Ellie who fits this description perfectly... She was half-Asian and went to work at Disney as an animator.

I regret never asking her out ;_;

>> No.8188209

do you guys actually think these names are cool

holy fuck you're all autistic

>> No.8188228

My great-granduncle was called Adalbert.
He was an SA soldier with secret plans to flood the Netherlands.

>> No.8188235

Im a Phillip and i really like this version most of all phil's

>mfw when is see philipp's or philips's
>mfw i have no face

>> No.8188246

Fuck you man.

Also Lillith is objectively the best female name.

>> No.8188260

If you don't go by Cole you're a fucking nerd.

>> No.8188263
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>> No.8188272

Any name for a male that cannot be shortened to one syllable and sound good is trash.

>> No.8188274

anon people do that literally all the time when going to a foreign country. american people adopt chinese or japanese styled names so people from that country can pronounce their name

>> No.8188310

Ruben can't be shortened to Ben? Ben isn't so bad.

Why the strict rule anyway, what's your reasoning?

>> No.8188343

I'm an American and we love that shit. When guys have long names we consider it a pain in the dick.

>> No.8188352

I'm also an American and two syllable names are not a big deal. Three syllables pushes it, anything more and yes it has to sound good as one or two syllables.

>> No.8188362

Yeah, two syllables is ok, but still this is a best names thread. A guy named Alexander could go by Alex rather than Al and be fine, but still I prefer one syllable and a hard constant end is even better. I hate guys who prefer their three syllable name, it makes me want to put my car keys in their eyes.

>> No.8188365
File: 53 KB, 400x403, 1388018884567.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My nigga, Ruth is the best name ever.

>> No.8188372

Sure, whatever, but the guy that was getting pissy (if it wasn't you) was complaining about Ruben. I really don't see that name as being a big deal to anyone to pronounce.

>> No.8188401

ruth sounds like an old and crusty miami beach wanna be 55 year old librarian woman.
+leopard print raunchy undies

>> No.8188405

I don't personally like it. This thread has too many overly formal sounding names and that is one.

>> No.8188409

ITT Ross and Rachael

>> No.8188412

Nah m8 that names dope af

>> No.8188416

Then why not say that instead of complaining about it having more than one syllable?...

by the way you sound mad as fuck dude

>> No.8188422


>> No.8188429

I always post with angry diction, it's more fun. Name your kid Ruben so Mason can kick is fucking ass until he's brain damaged like his dad.

>> No.8188434
File: 49 KB, 368x500, NAR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nicolas Alexander


>> No.8188445

Ruben ain't that cool but Mason is for little ginger pricks that have no balls. Awful taste.

>> No.8188446

That's a good stage name.. but wtf.. given the history of his namesake..

>> No.8188450

Mace will fucking wreck you faggot. You're not going to be able to walk again.

>> No.8188462

im gonna name my son Kratos

>> No.8188464


It's such a common name. Aside from Bieber and Timberlake, there were 5 other Justins within my class.


I don't know guys, what do you think? I could've been named Byron (after Lord Byron) but my parents settled for Justin.

And don't get me started with my middle name:

Like Ty Cobb.

>> No.8188471

facebook com/mason.evans.731

Look at this Mason and tell me Mason's a name for anyone but scum

>> No.8188496

Elias(fuck yeah OP)


>> No.8188498

Also Isla

>> No.8188499


>> No.8188500

I've only ever met like 2 justins my whole life.

>> No.8188502


I like my name

>> No.8188507

worst names literally all the ugliest names

>> No.8188518
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Охуенный тред.

>> No.8188612
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>> No.8188614

That guy would kick your face until you had no teeth and make a necklace from them.

>> No.8188753

we have a winner here guys

>> No.8188895


>> No.8188907
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damn I really want a qt gf named Sophia now

>> No.8188916

>Named my daughter Sophia

>> No.8188929

I once met a Naomi. She was this half vietnamese half french 5'4 qt 3,14 with a tight butt who was part of a cheerleading squad in college. Needless to say I asked her if she knew what her name meant backwards.

>> No.8188954

Asian male here looking for a suitable English name. I've lived in the states for most of my life now and it kinda still bothers me that my parents never gave me one.

>> No.8188971

I'd name my kids Cascio, Naomi, Lorraine, Hunter, Violet, and James

>> No.8188974

awshieet now I just have to ask the next Naomi I meet this

>> No.8188976

Post your face and I'll give you a name

>> No.8188982

post pic

>> No.8188998

My name is Phoebe, it's the perfect name. Especially in North America where it's particularly unique

>> No.8189018

only phoebe I know is an ugly fuck so she's ruined the name for me

>> No.8189034
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Don't want to post my face on 4chan right now but I resemble this guy.

>> No.8189039

I don't get it

>> No.8189040

Thomas, Benjamin, George, and Ezra are my fav

>> No.8189051

Sinclair, Sigmund, Graham, Nolan, Benjamin, Grant

Holly, Vera, Aubrey, Gwenyth,

>> No.8189060

Maybe Darren

>> No.8189076

Isn't that a black dude's name tho? I knew a Darren who was black.

>> No.8189087

Just do it. Do you really think someone will recognize you? There's a billion Asians out thtere

>> No.8189095

I hate medicine for taking all the best names, i'll never be able to call my daughter Anaesthesia and my son Hepatitis.

so I'll go wit Isola for a girl and Jr. for a boy

>> No.8189099

not really. the 3 most famous Darrens (according to google) are white

>> No.8189104

My uncles name is Darron and he's a short guy in his 40s who is half Italian half Irish.

>> No.8189105

well... there's always Anastasia, I guess

inb4 >fifty shades

>> No.8189110

I once recognized another Asian guy I knew IRL in a /soc/ thread before.

>> No.8189138

Don't do it if you're not attractive. I did it and she was disgusted at me.

>Fucking whores, all of them.

>> No.8189140

Know an asian guy called Amadeus (Amo) which is pretty cool. I think you need something sort of unusual because so many second/third generation asian guys are something generic like Will for a guy or Lucy for a girl

>> No.8189147

dont you have a way nicer first name

>> No.8189706
File: 64 KB, 647x561, 2b3b7ead-a373-46e7-9df9-52d21e50e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Andres Felipe Portillo

>>tfw mom almost named me Camilo

>> No.8189714

you mean Stephen

>> No.8189870

i c u

>> No.8189886

>tfw name is Lane
I can't tell if my name is good or not.

>> No.8189950
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>> No.8189960

You're name is cool. It just rolls of the tongue. It would have been better as Andres Camilo though.

My name is Jared and I'm asian -_-

>> No.8189964


I can't of guys names that are awesome

>> No.8189992

what the fuck? this is a joke, right?

>> No.8190024

Jared is a pretty alpha name, I'll give you that

>> No.8190053

My name is Matthew (Matt). It's okay I guess at least I don't have a gay name like Taylor or Jamie.

My favs are

Male: Francis, Franklin, Augustus, Michael
Female: Clara, Emma, Eliza

>> No.8190059

>tfw named Thomas and brother is named Jamie
kid should just go by James

>> No.8190066

My name is Sofia pls date me

>> No.8190071

James is a fine ur brother is a gaylord for now using it instead of jamie

>> No.8190076

definetly he's 14 though so I'll go easy on him

>> No.8190084

Sinclair is extremely /fa/.

>> No.8190114


>> No.8190120

my name is Elias.. at 23 I've had 3 children named after me, also automatically good looking and 6'1..

>> No.8190125

>not try-hard

m8, I've got some bad news...

>> No.8190132

I knew a sebastain once, he was gay as fuck. God tier name doe

>> No.8190306

Anna, Katrina, Catherine, Katie, Chloe

>> No.8190386

My name is Susana

Favorite male names are probably Arthur, Michael or James.

>> No.8190389

call yourself the law and speak in third person
that's how you /fa/

>> No.8190393

Maximillian, Dexter, Colette, Victoria

>> No.8190799

all good except Dexter. I really like Colette

>> No.8191972

My name is based of Tom and Jerry, it's Jeremy Thomas. Most of my friends just call me Jer anyways. Is my name /fa/?