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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 68 KB, 1024x510, Major-Lazer-Watch-Out-For-This-Bumaye-feat-Busy-Signal.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8155887 No.8155887[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

how to dance /fa/ for males?

my current technique is to just avoid it all together

>> No.8155892

dancing isn't effay
being sexual in public isn't effay
looking like an idiot jumping around and waving his hands isn't effay

>> No.8155895

I would seriously be interested in videos explaining a males role in twerking or whatever it is when girls grind on you. Usually I just grab them and feel up their bodies until we make out but it'd be cool to learn some dance. These girls are dirty out there.

>> No.8155949
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just move however the music makes you feel. if think about it then it becomes contrived

>> No.8155952

effay is sitting at home in ur moms basement buying overpriced shitto feel validated. shut up.

>> No.8155968


Well it sounds that easy but i'm lanky and white, dancing without at least a basic strategy is unwise.

on an unrelated note is dancing bachata effay?


>> No.8155979

Grinding 101
Never seen a legit vid on this but my method is always to get lit as fuck, walk around, bopping head to the beat until you spot a girl that's cute. Then grab her hand and pull her in. She'll look at you, just give her a smile and say something. Start dancing with her, just basic shit, then grab her hand and make her twirl (girls love this for some reason). Stop when her ass is on your dick and keep coolin. Some girls are really physical and you gotta keep your two step in anticipation. Move your hips to the music, just not totally in sync with hers, that's gay. Move your feet. Nod your head to the beat. Appear chill. If she seems slutty start feeling her up to the beat. Was getting twerk from girl who had a thong showing yesterday and I put my hand under the strap. Grab her hand or wrist and put 'em up to the music. Basically lead the interaction and don't get caught just standing there. I'd imagine that gets boring for bitches quick. Go for closer interaction as time passes.

>> No.8155983

Just learn to move to rythms nonchallantly. White boys fail at dancing because they overthink it or display it in a tryhard/corny way.

>> No.8155998

-listen to typical club genres
-learn basic beat meters
-practice moving to it, snapping to it in freestyle mode
-if you lose the beat just find it
-replicate that in a "cool"/asthetically appealing way
-try it in front of others

>> No.8155999

this guy knows whats up

>> No.8156003

You must be great at parties.

>> No.8156009

try learning how to shuffle op

>> No.8156028

I smooth style Melbourne shuffle till my ears bleed

>> No.8156036

>muh party culture xD
I forgot 99% of /fa/ is underage

>> No.8156037

What kind of music are you trying to dance to? Most party music doesn't even require much thought. You don't have to breakdance.

>> No.8156042

>implying 20's isnt the ideal time to party and fuck sluts
There's this shit called college and bars/clubs, anon.

>> No.8156044

theres more to life than this get out kiddo

>> No.8156054

>the ideal time to get stds and behave like a moron with other morons
great life, I guess.

>> No.8156056

>getting out
pick two

>> No.8156062

*tips le fedora*

>> No.8156070

so apparently it's /fa/ to have a bunch of people in your house scratching up your bamboo flooring, riffling through your draws, having sex in the master bedroom, going through your gun safe, ammo, clothing, throwing shit in your pool, trying on your clothes, pouring acohol in your fish tank, taking your cars for a joy ride, and screaming woooo

apperantly cleaning up after white trash running amuck in your home is fashionable

>> No.8156072

this is how civilized people over the age of 20 party:
>round of good friends in a nice location
>laugh and drink
>everybody has fun and keeps his dignity
>go home and sleep with your aids free gf

>> No.8156085


but only on a clean floor

>> No.8156089

>in your house
thats where you fucked up.

>> No.8156091

Sounds fun. To each his own.

>> No.8156098

you know something is not worth your time when it's mostly visited by angsty teenagers, sluts and old shits trying to feel young in a forced environment.

>> No.8156102

but skins is effay

>> No.8156107





going out at night in the Caribbean is hard for a poor little white boy.

>> No.8156111

Not giving a shit and just jumping into people/doing stupid shit has landed me the most chicks on the dance floor.

As soon as you begin to try and dance well as a male, the grills will see it as being tryhard. Take it from a guy who's been doing breakdance for 8ish years, and have wrecked dance circles all over.

Chicks dig people who don't give a shit.

>> No.8157385

Tfw only person at party to get grinded on by big booty cutie. Mfw when all white bois looking at me like god and the couple black kids all laugh and call me one of them. I love being 18

>> No.8157408

lrn2bop nigga


>tfw i will never pop molly, sip patron and turn up with lil kemo and d low at the fefe

>> No.8157422


>tfw you will never go to an inner city school and make dance vids with you and ur niggas

>> No.8157431

Bachata is the scummiest music on the planet but if you want to fuck latin women you better damn well learn. It's also definitely not effay, like most latin american music. There are some exceptions though but nothing you can dance to.


>> No.8157438

lol @ 9:10 where everyone shows off their AF1's

>> No.8157440

>white bois concerned about local downy having epileptic seizure at party
>niggas laughin at uggo thunderthighs mackin on downy

the struggle is real

>> No.8157443

The best way if to not give a fuck and have a fun time. You'll get judged if you're trying to hard and you'll get judged if you awkwardly stand their. Just move to the beat, do some silly moves, laugh with friends and strangers and have a good time :^)

>> No.8157446

You need better friends, the idea is not to throw a rager either. Get some decent food and some decent wine with a couple of close friends.

>> No.8157448

>tfw latina gf and dancing a lil bachata gets her randy like nothing else
pls let me stay effay

>> No.8157474
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I'm pretty introverted so any situation involving dancing just isn't for me and I avoid it if at all possible.

Like if you want to dance then maybe just like grind on chicks or whatever seems appropriate, but if you're not feeling like you want to dance, don't do it.

The only way to truly be /fa/ is to do whatever you want to do and own it. People can spot that guy who's forcing himself to dance. Don't be that guy.

>> No.8157482


>> No.8159415


>> No.8159426


ah beautiful life so beautiful

>> No.8159432

Dancin can also be lots of fun. Standing around while everyone's having the time of their life will fill some with regret. Nothing worse than guys standing around taking up space at an event made for dancing. Learn the basics OP.

>> No.8159436
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>move how you feel
>move to the rhythm nonchalantly

This is advice on par with "just say hello and be yourself."

>> No.8159448

Why are you throwing a rager in your own house? Go to other people's parties and mess up things to the point where the owner's not too irritated with you, but people are enjoying your presence.

>> No.8159462

OP I'm on my phone but when I get home I'll post vids that display the way to groove on the dancefloor

>> No.8159511


>> No.8159575

fake it and the confidence will come.

-Being a man 101

>> No.8159580


lol at the lyrics

>> No.8159737

>Randomly getting pulled from the hand
>Some dude I dont know
>He smiles at me and grabs my hand again and tries to make me spin around
>Puts his dick on my ass
>Was just dancing with people I know an now Im getting felt up by some guy i dont know
>why does he keep grabbing my wrist

This does not seem like a good idea at all, at least wait for the girl to come up to you, if no one comes up to you, you clearly dont meet their standards

>> No.8159794

I always go into dancing situations thinking "I don't want to" but if I give in and just do it I usually end up enjoying myself.

I'd say go for it and if you're not enjoying yourself then sure head over to the bar

>> No.8159799

It's cool dude, the real question is what do you wear to latin clubs

>> No.8159824


>MFW im dance like this and i have no idea what bopping is

>> No.8160598

Thanks, i've looked at a load of videos and the stuff looks fine against a white backdrop in an empty room but i doubt any of it would hold up in a real life situation

Also how to dance with girls in a non sexual way? If a girl makes me dance i normally just end up kissing her because for me it's less awkward than dancing but that's not always ideal

>> No.8161401

dancing is inherently sexual

>> No.8161540
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>> No.8161583
File: 328 KB, 979x1410, tumblr_n0y6tb9OFG1r60h5mo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just move your hips and neck to the beat of the music.

Assuming you don't clap on 1 and 3 (which all white people).

Dance to the snare drum and girls will admire you.

>> No.8163967

here is how is it

you move your head in a dark room and sometimes sip your beer

if you are not at a concert you are a fucking pleb

if its something like atr you can jump around too

>> No.8164012


Confirmed for having never been to a night club haha

Or even a college bar for that matter.

>> No.8164026

Seriously, I doesn't matter. Just move to the rhythm a bit with your feet and neck. Most people don't give a shit as long as you don't start doing retarded shit (try to breakdance or something like that) Besides, most times people at a club are too pissed to notice you anyway.

>> No.8164027
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its not that hard buddy

>> No.8164036

This is truly an issue for me when I got out.

Thankfully living in Miami there is huge Latin influences and since I know how to dance salsa and bachata I try to avoid dancing until a song that requires that sort of dance comes on, which actually happens at least a few times every night. This way I avoid looking like the guy who never dances, no girl wants to be with that guy, but honestly dancing nowadays is just subhuman grinding on each others bodies...

>> No.8164299

Nigga, anyone with half a party under his belt knows you don't pull much.

>> No.8164351

>yahoo finance

every time

>> No.8164551


that feel when I don't have a cute Filipino girl to educate about the ways of the world through the magic of cross-dressing all the time.

that feel when could probably pull off dancing like the fierce gay guy more than the others because dancing like a girl is easier

>> No.8164581

Jesus christ are there really that many gimps on this board that don't know how to dance. Go to a club that plays house or techno and everyone dances the same - just two step and do subtle movements with your hands and arms

>> No.8164592


You mean like these 2 bavarian faggots in the back?


yeah great advice cocksucker.

>> No.8164601

No you spastic

>> No.8164609

>dancing with your hands and arms
>not dancing with your feet and legs

stay turbopleb

>> No.8164619

Meant for

>> No.8164623

> Not knowing what two stepping is, the most basic feet dance movement

>> No.8164645

are felix and niklas trying to get with the dj? meanwhile beard bro has brought a fan with him for cooling purposes

is it effay to bring a fan with you to a club for cooling purposes

>> No.8164647

here's how it's done you bunch of wallflowers


>> No.8164653

Get fucked up and move man that's all there is to it. If you feel like a faggot you look like a faggot, you are trying to get fucked though right?

>> No.8164657

Why do slavs aspire to be british chavs from the 00s

>> No.8164664

That fucking yahoo finance gets me laffing every fucking time god damn it.
Ironic ugly fonts stopped being funny when tumblr battered it to death though. RIP

>> No.8164794
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Holy shit my sides.

>> No.8164854


>> No.8164893

do you ever think to yourself, "fuckin white people", forgetting you're white as well?

>> No.8165136

Yeah i'm so white i needed to start a thread asking how to dance but i can't tolerate white drinking culture any more

how civilised people do shots:
be drinking, want to get a little more buzzed before moving onto the next bar, do shots and leave

how white girls do shots:
Ok everybody get over here i've got shots
Wait let me take a picture of them first
OMG what are they i hope they're vodka because i can't drink rum or tequila any more or i'll be actually sick
guys where's stacey she needs to be in here
i'm really good at drinking vodka though...
don't go yet you beatch we need to wait for stacey
stacey's a slut
waitwaitwaitwaitwaitwait i'm not filming yet
omg look how many there, it must have cost so much
yeah i know
guys stop, Jenna's crying
omg what is it this time
she says you guys are ignoring her and she misses Tyler
omg let's just do the shots without her she just wants attention
what? it's totally true
come on guys lets all do the shots
I have to be nice to her, our moms are friends
Ok girls. ready? ready? ready?
ok let's go
i can't believe we're doing this
omg god that was so so gross
becca look at your face

>> No.8165180

This is bullshit. You have to demonstrate high value to pick up chicks. Some wall flower would never get walked up to by any girl, It's not in their nature.

>> No.8165237

Dancing with a girl is pretty much always sexual. It's like a ritual.

>> No.8165245

Learn to C-Walk.

>> No.8165306

This raggae esque beats are all about that driving beat off the snare/kick. Just bounce to it. If you dance with a girl to this gring your hips into hers slow.

Look at rappers videos. They usually dance to club type music. It's all about feeling the beat and keeping to the rythm in a laid back manner. It's really hard to describe.


>> No.8165309

Why is this so accurate

>> No.8165318

Wow, I can tell you've never advanced on a chick before.

>> No.8165334


I cant stand her with a passion. Couple decent tracks, but just the most overrated cunt in the scene. Ill take Steffi over her any day. Yeah, Franz and Dieter dont do much for her, either.

>> No.8165370
File: 497 KB, 500x353, dance to the radio.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sometimes you just shouldn't give a fuck

>> No.8165374

Try poorly attempting tektonik to EDM
and popping and waving to Hip-Hop- Rnb & Trap
you'll get a chick dancing with you in no time

>> No.8166300

Holy shit, you pay attention too closely to things

>> No.8166313

>I have to be nice to her, our moms are friends


>> No.8166332

>tfw almost got this
I just need that gf and the having fun bit, damn...

>> No.8166406

>not dancing on 2 and 3

But yeah, depends on what genre of music we're talking here, but dancing on 2 and 4 is the key.

>> No.8166449
File: 37 KB, 599x561, 1977383_10203559963702379_6367073863889943932_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nah this guy is on point

girls like confidence ,these moves only work in a nightlife type of experience where girls only go out to socialize/have fun/get drunk it is the correct move for that situation

this wont work in the day for example if youre walking in college and see a cute girl.. there is different approaches for different situations

>> No.8166473

try this

>> No.8166529

the only true answer

>> No.8166708

haha just like hangover xD allens my fav ststst stupid faced white boi wasted LMFAO party rocking

It's teen shit and tryhard and sad as you go into your twenties. Most people I know that do this on a weekly basis have issues and they're literally trying to escape

Just doing something with some friends is enough

>> No.8166715
File: 59 KB, 700x396, 700.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this dude knows whats up

>> No.8166732

look at this white boi talk like an expert
Latino here, no expert but Im not gonna say bachata is some guarantee into latinas pants

Meringue is more universal for hispanics to dance when salsa isnt on. Bachata is casual and old man tier as hell it's basically dominican ranchero that is relevant because it latched onto reggeatone hype

>> No.8167390

Shit fucking sucks.

Good thing I never stray from Kompakt.6

>> No.8167400

Fucking saved.

>> No.8168058

I seriously cannot stand people clapping on 1 and 3 it's legit the worst someone could possibly do in front of me, i have to leave the room/floor/whatever if there's ever anyone spreading that cancer near me

>> No.8168066
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>latino here

>> No.8168068

Get out there and have fun. Unless you're a total spastic, dancing is great.

>> No.8168081

does that bitch have a rick jacket ?

>> No.8168084


>> No.8168181

yo this needs to be made into one of those that-feel-guy-at-a-party images

>> No.8168206

Only two dance moves are /fa/

I. Cooking (Listen to this for inspo https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hB89WJn1Qpk))

II. Any performed in a Soul Train dance line (Watch any Soul Train episode for inspo)

>> No.8168265
File: 491 KB, 500x281, dog whew.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Swag out the ass, level 100 cooking


>> No.8168280

I try to move as much like chief keef as possible

>> No.8168391

this dude knows whats good. have danced with many chicks this way. Has even gotten me laid a few times

>> No.8168611

w-where's the rest of the picture?

and what you're referring to with the numbers?

>> No.8169063

wasn't really anticipating jealousy but alright

>> No.8169513

Just learn the exact choreography used in the film clip for Ronnie Jones - Video Games and spam it on loop


>> No.8169521
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his fit is fa as well huh

>> No.8169598

>film clip

But that's takesomecrime:

He's pretty damn fedoracore, but not a bad inspo for dance moves I guess.

>> No.8169614

C-walking is kinda fun, but it gets old really fast and it takes a lot of effort to mix it up. Also, how the fuck would you get your dick rubbed on some ass-cheeks if you were crossing and twisting your feet and ankles?

>> No.8169625

i have worked in hospitality for 4 years and this made me choke with laughter

>> No.8169654


>> No.8169687


Do you think good dancers don't practice?

>> No.8169720

holy shit why all the hate >>8156042 gets it. Quit worrying about your clothes and go get laid /fa/.

OP just get drunk as fuck and see what happens it's not that hard.

>> No.8169747


>> No.8170457

The only technique that has ever worked for me. But say its all just friends out for drinks and they wanna dance? I have no idea how to dance with someone i don't wanna fuck.

>> No.8170514

more like flappercore, its almost a mix of hip hop, pop lock and super oldie

>> No.8170537

Like this, OP.

>> No.8170543

if you're too old for parties you're sure as fuck too old to dress /fa/

>> No.8170547

try drugs

>> No.8170748

>Administer copious amount of drugs
>Tell me you don't wanna dance
>Wibble your limbs around with rhythm
>because you are
>Pick a corner
>Crash in it
>Recieve 100 comments the next day about how fucked you were last night, become a notorious party drug monster
>Suddenly you have intrigue and bitches want you (And your drugs)

That's all there is to it

>> No.8170804

neckbeard spec

>> No.8170808

>make her twirl
Oh I lost it.

>> No.8171206

Nina Kraviz is of the most overrated persons in this fucking dance music shit.
She's attractive and that's the only reason she gets all the praise.
If some fucking german autist would have done nobody would give half a shit about him.

>> No.8171232


>> No.8171247

Honestly she is overrated as shit i agree
She makes some good tracks but isn't worthy of it all.
I still want to rail her tho

>> No.8171300

I usually just get pissed and throw myself around to the music with my eyes closed while looking unapproachable and mysterious, but do whatever suits you best.

>> No.8171991
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>just not totally in sync with hers, that's gay

>> No.8172579

Girls don't come to the club without the possibility of getting fucked in the back of their mind.

>> No.8172590

If you've never made a girl twirl to some club music you haven't lived. They actually get really excited when you do it, not matter what the music is.

>> No.8172812

maybe you can do this in a way that works but i'm pretty sure that's a
move reserved for dancing with a 7 year old at a wedding and a lot of girls won't appreciate it in the same way they don't appreciate being called 'young lady'.

>> No.8172875

actually you act like a fucking mokey, dance like an ass and fell sick and embarassed the next day, when you the low kicks in and you see what stupid fucked up facial expression you had that whole night

been there, done that

>> No.8172987


>> No.8173517

This post is serious truth

>> No.8175685
File: 1.90 MB, 245x355, robot does the spongebob.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


the spongebob is a really easy dance to do but it really impresses people for some reason

it only took me like a week of practice to get it down

>> No.8175751
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Looks so cool
>pic related
>so impressive

>> No.8175858
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>becca look at your face

>> No.8175921

shuffling looks cool
tfw dont know how to shuffle

>> No.8175961 [DELETED] 

Dancing is easy. Most clubs/parties here play salsa, merengue and bachata which each have their own dance. Bitches love to dance that shit.

Anything else just move your hips to the beat. But, like, actually move them. Most (if not all) white people can't loosen up their hips. Don't wave your arms around like a spastic, which white people also tend to do.

>> No.8175983

Dancing is easy. Most clubs/parties here play salsa, merengue and bachata which each have their own style. Bitches love to dance that shit.

Anything else just move your hips to the beat. But, like, actually move them. Most (if not all) white people can't loosen up their hips. Don't wave your arms around like a spastic, which white people also tend to do. If dancing with a girl, give her a spin like in merengue or salsa, albeit slower, in tempo with the song.

>> No.8176044

the actual shuffle move and the V with the feet are pretty easy, the gliding across the ground is hard af tho. just google it, took me literally a day to learn

>> No.8176083
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>You will never dance in any way that isn't bump and grind

>> No.8176164
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>> No.8176177


>being/dancing/doingwhatever with a taller girl than you are ever

just no

>> No.8176199

Amerifat gruls fuck so many guys from ages 12 to 17 there is no use for them after that many guys afterwards, they will just take half your money and go

>> No.8176201

>limiting yourself
stop posting anytime