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8174460 No.8174460 [Reply] [Original]

What do you think is the ideal male height range for dressing well and looking good in general (assuming no fucked up proportions)?
I've noticed shorter people have to focus more on the fit of their clothing, and that taller people are less bothered by that. Straight leg jeans look good on tall guys but not so much on short people; same thing for long coats, the list goes on, but I'm wondering what the ideal range is.
I'd like to know which height range you think is the best for looking (somewhat) effortlessly good, without having to worry too much about fit, and also, which height range if any allowed you to pull off most clothing (eg. oversized tees tend to look bad on short people).

>> No.8174474

im 5'10 and considering which is average and tops and jacket fit great for that reason

>> No.8174494

What does it matter? You cant change your height so get over it.

>> No.8174510

i'm 6'2" 150 and have trouble finding good fits. with that height and weight, i thought it would be absurdly easy

>> No.8174513
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>> No.8174518

probably 6 foot.

>> No.8174523

>I've noticed shorter people have to focus more on the fit of their clothing, and that taller people are less bothered by that.
No true at all. i'm 6'2" and I have trouble keeping my proportions right. If my pants are quite high around my waste I can't tuck my shirt because my legs would look 5 meters long.

>> No.8174530

there is no ideal anything for everything ever.

>> No.8174538

I'm 5'10 and sometimes have trouble keeping right and nice themTRUE large sizes in shirts, jumpers and jackets.
Ameriburger sizes are more forgiving by telling you lies about how perfect and cool your giant fat ass is.
Idk, gigantic bros just get ameriburger stuff in size small and you will swim in dat shit.

>> No.8174584


except ur mom has the ideal butt.

>> No.8174593

shit man, got me
good one

not as good as your mom's TITE ASS PUSSAY :^)


>> No.8174595

okay don't overdo it.

>> No.8174598
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>> No.8174612

i was being tongue in cheek man i thought you'd get it :)

so this thread is a "your mom joke general" now i guess?

>> No.8174643

6 2
theres a reason why that's the runway standard

>> No.8174651

Objectively best height is 6'0''
Most stuff fits you but you're tall enough to still stand out among most people; you can be ripped without looking like you're overcompensating, yet you're not intimidatingly tall...

6'0 master race, 6'1 works too

>> No.8174694

I got the same problem, im 6'1 and when I wear a full suit I cant take the jacket off cause it makes my legs look disproportional.

>> No.8174699

>tall people problems
I'd kill to be six one

>> No.8174703

fuck yeah

>> No.8174712


Will you really stand out in America by being 6'0? Seems average as fuck to me for a male in his twenties-thirties (alright you'll tower over old people but young males will mostly be the same height as you are)
Care to englighten me
I'm 6'0 and I want to be intimidating but I feel like I'm too short for that

>> No.8174726

no, 6'4"-6'5" is when things get noticeably tall. still at 6'0" you're going to be taller than about 7/10 people you run into

>> No.8174739

Must be awesome being 6'4 and towering over everything
Why can't I be 6'4

>> No.8174755

optimal, 5'11 - 6'3

>> No.8174782

>God Tier
my height

>Shit Tier
your height

>> No.8174815

FWIW, when I was younger and on vacation in the US, I was around 5'10 and noticeably taller than most people.

>> No.8174819

god tier 5'7" 65kg ripped bruce lee spec. over that ur a lanklet and will have shit joints and be uncomfortable on planes and in sports cars and shit. also best fighters are this height such as bruce lee and mike tyson amongst MANY others. no wonder u guys are so mad all the time and making height threads while us god tiers 5'6-5'8" (pushing it) are enjoying all the comforts of modern society :^) stay mad lankletss

>> No.8174949

either troll or short man syndrome haardddd

>> No.8174954

Depends where you are. North east or the west coast there's more whites, Asians and spics so you'll be taller.

Down south, in wash DC and other major inner cities where black people are you won't be as tall

>> No.8174965

u dont kno what short man syndrome is idiot

>> No.8175286

<5'9 Too short, you'll be seen as cute if you try to dress well
5'9-5'10 A bit short but average so it's alright
5'11-6'1 Perfect
6'2-6'4 Better not be thin or you're too lanky
>6'4 unless you're built as fuck and handsome, not good

>> No.8175322

wow you're a fag

>> No.8177023

manlet detected

>> No.8177075


I'm 6'1" and 140

I have to get small shirts to fit the shoulders, but then they are all too fucking short.

>> No.8177081

Too long didn't read


6'3" is what's the point tier

>> No.8177082

Try being 6'0 and black, it works for me.

>> No.8177088

6'0" - 6'3"

>> No.8177140

I'm 5'10" and 160 lbs, which is decidedly average. Everything in a small or medium fits me exceptionally well, tops are never too baggy, pants are never too long. I shop a lot of places but my basics are usually J. Crew.

My tall friends who are 6'2" usually are the ones that have difficulty finding a good fit.

>> No.8177162
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>tfw 6'1 165lbs

>> No.8177164

as long as you're between 5'9"-6'2" people don't care. women will not get their panties wet over someone being 2 inches taller than 5'9", and I'm 6'1".

Once you get to the extremes, you run into "oh he's short, but taller than me so it's okay" or "I have a fetish for tall guys / Tall guys are awkward"

>> No.8177168

you're lanky bro

>> No.8177176

>tfw 5'8.5
c-can i pretend to be 5'9

>> No.8177183
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>160, 6'1"
>lanky everywhere but my belly where there's a good amount of fat from when I used to be fat
>still refuse to take my shirt off in front of others

>> No.8177186

That's fine, again it's relative. Also posture helps, if you stand with correct posture and carry yourself out like a normal person you won't stand out as short unless you're standing next to a bunch of other taller guys.

If all else fails, move to Japan or Korea. You'll probably have a bigger dick than most of them, be slightly taller than most of them, have the exotic thing going for you, and get to fuck superior azn bitchez.

>> No.8177199

quit bitchin

>6'3, 200 pounds
>used to be 300 pounds
>huge saggy stomach flap and big saggy tits with pancake nipples that will never go away without surgery

>> No.8177204

into the trash, fuccboi

>> No.8177207

thanks man but I was half way joking. I get plenty of pussy and never though I was "short" until I came to fa. have a great girl who thinks my dick is too big for her (not joke) and life is going good.

>> No.8177215

>thanks man but I was half way joking. I get plenty of pussy and never though I was "short" until I came to fa. have a great girl who thinks my dick is too big for her (not joke) and life is going good.
thanks for sharing anon I was trying to make myself feel better by putting you down

go fuck yourself

>> No.8177218

>great Posture
>I tend to wear shoes/boots with thicker soles
>My hair adds like 2 inches up

People seriously think i'm 5'10", I never lie about it if and when it comes up, but just so amusing.

>> No.8177230

I'm sitting in my basement, trembling and in sweating profusely as I question my life's meaning. You sure got me good anon.

>> No.8177240

6'6 185

Id kill to be 6'2 or 6'3

>> No.8177283

fuck outta here kareem abdul jabbar lookin ass nigga

>> No.8177294

5'9" to 6'1"

>> No.8177345

hahahaha manlet

>> No.8177361


Can't block my sky hooking ass nigga

>> No.8177380


I'm 6'2" and I can't find things that fit easily, especially glasses. I cannot find glasses that fit my head. I cannot find shirts that match my shoulder width and neck without being too wide and fat dude cut.

>> No.8177383

When will you learn?

>> No.8177547

IKTF. I'm 6' and 130lbs. Even skinny jeans are like slim fit on me. and I don't think I have 1 shirt that fits me.

>> No.8179230


w2c posture and the shoes ou're talking about