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/fa/ - Fashion

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8166785 No.8166785[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

what can i do about it?

>> No.8166792

pay some dude to beat the living shit out of you

>> No.8166801

Cut and cardio

>> No.8166804

>tfw love my baby face (when I shave) because parents are more trustworthy and kids like me more
Best thing is if I don't shave and do other things I can throw it all out the window.
Feels good to have good skin.

>> No.8166807

>image saved
fucking love DB

both of the above options. break your nose. grow facial hair if you can. spend more time outside. that sounds stupid, but look at dudes faces after bootcamp. thats really genuinely due to just being outside a fuckton, getting no sleep and eating less calories than usual for a prolonged amount of time. also probably get a sharper more masculine haircut to frame your face better

>> No.8166811

>and kids like me more
congratulations on being really creepy anon

>> No.8166812

Let your barb growing and lick some pussi

>> No.8166813


thing is that i'm black so breaking my nose...
and i'm already skinny at least the most i could ( from france sorry for the way i'm talking)
i have somewhat puffy facial features so it doesn't help and my facial hair isn't growing at all

>> No.8166815

>love my babyface because parents are more trustworthy

>> No.8166824

this thing is true or i think since it's also the case for me

>> No.8166829
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haha well that just about negatives everything i suggested. you could dry biking alot more. the wind will roughen up your face. this is gonna sound like really fucked up advice, but smoking will as well, you have to decide for yourself if that worth it.

>> No.8166845

> you could dry biking alot more. the wind will roughen up your face.

haha dafuq m8? and about smoking i don't really know buying it and all

>> No.8166863


i look at least 14-15 years old at 18. i'm already underweight, but my cheeks are still as chubby as can be. doesn't help that i have pretty bad skin, too. fuck me

does hy even work on baby faces?

>> No.8166866

also, i don't get enough sleep either, and that hasn't helped

>> No.8166869

That shit is so funny - people get so thin there's a foot of space between their thighs but their face is still fat

It's either genuine babyfat that won't be gone until your twenties or garbage genetics

>> No.8166873

i feel u

>> No.8166889
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>> No.8166903

oh come the fuck on

>> No.8166905

its true, its why i stopped biking. wind will crazy harden your face

>> No.8166913

lose weight until your cheekbones pop.

>> No.8166940


lol'd so hard

>> No.8166945

i'll try maybe

>> No.8166965

It's true though.
A relatable, soft, pretty, likeable face is going to be more appealing to one with the same features.
Kids, while they do not rely only on physical bodies, if you're very ugly they'll probably discriminate a little, at least from social things they learned. As they will also like you if you're /fit/, /fa/, and treat them good.
Really all I need to do is treat them nice to get them to like me, but to do so, I must have the parents in my hand, and being ugly and all the other things you may think of that are bad, does not make that easy.
Thankfully I'm pretty, /fit/, and love kids.
My optional babyface only improves on what I already have.

Parents think older looking men are either pedophiles for liking kids, while young teens are not, as well as they think they all hate kids.
When you look so much younger, so much less like what they think of what you are, or less like what you aren't, you can gain a grasp on them easier.

Think of it like being /fit/ vs fat.
Wouldn't most people trust the fit guy with their kids at the pool than the fat guy?
Social things, like pedos being fat, ugly, etc, or just a simple dislike to them. That the fit guy is better, that he could get women, that ____, ____, ____.

None of this is to say I don't enjoy being fit and stuff, it's just that these are added benefits.

Seconding this.
It will.

I still bike, but if you don't moisturize, wash, and many other things, you'll degrade quick.

>> No.8167020

plastic surgery here i come