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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 22 KB, 400x250, Billy Reid FallWinter 2010.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8156139 No.8156139[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Australian here

Why are Americans so awful with fashion?

>> No.8156161

75% of American dress like shit

the other 25% look alright, and I'd say like 2-5% know are "fluent" in fashion and have a decent knowledge of designers and know what they're doing

w/e, just makes it more special when we find someone else that thinks the way we do

source: I live in TX

>> No.8156169

australians try but fail, that's fucking worse motherfucker`

>> No.8156174

can ya source thos statistics mate

>> No.8156188

when societal standards are so low it's wasy to stop giving a shit

currently fashion in America is a race to the bottom

>> No.8156193

sure can't

but you can ask any other American here and they'll agree

>> No.8156196

you mean "normcore"?

that's global thing

>> No.8156197

are u american

>> No.8156205



>> No.8156243

>american stores push their shitty trends in overseas stores

>> No.8156268

if you think america is bad, never come to canada.

>> No.8156474
File: 74 KB, 604x452, lads[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I'm sorry, are you saying Billabong, G-star, Londsale, Tapout, Unit T-shirts worn to every single goddam event is /fa/? Don't even get me started on the fucking hipsters.

Gr8 B8 M8

>> No.8156482

is the only event you've ever been to defqon?

80% of the fits i see in waywt threads during american times are just the same kind of shit i see every day on the street in australia

>> No.8156992
File: 25 KB, 600x400, canberra-day-australia.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

australian here.

anyone still game for a canberra meet this week? civic pub or king o's on thurs?

>> No.8157001
File: 18 KB, 299x229, le happy norf 'supporter'.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yea m8 just let me get a haircut and a new pair of boots and jeans

>> No.8157041

>tfw in an awkward in between stage going for a full manbun

>> No.8157047


>> No.8157052

? ?

>> No.8157057
File: 23 KB, 300x499, rip raf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tfw not confident enough to grow one myself and sticking to old played out hy

>> No.8157067

>tfw thinning
don't you blokes complain

>> No.8157070
File: 3.89 MB, 4608x3456, DSCF2009.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ausfag here. Melb. I do what I can to lift the standard, but in general, australian males in my age group, 17-25, think they dress well and are "sick cunts" but in reality look like fuckwits.
Pic related. It's me.

>> No.8157080

w2c jacket?

>> No.8157084

I like your fit anon, I was expecting some edgy shit but that's not bad
are you like nine feet tall?
>Also Melbourne
I know completely what you mean
I'd post a fit but I have none ;_;

keep up the good work melb-anon

>> No.8157085
File: 485 KB, 500x270, Love-and-Other-Drugs.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mine's a perpetual mess
>looks shit and limp when clean
>looks greasy when not
>no poo has hardly achieved anything

>> No.8157088

>I live in TX

so you must know right? no you don't shit the hell up.

>> No.8157096

lol yeah your fits a real groundbreaker

fucking nerd jesus christ

>> No.8157097

i don't like throwing that type of dress under the bus because it's what i went for a lot 2-3 years ago

i really like your fit tho, all i'm missing is the shoes to pull it off

>> No.8157105

at least you're not bald

>> No.8157109
File: 1.28 MB, 330x312, mp5RmrI.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'm sorry for your continue loss, friend

>> No.8157121

>75% + 25% + 2-5% = 102%-105%
We can tell you're from texas boy

>> No.8157123

nah i'm not bald no need to pray 4 me m8

>> No.8157130

typo city tonight

>> No.8157137


>> No.8157149

I have no idea

I got voted best dressed at my high school, and all I wore were the Levi's and uniqlp shirts mummy bought for me at the beginning of the year

Really it's a strange phenomenon

>> No.8157304

>cannot comprehend that he meant 2-3% within that 25% that look alright and are fluent in fashion.

>> No.8157457

I live in Santa Cruz for the moment and most people here take pride in not looking effay. I miss Oakland ;_;

>> No.8157471
File: 8 KB, 218x231, url.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tfw hair is too curly for hy haircut

>> No.8157504

75+25= percentage of funding going to high school football

>> No.8157520
File: 222 KB, 375x500, 78851109_bff66ea8b0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


atrocious city for fashion

no one has a single fuck to give about how they look there

except this guy

>> No.8157948

>the country that invented ugg boots


>> No.8157971

currently, waywt americans is just on par with teenmfa

but aussie only start threads asking w2c roshes/everything in the fucking sticky while getting excited that a uniqlo came to them

>> No.8157982

Oh man I remember this guy from when I was going to UCSC. Apparently he was a programmer who had a nervous breakdown or something like that.

>> No.8158947

Amerifat here, I completely disagree. It all depends on where you live, their are highfashion places, and places where there are a lot of blue collar folk who don't care about fashion.

>> No.8159293

w2c jacket

>> No.8159833

As a person who has lived in 4 continents including North America I can tell you that 'murica sucks at effay. Even the major cities like LA, NYC and SF have a lot of fucking pleb tier fuckwads. Not that Australia is any better in any way shape or form.

>> No.8159978

Texas bois we out here

>> No.8160093
File: 47 KB, 650x366, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying the average Australian is any better.

I don't know how sheltered of a life you lived or how twisted your perception of the world is, but most people in the world don't give a fuck about what they are wearing.

>> No.8160133
File: 13 KB, 633x758, 1381374877816.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw aus trips are best trips

>> No.8160741

im pretty about 60% of aussies i see follow trends and dress atleast half well

>> No.8160774

who /melbun/ here?

>> No.8160782


because fashion is for faggots

you know this is true

>> No.8160787


>I see
>not understanding the concept of a "sheltered life"

I guarantee that if you go out of your bubble you'd realize that nobody gives a shit about fashion.

>> No.8160794

protip OP: it's because America isn't a socialist shithole and people don't get money just for sitting on their asses all day

>> No.8160836

this, i see dudes hyping up these styles that i see bogans wearing at my local small town pub

>> No.8160895

me (kinda)

>> No.8160909

Cause white Americans are highly influenced by black culture

And blacks are highly fearful of being perceived as gay

Americas the only white country on the planet where people actually got the right to fire shots at you for wearing shorts above the knee

>> No.8160931

lel i go out quite often

do they care about fashion? probably not, but most people dress decently

>> No.8160937

>so you must know right? no you don't shit the hell up.
being this fidgety

>> No.8161079

It's the TOJ 0 Varsity.

>> No.8161082

I'm disappointed in you anon

>> No.8161286

Live in Sydney.
Most Australians dress pretty shit. Lots of chinks think they dress well but they don't with their Supra high tops and Adidas tees.

>> No.8161382

What's wrong with TOJ???

>> No.8161419

i hate canberra enough that i only leave house to work / grocery. all other times its to go to airport. f u canberra.

i have a black/black toj1 for sale anonn

>> No.8161437

>could've been rick tho

>> No.8161444

TOJ leather is so much above rick

>> No.8161449

kekekekeke nice b8 m9, 8.8/8

>> No.8161450
File: 25 KB, 308x308, bait disregarded.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8161464

Not even bait. Handled both. Own a fair bit of TOJ. It's above Rick. Rick still nice though.

>> No.8161729

>Ugg boots invented by temp farm workers during sharing season in the 20s
>literally a sheep skin turned inside out and stitched together
>surfers in the 60s begin wearing them because they're comfy as shit, but only to the beach
>everyone else just wears them as slippers in the winter
>some idiot brings them to the states a decade ago
>yanks start wearing them outside, on the street, in public, to clubs

Yanks ruin everything

>> No.8163443

>be CEO
>sit on ass all day
you see where this is going anon? Americas wealth is so fucking skewed, it's amazing that you're even alive with that fucking abbhireny healthcare.
not a shock you're so dumb though, the education is pretty shit too.

>> No.8163810
File: 1.57 MB, 330x186, 1328872710270.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Be browsing uniqlo in Melbourne recently
>Shit basics everywhere, melbanites eating it up
>Out the corner of my eye blinded by some brilliant white
>Notice tall gent is wearing some AF1's, drop crotch sweats and a shitty black tee
>Involuntary guffaw breaks free from my mouth
>The fuccboi senses my amusement and turns around
>By then I'd already melted into the shadows
>Japanese sensei bows to me as I leave the store wishing me good fortune and great prosperity
>Go to APC instead

Which one of you fuccbois was it?