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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 157 KB, 400x600, asos-suit_400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8180482 No.8180482 [Reply] [Original]

Just decided to do this prom shit.

18 year old seniors report in.

What are you wearing?

Where did you buy your things?

Is your date qt?

(currently looking at H&M for blazer and probably gonna cop some slim fit suit pants from GAP along with a white dress shirt from Jewcrew)

>> No.8180485

lol i hate thinking about all the money i wasted on shit clothes in high school

>> No.8180493

That's why I'm going for well fitted cheap shit, so I'm probably going to be wearing this stuff for special stuff.

>> No.8180506


w2c prom suit from h and m/ uniqlo

>> No.8180512

>going to prom
nothing but a Pee Ell Ebb.

>> No.8180520
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>> No.8180521

I'd say H&M pants and the blazer and shirt from uniqlo

>> No.8180528

i'm a freshman now

>What are you wearing?
ASOS jacket and slacks, alexander wang multi seam button down, uqlo tie, asos sawtooth derbies
>Where did you buy your things?
bought asos shit online, got button down and uqlo during new york trip
>Is your date qt?
qt azn art history student, wore a black dress with a floral pattern panel she made herself. p fresh.


>> No.8180536

Lmfao by that age you should have shed your autism and blossomed into a socially functioning adult. Fucking faggots.

>> No.8181438

I knew /fa/ was full of sixteen year olds, but fourteen year olds too? Just get out.

>> No.8181618

Would it be a bad idea to wear a yohji suit to prom?

>> No.8181771

>when someone else asks the grill you planned to ask

>> No.8181779


Get a Suit Supply suit you wanker.

>> No.8181789

Thinking I'll try a baggy pin-stripped suit, and some scuffed square toed shoes.

Black shirt and wide red tie obvs

>> No.8181792

gonna be wearing a dress i designed myself, and that i took to the tailors to be made. it's gonna be a flowy (at least at the bottom) black dress made out of chiffon fabric with some construction on the top, and i'm gonna wear it with black open-toe heels. will post sketches of it later i guess

i don't have a date, prom dates are for scrublords

>> No.8182491

Think I'll wear a dark grey/charcoal suit, white shirt etc, but don't know what colour tie to go for (tfw colourblind). What colours go well with charcoal? I was thinking black but idk

Not going with a date (britbong here), probably gonna have some predrinks with my m8s then rock up whenever

A qt has asked if she can plait my beard for prom though, so there's that

>> No.8182504

>tfw you will never blossom into a fully functional non-autist

>> No.8182508

did no one ask you or did you say no

>> No.8182516

>What are you wearing?

I'm wearing a grey suit with a waistcoat and Black Bow tie.

>Where did you buy your things?

Suit is H/M, waistcoat is thrifted as is bow tie.

>Is your date qt?

She's beyond qt, she is the perfect woman.

>> No.8182572
File: 633 KB, 602x1064, blueprint.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no one asked me ; ____ ;

pic related, blueprint of what i'm planning to wear

>> No.8182597


let me find you something please

give me a colour, budget, length

let me help you

>> No.8182607

black preferably, budget's unlimited, would like a long one.

thanks for offering ~_~

>> No.8182611
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>> No.8182612

that isnt a funny joke no offence :^)

>> No.8182618
File: 153 KB, 1000x1334, 10677478_3337234_1000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not wearing Rick Owens Lilies to prom
Are you even trying?
prom a shit anyway tho

>> No.8182629
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i don't have the body structure for it, and i don't really like the sheer thing at the bottom of the dress. i originally was thinking of getting this (pic) from ann d but ahhhhh

>> No.8182639

The whole dress is sheer, she's just wearing something underneath it

>> No.8182650
File: 92 KB, 920x1380, 446104_in_xl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

unlimited budget?



this is the ultimate, but ill give you options

>> No.8182652

i like how his diffusion lines describe his consumers

all lilies and dorks that act as shadows in social settings

>> No.8182656
File: 138 KB, 920x1380, 446104_bk_xl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the back....


>> No.8182673


woah didn't expect that would go that high, but i don't think that it's worth it for one shitty night, ahaha
thanks for the pick and everything though, i appreciate it, but then it's not really what i'm into.

>> No.8182674

thats real fukken qt

>> No.8182685

fat man cant talk about skinny man clothing, pls leave

>> No.8182717
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i thought so! i like the ann d, what's your hesitation?

>> No.8182737

if you're 24 and still on /fa/, or 4chan at all, you should seriously reevaluate your life decisions.

>> No.8182738

fuck off u cunt. you literally got no one to even ask you lel youre fat and ugly and poor

>> No.8182754

bought a burberry london suit
gant shirt
and some loyd shoes

>> No.8182762

I'm not going to prom because I'm lonely and a scumbag

Gonna go get trashed at an afterparty though, what to wear to that....

>> No.8182773
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proenza sucks now but this is nice

>> No.8182799
File: 3.09 MB, 2287x3431, Dress-Isabel-Benenato-IB2200-01-NERO-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8182807
File: 3.44 MB, 2225x3338, Dress-Peachoo-Krejberg-1-143-99-BLACK-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8182811
File: 2.95 MB, 2241x3361, Dress-Plein-Sud-14P-PS-R73-999-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8182818

C-can i take you...?

>> No.8182819

Got my grandfather's tux, the fit is great but I still got little details tailored. Timeless.

>> No.8182829

Also yes my date is super qt

>> No.8183177 [DELETED] 
File: 1.46 MB, 1456x2592, WP_20140503_006.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wearing this to my prom
come at me fuccbois

>> No.8183191

not even funny just kind of sad

>> No.8183208
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>> No.8183310

What's the problem with renting again?

>> No.8183338
File: 331 KB, 680x684, that lenin feel.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This board is bourgeois as fuck.

>> No.8183342

You can wear it again. Any time you please.

>> No.8183348

Let's crush these capitalist dogs, comrade.

>> No.8183507

>What are you wearing?
Charcoal Calvin Klein two piece with matching black belt; Brooks Brothers slim fit dress shirt; navy blue tie; black plain toe oxfords
>Where did you buy your things?
Bought the suit at a local store and got it tailored locally as well. The shirt and shoes I purchased from the mall and the tie I just had sitting around.
>Is your date qt
Qt as a button. She's Turkish and super cool and she's wearing a navy blue dress with beading.

>> No.8183512

Says the white American sub-urban 16 year old only-child who gets 3 solid meals a day.

>> No.8183523

Just because you live in a context does not mean you can't criticise it

>> No.8183525

u have no business being a commie on a fashion board tho

>> No.8183530

says who?

I'm not the original poster you first replied to by the way

>> No.8183535

u think all these designer are going to exist in a communist system???
u have no business being a commie if ur an adult really

>> No.8183542

yes, I do think art can survive in a communist system. easily

>> No.8183547

designers aren't lone people painting in their spare time
huge amounts of capital are required

>> No.8183556

it's possible

>> No.8183572

no it isn't
if ur gonna pretend ur a communist at least accept that a lot of "cultural goods" (for lack of a better term) would cease to be produced

>> No.8183574

kek you actually did crop me out of those

>> No.8183578

honestly rn i'm not interested in arguing about communism on a fashion board i do enough of it irl

>> No.8183588

why is it morally acceptable to be a communist but not a fascist

>> No.8183593

fascism is selfish, plain and simple. no empathy. it promotes greed and shitty behavior

>> No.8183597

do u know what fascism is

>> No.8183609

Leave it to fucking communists to ruin a thread about prom

>> No.8183626

yes, I'm not confusing it with capitalism or something like that if that's what you're getting at

leave it to fascists to complain about one post, thus making it an actual issue

>> No.8183632

the answer is no u don't so I'll put it very simply for u
fascist economies allow private business to operate provided they serve the national interest, industries can be nationalised but this depends on the country (mussolini was more left wing than hitler for example (iirc))
obviously they are very protectionist too b/c muh nation/ race
both communism and fascism are shit and should be left in the 20th century where they belong

>> No.8183661

What kind of shoes is this guy wearing? Somebody please respond.

>> No.8183665

I'll go to simple english wikipedia since we're being condescending now:

"In fascism, the country is considered more important than any one person, group, liberty, or provision. A country under this kind of government is always run by a person called a leader, who has the right of total control over the government and people."

"Fascism appeared in Europe before World War II because many people thought that democracy was weak and full of moral perversions, that capitalism was too materialistic and unfair to the people, ..."

I break here because the next part is the most important

"...while communism, although unifying and fair, did not care about the needs of the nation and hampered business initiative."

that's what I mean by greed and shitty behavior, mostly done by government officials

imo the needs of the nation are met when each person is taken care of, to each according to his need blah blah blah and business interests are completely irrelevant when everyone's basic needs are met

of course, not every nation can assume this kind of system but large first world democracies like america are prime candidates for making the transition to socialism and finally communism as they have everything they need to sustain themselves

>> No.8183670

basically profit is extra and extra is superfluous and unnecessary

>> No.8183682

solve the economic calculation problem
ofc I'm going to be condescending to a communist, they are just as violent and immoral as fascists but we give them a free pass
if you haven't read from every school of economic thought then don't comment on economics

>> No.8183694

>burberry suits
what the fuck? Trustfundbabbys m8

>> No.8183706

Why? Do you think your life will become any better once you hit the 30's?

OP: My experience with H&M suits is bad, they never fit well. I go to a factory outlet of suits and buy a simple suit with the perfect fit for the same price.

Also, do not cop the trousers somewhere else, the color/fabric will never, ever, match.

>> No.8183714

I don't know man when you're poor af but see dudes complaining about seeing slightly lower returns to skim off of their investment portfolio you want to see at the very least something more socialist so you don't die as long as you're still trying to live

it's hard out there being below the poverty line right now, it's only gotten worse

keep in mind America is an oligarchy, and that's not just an opinion

>> No.8183735

I can understand where ur coming from man and I've been there but just read more

Das Kapital
A Monetary History of the United States, 1867–1960
Road to Serfdom
The General Theory of Employment, Interest and Money

anything u read on blogs/ tumblr/ newspaper articles is almost always an over simplification and shouldn't be trusted

I'm going to bed b/c it's 7am

>> No.8183759

fuck you high school fucks

>> No.8184141

>communism general

>> No.8184150

>tfw prom date is better looking than me
How does she even like me

>> No.8184678
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OP is a dingus

>> No.8184696

what are some /fa/ flowers for corsages?
Her dress is a soft pink.

>> No.8184736
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youre welcome

>> No.8184760

She's black, that has kfc on it. It's perfect. Annon saves the day again.

>> No.8184849

Bowie was mega gay

>> No.8184877
File: 46 KB, 272x269, 1345986973265.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow. People like other people for more than just looks? Inconceivable

>> No.8184895

If you were just a teenager Id be fine with that whatever but youre seriously going to prom and posting about it on /fa/ in confidence? post a pic of yourself and your downy date so I can laugh at you at least.

>> No.8185127


>> No.8185586
File: 845 KB, 400x207, 9opg6xA.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do you makeup /fa/ ?

>> No.8185617

tbh u r v. sexy
especially hair

>> No.8185771


>> No.8185780

Top koks