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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 42 KB, 526x395, birthday-party-sad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8148395 No.8148395[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I-Is n-not celebrating your birthday /fa/?

>> No.8148411

Is yours today? Happy birthday, Anon! Mine is tomorrow :^).

>> No.8148493

No its coming. Happy birthday

>> No.8148497

no. but not giving a fuck about it is.

>> No.8148508

That photo was snapped at the moment when the banality and ridiculousness of his own mortality became inescapable.

>> No.8148526

This site would be better with no mods. Imagine 100% free speech. All the gore, CP and off topic shitposting you want

>> No.8148541


I would make sweet love to him.

>> No.8148545

haven't celebrated mine since i was like 12

get the occasional "happy birthday" facebook message where i reply with "what the fuck?" but thats about it

>> No.8148562

feels good not having any friends, doesn't it?

>> No.8148570

>celebrating being 1 year closer to death

>> No.8148595



>> No.8148617

Just take the day off and go on a day trip to somewhere nice, or out to dinner for the evening

>> No.8148622

That is one shitty cake

>> No.8148624
File: 98 KB, 669x927, 592012214149iwsmt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8148627

i guess, wouldn't know ay other way

>> No.8148629

You can always tell a poor family in images, usually there are exposed wires on the walls, old appliances and cupboards that don't have doors on them and are essentially enclosed shelves.

>> No.8148642

I always think he'd be cute if he cleaned himself up.

>> No.8148659

oh fuck measuring time thats just counting till you DIE!!

fuck fashion thats just something to do BEFORE U DIEE
fuck ur edgmaster nihlist bullshit
birthdays are fun and if you can't have fun for an arbitrary reason I pity your sorry ass

>> No.8148665

*tips party hat*

>> No.8148666

Just go to /b/ then you autist

>> No.8148696

You don't celebrate "measuring time" or "doing fashion" do you?

>> No.8148897


GOAT post anon

>> No.8149820

Quite being a fucking faggot and live your own life
>Is thinking fr myself /fa/? Pls respond

>> No.8149832

I don't celebrate it anymore because when I hit 30 it started getting pathetic...

>> No.8149836

Wow i stopped at 20. after your 19 and can drink (can fag here) theres just no point to you birthday, its meaningless

>> No.8149841

I stopped at 18 lol
I salute you for going that long tho

>> No.8149849

>having a facebook
fucking pleb

>> No.8150798

Did you blow out the candles every year?

>> No.8150804

>not celebrating your 21st
fucking christ

>> No.8150832

yeah..at 29 i had nobody to invite to my birthday so i celebrated it alone in my apartment and 30 was the same that is why i stopped celebrating it. i guess people my age are just too busy to make time to attend a 30 year old man's birthday party..

>> No.8150834

nah parties are good ways to catch up with old friends and get absolutely rawkus

>> No.8150865

>tfw birthday is less than a week away
>see this thread
>see OP's pic
>turning 20

At least my hair will look nicer

>> No.8150870

its okay anon i celebrated my 20th just like in OPs pic. mostly because I spend the day with my mother in a rural town because I dont see her much anymore.

just make sure you get #rekt with some friends

>> No.8150876

just make sure you don't end up like this train wreck here >>8150832

>> No.8150879

mine is tomorrow too

>> No.8151044

I-i never c-celebrated it, I m-must be the coolest...r-right?

>> No.8151088

>just make sure you get #rekt with some friends
I thought the implication in this thread was that we don't have any friends

>> No.8151099

go to a pub drunk alone and make friends
its not as bad as you think

>> No.8151109


>> No.8151122

I want to know what happened to that kid. Do you think he became like the neckbeard guy from /v/ and just went further into disassociation from the social dogma? Did he make friends he could celebrate his birthday with? Or did he kill himself?

The things that keep you up at night

>> No.8152056

My birthday in June. Usually go to the cinema on my own and see whatever the best thing currently playing, last year it was Man if Steel. Then maybe watch a film with my mom later on at home with avtakeaway. Last year it was Princess Mononoke. Seems very /TV/ bases though. Maybe I should just go shopping instead I'd the cinema.

I stopped celebrating my birthday by getting drunk with friends because I realized if I they were letting me drink as much as I used tobthen they weren't really friends and stopped seeing them. I still drink but not as much ad I used to do deal with nightlife.

>> No.8152905

what's so significant about 21?

>> No.8152930

>thinking death angst is nihlism
being stupid isn't /fa/

>> No.8152960

I used to invite few good friends for a dinner at my home. But not anymore since I moved far.

>Not having an empty FB profile with about 30 friends

>> No.8153002

>birthday is on 7th may
>can't go out because perhaps 95% of my friends have an exam first thing the next morning
>don't want to go out for a meal with family because I hate eating in public
>probably going to awkwardly sing "happy birthday" to me
>might just tell them not to bother singing happy birthday because it really makes me feel uncomfortable

wow I sound pretty autistic

>> No.8153010

legal drinking age in the US

>> No.8153020

>people actually caring about you
>you don't want them to
Nigga what?

>> No.8153029


People singing happy birthday always makes me feel uncomfortable, a simple "happy birthday anon" would do, maybe even a hug (don't like being touched), but I don't like making a fuss about shit or people giving me a load of attention.

>> No.8153055

I somewhat know the feeling. I don't necessarily dislike being sang Happy Birthday, but a heart warming hug and a smile would mean a lot more to me.

>> No.8153066

Birthdays in a nutshell.
Don't celebrate, just spend it with the people that mean something to you.

>> No.8154853

People are overly nice to me on my birthday and I hate it because I know it's forced. Birthdays suck

>> No.8155265

why the hell are you posting this on a fashion board? Go to /b/ or /s4s/.

>> No.8155266

Happy birthday, buddy. Have a good one.

>> No.8155318

celebrated my birthday with my family at a restaurant last night. it was incredibly boring and my grandma was just being embarrassing. i could've been out with friends

>> No.8155598


i wish iktf

>> No.8155614

>get the occasional "happy birthday" facebook message where i reply with "what the fuck?" but thats about it

>> No.8155619

the way you're typing it looks like you still need to cut down on the drink, anon

>> No.8155624

>People singing happy birthday always makes me feel uncomfortable
thats part of the point

>> No.8157141
File: 36 KB, 733x646, 1391928368533.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

happy birthday!!!!!!!!

>> No.8157209
File: 122 KB, 428x384, feels.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw spent birthday last wednesday playing dress up with these sick clothes I never wear

>> No.8157293

>tfw birthday today
>tfw realised that if I want to have kids I'm going to have to get married in the next few years
>tfw no gf
>tfw don't want kids with down syndrome
>tfw girls can go through menopause in their late 20s

>> No.8157409
File: 14 KB, 635x773, 0b2e3d13-bea1-4cb0-89cd-b9408f315.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my birthday is the day after Christmas.

>tfw I spent every birthday as a child in the car for the 8 hour drive home from grandma's.

>> No.8157851

I try to be all cool and act like I dont care bout it, but my buddys always drag me out on the day and we all just get hammered and go out on the boat, love havin my birthday in the middle of summer

>> No.8158169
File: 15 KB, 380x300, 1387303453174.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

gtfo yuppie scum

>> No.8158221
File: 34 KB, 600x418, tumblr_lltuz4KLxH1qaccwho1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw 1st gen asian parents
>no presents ever because money is more important

>was too anxious to organise anything for my birthday ever because afraid no one will show up

>actually have a good number of cool friends this year
>I will likely have my own place this year
>tfw I am looking forward to my birthday for the first time

>> No.8159015


>> No.8159026

>not yacht
Fucking poor people truly disgust me.

>> No.8159209

I have a fair amount of friends that always want me to do something for mine but I never do because it just seems stressful. Especially to the girls who always end up crying for some stupid reason or other on their birthdays.

I'd rather let other people do the organizing, I don't really care about celebrating.

>> No.8159225

*tips southern tide hat*

>> No.8159490

I don't. I try to get everyone to leave the house, or I go out and walk around on some introspection journey. I hate the day though, I don't enjoy the idea of getting older.

>> No.8160292

In America, it means you can drink alcohol legally.

>> No.8160380

Toppest lel

>> No.8160404

>Be me 15
>my brother tried to kill himself 5 days before my birthday
>he gets put in a ward for his own safety.
>Parents and brothers were to worried about my brother to think about my birthday
>So was I.
>It came and passed and I only remembered it the day after.
>Feeling low because of brother and stuff
>qt grill who I know comes up to me in spanish class
>I got you these chocolates for your birthday anon but you weren't here yesterday
>I start crying
>we skip class and eat chocolates outside
>okay birthday

>> No.8160522

Lol tell me more about these Facebook shenanigans. I usually suspend my account for my birthday.

>> No.8160544
File: 31 KB, 400x300, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that was very cute

>> No.8160548
File: 2.77 MB, 287x191, 1395369917840.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wasn't expecting to get any feels today but this hit me right in them.

>> No.8160556

The best part of that gif is the sticker on the computer that says 'never obsolete'

Also, that dude's story gave me feels as well.

>> No.8160566

i've never gotten how this picture is even remotely funny

>> No.8160570

> tfw going to be 21 in November
> Don't really know what do to
> only like 5-6 close friends who I would invite but most are younger so they won't be able to drink with me in bars
> Don't want to go out with a really small group because it might be awkward

but I feel like i'm obligated to make the night of my 21st an epic adventure... but idk if I can even see that happening. should I just stay in?

>> No.8160574

not eating cake hasnt stopped you from being a fat fuck

>> No.8160583
File: 837 KB, 1000x995, Deathconsciousness (2008).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw 20 in 3 weeks

>> No.8160589

>decide to go into city after doing nothing at homefor 3 days
>put on a sick fit
>spend like 10 minutes just looking at my fit in the mirror
>bus arrives whilst walking to station
>too proud to run for it
>walk home
>at least the people in cars driving past saw me
>they were mirin my pedestrian fit

>> No.8160595

It's not supposed to be funny, Its supposed to be sad, pathetic.

>> No.8160608

wow, i'm somewhat familiar with this feel

>be 14
>staying at friend's the day before 15th birthday
>get a call from dad
>"anon i have some bad news, i'm coming to pick you up"
>get in the car, dad and sister looking very sombre
>"your uncle killed himself this morning"
>dude was my godfather and the only uncle i was close to
>really close with my cousin too, who's dad it was
>took my cousin to the skatepark with some m8s for my bday

terrible time for a death. there were about 4 other family birthdays in the same month, and christmas.

>> No.8160640

damn man i'm glad you could be happy


>> No.8160679

No bro, go buy the alcohol, maybe have them pitch in for their stuff, and go make that epic adventure. Go on a forest walk if you have that around, or explore an abandoned building or just get lost somewhere you've never been and when you get tired of that, use the navi on your phone to find your way back.

>> No.8160917

probs didnt have enough to pay for all the presents