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/fa/ - Fashion

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8167332 No.8167332[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What's /fa/'s diet like? Example of mine.

Breakfast: Never have anything solid, always a black coffee.
Lunch: Either three balls of falafel or chicken and spinach salad.
Dinner: One pack of curry flavoured ramen.

>> No.8167365

Breakfast: Nothing
Lunch: Nothing
Dinner: Some home cooked food from my family or fast food
I only drink cold water bottles throughout the day.

I didn't know they made curry flavored ramen OP, that sounds pretty good

>> No.8167374

>8.00am- 1 cup oats, protein shake, green tea
>11.00am- 180g tuna, bananna
>1.00pm- 200g lean steak, broccoli, sweet potato
>3.30pm (pre workout)- protein shake, green tea
>5.30pm- protein shake
>7.00pm- 200g of any meat or fish, veges, potatos
>9.30- 250g cottage cheese

>> No.8167380

Breakfast: Oats and activated almonds with a teaspoon of honey
Lunch: Chicken breast, beef, fish, lean meats, veggies, the list goes on...
Dinner: same as lunch

>> No.8167386

>veggies juice
>or black coffe
>or nothing
once i had vodka with olives as breakfast, it was p cool

>black coffe
>or a very light chicken salad

Main Meal
>cream soup or simple soup
>steak or some light meat

>or black coffee

i just eat until i get to the 80% of my RDI the i stop and dont eat until the next day

>> No.8167392

It varies way too much. Usually I only eat once a day around 3-4pm. On the days I eat twice I'll eat again at around 1-3am. Some days I don't eat anything because I only eat when I'm hungry and I don't usually feel hungry.

>> No.8167404

>granola bar
>fruit juice
>half sandwich
>rice and beans with a little cheese and salsa, salad
>salmon with a cup of rice, salad
I go out with my friends and have half of whatever I order

>> No.8167445

Breakfast: blended oats, banana, milk and vainilla extract, a cup of coffee
Lunch: whatever mom cooks
Dinner: a bowl of Corn Flakes with banana

That's it, everyday.

>> No.8167468

how does one go about activating their almonds. I've tried everything but nothing seems to work
>inb4 buying pre-activated almonds, most of the time they're only half active

>> No.8167475

>I didn't know they made curry flavored ramen OP, that sounds pretty good
Probably a UK thing.

Not activating your chicken breast too...

>> No.8167479

>activated almonds

lol wtf? you put electric current trough them or what?

>> No.8167497

caffeine pillz and vitamin d and omega3

always some sorta base salad or kale
either chicken breast or fish
then put in some tomatoes or avocado or capers to give it more flavour

usually drink a diet coke or some coffee around here

steamed vegetables
chicken breast or sardines
some boiled eggs maybe

might snack on some almonds or something before bed

been getting really, really skinny and lean on this. the lack of carbs is rly dropping water weight

>> No.8167505

No you soak them in warm salty water until they start releasing them godly enzymes. Most nuts should be activated.

>> No.8167529

How the fuck are you alive, OP?

>> No.8167535

You only absorb the vitamin D if it's eaten alongside food that contains fat.

>> No.8167540

coffee and a multivit
working, no time for lunch
make myself whatever from the restaurant (usually 1000-1300 calories)
>after dinner
cocaine and canadian club

>> No.8167546

>caffeine pillz

>> No.8167550

u can get no doz at like gas stations and walmart and stuff and even off the internet

>> No.8167563

usually a small bowl of milk and cereal
sometimes if i have i'll eat a bagel/donut/cake + milk
rarely just nothing
Delicious homemade sammich with water/orange-/apple-juice/lemonade

usually eat scrambled eggs/boiled eggs (with some sausages if i feel like it) inbetween lunch and dinner, and sometimes i cut up a banana+apple+pear in a bowl and eat that

whatever i got
spaghetti or something simple, sometimes i'll make another sammich like the one from lunch
if i ate a lot earlier i sometimes just skip dinner and eat a bowl of cereal before bed
usually eat a small-ish bowl of cereal less than an hour before going to bed but in the example above it's usually a double bowl

>> No.8167568

congratulations on being the first person in the thread that isn't lying, delusional, or very, very ill

>> No.8167583

thanks, means a lot anon-kun

>> No.8167601

what happens if you take like 3 fullspoons of instant coffee? do you get more hyped? i´m really getting no effect by my daily morning coffe its starting to worrying me, wut do to get more enrgy?

>> No.8167604

that's why i take my omega 3 fish oils wiv it :DD

>> No.8167626

That isn't enough, you need actual solids.

>> No.8167630

oh, ok. i'll have it when i have fish then

>> No.8167633


Pound of Chili
Protein Shake
3/4 pound of chicken gyoza
4 weetabix in milk


>> No.8167665

Are all you who eat next to nothing lying, are are you Fatty Anons just trying to lose weight? Or maybe manlets?

5'8 120 pounds, trying to drop 5-10. Used to be anorexic so I have to be careful. Going for healthy and as little sugar as possible.

My original diet was close to this, only included an occasional ice cream bar and instant oatmeal instead of plain and creamer in my coffee, little things like that. Calorie estimates are all usually overestimated to keep me in check.

My diet's this.

1 cup of plain oats with 2 cups of skim milk and a tablespoon of honey (Around 350cals)
Matcha or black coffee (5 cals)

Black tea (5 cals)
1 Chobani bite (100 cals)
1 plain rice cake (35 cals)

Usually 1 cup of skinless & boneless chicken (About 200 cals)
1 cup Broccoli (30 cals)
5 Asparagus 1/ 1/4th tbsp of olive oil (40 cals)

Snack (2 per day):
Baby carrots
Occasionally a rice ball

At least 1 cup of water with everything I eat; sometimes more tea with a bit of honey.

>> No.8167674

Also mentioning.. I've been sleeping about 10-11 hours a day which makes keeping on my diet easier. Only been doing this for a week so far.

Constructive criticism welcome.

>> No.8167678

>Or maybe manlets?

but ur a manlet 2

>> No.8167685

5'8" manlet bashing manlets

you should have drank your milk when you were little you lanky fuck

>> No.8167687

lay off the coffee for a period of time, try a week/month and see how you then feel.

>> No.8167690

>tfw 5"11
>not a single glass of milk trough my entire childhood

>> No.8167693

>lay off the coffee for a period of time
are you crazy? this machine runs on caffeine and nicotine, if i dont smoke or have my morning coffee i get all grumpy and depressed

>> No.8167695

Should've mentioned

btw i'm a girl

>> No.8167696
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>yfw you're still a manlet

6'2" who hasn't drank milk in 7 years reporting in

Even more of a pro because I'm half Asian so I should be predestined to be a manlet

>> No.8167699

Not if you live in the US

>> No.8167709

>yfw you're still a manlet
yeah nah, i´ve been the tallest in my social group since elementary school, only my friend who is like 1.83m tall has surpassed me

>> No.8167711
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no but on a more serious note, only way to tell if you really are a little overweight or not is to post a full body shot. It seems to me your diet is a little too light so you might just be too self conscious

>> No.8167714
File: 54 KB, 802x407, lactose-intolerance.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>because I'm half Asian
If you don't drink milk, you're not White.

>> No.8167715

You're still a manlet

>> No.8167716

and that's called withdrawal my friend, and once you've lived without your addiction for a while, you'll begin getting something out of it again. this is why i try not to drink coffee every day

>> No.8167720
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the 80-100% if impossible. No way in hell that is true, most people i my native Japland drank milk every morning and I doubt they all had diarrhea every day.

>> No.8167727

damn nigga, got more pics?

>> No.8167736
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This pic is a bit old, but this was at 117 pounds. I don't have anything full body, but my thighs rub together and all my pants are getting a bit tight.

I think what happened was, I lost some muscle, so it appeared like I lost some weight according to the scale, but gained some fat (muscle = more weight than fat).

So I'm just gonna work my hardest to drop about 5-10 pounds without going overboard.

I'm bored, can't ever talk about diet with friends (they'll think I'm heading back into anorexia) and have nothing to do today, sorry for long posts.

>> No.8167741


>> No.8167743


You got little titties

>> No.8167744
File: 343 KB, 480x485, 1395790031696.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pls b in within my habitat

>> No.8167745

This girl >>8167736 here, please date me if thats you d'oh my gosh

>> No.8167747

"Lactose intolerance" is a very broad thing. It can just mean a little gassiness or it can just mean you don't absorb the calories from lactose.

Anyway, if you don't drink milk, you're definitely not White.

>> No.8167751

breakfast - porridge with a bit of honey/ rice krispies/ nothing

Lunch - chewing gum / soup / skip if having dinner

Dinner - depends on the day skip if I had lunch, maybe lamb chops, beef stew, chicken and broccoli

bottle of water throughout the day and the odd tea and bic

>> No.8167769
File: 131 KB, 640x640, 2c4f0eb4bc7f11e3be5712572cbeeb81_8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no but I got a lot of OC (not going to post nudes tho)

this chick in the pic from Maui has the best ass in the world

I don't think there's a need for that. Your frontal area is just fine and you've got some nice curves at the hips. 9/10 bod as far as I can see. I would just perhaps try to gain a bit more muscle especially in the arms if I were you.

And most leg related things such as tighs and calves are pretty much genetic so you're kind of fucked. Best you can do is some thigh exercises (long reps with low weights instead of short reps that are just going to make your tighs bigger)

you seem too self conscious seriously. Enjoy life, eat, and exercise. Your bod is rockin as it is.

that's not me you horny cock

>> No.8167776


>> No.8167784

God damnit go cut your feet off

Girls should not be as tall as I am

Did the prep bitches call you amazon?

>> No.8167786

i'm not gay m8 so don't try to m8 with me

also your google translate Japanese is cringe worthy.

>> No.8167787

>Occasionally a rice ball

pokemon doughnut

>> No.8167790
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Some more of this Maui chick (i'll give her insta out if anybody's interested)

>> No.8167791

is 1.80 small?

>> No.8167794
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anybody want moar?

>> No.8167796

i-i dont know if i could stand that, i really get buttmad grumpy

>> No.8167799
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no photoshop applied

>> No.8167802

pls be ma femme, s´il vous plait

pls respond

>> No.8167805

Deal with it nigga, do you want some fucking piece of shit coffee and cigs to control your life? You want it to rule over you? Fuck no! You are the ruler. You decide if you want it or not, and if you say no it's a fucking no and your body just gotta deal with being a basic bitch.
Mind over body.

>> No.8167808

she´s fat but hot

>> No.8167809

Midwest US

I'm dating a guy who's 5'6, but he has short man syndrome.. As long as you don't have short man syndrome, you're fine. But yeah I get people saying rude things to me all the time.

>9/10 bod as far as I can see
Thanks, Anon-sama. But yeah, I work with horses (On break for 3 months) so I kinda get thick thighs going..
>you seem too self conscious seriously. Enjoy life, eat, and exercise. Your bod is rockin as it is.
You're very sweet, thank you Anon!!

>> No.8167813

I'm 5'9 150lbs. I don't eat as much >>8167392.

I used to work at a convenience store by myself and had to eat lunch when I could or wasn't busy. That combined with staying up drinking way too late made me skip breakfast in favor of sleeping more and I don't feel like eating after a night of heavy drinking, which was about 4-5 times a week.

I've always been slim though and used to work out.

>> No.8167817

I-I´ll try

thanks m8

>> No.8167821


>> No.8167833


ching chong ching chink chong ching chong hooo ooooooooooooh hai ching chong oooh chink

>> No.8167842

>caffeine and cigarette
>something with 500 calories
>a sleepy tea with cigarettes

>> No.8167843

>all while posting on a Japanese animes imageboard started by a 15 year old hentai-loving ultraweeb

>> No.8167848

I know it'll be very hard, but I can give you a quick story for inspo of some sort:
My father was once a heavy drinker and cig smoker. He turned religious and shortly afterwards decided he should quit the cigs as well as the alcohol. He cut down on cigs for about 1-2 weeks before telling himself this shit is over and just cold turkey'd it. Around this time he joined a smoker-group where you went and talked about methods etc. but as it turned out those people were poor basic bitches who were scrambling to put on nicotine patches on every part of their body; he straight up rekt em all back to fuccboi town since he'd just made his mind up about quitting and so he did, and somehow these fuccs couldn't comprehend how he did it without some cheating pussy bitch remedy.
The end.
You can make it anon, just believe in yourself.

>> No.8167866
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putain de pervert, ferme ta gueule

also that yoga pants pic isn't me, I'm the one in the pic related lol

that's Chinese, fuckface


>> No.8167868


>> No.8167871

It's me >>8167736 again, date me, you're cute and half asian

>> No.8167883

leo nice hairless body kid

>> No.8167898


>>8167720 <ー こいつもお前だったと思ってて勘違いするのは簡単だった


>> No.8167900

kek, i dont know jackshit of french nor chinese

>> No.8167904

He's saying the text in this thread is Japanese, but the stereotype "ching chong" is Chinese. Japanese doesn't even have an 'ng' sound nor a way to write it, unlike English (it's even in the word 'English')

>> No.8167911

>Implying anyone sane gives a fuck
>implying they don't are rook same
Back to mangafox you go

>> No.8167916
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>streaming your manga
Next you're going to tell me you watch movies on youtube in 480p.

>> No.8167923

it's actually 360p but it doesn't matter because it's mostly bollywood crap

>> No.8167925
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>Not at least using Batoto

>> No.8167937

fucking disgusting

>> No.8167944

I wish haha. Unfortunately I live probably halfway across the world in Hawaii.

And I'm the one who needs to be on a diet, not you. I got the hips of a female, the calves of an elephant and the muscles of a hippopotamus

see above. I know my body's fucking gross bruh

I'm Japanese but I've never read mangas since my early childhood and haven't watched any anime except maybe Doraemon and Crayon Shin Chan when I was a kid

>> No.8167952

Gimme your skype
I like travelling. Hawaii could be fun

>> No.8167955

>gimme your Skype, your ass could be fun

>> No.8167960

my ass* vagoo is fun but an is cool too

>> No.8167961

>Gimme your skype
>I like Rapeing. Rape could be fun

>> No.8167963
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I shave my pubic areas because I don't want it to be the amazon forest kiddo

and I still got some hair, right? ;_;

I feel a little uneasy giving my usual skype being strangers and all so I'll make a new one and report back in a couple mins.

>> No.8167968

Well Im on mobile so I can't send contact request.

my person skype is b1ackxbird

>> No.8167970


>> No.8167971

prepare for dickpics from all kinds of creeps on /fa/ lol, you better delete your post.

my username is still in the making but my first name will be Sam

>> No.8167979

>3 Weetabix with semi-skimmed milk
>2-3 cereal bars

>5 slices of wholemeal bread with jam

>2 turkey breast steaks
>broccoli + spinach
>kidney beans
>brown rice

>whatever healthy shit I decided to buy

>water, only water

Every fuckin day, I like it though.

My diet 6 months ago was basically what you'd expect a little kid to buy if he went food shopping. Ice cream, Pop Tarts, chocolate, pizza... the fucking works. I was skinnyfat then, now I'm just skinny.

>> No.8168082

ritalin, valium, & lithium



i only drink water

>> No.8168104

Well i'm in Japan for the next 4 months at least, so mine is mostly carbs, but generally healthy other than that.

Yoghurt with banana
Tomato slices on toast

Lunch and dinners vary, but try to throw in vegies where I can

>> No.8168141

I barely eat, honestly I have had two cereal bars in two days but I am getting back to mono-meaning so the plan is:

Kisra (a ferment crepe, I will be using fonio as my flour) from the African import store

Curry of some sort mostly using wild ginger, spiceberry I foraged and some coriander/fenugreek/cumin etc... from a little Latin market near me

Sour Cream because its the greatest thing on earth

And cooking more foods spirulina because I just hate the quality of local NYC green leafy produce and refuse to eat imported greens from California.

Idk keep it simple and easy to make: I might do dals/wots instead or like as a treat make pineapple rice.

Cigarettes fill me up as does black coffee but I need my skin to have color again and caffeine fucks with my nervous system too much.

>> No.8168144

I mean mono-mealing as in eating once a day not eating one type of food per seating

>> No.8168151

I've half a sandwich and a piece of dark chocolate today. Not even hungry, my appetite has disappeared recently.

>> No.8168162

I love the Bulgaria yogur. Tastes a lot better than the disgusting yogurt they sell in the US.

but come on m8, you should eat the healthy traditional Japanese breakfast with miso soup, rice, shake etc..

>> No.8168212

I eat cigarettes for breakfast, coffee for lunch, and a meat and a vegetable for dinner usually.

>> No.8168222

if i have the time i'll make on of ur pic related with ham and cheese but if i dont then just a double expresso (black)
nothing really
usually pasta or meat + 2 veg
then sandwiches till i fall asleep

>> No.8168239

i don't understand why /fa/ subjects themselves to these shit diets that will fuck with you so hard when you're older only 'cuz aesthetics'. if you're so concerned with weight why don't you just adhere to a good and balanced diet that won't cause bloating/acne or anything and exercise really hard every day? dumb kids. I'm 145 and 6'2'' and never had to starve myself, I just run 6k everyday and have a good diet that I don't fuck around with.

>> No.8168271

eh, I'm this guy:
and I honestly just don't get hungry.

>> No.8168314

breakfast: coffee/ginger tea, half baguette
lunch: lentils, peanuts (about 80g), pinto beans and banana
dinner: same as lunch in smaller portions

bananas and tea/coffee through the day.

drank diluted coconut milk the other day and it was shit (1:1 proportion, pretty retarded yet afraid to try again)
still sorting out what I should eat.
can't decide whether it's because it's cold around here or if it was because my fat/oil intake was really low, my skin is dry and flakey. my thighs were peeling the other day.
I'll start taking protein shakes (ISP, etc) I guess.

>> No.8168330
File: 138 KB, 255x280, Hate the man. Love the jacket..png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


It's not expresso, it's 'espresso'. S not X. If I have to correct one more fucking person on this I'll explode.

Stop acting bohemian, you have a black coffee and nothing more. And if you do truly have an espresso in the morning. Fucking spell it correctly.

>> No.8168340

yo b easy
i have a double eXpresso near every morning
not a big deal

>> No.8168343

Breakfast: granola with nuts, dried fruit, and almond milk; or eggs and toast.
Lunch: Different every day, but I try to eat something with a balance of nutrients: stir-fried vegetables with chicken and rice, a salad with a small chicken breast, a burrito with lots of veggies and rice... sometimes I'm too busy at work to eat anything other than a few leftover chicken strips and some fries.
Dinner: same as lunch, but I experiment more since I usually have more time on my hands. Some rich stew with homemade ciabatta or curry with rice are two of my favorites.

>> No.8168344

I shall not be at ease when there are plebeian mistakes like this being made so often.

You have a double espresso every morning.

It is a big deal.

Being retarded is not effay.

>> No.8168346

neither is being autistic

>> No.8168350


Correcting people is not autistic, you're a little far from /b/ today aren't you?

>> No.8168352

Blindly insulting people as "autistic" is probably the least /fa/ thing a person can do.

>> No.8168360
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>I shall not be at ease when there are plebeian mistakes like this being made so often.
>It is a big deal.
u seem a little stressed breh
maybe u should lay off the expresso's

>> No.8168363


I love how apt your name is.

>> No.8168374

>bowl of cereal


>meat and veg and/or rice/pasta

>lite milk or water

>not going minimal-normcore for your diet

>> No.8168381

>catching feelings over nothing ONLINE
re-evaluate ur life

>> No.8168383



>> No.8168396
File: 331 KB, 800x357, 800px-Clouds_(transparent).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck u seem really mature even though u were just crying about a spelling error
im gonna go now because you seem really aloof and i dont think my comments are getting to you
pls stop posting stuff u think is clever and condescending but is really quite embarrassing for u

>> No.8168403

>Curry Ramen
It is in places that sell asian foods, I live in northern NH so not here. But my sister lives in SLC Utah and she sent me some.

>> No.8168409


Please excuse me for this, but can I quote you?

">catching feelings over nothing ONLINE
re-evaluate ur life"

How's does that hypocrisy feel?

I'm hardly embarrassing myself, I simply corrected a spelling error. Please don't mistake correction as condescension, because that would be embarrassing. And for the record, I don't think what I said was clever, however, it could be considered witty?

>> No.8168415

that rage tho

>> No.8168426

ur right
i am a hypocrite
... if u wanna b pedantic and claim that laughing at ur posts is a feeling then go ahead
we both know it doesnt suit the context tho
im amazed ur this upset tho

>> No.8168438


I wish that I understood what you just wrote because then I could reply.



>> No.8168462

This is annoying me, can I just say that you're both fucking idiots? Yawn, you're clearly retarded and butthurt and need more educating. Anon you'r'e clearly autistic and have some sort of superiority complex and mommy probably didn't hug you enough. So can you both shut the fuck up?

>> No.8168754

Breakfast: 3 large eggs with beef omlete and bagel with cream cheese and tomatoes with a glass of milk and a cup of cofee
Lunch: baloney & cheese sandiwch
Dinner: couscous, beef and veggies

>> No.8168802

that's partially true. you do need fat to absorb vitamin D, but it doesn't have to be taken alongside.

>> No.8169178

I just had cream of cauliflower with roasted squash. Surprisingly filling.

>> No.8169195

black coffee and cigarettes though I swapped to vaping for more nicotine

vitamin d and fish oil capsules. one red apple. nicotine.

a spoon of vegetables and one chicken breast if I feel like it. Nicotine. Coffee

I feel like shit every day for years now but I haven't died yet

>> No.8169210

coffee and a bagel
sandwich i made earlier and stowed in my blazer
whatever for dinner. Normal variety of stuff. Today I had hotdogs and beer.

>> No.8169211

>vitamin d and fish oil capsules
these are not foods

>> No.8169226


>> No.8169458

is there a way I can activate my nuts from home?

>> No.8169466

>can of kirkland chicken breast
>cold cut combo sandwich from subway
>rice, chinese sausage (lap cheng), and bulgogi
Still need more calories before the day ends.

>> No.8169471

Well, my diet was shit past two weeks because of final exams so now I gotta drop some weight fast.

Today I had a Quest bar and a salad with chicken breast for a total of 288 calories. I'll probably stay below 500 for the next 3 days, then transition to 750, and get to 1000 once I'm back to my original weight.

>> No.8169736

>Are all you who eat next to nothing lying, are are you Fatty Anons just trying to lose weight?

OP here. I go out for food like once or twice a week and have fuck tons of food then, I consider those my re-feed days.

>> No.8169855

pirate allen carr's easyway to stop smoking

get ecig

buy caffeine pills off amazon

>> No.8169870

I engage in the /fit/ diet

>> No.8169886
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i only eat black things.

>> No.8169995
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each line is a different option, I mix it up.

>drink coffee throughout the day most days of the week

>coffee w/ toast and vegimite, avocado, tomato, cheese
>piece of fruit
>fruit, yoghurt and muesli
>3egg mushroom omlette occasionally on weekend

>tuna salad
>generally my most skipped meal because of being out and about / working

>bag of rocket with almost every meal I eat
>lots of steamed vegetables mostly alone, sometimes with rice
>Home made pie (good for making lots and freezing)
>roast chicken/lamb with vegetables (lots of pumpkin)
>chicken salad
>pasta (i only make my own pasta sauce)

I snack pretty regularly throughout the day.
>fruits and nuts
>muesli bars
>occasional toastie
>love me a pastarie if I'm out having coffee

Seriously people of starve themselves / can't cook are denying themselves one of the most wholesome things in life.

I'm 183cm 80kg

>> No.8170911

what's her instagram then?

>> No.8171370


japs are only good for streetwear modeling, and thats it, chinks are good slaves too

>> No.8171376

fucking plebeian, go stick some gossip magazine up your plebeian arse

>> No.8171382

today i just realized i can live out of black sugared coffee and cigarettes
>the sugar is to get some more calories i dont get in the coffee, otherwise i would drink it full NIgro as OP´s boyfriend

>> No.8171386

that fucking chimp eats better than me

>> No.8171390

>I'm 183cm 80kg
u fat cunt

>> No.8171418

Shit at the moment, need to cut.

>> No.8172163

Went over but whatever, it's still really low.

Egg & 4 mushrooms
Homemade veggie soup with tiny bit of chicken
Herring & pickles

Total: 650 cal

>> No.8172219
File: 393 KB, 640x360, o shit nigger.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]




>gallon of chocolate ice cream




>> No.8172223

>went over
>650 calories

I love this board so much lol.
Me: 6'1 180(trying for 160) lb
>Breakfast: Medium bowl of protein cereal
>Lunch: 3 tacos
>Dinner: 2 chicken breasts, Half a bun, some ketchup/ BBQ, serving of chips and mixed nuts.

Overall about 1700. pretty quick weight loss

>> No.8172262

Apple or whatever other fruit is available
2 slices of grain brea

Nut mix
Grain bar

Sammich with chicken, lettuce and low fat cheese.

Afternoon snack or pre training: Grain bread and whatever carbs I need.

Dinner always ranges but meat is garenteed for dat protein.

>> No.8172341

5'11, 140lbs.

Breakfast: Fiber One bar [or] Banana [and] Coffee [or] Tea.

Lunch: Nothing, drink green tea.

Dinner: Whatever mum makes, or whatever I feel like making if I think of something I want to make.

Snack: Anything I decide to make, random copious amounts of fruit. Occasional Soda if there's nothing else but usually Tea, Juice, or Water. Sometimes random chips or likewise

>> No.8172374


Unless those are tiny servings.. that's probably closer to 2200-2500 calories.

>> No.8172731

>gallon of chocolate ice cream
dat binge

did it work?

>> No.8172737

>anorexia general

>> No.8172811

Breakfast: Oatmeal, 300 calories worth. with 50 calories worth of raisins, and a little bit of almond milk, about 15 calories worth. I round that up to 400.
Some times three cups of bran flakes with raisin and almond milk. 400 calories.

Lunch: Either a subway salad, 300 cals. Or soup with enough crackers to round it up to 300 calories, or a home made salad that will vary from 300 to 500.

Dinner: About 100 calories worth of fruit, 200 calories worth of yogurt and granola.

Then I snack until about 1300 calories of fruit and mini wheats if I hadn't already hit that mark.
Some times I consume 1400, but that's alright. I burn about 1900 a day even if I didn't fit in exercise, but I always do.